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4-In-1 Vaccine For Thailand To Materialise Soon


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Vaccinating people against a specific disease rife in their area and giving very young children multiple vaccinations at a very young age are two completely different things.

If there was a cholera epidemic in Thailand, I would have no problems allowing them to give me the vaccination.

If they want to give my baby MMR vaccine at age 1 month ...... different thing.

Unfortunately if you live in Thailand you have no choice.

Say no, and they will take your baby out of sight and vaccinate without parental permission.

If you avoid that happening, schools will refuse un-vaccinated children entrance until jabbed.

Not that i would have refused the vaccines but i got extremely pissed off with my kids school for not reporting when the kids were receiving jabs.

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We weren't aware of having a choice in the UK nearly 60 years ago. We kids were really scared of polio, we all knew someone that had died (1957 I think) and saw kids on TV encased in an 'iron lung' to help them to breath unable to move. Nobody discussed if taking the Salk vaccine was a good idea, we just went.

I recently had a triple shot (Polio booster, rabies and diptheria I think, plus a hepatitis shot) and didn't notice a thing apart from the pretty nurse.

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Going back to my schooldays in the U.K.( circa1950's ) we received shots for a number of somewhat unpleasant and at times fatal infections, Polio vaccines for our school came along around 1952/3 if my memory is correct.

All those shots stood me in good stead over the years too.When in the Andrew ( R.N. to the unknowing) I received a hell of a lot more shots for other afflictions and as a result the top of my left arm looks like a well used dartboard, however I have never contracted the diseases I was vaccinated and inoculated against.

Seems to me the old saying ''prevention is better than cure'' still holds fast in this day and age.

I also agree and understand that a small minority of people have rections to the vaccinations and inoculatins, however overall the end result is good thus also preventing the spread of infections.


Edited by siampolee
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Unlike methylmercury, ethylmercury has not been found to bioaccumulate.

Ethyl Mercury is what is in Thiomersal vaccine preservative


and anyway

Selenium easily binds any free methyl mercury in the body and greatly reduces its absorption.


If the diet is not severely deficient of Selenium then nothing to worry about.

This all got traction and momentum because of the Andrew Wakefield fraud. The journal the Lancet called his Vaccine Autism study the greatest medical fraud of the last 100 years.

The only credible epidemiology relationship to autism is the age of the father at conception.


and yeah older dudes are knocking up women more now than in the past. As a male ages then his sperm has more RNA mutations.

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Idiots. NEVER get vaccinations.




And hundreds of articles more. My friends Thai wife had his son vaccinated and now has autism. Ditto on three others I know. I hear the excuse all the time 'Thai people do' and I shudder. Ignorance of Thai people from the scientific and biological understanding of their anatomy is simply outrageous. And when Governments team up with Big Pharma, the issue is compounded immensely. It is simply criminal and no recourse whatsoever.

There is no link between vaccines and autism. How many times do you have to be told that the person that made the allegation was exposed as a fraud? The claims you espouse rely on one paper published by Andrew Wakefield in 1998. That publication was retracted and the publisher, the Lancet apoligized from its inadvertent complicity in the fraud. Mr. Wakefield was exposed as having both a conflict of interest and a fraudulent intent in his promotion of his false claims.

There is absolutely no credible evidence, either in clinical studies, or in data gathered, to support the link between vaccines and autism. If you want to promote ignorance, fine, then do it as your pesonal uninformed and ignorant view, but do not attempt to pass it off the truth, because it is an outright falsehood. I defy you to provide one recent credible peer reviewed study that supports your position. There isn't one and try as much as the personal injury attorneys in the USA tried, they were unable to substantiate their billions of dollars in class action damages claimed. There was an incentive to prove the allegations correct and no one could do it.

Have you ever stopped to consider that diagnosed autism is not necessarily autism? Or that the symptoms of autism can arise from factors such as genetics or exposure to various chemicals in the environment? How is it that this autism was never exhibited in the population in the prior 25-50 years that received the same vaccines? The vaccine formula was basically unchanged over the years. Doh. Did you ever stop to consider that?

