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Why Are So Many Farangs So Dirty

Blue Unicorn

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I can sympathize with OP, however bit of a cruel streak running through his comments.

-pretty much common sense you need take 3-4 showers a day. I suppose our odorous fellow farang are just plain lazy.

And I suppose after each of your three to four showers, you change your clothes as well. If not, what's the point? If so, what a waste of water having to wash all those clothes so often. If you frequenly find that you need three showers, may I recommend you turn on your air conditioner.

To those that are staying in hotels where people don't *rinse*, not shower, before using the pool, I highly recommend staying at better hotels away from Sukhumvit, Patpong, and Pattaya.

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I can sympathize with OP, however bit of a cruel streak running through his comments.

-pretty much common sense you need take 3-4 showers a day. I suppose our odorous fellow farang are just plain lazy.

And I suppose after each of your three to four showers, you change your clothes as well. If not, what's the point? If so, what a waste of water having to wash all those clothes so often. If you frequenly find that you need three showers, may I recommend you turn on your air conditioner.

To those that are staying in hotels where people don't *rinse*, not shower, before using the pool, I highly recommend staying at better hotels away from Sukhumvit, Patpong, and Pattaya.

Bit of a pompous ecologist are we? :o:D

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I think showering 3 or 4 times a day is too much, and might even be bad for the skin (dryness...). Most Thais shower two times a day... well when in Rome do as the Romans do :o

Edited by CMCool
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I think showering 3 or 4 times a day is too much, and might even be bad for the skin (dryness...). Most Thais shower two times a day... well when in Rome do as the Romans do :o

Trouble is most of us werent born in a hot climate and showering twice a day just isnt good enough, i find it even worse if i am in Bangkok, the fumes and the dust and general dirtyness seems to penetrate my clothing as well as my skin and showering any less than 3 times and i just feel dirty. :D

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I think showering 3 or 4 times a day is too much, and might even be bad for the skin (dryness...). Most Thais shower two times a day... well when in Rome do as the Romans do :D

Trouble is most of us werent born in a hot climate and showering twice a day just isnt good enough, i find it even worse if i am in Bangkok, the fumes and the dust and general dirtyness seems to penetrate my clothing as well as my skin and showering any less than 3 times and i just feel dirty. :D

I agree Daleyboy, Bangkok seems to stick to you and showering alot is a must. I think the fumes cling to the skin.


However I still love the place! :D

Edited by lopburiguy
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I think showering 3 or 4 times a day is too much, and might even be bad for the skin (dryness...). Most Thais shower two times a day... well when in Rome do as the Romans do :D

Trouble is most of us werent born in a hot climate and showering twice a day just isnt good enough, i find it even worse if i am in Bangkok, the fumes and the dust and general dirtyness seems to penetrate my clothing as well as my skin and showering any less than 3 times and i just feel dirty. :D

I agree Daleyboy, Bangkok seems to stick to you and showering alot is a must. I think the fumes cling to the skin.


However I still love the place! :D

Yep me too, in fact i made it my place to live in another thread, if definately has more going for it than detracting from it. :D

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When I was working in Bangkok I used to shower every morning before work. I would only have another if I was going out on the lash. If I wasn't going out I would just come home, strip to my boxers then put a comfy pair of shorts on and chill. :o

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Just before anyone starts on the Russians (or some other race) I'd better remind everybody that racism is not tolerated on the Forum (please see the rules)... so in order to keep this thread alive and kicking, let's just keep it to farangs in general... :o

OK? :D

I am English, and I know that many members of my own nationality smell. Washing in England is not really a priority for most people. All I am saying is that other nationalities should not be allowed to get away unscathed. Americans and Germans really do have a bad BO rep amongst Thais; I'm not making it up!

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So lets see the other side,

many tourist find the notice in their hotelbathroom,

that the area is short of water, - please don`t waste it -,

and they pay respect to the situation.

Sweating and smelling is the sideeffect, if you stay in a tropical region,

but if we would care more for our environment,

it would be better, if less aircons are running on full speed,

and what is the price of a little sweating,

if you can pay tribute to our world climate.

So have a little respect to those, who can manage,

to minimize their personal belongings. :o

Edited by DisainaM
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I can sympathize with OP, however bit of a cruel streak running through his comments.

-pretty much common sense you need take 3-4 showers a day. I suppose our odorous fellow farang are just plain lazy.

Concur 100% Brit... and are maybe just a wee bit ignorant (or possibly uncaring) of the effect it has on others... :o

It's a cultural thing.

Parts of Europe, it's not common to take a shower every day.

