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“British” Indian Credit Card Scammers Arrested In Pattaya.


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“British” Indian Credit Card Scammers arrested in Pattaya.


PATTAYA:--Pattaya Police have arrested two Indians with British passports accused of operating another credit card scam in the city, using cloned cards belonging to European and British Nationals.

Narayanasamy Mohan and Thevarajah Gnanaraj, both born in India but in possession of UK Passports, were taken into custody along with 134 cloned credit cards, a card scanner and 122,000 Baht in cash, along with a laptop loaded with more than one thousand more credit card numbers ready to scam. Much of their equipment was found hidden above an air conditioning grille in their hotel room

newsjsPolice have been working on the operation for over a week, in an undercover operation which has been assisted by local SCB banks who first brought the matter to their attention.

The two men were intercepted by police as they made withdrawals from a branch of Siam Commercial bank in Second Road Pattaya. It is thought that they were a part of a bigger group since the two men who have been aprehended have only been in Thailand for a few days.

A raid on their rooms at the Mike Beach Resort resulted in the men and their equipment being removed to Pattaya police station and interviews with Thailand’s fraud squad, before they were paraded in front of the media this afternoon ( Friday).

Full story:http://www.pattaya10...bank-card-scam/

--Pattaya 103 FM 2013-02-08

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Well done to the police for catching these couple of Dumbo's quick. Deport them back to the UK asap, so that the state can keep them, and protect their human rights.

BTW vote UKIP in the next election

thumbsup.gif For the first time in a lifetime I shall be changing my vote,at the next election, I expect a shock result! and so will the British people!

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You are 100% right,Geer.British members of parliment live in a different world.It seems to be,when a level headed person becomes an M.P they lose their common sense. Or,maybe,they are pressurised by the their parties to toe the line and the become useless. The political correct mob will have great sympathy for these two crooks. Kick them


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All too typical that this story has brought the odd 'keep britain white' 'it's all political correctness' gone mad looney fringe out to play. Afterall, you won't find any white English criminals in Pattaya. Impossible. Stick to the facts rather than spouting playground propaganda claptrap.like "the political correct mob will have great sympathy for these two". If this is an example of the level-headed common sense you wish British MPs to espouse then lord helps us.

Your logic is somewhat flawed.

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If they have legitimate British passports then they are, by definition, British. If they were born in Britain and it is their only nationality then you can't take their passports off them.

I must admit I thought I'd hit the Daily Mail website by mistake here.

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