If one were to plot a graph showing number of children having multiple vaccinations at an early age Vs the number of autism and other immune related medical problems. The correlation is unnerving.

Japanese Data


English Data


Graphs taken from here


Edited by TommoPhysicist
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My daughter came home from school a few days ago and she said her arm hurt. I said why? she said because they gave her a vaccination.

No one said anything to us about it. I guess we don't have any choice.

I know members in the health ministry who received vacinations on friday. They mentioned something about an increase in diptheria in a neighbouring country and concerns of it spreading to Thailand.

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I think the vaccines are wonderful but the additive Trimerisol, which is mercury (to kill bacteria in multiple jab bottles) is what is the problem (no one knows exactly what it is doing but we all know it is one of the most toxic substances known). Single doses don't contain this additive and are safe but more expensive

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Idiots. NEVER get vaccinations.




And hundreds of articles more. My friends Thai wife had his son vaccinated and now has autism. Ditto on three others I know. I hear the excuse all the time 'Thai people do' and I shudder. Ignorance of Thai people from the scientific and biological understanding of their anatomy is simply outrageous. And when Governments team up with Big Pharma, the issue is compounded immensely. It is simply criminal and no recourse whatsoever.

Pure nonsense and hogwash, and like someone already mentioned you should back off a bit with the Thai bashing, reading several of your postings I wondered why your nick is " Locationthailand" since there is not much which seems to please you about the country. And it`s not really that you are spreading knowledge, now is it.

No one is asking you to read TV. In answer to your comments on hogwash, perhaps I would suggest you continue to live in ignorance and experience the vaccinations. Yes, there are many arguments for the benefits of polio and small pox et al, but what you appear to be condoning is collateral damage i.e. so what if a few kids end up disabled? So each to his own. At what cost a life?

In the case of the polio vaccine I'm not sure there is "collateral damage", but even if there were, it would be justified if it prevented even more children from getting polio and therefore being "collateral damage" of a failure to immunize.

If you advised someone not to immunize their child against polio because it might cause autism, and then that child came down with polio and was disabled for the rest of their life, I would call that irresponsible advice on your part.

I not saying you are completely wrong, but there are two sides to this story and you seem to be ignoring the well established benefits of at least some vaccines and condemning all vaccines, a bit extreme in my opinion.

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I think the vaccines are wonderful but the additive Trimerisol, which is mercury (to kill bacteria in multiple jab bottles) is what is the problem (no one knows exactly what it is doing but we all know it is one of the most toxic substances known). Single doses don't contain this additive and are safe but more expensive

Do you realize that Thimerosal was phased out of pediatric vaccines in the early 2000's and yet the diagnosis of autism kept increasing?

How is it that this preservative that was first used in the early 1930's, between that time and the 1990's did not "cause" autism? Along came the charlatan Wakefield who made his false claim and soon lawyers and desperate parents were blaming the product.

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  • 2 months later...

Idiots. NEVER get vaccinations.




And hundreds of articles more. My friends Thai wife had his son vaccinated and now has autism. Ditto on three others I know. I hear the excuse all the time 'Thai people do' and I shudder. Ignorance of Thai people from the scientific and biological understanding of their anatomy is simply outrageous. And when Governments team up with Big Pharma, the issue is compounded immensely. It is simply criminal and no recourse whatsoever.

I scanned the web's you suggested and to me they seemed to be about people making money,

What ever

I am 71 years old and have none of those diseases. As a child growing up in America my whole generation had vaccinations for this and that. I can not recall any of them having all these diseases supposedly caused by vaccinations.

I want you to remember I knew most of these kids until I was 13 and transferred to a different school. We had a 50 year class reunion and It was very well attended by at least 70% of the graduating class.

One of the articles went on to say that all vaccinations cause disease.

I choose to learn by my experience and if a dog bites me I will get a Rabies shot.

If I really want to go to a country that requires a vaccination I will get it.

If a step on a rusty nail I will get a tetanus shot.

