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U K Parliament Backs Gay Marriage Bill


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Gay marriage: MPs back legislation

LONDON: -- MPs have approved same-sex marriage in England and Wales in a key Commons vote, despite the opposition of almost half the Conservative MPs.

newsjsThe Commons voted in favour of the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill, by 400 to 175, a majority of 225, at the end of a full day's debate on the bill.

Prime Minister David Cameron has described the move as "an important step forward" that strengthens society.

Full story: http://www.bbc.co.uk...litics-21346220


-- BBC 2013-02-06

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I'm a bit confused here, as I thought gay marriage was introduced in the UK years ago. Wasn't Elton John the first person to marry a same-sex partner in 2005?

It's explained more fully here:

Be careful though - you'll have to go into the GAY FORUM to read it w00t.giflaugh.png

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Sadly the whole western world seems to have gone all queer. They will be

wanting to adopt kids they can't possibly sire next! Perish the thought.


that's already being done

Lesbian and gay rights groups and adoption agencies hoped for a brave new world when the law changed three years ago to allow same-sex couples to jointly adopt a child in England and Wales. - See more at: http://www.communitycare.co.uk/articles/05/11/2008/109856/gay-couples-overlooked-in-adopters-shortage.htm#sthash.BftQDiNV.dpuf

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cant see what all fuss is about, has parliament got nothing better to do than make such a fuss about this. If same sex want to marry why not? Time better spent debating getting troops out of unwinable Blair wars. Of course it does also probably get the Tories a few hundred thousand more votes at next election.

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cant see what all fuss is about, has parliament got nothing better to do than make such a fuss about this. If same sex want to marry why not? Time better spent debating getting troops out of unwinable Blair wars. Of course it does also probably get the Tories a few hundred thousand more votes at next election.

Will probably lose them more than they gain.

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Civil partnerships are fine because partners enjoy some of the legal rights available to married couples of normal sexual inclination. Marriage or any association recognised in law should not permit homosexual couples to bring up children.

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Why shouldn't homosexuals be allowed to bring up children?

The reason is quite clear to me.

Children should be brought up in as normal an environment as possible so that they grow up to be well balanced individuals. A childhood spent watching homosexuals show affection to each other is not normal and is likely to encourage the child to also live an abnormal adulthood.

I'm all for letting homosexuals do what they want to each other so long as they keep it away from me (lesbians being a possible exception!) but, in front of children, their relationship would amount to abuse.

You're like a living caricature. A parody come to life.

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Why shouldn't homosexuals be allowed to bring up children?

The reason is quite clear to me.

Children should be brought up in as normal an environment as possible so that they grow up to be well balanced individuals. A childhood spent watching homosexuals show affection to each other is not normal and is likely to encourage the child to also live an abnormal adulthood.

I'm homosexual and I was bought up by a heterosexual couple. I spent my childhood watching them displaying affection to each other. Please explain why I'm not heterosexual?


Nice one.

I'm heterosexual and raised by a heterosexual couple but with several gay couples as very close family friends. I watched our gay friends display affection to each other - I wonder why I'm not bisexual?

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Why shouldn't homosexuals be allowed to bring up children?

The reason is quite clear to me.

Children should be brought up in as normal an environment as possible so that they grow up to be well balanced individuals. A childhood spent watching homosexuals show affection to each other is not normal and is likely to encourage the child to also live an abnormal adulthood.

I'm homosexual and I was bought up by a heterosexual couple. I spent my childhood watching them displaying affection to each other. Please explain why I'm not heterosexual?

I note your remark about lesbians which demonstrates just how little you've actually thought about all this. Lesbians , by definition, aren't attracted to men. It's not that they haven't yet met the man of their dreams (even though that man might be you). They just aren't interested. The fact that you are interested in them is your problem not theirs.

I've no idea how you grew up to be sexually normal but congratulations anyway. It's possible for children from abnormal families of other kinds to grow up as normal adults, even though most probably do not.

Did you actually read what I posted?

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Why shouldn't homosexuals be allowed to bring up children?

The reason is quite clear to me.

Children should be brought up in as normal an environment as possible so that they grow up to be well balanced individuals. A childhood spent watching homosexuals show affection to each other is not normal and is likely to encourage the child to also live an abnormal adulthood.

I'm homosexual and I was bought up by a heterosexual couple. I spent my childhood watching them displaying affection to each other. Please explain why I'm not heterosexual?

