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Toilets In Thailand


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I am 6'4" so find problems with them. If I want to squat right down to a comfortable position and read the newspaper, then I must put my feet farther forward than the footmarks...

Well that is the secret to success. The imprinted "footmarks" are at a comfort point for people who have been squatting since birth. But for those of us who have taken up squatting later in life, we need to place our footsies a bit more forward and the exact spot does require some trial and error to obtain maximum comfort and a safe aim. Let's face it, I can't do the splits and neither can I squat into the same perpendicular angle as do the Thais. But with some practice, one can become as adept on a Thai style low rise commode as on a western style high rise commode: I can read the newspaper in comfort on either one.

As for the never ending debate over right hand wipers vs. left hand washers, I have found it very helpful to have early on in my wanderings overcome my initial cultural misgivings about the left hand wash method of personal hygiene as it is the best way to accomplish your goal whilst using a low rise commode. Once you have mastered the proper technique it is a very satisfying method, from a hygieneic point of view, of cleaning your derriere. There are few things that piss me off more in Thailand than encountering a high rise commode with only a water basin( or one of those dreadful high pressure douche hoses) or a low rise commode with no water basin.

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I am 6'4" so find problems with them. If I want to squat right down to a comfortable position and read the newspaper, then I must put my feet farther forward than the footmarks to avoid leaving a 'steaming surprise'...
Agree wikth you here Neeranam. Although I'm 6'2" and find them just about ok...

It's all about the lenght of your thigh :o .

Btw, how do you wash your "backside" after a successful session?

Both hand's behind your back or the washing (left?) hand reaching through your crotch, squeezing your testicles aside,preserve them from contamination with the washingwater? Do you put your watch off? Do you tuck up your cuff first? Can we make a poll "Are You A Double-Back-Hander Or A Single-Fore-/Single-Back-Hander?" :D

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Oh man, the quality of this forum has reached a new height :o:D:D

Make sure you step on the proper stool to reach that rarified air. :D

I don't mind the squat toilets unless it's one of those dump sessions where you're bowel movements never seem to cease (usually after too much somtam) and you could read the good part of a book before your sphincter relaxes back to normal. :D Talk about knee pain after awhile!

Love the spritz-er. Best invention since . . . toilet paper. Dual function is to spray away those skid marks. :D

Gotta love this topic! :D

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squat toilets are for peasants. especially when you have to clean yourself with rain water from the three foot high 'bath' next to the thing .........

Guess most of us are peasants then. Back to monte-Carlo for you Left cross (leave me cross...) :D:D

I am 6'4" so find problems with them. If I want to squat right down to a comfortable position and read the newspaper, then I must put my feet farther forward than the footmarks to avoid leaving a 'steaming surprise'...
Agree wikth you here Neeranam. Although I'm 6'2" and find them just about ok...

It's all about the lenght of your thigh :o .

Btw, how do you wash your "backside" after a successful session?

Both hand's behind your back or the washing (left?) hand reaching through your crotch, squeezing your testicles aside,preserve them from contamination with the washingwater? Do you put your watch off? Do you tuck up your cuff first? Can we make a poll "Are You A Double-Back-Hander Or A Single-Fore-/Single-Back-Hander?" :D

That´s just more info than I´m willing to give....


Alright, then, twisty my arm (behind my back, not under the balls) and left hand :D

I far prefer the squat toilet... No ´probs with the bucket opf water, but definitly the bumgun is the best invention since sex. over time in Thailand I adopted squatting, when hanging around with my workers, or later with friends, chatting, waiting for something happen, whatever.

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I thought this problem has already been solved by the Japaneses :o

(It features heated seats, spray cleansing and deodorizers at the same time)

post-27262-1141493474_thumb.jpg post-27262-1141493514_thumb.jpg

That looks <deleted> awesome! I could read a few chapters and have few ciggies on there any day of the week. :D

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I thought this problem has already been solved by the Japaneses :D

(It features heated seats, spray cleansing and deodorizers at the same time)

post-27262-1141493474_thumb.jpg post-27262-1141493514_thumb.jpg

That looks <deleted> awesome! I could read a few chapters and have few ciggies on there any day of the week. :D

:D Swap the heater for the air con, though. :D

Btw, how do you wash your "backside" after a successful session?