I like the one about gulf war syndrome. The only reason they threw that in was because they knew nothing about the after war effects on people.

I am quite sure if some of us had fathers in the second world war it was not talked about. Surprised they are not blaming that on vaccinations. Or the VietNam Vets,


Did you know that ALL Vaccinations

cause far more serious and possible irreversible neurological and

physiological dangers to children than the disease it is supposed to


There is Now an Abundance of documented Scientific Proof that this is the case.

It is every parent’s responsibility to

protect all aspects of our children’s welfare. Therefore it’s also our

responsibility to know everything that keeps them safe and free from



Did you know that ALL Vaccinations

cause far more serious and possible irreversible neurological and

physiological dangers to children than the disease it is supposed to


There is Now an Abundance of documented Scientific Proof that this is the case.

It is every parent’s responsibility to

protect all aspects of our children’s welfare. Therefore it’s also our

responsibility to know everything that keeps them safe and free from


Did you know that ALL Vaccinations

cause far more serious and possible irreversible neurological and

physiological dangers to children than the disease it is supposed to


There is Now an Abundance of documented Scientific Proof that this is the case.

It is every parent’s responsibility to

protect all aspects of our children’s welfare. Therefore it’s also our

responsibility to know everything that keeps them safe and free from


Did you know that ALL Vaccinations

cause far more serious and possible irreversible neurological and

physiological dangers to children than the disease it is supposed to


There is Now an Abundance of documented Scientific Proof that this is the case.

It is every parent’s responsibility to

protect all aspects of our children’s welfare. Therefore it’s also our

responsibility to know everything that keeps them safe and free from


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Vaccinating people against a specific disease rife in their area and giving very young children multiple vaccinations at a very young age are two completely different things.

If there was a cholera epidemic in Thailand, I would have no problems allowing them to give me the vaccination.

If they want to give my baby MMR vaccine at age 1 month ...... different thing.

Unfortunately if you live in Thailand you have no choice.

Say no, and they will take your baby out of sight and vaccinate without parental permission.

If you avoid that happening, schools will refuse un-vaccinated children entrance until jabbed.

Not that i would have refused the vaccines but i got extremely pissed off with my kids school for not reporting when the kids were receiving jabs.

It just struck me if all Thai children get these vaccines are they all autistic?

I always chalked it up to the government being unwilling to give decent educations.

Now people tell me it is not so it is because they were vaccinated

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I am convinced that playing the Thai national anthem causes the sun to go down. The correlation is absolutely amazing. Every single day about half an hour after I hear the Thai national anthem played on speakers in the park - it gets dark! How can anybody argue against that?

As has been pointed out in this thread, the myth about MMR vaccine came directly from a faked paper by Andrew Wakefield, a now disgraced UK doctor who was paid by a consortium seeking an "expert" to give evidence in a case they were trying to bring against vaccine manufacturers. They paid him before his results came out.

It was a wicked fraud, because it created a baseless panic which was taken up by the media in an uncritical and stupid way, and is still persisting today, deliberately stirred up by sites like the desperately self-serving Mercola and his ilk.

What doesn't get reported in the media are the studies that were done following this panic, which show there is NO link, and which are not fraudulent, unlike Wakefield's. For example ALL the children born in Denmark between 1991 and 1998 were followed up : around half a million. About a sixth of these were not vaccinated. There was no difference in rates of autism between the vaccinated and unvaccinated group over this 7 year. 550, 000 subject study. See here : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12421889

A study of subjects with and without autism (around 5000 people) was also done in the UK, showing that there was no difference in the incidence of MMR vaccination in the autistic group compared to the non-autistic group , that is, people without autism had been vaccinated just as much as people with. This was published in the Lancet in 2004, and again ignored. The press only like scare stories, and if they are lies they don't care. See here : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15364187

You cannot say "there are two sides to the story", because there simply aren't. There just isn't any evidence at all that links autism with the MMR vaccine, and people who spread this story are irresponsible. It is wrong to spread misinformation if you are too lazy or ignorant to take the trouble to familiarise yourself with the science and try to understand it.

