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Entertaining stuff that........Meltdown Of The Day laugh.png

Imagine coming online to boast about leaving to explore the World at 33 cheesy.gif

Back in your box laddie......I completed my THIRD expat stint at the age of 27, on this forum you're surrounded by guys that crawled through the jungle's of SE Asia fighting for their lives at the age of 19, expats that trammelled across SE Asia on the Hippie Trail, went bouncing around Boogie Street when it actually had a soul, went bevvying like mad men in steamy Hong Kong, in among the many old timers that can remember what life was actually like in Thailand in the 60's/70's/80's because.......they were here!!

...........and yet you think travelling to see the World at 33 make's you something special. Wow.

Can I get your autograph? coffee1.gif

Anyway, back to the topic, it may well be the case that some people have decided that to live in Thailand without an income is the way to go, however the Thai authorities don't seem to share that view. There may be trouble ahead.

I feel bad about never exploring the world and never going anywhere exotic. I suppose my experience as a humble wage-slave is irrelevant, and I should keep my ill-founded opinions to myself. Notwithstanding that, I think my experience in the suburbs is no less Thailandish than life in the boondocks or lower Sukhumvit.

If a chap's been living in Thailand for a while, then he'll not be au fait with the mores of a country that he may have left many years ago, and I think Thailand is a far cheaper place to be poor than the UK; can't comment about others' home countries. Again, if he's been here a while, it's quite likely that he'll have lost contact with his friends from his youth, and his parents may have passed on as well. There's several amongst us who have no descendants on whom they could descend.


And unfortunately for those struggling on Pensions,their retirement plans have been badly reduced by the exchange rate,and strong Baht.

I don't suppose anyone considered when they moved permanently to Thailand,that it would become a virtual social crime to be broke,at least in the opinion of the more affluent "I'm alright Jacks" amongst us!

Everyone is equal in my eyes.

He who hath no cash.... please cast the fist stone.


Normally it is: "he who has plenty of cash rub the nose in the S*** of he who has not"such as some of the gloaters on this thread have been delighted to do so!..............sad people.

Edited by MAJIC
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What would a hippie do?

Good question. A hippie could for example find out how much would be sufficient to get by to have meaningful existence. He would than have a goal to aim for.

Yea! like bum it off of someone else.

Edited by MAJIC
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You really do make me ill.

Most, most, most of the guys on this forum had no thought of Thailand, absolutely ZERO clue until 10 years ago. I saw the wave as early as the Internet (boom 97) when "sex tours" became popular. Years after word sort of got out that yeah, Thailand is safe enough for a diy sex holiday.

Meanwhile, I'd lived in Cambodia for a number of years starting pre UNTAC election. I'd been up in Lao as early as Feb 95, was in Vietnam well before diplomatic ties were established with my country. been to Myanmar multiple times (first traveler to stay in New Bagan) and traveled all around Pakistan in 97. If I had a solid travel partner, I would have gone to Afghanistan.

You don't know shit about these countries, otherwise you would not discount my age and story. Lao, Vietnam and Cambodia all fresh and new again and I was there and you obviously were NOT.

I had traveled a great deal in the US by age 12. By 18 I had seen most of Mexico and made multiple trips to Baja. I stopped traveling to put myself through school. I graduated, then got right back on the road after making some money.

Very, very few guys here fought in Vietnam and most did were just grunts although they will all tell you they were tunnel rats, macvsog, spooks, etc...

Fewer still as we can see were hippies, real hippies. Fewer still made it to Asia and looking at the recent thread -essentially none made in to Thailand. Why? Because it was where the war was, not the party. In fact, the party was in California - where I lived.

Please spare me the lecture and the World History course.

You are so typical of the <deleted> in Thailand, neigh the world now. Hooray for me, the hell with you.

Do you look on all people that did not inherit wealth and title as you did as bums and miscreants or just white people?

You attitude is very, very, very unThai. Which questions why you are even here. Answer...like the po' folk because its CHEAP. Lets face it, if you were a real man of any means you be in south Europe on a yacht not hanging out in cheap restaurants that stumblebums frequent.

Go home.

Hey man you've not travelled and lived till you've smoked an Afghan water pipe with a head tribesman or experienced an outer body experience in India and come back as a holy man wandering the land living of handouts.

Your post is very uncool, take a chill pill, sit back catch some rays. Maybe eat some cheese and wine...

Nah...there are too many tourists eating cheese and wine. He will pass on this....unless its moon cheese...but not from Pattaya.

He'll be eating pad thai for 30bht on the kosan road with a slice of humble pie for desert.
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bangkokburning has every right to his personal point of view without being ganged up on here.

right you are JT. but i find it quite disgusting that he doesn't spend at least half a million Baht for three months living. vhat is rong viss him? vhy is he so stintchi?


bangkokburning, on 2013-02-19 16:16:31, said:

Half million baht for three months living. Disgusting.

Like many TV wives he is probably part Chinese??

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The bottom line is that the Blether CAN'T afford to live here. He has neither the skills not the money to live here.

