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Negative Potrayal Of Asia By Western Media


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I posted if they build a bomb in other words ignoring there big brother

I hope China can put pressure on them as nobody else can I wish the world didn't need a policeman but if you look back at past problems and who gets involved right or wrong it is usually a disaster noboby would argue with that but some of country's asked for help what should the world have done about Kuwait we know it's about oil what would the outcome have been if Saddam had got the oil in Kuwait and held the world to ransom we would have all been saying we should have bombed him.

Who knows how it will turn out if you do nothing history has proved that it's a bad idea to wait to long.

That's what governments worry about .

I have worked in the Middle East oil fields and as far as I'm concerned we will never sort that area out but I'm not in the government

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Hmm Nuclear Bomb.... I am sure that there is enough of this in places we don't know. And do yo uthink big brother China will let their neighbour North Korea start a Nuclear war while being so close? I for one think let the other places in the world sort them selves out they have been doing quite a bit longer than the world police have been around. Why should people get involved in a civil conflict 1/2 way around the world that has nothing to do with them other than oil?

I am NOT trying advocate or debate the merits or perceived necessity of US intervention but I simply can't stay silent in the face of, forgive me for saying so, such colossally simplistic and frankly quite ignorant posits as contained above.

* There is nuclear weapons capability in places we don't know about ? (And are these places as much a threat as North Korea?)

* Before the US, everyone minded thier own business and sorted things out themselves, eh?

* Leaving aside the fact that oil is of HUGE importance to the whole freakin' world, or the fallacious cliche that wars are entirely about it's acquisition or control, is it really true that conflicts elsewhere have nothing to do with the US? Is it also true that the US should only get involved in those that do directly concern it alone and typically does the world always see it like that, or is there - quite rightly, in some cases - criticism when the US fails to act?

By all means object to US interventionism and and/or projection of power or other wrong headed and unjust policies there are certainly (and inevitably) some that people should object to and always have been. Or even object to well intentioned US meddling and unintended error (if you believe such things exists and it's perhaps not all deliberately malign and self interested); but I respectfully suggest you inform yourself and have a basis for your stance that is accurate and goes well beyond extremely banal and predictable chip-on-the-shoulder rhetoric.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Edited by SteeleJoe
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Your first line shows you know bugger all about Australia. Do you even know about the Aussie media? Channel 7 and 9 run the same stories just picked up off the web. Channel 10 can't even afford that so just do local stories and anything an overseas affiliate will give them. Channel 2 is a govt run station but is really anti the Liberal govt, even when they are in power. SBS is watched by the ethnics predominantly in Melbourne and Sydney with a small viewing in other capitals.

I did not claim to be an expert on Australia, although it does seem to be a country that is plagued with as many malcontents and haters of their nation as any other western country.

What I did offer was my opinion of the Australian media. That is why I wrote; "The Australian reporting on Asia is rather well balanced. The large numbers of immigrants and their languages facilitates news coverage." I base my opinion on the Australian newspapers I read and the Australian TV newsfeed I subscribe to. Yes, there are always issues, but I do believe that the Australian media is fairly well balanced. If you disagree, so be it. I wasn't offering my view on Australians either, just on the quality of the established media that I believe was unfairly lambasted. I will try to come back with some negativity next time, in particular, the horrid fashion sense of many Australians.

Really whats wrong with our fashion sense

nothing wrong with footy shorts and the wife beater!!!

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Not sure how anyone could do a positive portrayal of Asia Thailand.

We have raped tourists, numerous balcony dives, horrific m/c and coach crash deaths, mystery hotel deaths.

Not to mention police rip-offs, jet-ski scams, wives stealing houses, etc. etc.

Prostitutes on every street ..........

Not sure if the rest of Asia is as bad.

I'm surprised the publicity isn't much much worse.

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TP, all the issues you've raised pale into insignificance next to the prospect of retirees' foreign income being worth 30-50% less than it is now against the Thai baht, but that's being covered elsewhere. Cumulatively, it DOES beg the question - why would *anyone* want to visit Thailand, much less live in LOS ? You'd almost be forgiven for thinking there might be some positives to offset the negatives we like to roll around in each day on TV ..........

If Farang moved their lives to Thailand in the 90s, surely it wasn't simply because it was cheap ? Or that there were, in your words, Prostitutes on every street Hmm.

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TP, all the issues you've raised pale into insignificance next to the prospect of retirees' foreign income being worth 30-50% less than it is now against the Thai baht, but that's being covered elsewhere. Cumulatively, it DOES beg the question - why would *anyone* want to visit Thailand, much less live in LOS ? You'd almost be forgiven for thinking there might be some positives to offset the negatives we like to roll around in each day on TV ..........

My foreign money is worth 10-15% less than it was when I first came here.

The dip in the BHT vs UKP happens every year and then returns to 50.

If people keep enough money in the bank, that they don't need to transfer when the rate is bad, it isn't generally a problem.

Historically the BHT was 35 to the UKP, I don't really have a problem with it returning to that level.

Those living hand to mouth or without a significant financial buffer shouldn't have come to live here IMHO.

I think risk of death or mutilation far outweighs loss of money.

Anyway bad publicity is related to tourists and not expats.

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