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Foreign Mafia Running Pattaya

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It is foolish to think that one nationality invented and promoted the sex trade in Thailand. It has been here for ever and will continue to be here because the morality of people here is such that it promotes such activities. This is a woman's trade in Thailand and will continue. It is a better life than what they came from working in the rice fields in their villages. Their Thai husbands usually get them pregnant when they are young and then bail out. They are trying to take care of their children and mother and father. I hold the Thai government responsible for not providing a better life than for these ladies. Do farangs come here because they love the rice? Cheap and available sex will always be attractive to western men. Do you see an active program by the government to promote a better life for people in the sex trade?


Whats going on with the people on TV. I remember when people used to be happy and funny. Now it seams that people just want to be nasty to each other and have a good old dig at countries and places.

As soon as i see stories about Pattaya, i think, hear we go again. And i'm right. Normally it takes about 5 post before someone comes on here and starts slaging the place off or people. Then about 10 post's, it's lets slag the Brit's or American people off.

If you don't like the place, don't read the stories.

Here's something you should think about before posting....if you've got nothing good to say, don't say anything.

Your living in Thailand, you should be happy. Maybe it's time for some people to have a good look at whats making them so angry and change.

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Talked with some Russian criminals on that matter. Indeed Russian mafia have the most control of Pattya among other places in Thailand. Actually there are to many competition among them and they a looking now for Phuket and other tourist rich places.

I think the reason is they are laundering money and girls's bussiness is shady enough for using criminal skills. Also some might started new own bars. But to do it well in Pattaya you need brain. This miserable criminals don't have brains. So ending in what they know better, just racketing others.


Under some circumstances in to mention one example: Arizona USA, Children under 15 can quite legally Marry.

So perhaps as usual The American bigots should put their own house in order before talking nonesense in other countries (probably for profit). cheesy.gif

Somewhat irrelevant to the original post other than it would appear that your research skills are about as good (poor) as the article's author.

The legal age to marry in Arizona is 18. Individuals ages 16 and 17 can marry with parental consent. Marriage of an individual younger than 16 requires both parental consent and the approval of a state Superior Court judge.

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There are a number of foreign organised criminal gangs controlling Pattaya on an almost street-by-street basis, tolerated by the 'authorities' as the 'bonuses' pour in. They are from Pakistan, Bangladesh, London, Israel..the list goes on - all making a fortune from prostitution and 'software peddling' - which is what they call trafficking girls abroad. As for the paedophiles, for years they have walked the streets with kids in tow and publicly sexually abused kids in broad daylight on certain beaches - totally ignored by the authorities. Pattaya is what it is because of crime and the filth who live from it. I watched the Russians arrive in secret Soviet air force flights from Russia to U Ta Pao in the nineties, organised by the Thai and Russian militaries - a 'neat' arrangement which opened the can of worms you see today..to expect the Thai authorities to do anything about the usery and grim profiteering, is the main flaw of the Huffington 'story', but good on them for trying...the real Russian story is Phuket!

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just another innocent american...he came by mistake to pattaya without knowing where he went ! he forgot to consult a travelbook. the poor guy doesn't know pattaya was "invented" by and for american soldiers for relaxing during the vietnam war...


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Talked with some Russian criminals on that matter. Indeed Russian mafia have the most control of Pattya among other places in Thailand. Actually there are to many competition among them and they a looking now for Phuket and other tourist rich places.

I think the reason is they are laundering money and girls's bussiness is shady enough for using criminal skills. Also some might started new own bars. But to do it well in Pattaya you need brain. This miserable criminals don't have brains. So ending in what they know better, just racketing others.

You are wrong.

These criminals do have brains and many are highly organised and this is what makes them extremely dangerous.

They believe in numbers creates power and if the Thai authorities do not take any real positive actions to curb the amount of undesirable foreigners arriving here, than in the foreseeable future they are going to have a big problem, if it`s not too late already.

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Having lived in Pattaya on and off for years, I see little evidence that Russian mafia are starting to controlling the nightlife, most of the bars and gogo's don't even like them as customers.They may be running the Russian tour industry, and may even be supplying girls to that, but that's about it. The only Russian venues on WS have Russian girls working, not Thai

Never heard of the Chocolate Butterfly Bar, neither has Google

Errr ! would these Russian working girls be on some sort of an education visa, and how do they get them ?


The mafia is thick in the air here. The violence level actually seems low for the level of mafia. It can only get worse. Who in Thai politics would have the massive cajones (very life threatening) to take on the mafia forces as was done in Sicily?