He needs to try and highlight the failings of others to justify his 8 business class flights here to be with his bar girl and takes any chance to deflect from this.

I'm sure you're an OK bloke but you need to concentrate more on your life than that of others.

Edited by HeavyDrinker
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The bottom line is that the Blether CAN'T afford to live here. He has neither the skills not the money to live here.

He needs to try and highlight the failings of others to justify his 8 business class flights here to be with his bar girl and takes any chance to deflect from this.

I'm sure you're an OK bloke but you need to concentrate more on your life than that of others.

He can't hold his drink. laugh.png

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Does 'eating Pad Thai for 30bt' or living in Nakhon Nowhere for decades necessarily put someone in the same boat as the Farang singled out in the (long forgotten) OP at the top of this thread ? Suddenly anyone who isnt living a 5-star life seems to have popped into the crosshairs of several board members. I may not agree with everything a certain BM has had to say in his last few rants, but I can see where he is coming from - its the same attitude that allows many of us to sling shit at backpackers for living on roti and taking a hideous bus trip the length of Thailand just to save a few baht on a plane fare. While I don't have any particular desire to slum it, I like to think that I can live reasonably economically when the situation calls for it - those of you who don't have to entertain that possibility should just be happy that you have so much money stashed away. My sister and her husband are self-funded retirees, not yet 70, and I look at how frugally they live so that they can afford a weekend away with their caravan (for example) : if that is as good as it gets back here in Oz, I will happily take that 30-baht Pad Thai on a rickety stool in Nakhon Nowhere ....

(for those who got hung up on the 6K baht per day figure, please let it go - what ultimately matters is keeping the 'entertainment' component of one's life in balance with your health and wellbeing - physical, mental and financial)

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But we are not Thai........if you can't afford to be in Thailand then don't be there.

It's as simple as that.

Very simplistic theblether,so by your reckoning if you can't afford to live in the UK for instance,"then don't be there" so it's not as simple as that!

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The bottom line is that the Blether CAN'T afford to live here. He has neither the skills not the money to live here.

He needs to try and highlight the failings of others to justify his 8 business class flights here to be with his bar girl and takes any chance to deflect from this.

I'm sure you're an OK bloke but you need to concentrate more on your life than that of others.

Thanks for clarifying his free introspection. But you don't have to push his nose into the facts(you assume), as we say in Holland wink.png. It's interesting what you have to say about this subject matter. If you have money or not...

Edited by Dancealot
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Does 'eating Pad Thai for 30bt' or living in Nakhon Nowhere for decades necessarily put someone in the same boat as the Farang singled out in the (long forgotten) OP at the top of this thread ? Suddenly anyone who isnt living a 5-star life seems to have popped into the crosshairs of several board members. I may not agree with everything a certain BM has had to say in his last few rants, but I can see where he is coming from - its the same attitude that allows many of us to sling shit at backpackers for living on roti and taking a hideous bus trip the length of Thailand just to save a few baht on a plane fare. While I don't have any particular desire to slum it, I like to think that I can live reasonably economically when the situation calls for it - those of you who don't have to entertain that possibility should just be happy that you have so much money stashed away. My sister and her husband are self-funded retirees, not yet 70, and I look at how frugally they live so that they can afford a weekend away with their caravan (for example) : if that is as good as it gets back here in Oz, I will happily take that 30-baht Pad Thai on a rickety stool in Nakhon Nowhere ....

(for those who got hung up on the 6K baht per day figure, please let it go - what ultimately matters is keeping the 'entertainment' component of one's life in balance with your health and wellbeing - physical, mental and financial)

Sigh... Good question coming from

. here.intheclub.gif Edited by Dancealot
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The bottom line is that the Blether CAN'T afford to live here. He has neither the skills not the money to live here.

He needs to try and highlight the failings of others to justify his 8 business class flights here to be with his bar girl and takes any chance to deflect from this.

I'm sure you're an OK bloke but you need to concentrate more on your life than that of others.

Thanks for clarifying his free introspection. But you don't have to push his nose into the facts(you assume), as we say in Holland wink.png. It's interesting what you have to say about this subject matter. If you have money or not...

They are not assumptions but facts on the evidence of this thread and all of his threads. He just wants a chance to wave his knob around. The facts are that:

1) The blether can't afford to live here - fact - otherwise he'd be here

2) He continually feels the need to have a pop at even the poorest people who can indeed afford to live here - fact

He's a sad, bitter man who tries to hide his failings in 'humorous posts' which are backed up by his monkey; but it fails to hide the fact he's so furious that even the poorest TEFLer is closer to his "Tee Rak" than he is...

Poor Blither...

Edited by HeavyDrinker
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The bottom line is that the Blether CAN'T afford to live here. He has neither the skills not the money to live here.

He needs to try and highlight the failings of others to justify his 8 business class flights here to be with his bar girl and takes any chance to deflect from this.

I'm sure you're an OK bloke but you need to concentrate more on your life than that of others.