Incidentally, although the causes of autism are not understood, one of the few evidence-based links shows that mothers contracting german measles (rubella) while pregnant have a greater risk of producing autistic infants. See here http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/576606

Of course the MMR vaccine protects against rubella - that's what the R in the name stands for.

Edited by partington
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Idiots. NEVER get vaccinations.




And hundreds of articles more. My friends Thai wife had his son vaccinated and now has autism. Ditto on three others I know. I hear the excuse all the time 'Thai people do' and I shudder. Ignorance of Thai people from the scientific and biological understanding of their anatomy is simply outrageous. And when Governments team up with Big Pharma, the issue is compounded immensely. It is simply criminal and no recourse whatsoever.

There is no evidence whatsoever to show a link between vaccines and autism. The initial allegation was proven to be a false and fraudulent.

Instead of looking for an easy excuse for a genetic defect, I suggest you consider the more likely factors related to the defective genes of the parents and cumulative environmental factors.

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There are literally hundreds is websites that rail against vaccinations for one reason or another...some use religion, mysterious "energies' or pseudo science..but none of them have any real scientific basis for this.

It is difficult to sort the real from the butter or scam, but it is also a common mistake by many to confuse "big pharma" with good science km and then jump to illogical conclusions about real science that may save your life.

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some do not like vaccinations. I get it.

I personally have no problems with it.

I get the annual flu vaccination when i can remember to. NO Problem!

but given what i've learn about TL's pharmaceutical industry

Neither myself nor my baby (if i had one) will be first in line.

I'll still let my baby get it. but maybe i'll take a quick vacation to Oz or the US.whistling.gif

for vaccinations for myself, i'll make sure the vaccine is "mature" first whistling.gif

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Idiots. NEVER get vaccinations.




And hundreds of articles more. My friends Thai wife had his son vaccinated and now has autism. Ditto on three others I know. I hear the excuse all the time 'Thai people do' and I shudder. Ignorance of Thai people from the scientific and biological understanding of their anatomy is simply outrageous. And when Governments team up with Big Pharma, the issue is compounded immensely. It is simply criminal and no recourse whatsoever.

Right... 'Cos Thalidomide never happened in the UK... Blue Baby Syndrome never occurred as a result of too much fluoride doctoring the water supplies...

I think you should back off a little on the Thai Bashing..

That said, I'm highly sceptical of new vaccinations.

But, Polio, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Typhoid, TB and Hep B are not new as individual vaccinations which if not taken could have catastrophic results.

I would be inclined question a 'one covers all cocktail' though, at least until thoroughly proven over decades of trials.

This is nothing new, the 4 in one (which is just a mixture of the 4 different vaccines, NOT a new vaccine effective against the 4 diseases) is already in wide use worldwide.

What will be new is that it will be manufactured in Thailand.

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Idiots. NEVER get vaccinations.




And hundreds of articles more. My friends Thai wife had his son vaccinated and now has autism. Ditto on three others I know. I hear the excuse all the time 'Thai people do' and I shudder. Ignorance of Thai people from the scientific and biological understanding of their anatomy is simply outrageous. And when Governments team up with Big Pharma, the issue is compounded immensely. It is simply criminal and no recourse whatsoever.

What would you prefer? An unproven remote chance of autism, or a proven much higher chance of death or disability?

Sent from my Phone.

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Idiots. NEVER get vaccinations.




And hundreds of articles more. My friends Thai wife had his son vaccinated and now has autism. Ditto on three others I know. I hear the excuse all the time 'Thai people do' and I shudder. Ignorance of Thai people from the scientific and biological understanding of their anatomy is simply outrageous. And when Governments team up with Big Pharma, the issue is compounded immensely. It is simply criminal and no recourse whatsoever.

What would you prefer? An unproven remote chance of autism, or a proven much higher chance of death or disability?

Sent from my Phone.

please use your noodle! ...autism usually shows in a child at about the same age they have vaccines. This is not cause and effect it is ASSOCIATION. totally worthless logic.

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