Check some of the chicks - hairy legs, underarms, not to mention that untrimed bush at the pool! :D

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Anyone ever notice that when you exercise regularly, sweatin' it up in a good workout, that you don't smell when you sweat under other cirumstances? It's like the sweating from exercise works out all those poisons and toxins in your body. Then, when you sweat under more normal circumstances (llike working, walking, etc.) it's not odorous. OK, I'm an English teacher, not a scientist. And American (self-cleaning, remember?)

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Anyone ever notice that when you exercise regularly, sweatin' it up in a good workout, that you don't smell when you sweat under other cirumstances? It's like the sweating from exercise works out all those poisons and toxins in your body. Then, when you sweat under more normal circumstances (llike working, walking, etc.) it's not odorous. OK, I'm an English teacher, not a scientist. And American (self-cleaning, remember?)

Yes absolutely. And it also works if you've had a hard night. Steam rooms are good too. Drink plenty of water. BO is telling you something.

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Well, it's bloody cold in Europe right now and I don't feel like I would enjoy a daily shower here, although I would stink less.

When Mr. tourist arrives in Bangkok he does not realise he needs to clean the sweat off from time to time, that simple.

And I never saw a topless bathing beauty around Chumpon's beaches :o

I been in Europe on some bloody cold days, and its a rare day I don't shower at least twice. Can't imagine not feeling clean leaving my residence or climbing into my bed.

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Sweating is one thing, stinking is another. I've walked into air conditioned bars many times, only to be met with very heavy body odor from other farangs. If they were supposed to smell like that, God would have given them antlers.


I havn't enjoyed reading a thread so much in ages. All the soapdodgers are up in arms thinking it's a personal attack on their own "hygene" problems :D

Me....I'm of for one of Brits shaggy showers, far more fun as long as you don't do yourself a mischief on the soap and break something.

Keep 'em coming fellas :D

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Wasnt all that long ago that most Angrits only took a bath ONCE a year. :D

Think something to do with cleansing the mind and soul through prayer once a week in church but every 365 a days a wash was OK for the other bits. :D

Can you imagine being the only punter in England in 1699 or thereabouts who smelt ..clean...you would probably have got arrested...old habits as they say die hard.. :o

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Funny topic I know but I guess it must annoy other westerners too. Since living in Thailand and now returning every year on holiday I notice something every time about so many of my fellow country men.....they are so dirty and ignorant !

Ever been to the swimming pool and watched as the guy sits for three hours sweating like a pig and then jumps straight in the pool without showering :D

Guess they can't read basic signs that clearly say " for the cleanliness and enjoyment of all of the customers...please shower before entering the pool.

Or the guy who gets up and comes straight out to the pool from his bed, stinking and dishellved and uses the pool for his daily shower !!!

or the guy who just jumps in right next to you as you are quietly doing your lengths in the pool and swims right across you, even though there is a big pool for him to swim in.

Or the fat pot bellied yobs roaming down the Bangkok streets with nothing but a pair of shorts on pouring sweat and walking into hotel lobbies and bars :D Then you have the ones that scream up the road to each other, swearing and shouting like cheap thugs.

No class, no respect...completley ignorant. :D

You'd be talking about the English tourists wouldn't you?

They sweat a lot because there not used to the heat.

They don't use pools in England cause it's too bloody cold, so therefor don't know pool rules.

They can't read so forget the signs posted around the pool.

They love roaming around the streets, especially around 2am looking for a keebab.

They always scream up the road and act like cheap thugs. Isn't that what they just do?

Love ya Geezas....really! :o

Chips on shoulders time again, methinks.....

Funny how it's always our colonial friends who get their knickers in a twist ....

Inside everyone of these poor sods, there's a Brit wanabee.

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Chips on shoulders time again, methinks.....

Funny how it's always our colonial friends who get their knickers in a twist ....

Inside everyone of these poor sods, there's a Brit wanabee.

These comments can't possibly be objective. Just take a look at that avatar! Chaplin__Charlie_2.jpg

A poor sod who turned communist and then defected from the USA to Switzerland or some other ungodly country to avoid paying taxes on the millions he made in Hollywood! :D

Please, don't censor! Just objective history! :o

Edited by toptuan
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The Dude thinks that the majority of posters here have it all wrong. From my experience, it is the Germans and the French that have foul odors emanating from them. I never had the heart to tell my German bud that he reeked something fierce. The upside is that clearly he saves cash on deodrant and laundry. The only thing I can do is keep my distance be4 I wretch. How mighty undiggable catching a whiff

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