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The low price of sex in Pattaya's red-light district is a draw for many sex tourists. It is often as low as eight US dollars.

eight dollars = 240 Baht?

often = regulary?


Sounds the author knows exactly the going prices.

Brilliant research

He probably only got as far as the "bar fine" stage !

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Trafficking of women is a much sexier topic than the trafficking of manual workers, mention of women and girls brings in the donor dollars.Meantime Burmese and Cambodians, mostly men are trafficked in order to work in factories, on building sites, in orchards and worst of all on fishing boats.The Thai fishing industry ruthlessly exploits Cambodians,at sea without pay for months or years, often starved and beaten and often thrown over the side when they complain too much or are no longer productive.

Its a horror show and I should have included the Rohingas with the victims.

I would like to a programme about the barang customers ruthlessly exploited by Thai bar girls, often in cahoots with the family.Men who are stripped of their wealth amd their dignity and either kill themselves or are killed by the Thai family member.

Crime in Thailand is disorganised like everything else.

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Doesnt the US military send ship loads of troops to come and empty there balls in pattaya. Infact years ago when pattaya was created it was for this purpose. The Americans started this all off.

Another misinformed expert !

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I did the bus run from Buriram to Pattaya a couple of years ago. There were at least 6 pretty young ladies on the overnight journey. None of them were "kicking and screaming" in fact, they were mostly peacefully sleeping. But then , they could all have been drugged up for the duration !


I would say the thai police, but most of all the thai military is the one in charge like it is everywhere else in the country. The other mafia's are probably frenchised on a laissez-faire base, as long as they keep paying the military and police their cut, so they don't get too dirty hands. But thats just my wild guess...

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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What was their first clue??? Something we all know. The Russians have also been running everything in Goa India for nearly 10 years. Russians=corrupt police and politicians.

Pattaya was a nice place 35 years ago. I would never return and tell anyone else not to bother.


Under some circumstances in to mention one example: Arizona USA, Children under 15 can quite legally Marry.

So perhaps as usual The American bigots should put their own house in order before talking nonesense in other countries (probably for profit). cheesy.gif

Jesus, aren't you lot judgmental--15 is the age of consent in over half of Europe, let's do a count of the pedophile stories in TV, betcha Americans aren't the most represented nationality--any takers?


It was twilight, and I didn't know what to expect as I arrived by car to Pattaya, Thailand.

Really? What sort of idiot goes all the way to Pattaya without doing any research? But then again doing research would not have had the same 'shocking' effect, would it?

Bars, ladies, sex, prostitutes !!! Oh, the horror of it all!

Hmmm, I don't recall doing any research before going to Pattaya, Thailand, is that what normal people do? I just expected a cold beer and some fun.

Human trafficing IS an issue isn't, and you don't think 12 year old getting molested isn't terrible? Maybe you've been in Pattaya too long.


Having lived in Pattaya on and off for years, I see little evidence that Russian mafia are starting to controlling the nightlife, most of the bars and gogo's don't even like them as customers.They may be running the Russian tour industry, and may even be supplying girls to that, but that's about it. The only Russian venues on WS have Russian girls working, not Thai

Never heard of the Chocolate Butterfly Bar, neither has Google

Errr ! would these Russian working girls be on some sort of an education visa, and how do they get them ?

Talked with some russian girls too smile.png They do every month border run mostly. Boss pay for this. It's included in package: room, some drinks etc.

They arrive for couple of months, so by this trip can do some travel in Asia for their own. But have to work first under rather restrictive contract with boss. Almost same as for thai girls. Bosses find them by placing ads in internet, like go-go dancers needed. It's up to girl if she also do a sex work too. Most do smile.png It's about freelancers. Don't know about human trafficking but villages in Uzbekistan(not part of Russia) are even more poor then in Thai and girls are Asian. So most rude girl's trafficking mustn't be from Russia or Ukraine.


From the OP:

"not every prostitute in Pattaya is working against her or his will and that the decision to work in the red-light district is sometimes accepted by friends and family."

No, no, no. CLEARLY shows the ignorance and myopic ethnocentristic views of the newbie writer who either has no clue what he is writing about and is filtering accounts through his preconceived idea of how things "are". CORRECTLY stated, it should read:

"Most prostitutes in Pattaya are not working against her or his will and that the decision to work in the red-light district is typically encouraged by friends and family.

OP: You need to interview people who really know what they are going on about. Better yet, live here for a few years longer than the two weeks your travel expense account allows, wallow in the Darkside a bit, then write your story. Clearly the OP is writing from a white castle and wouldn't dare "get caught up" in what really goes on.