I note your remark about lesbians which demonstrates just how little you've actually thought about all this. Lesbians , by definition, aren't attracted to men. It's not that they haven't yet met the man of their dreams (even though that man might be you). They just aren't interested. The fact that you are interested in them is your problem not theirs.

I've no idea how you grew up to be sexually normal but congratulations anyway. It's possible for children from abnormal families of other kinds to grow up as normal adults, even though most probably do not.

You misunderstood my comment about lesbians. Let me explain. The sight of two men snogging revolts me. That's a normal male reaction to that stuff, I think. However, a couple of lesbians having a snog doesn't revolt me at all. I find it quite interesting, so long as neither of them is butch. It makes no difference to my opinion about homosexuals bring up children. Neither male no female homosexual couples should have children in their care.

You are confused: by your definition, he is not "sexually normal" (hilarious phrase by the way: as if there were such a thing).

And "girl on girl action" is rarely if ever like what you see in straight porn (nor are the participants).

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You misunderstood my comment about lesbians. Let me explain. The sight of two men snogging revolts me. That's a normal male reaction to that stuff, I think. However, a couple of lesbians having a snog doesn't revolt me at all. I find it quite interesting, so long as neither of them is butch. It makes no difference to my opinion about homosexuals bring up children. Neither male no female homosexual couples should have children in their care.

No I understood your comments about lesbians only too well. It's a stereotypical reaction of someone who, because they're part of the majority, have never had to think outside of the box.

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You misunderstood my comment about lesbians. Let me explain. The sight of two men snogging revolts me. That's a normal male reaction to that stuff, I think. However, a couple of lesbians having a snog doesn't revolt me at all. I find it quite interesting, so long as neither of them is butch. It makes no difference to my opinion about homosexuals bring up children. Neither male no female homosexual couples should have children in their care.

No I understood your comments about lesbians only too well. It's a stereotypical reaction of someone who, because they're part of the majority, have never had to think outside of the box.

It's one of the burdens that heterosexuals have to bear.

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I think is fantastic that equality is finally moving forward. More equal societies are happier societies.

I does genuinely surprise me that some people on here have such peanut brains and views to say this is a bad thing. Using terms like revolting and abnormal whilst using your own preferences, emotions and feelings towards the physical activity of two guys having sex is inherently flawed. Try for a moment to get out of your own head. Let's try to look at the bigger picture: equality is the goal of a progressive society and any step forward should be celebrated, big or small.

Just because we don't like something or do not understand, or associate our selves to an ideal doesn't mean we should automatically be against it. I personally might find the idea of a pension age male having sex with a younger thai girl disgusting and abnormal. Plus they have kids at such an old age, in a foreign country- Very abnormal for me! However I should have the ability to look beyond my own emotional reaction to this to understand the wider context: that people should be free to mary who they choose and love each other. I need to forget my own dislike of the situation and accept I don't understand those relationships or identify with those people. And whether these relationships occur or not, i will thankfully, never have to see an old man having sex with a young thai girl so even if it does disgust me, it doesn't matter; it is just a thought in my head. I need to look at the bigger picture and say, people should be free to marry and love each other regardless or age, race or sexuality. Live and let live. If you don't like the idea of thai a bride... Don't get one. If you don't like the idea of a gay marriage, don't get one.

Let's all remember not to let our individual preferences rule our brains and determine a response. Let's use some grey matter. More equality is a good thing , let's celebrate it as a small step closer to a happier and more equal world

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Everything is changing in UK. Centuries of stuff and now everything is changing. sad.png

It's what is known as "progress". It's been going on for thousands of years (so perhaps it's time for you to deal with it).

And if you have even a passing acquaintance with history (or logic) and give it a moment's objective thought, you should recognize that the fact that something has existed for centuries doesn't make it a good thing or that it should never change.

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Because marriage is, and should remain, a union between a man and a woman.

I agree with this, but I also think that gay unions should have all the same legal and financial rights as heterosexuals otherwise. I'm on the fence about gays adopting children, but IMO any loving home is better than growing up in some government institution with no family at all.
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Everything is changing in UK. Centuries of stuff and now everything is changing. sad.png

It's what is known as "progress". It's been going on for thousands of years (so perhaps it's time for you to deal with it).

And if you have even a passing acquaintance with history (or logic) and give it a moment's objective thought, you should recognize that the fact that something has existed for centuries doesn't make it a good thing or that it should never change.

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I should deal with what. ?

A child is to have folk to call mum AND dad, not mum and mum or dad and dad.

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