Thanks for clarifying his free introspection. But you don't have to push his nose into the facts(you assume), as we say in Holland wink.png. It's interesting what you have to say about this subject matter. If you have money or not...

They are not assumptions but facts on the evidence of this thread and all of his threads. He just wants a chance to wave his knob around. The facts are that:

1) The blether can't afford to live here - fact - otherwise he'd be here

2) He continually feels the need to have a pop at even the poorest people who can indeed afford to live here - fact

He's a sad, bitter man who tries to hide his failings in 'humorous posts' which are backed up by his monkey; but it fails to hide the fact he's so furious that even the poorest TEFLer is closer to his "Tee Rak" than he is...

Poor Blither...

I am grateful for your feedback.

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Does 'eating Pad Thai for 30bt' or living in Nakhon Nowhere for decades necessarily put someone in the same boat as the Farang singled out in the (long forgotten) OP at the top of this thread ? Suddenly anyone who isnt living a 5-star life seems to have popped into the crosshairs of several board members. I may not agree with everything a certain BM has had to say in his last few rants, but I can see where he is coming from - its the same attitude that allows many of us to sling shit at backpackers for living on roti and taking a hideous bus trip the length of Thailand just to save a few baht on a plane fare. While I don't have any particular desire to slum it, I like to think that I can live reasonably economically when the situation calls for it - those of you who don't have to entertain that possibility should just be happy that you have so much money stashed away. My sister and her husband are self-funded retirees, not yet 70, and I look at how frugally they live so that they can afford a weekend away with their caravan (for example) : if that is as good as it gets back here in Oz, I will happily take that 30-baht Pad Thai on a rickety stool in Nakhon Nowhere ....

(for those who got hung up on the 6K baht per day figure, please let it go - what ultimately matters is keeping the 'entertainment' component of one's life in balance with your health and wellbeing - physical, mental and financial)

The cheapest way to live thread has been done before. I can do it on 200-300 Baht without accommodation.

I was nowhere near the cheapest. Of course there will be some consternation on a thread like this but I wouldn't be happy with a budget lower than stated previously.

Come to Thailand and live on a shoestring? Yeah...possible.. Desireable? No.....not in my opinion.

There is your health to consider as well as that of family and friends you will end up leaning on eventually.

That said I admire their nonchalance and wish I had the same lazy attitude. I really do.

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You don't need money to have a good time in Thailand that's the attraction.

When i first came here 12 years ago i lived in a 100bht anight beach bungalow and spent 150 bht a day on 3/4 good meals. A few changs of an evening with the rest of the beach crowd, no worries.

5-6000 bht a week for 6 months, the best time ever.

It's all about the person!

Some have to splash the cash to make an impression and have a good time.

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The cheapest way to live thread has been done before. I can do it on 200-300 Baht without accommodation.

I was nowhere near the cheapest. Of course there will be some consternation on a thread like this but I wouldn't be happy with a budget lower than stated previously.

Come to Thailand and live on a shoestring? Yeah...possible.. Desireable? No.....not in my opinion.

There is your health to consider as well as that of family and friends you will end up leaning on eventually.

That said I admire their nonchalance and wish I had the same lazy attitude. I really do.

Trust me - it wouldnt matter WHAT figure you came up with, someone would always tell you they live in Thailand free - growing their own vegatables and drinking their own urine, presumably. It's like the hansum men who are getting 'free sex' - endless free sex - with no mention of the fact that they are creating a new generation of Thai women who want nothing to do with Farang or, worse, view them purely as a walking ATM. The human condition seems to demand that I can always find something that sets me apart from you, something that defines me as an incredibly intelligent and wealthy human being in the midst of foolish scoundrels who have wasted their money on cheap booze and cheaper women. Lord Buddha, please save us from ourselves. ;)

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Actually, wouldn't it be a lot more productive if we all stop bickering about who has money and deserves to live here and he who is broke doesn't even deserve to have a name. Be they man or woman kind, black or white, Brits, German or USA, ex-military or bar girl bouncer.

We should all come together like one huge 1 million strong farang social club. Where those of us who have spare cash donate a % into a fund for those who are struggling. Open up blocks of subsidized condos in Pattaya, BKK and CM with resource centres for consulate advice and assistance with getting home, or at least to the islands for the full moon party.

Now I would be more than happy to contribute to help my fellow farang in need.

All we need now is someone who has the necessary logistical skills to set it up.

Any takers?

In other words, you want to create a system that rewards irresponsibility and want me to pay for these losers that I've never met, whom likely lost their money drinking, whoring and being stupid.

No thanks Jeff, I didn't travel to Thailand to become part of another nanny state.

I will be happy to help people with mental disorders or physical handicaps. But no way in hell am I helping someone who's only challenge is greed, stupidity, alchohol or being too horny.


Congratulations on being the only reader on here who actually thought I was being serious.

But well done for exposing yourself as a complete selfish p*****

After catching up with the rest of the thread, it seems that you were not the only one who thought I was serious..... Amazed

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