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Would You Like To Understand China And The Chinese Better ?


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I really am interested in the subject. The one question that runs through my mind is do they have one culture or many cultures. So far the discussion centers around Industry and well known places to visit. China has a huge amount of people with many different languages. Modern day china is a result of the combining of many different empires under one ruler by Genghis Khan.

One little known fact is that China has the largest population of English speaking people.

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I really am interested in the subject. The one question that runs through my mind is do they have one culture or many cultures. So far the discussion centers around Industry and well known places to visit. China has a huge amount of people with many different languages. Modern day china is a result of the combining of many different empires under one ruler by Genghis Khan.

One little known fact is that China has the largest population of English speaking people.


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My wife and i toured China last July ( The wife is learning Mandarin) great time

Started from Chiang Mai to Kunming and toured around 10 cities including the Yangzse River and back to Chiang Mai

We traveled by ourselves on around 5 planes, 4/5 trains, 2 boats etc

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My wife and i toured China last July ( The wife is learning Mandarin) great time

Started from Chiang Mai to Kunming and toured around 10 cities including the Yangzse River and back to Chiang Mai

We traveled by ourselves on around 5 planes, 4/5 trains, 2 boats etc

Would it have been as enjoyable if your wife didn't have a little bit of Mandarin?

Knowing what to see, How to get the transportation there, how to find lodging on arrival at a different location, certain customs to watch out for. How to order your food and was it what you expected it to be?

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u must have enjoyed that Yangtze River is spectacular and I hope it will be here for generations to come for people to view

What are your thoughts on the trains ? Did you have a chance to try the new hexia line ?

HelloDolly - There is an English booth in every station now and hotels can also book tickets for you easily for a small tip

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The Yangzse River Cruise is a must, we spent 4 nights onboard.

We also traveled to Guillin and by boat on the River Li, the scenery is incredible

We traveled on various trains...overnight sleeper (good) and by bullet train

In general main new air and railway stations, the road system is excellent

Bad points TOILETS...very poor

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A tip for travelers to China, in general English is not spoken too much, therefore hotels etc MUST be written in Chinese

Turn up at an airport and get a taxi to you hotel is not easy..asking for say Holiday Inn is a non starter

You need the name / addresss in Chinese

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Lawrence i am a bit disapointed in your atittude to the Western response to toys that have been made with for example paint containing lead or other contaniments. I do not in any way blame the manafacturer. It seems he took a responsible atitude in considering if it was worth him continuing to manafacture them the buyers will buy for the price they can. THey cannot sell contaminated toys in the west so even at low prices they will not buy them. If the uncontaminated price is too high another product may be a better choice. China in the past made choices to limit its external trade after the famous sea voyages with truly enormous vessels. If it wishes to it can do so again with little loss to itself but possibly more for the other countries. I am aware that children in China are precious as they are everywhere and diminished IQ and other problems through lead contamination used to happen widely in the west till we know the causes. I am sure the Lao and Vietnamese children who are also precious enjoyed the toys but if even one of them is affected in any way by the lead it is a catastrophy to the child and his or her parents and also to the rest of the world for allowing it.

I understand there have been studies of conamination in children in Thailand and they have shown over time considerable IQ loss through contaminants. i have made my home here and have to accept some of the diferences but where awarenes can be raised I think it should.

It would be really good to talk about things face to face and I do hope to meet you when I come down to ChiangMai.

Edited by harrry
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Agree with you Harry that kids are precious everywhere and should be protected correctly

However in the lack of a distinct study on the duration, it's hard to press that quickly over and assign blame

For those of us with kids, we know no child ever plays with one item long enough ...a few days they get bored and they move on so would a kid suck on a toy long enough to get lead poisoning ? I am not a scientist and cannot say that with confidence but growing up on a farm we have put worse things on our mouths and came out okay.

The worst in china ever was the milk scandal and like many parents I am angered at that incident and rightly or wrongly the bosses have been dealt with severely and that was to shoot them to death. In such an incident it's proven and the people responsible for those decisions were held accountable , the other will be the boards used in many homes for insulation and there is a pending class lawsuit in USA

However in the case of the toys, it was not proven beyond reasonable doubt on the lead content and as such it's early days and too early to lay judgement

I am watching the horse meat scandal in Europe and wonder who made those decisions and how long the deception would be and what the punitive action will be ..