If you haven't LIVED the Darkside, don't ever attempt to write about the Darkside. Pack your tihs up and and don't come back to the Darkside...


Talked with some Russian criminals on that matter. Indeed Russian mafia have the most control of Pattya among other places in Thailand. Actually there are to many competition among them and they a looking now for Phuket and other tourist rich places.

I think the reason is they are laundering money and girls's bussiness is shady enough for using criminal skills. Also some might started new own bars. But to do it well in Pattaya you need brain. This miserable criminals don't have brains. So ending in what they know better, just racketing others.

You are wrong.

These criminals do have brains and many are highly organised and this is what makes them extremely dangerous.

They believe in numbers creates power and if the Thai authorities do not take any real positive actions to curb the amount of undesirable foreigners arriving here, than in the foreseeable future they are going to have a big problem, if it`s not too late already.

For me every person that don't think about karma and can't earn money without criminal activity at least for simple life have no brain. sick.gif

Also smart criminals go to politics, real estate, etc.

Racketing isn't too hard to do. You talk with bar owners, if you don't want occasional many sorts of troubles in bar, better pay us. You talk with local police, we control street violence and you don't protect business owners, especially farangs. If not, it maybe more various uncontrolled violence and small criminal acts in district. Local authorities can't do much in this situation without strong power will from Bangkok.


Jim, a New York limo driver, whom we interviewed earlier in this series, explained how it works. He lived in Thailand in recent years.

"To have a girl in Pattaya for the night, where she spends the whole night with you, that's it; she's yours," Jim said. "It's, you know, you're buying a girl for the night. That's what you're doing. That's what's so nice, and she has to do whatever you ask her to do."

It's a sad sad world with a lot of very sad people:-(


The writer of the article has obviously not spent much time in Thailand.

As for the sex scene in Thailand, 95% of the sex industry in Thailand is Thai with Thai. The sex industry catering to foreigners is just 5% but it is in your face with all the bright lights so this is what is seen by Visitors and the media.

As for the child sex tourists, peadophiles can only find children with the help of Local Thai's. But why arrest a Thai pimp who is unlikely to have much money. Plenty more money to be made from a rich foreign peadophile that poor local pimps.

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I have many American friends that have very found memories to the Sattahip & U-Pao area from the Vietnam War.


My hunch is that the Russians are good earners and making money for the Thais- and are therefore tolerated. Just like the Nigerians that flood lower Sukumvit Road in Bangkok are kicking money up stairs.

Think about it, the Thais allow the Ruskies to operate, take a percentage and everybody is happy. If the Ruskies get out of hand, the Thais come down hard, look good busting the foreigners -suffer no fall out from stepping on Thai mafia toes- and the cycle begins anew.

I really doubt that the Russians are running Pattaya :)


No, no, no. CLEARLY shows the ignorance and myopic ethnocentristic views of the newbie writer who either has no clue what he is writing about and is filtering accounts through his preconceived idea of how things "are". CORRECTLY stated, it should read:

"Most prostitutes in Pattaya are not working against her or his will and that the decision to work in the red-light district is typically encouraged by friends and family.

Imagine reading something like this somewhere in Europe, or looking at it at TV. - Millions of girls in Thailand work as bar ladies, on their own free will.. and they like it.

Generally, I noticed.. that people who don't live in Thailand have no idea what 'thai hookers' are all about. The picture that comes to their mind when you mention term 'hooker' is some filthy hidden underground brothel fuc_k knows where, where girls are abused on daily basis and forced to do their job. Or .. Amsterdam. And they come here with this misconception.

If this pretend-to-be-journalist actually explored Thailand bar girl scene he would know what they're all about, instead of writing this crap.. or maybe it's not acceptable for his audience to read the truth.


Same old drivel. The girls are exploited, everybody is a pedo, etc. Blahblahblah.. Absolute rubbish. I have never seen any pedo activity here and all the girls are willing.


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"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


'By American standards, it's not a lot of money. The low price of sex in Pattaya's red-light district is a draw for many sex tourists. It is often as low as eight US dollars.'

250 Baht? Where is that place?


Having lived in Pattaya on and off for years, I see little evidence that Russian mafia are starting to controlling the nightlife, most of the bars and gogo's don't even like them as customers.They may be running the Russian tour industry, and may even be supplying girls to that, but that's about it. The only Russian venues on WS have Russian girls working, not Thai

Never heard of the Chocolate Butterfly Bar, neither has Google

Errr ! would these Russian working girls be on some sort of an education visa, and how do they get them ?

easy,....they are "professional" dancers .............aren't they ?

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