Be happy to meet up agree its always great to meet face to face and exchange ideas

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First of all - Good meeting today with a few new folks ! Thanks for that Lawrence.

Funny thing...as I read this 2nd page of the thread now, I am reminded how today, as we sat there, another person I believe was Jackr walked by the coffee shop. As we were in the middle of some good talk I didn't chime in to mention that a fellow TV-er was walking by. Am I right Jackr, or do I have your real-life personage confused with someone else? I know we met at a TV pissup back a few years ago, but might have you confused with someone else I met that night.

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Had to go to a meeting in Pattaya but for sure am interested in any further discussions.

I am interested in learning as I really have no knowledge on the subject and living in this part of the world it could come in Handy at a later date and besides I am the curious type.

Be warned I have no preconceived ideas.

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I was sent an email with a series of pictures. Taken in the

North-East of Kunming in Yunnan. Dongchuan Red Land is supposed to

represent Yunnan's mountain valleys most attractive colors.

The colours are breathtaking, unreal. Any of you guys been there?


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Glad to see the thread now being populated but people with a real interest and curiosity instead of fearful bashing

For those who are curious about china Internet engines of commerce

Here's a good alternative website for u to explore

World China

Google Baidu

Facebook qq.com

Amazon Taobao

Twitter Weibo

I always find these sites fascinating.

Today I share a china tidbit info when I first started out in china , instead of the big cities of shanghai and Beijing which every MNC knows about , I headed out to wuhan and Chongqing. Chongqing population is about 30 million (half of Thailand) and filled with middle class advocates who are on the move. The business potential there alone is staggering.

Interesting , most western MNC have a huge presence in Sichuan now as well city known for its fiery tempered but oh so beautiful woman and its fiery cusine

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That a spectacular area and I have been there. The Chinese govt is fighting to protect these natural resources before they are gone There are a few mountains ranges which are great as well google images on Hua Shan / Er Mei Shan

I walked up Ermei Shan about 25yrs ago. I bet there's probably a small city at the top now!

25 yrs ago they were building something near the top and there were porters hauling up massive rocks on their backs, for construction The rocks were almost bigger than them.

So heavy you could see some of their blood vessels looking ready to burst.

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Hopefully I'll be dead before the Chinese are the most dominant power.

I certainly have no wish to know them better or understand them.

I was in Macau a few years ago and putting up with their antics for a mere 5 days was enough to put me off from ever wanting to visit China itself.

They have to be the rudest race on earthbah.gif

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With such a closed up mind, I represent all 1.3 billion of them and thank you for deciding not meeting them any further and changing their minds to engage the west further.

Fear of understanding is regrettable, intolerance is best left to die alone.

I encourage the rest not to make snap judgements based on one visit / area and interaction with one group.

It would be sad not to interact with the world because of one bad call irregardless of the nationality or race.

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Visited China last year I really enjoy the culture the tea and the food. I think the Chinese govt is doing what they can to control the population with different background. Only things I don't like is they are cruel to animal and they smoke everywhere! mind you many farang in Chiang Mai do smoke in restaurants too.

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Thaipauly With such a closed up mind, I represent all 1.3 billion of them and thank you for deciding not meeting them any further and changing their minds to engage the west further. Fear of understanding is regrettable, intolerance is best left to die alone. I encourage the rest not to make snap judgements based on one visit / area and interaction with one group. It would be sad not to interact with the world because of one bad call irregardless of the nationality or race.

Peace bro. Your karma will roll over his dogma.

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Hopefully I'll be dead before the Chinese are the most dominant power.

I certainly have no wish to know them better or understand them.

I was in Macau a few years ago and putting up with their antics for a mere 5 days was enough to put me off from ever wanting to visit China itself.

They have to be the rudest race on earthbah.gif

You really did get to see China. No wonder you were able to make such a sweeping judgement.


sounds as if you lost at the casino....with that attitude to a large percentage of the worlds population you seem to have lost in life too.

Edited by harrry
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