Both hand's behind your back or the washing (left?) hand reaching through your crotch, squeezing your testicles aside,preserve them from contamination with the washingwater? Do you put your watch off? Do you tuck up your cuff first? Can we make a poll "Are You A Double-Back-Hander Or A Single-Fore-/Single-Back-Hander?" :D

:D I've seen kids use the above methods. Do you think they wash their hands when they're done? :o

Edited by Tippaporn
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over time in Thailand I adopted squatting, when hanging around with my workers, or later with friends, chatting, waiting for something happen, whatever.

Funniest quote in the thread. Took a bit to figure out what you meant.

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over time in Thailand I adopted squatting, when hanging around with my workers, or later with friends, chatting, waiting for something happen, whatever.

Funniest quote in the thread. Took a bit to figure out what you meant.

I still remember well during my school time and this kind of toilette are still in my nightmare till now ( not clean ). I am thai, but I dont like this kind of toilette. Thanks God my parents has western toilette 30 years ago. Some thai toilette was build in a very high from the ground :D ....I would have a look first if it is clean or not. Then I must not go :D

In shopping mall there are 2 kinds of toilette , I would choose the western one. Here in Europe theyhave little different from thai-western , they have hole at the front :D

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I didn't have a heck of a lot to say about the design of our house in LOS, but I did insist on one thing:


A crapper open to the street? :o

You could wash your car or water the plants with the bum gun!

Edited by Old Croc
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I didn't have a heck of a lot to say about the design of our house in LOS, but I did insist on one thing:


A crapper open to the street? :o

You could wash your car or water the plants with the bum gun!


Hey...at least you will be able to lean back your head for that fresh breezes too!....ahhh

Smart ...very smart


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I didn't have a heck of a lot to say about the design of our house in LOS, but I did insist on one thing:


A crapper open to the street? :o

You could wash your car or water the plants with the bum gun!


Hey...at least you will be able to lean back your head for that fresh breezes too!....ahhh

Smart ...very smart


What's the tissue holder for? Decoration? :D

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I didn't have a heck of a lot to say about the design of our house in LOS, but I did insist on one thing:


A crapper open to the street? :o

You could wash your car or water the plants with the bum gun!


Hey...at least you will be able to lean back your head for that fresh breezes too!....ahhh

Smart ...very smart


What's the tissue holder for? Decoration? :D

Hey...From this vantage point, can you see who's knocking at your front door too?...at least you will have an option to get up or not!

Smart...very smart


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I find that I am one of only a few Westerners that find it comfortable to squat (whilst chatting etc) like Asian people.

I also found it comfortable to squat but after 10 years I developed knee problems that make life miserable now. My doc said he'd encountered a lot of Peace Corps volunteers who had the same condition from too much squatting while chatting with the locals. Be warned!

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I havn't actually witnessed it, but have heard many tales of older thais that squat on a western style toilet.

I have been entertained many many times by witnessing the aftermath of my Thai and Vietnamese co-workers in Alaska falling off the western style toilets after attempting to squat on them. If you think it is hard to squat on the Thai style, try it when wearing rubber boots covered in fish slime on a wet toilet seat while in 20 feet seas. :o

I never seemed to have a camera ready though :D

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I havn't actually witnessed it, but have heard many tales of older thais that squat on a western style toilet.

I know some real young ones that tried it. My kids were 7 and 5 when they came to the U.S. and the first day in our house I found the youngest perched up high. I positioned him correctly and left the room. Then I heard some strange sounds. I went in and found he was filling a glass from the sink and trying to flush the toilet with it! Now he's 37 and still comes over to my place when he feels the need to make a particulary odiferous deposit! :o

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Somebody said:"squat toilets are for peasants"

Of course they are----what else could peasants do, (or hunter-gatherers, come to that) when they 'felt the urge' when out in the fields, except squat?

So it was logical to squat over a hole in the ground, when all living together. (Though in Nepal, many villagers go out in the fields near their village to dump.)

As a happy peasant, I am endlessly amused by all these elites (schoolteachers, bureaucrats, technologists and so on) who try to find a more comfortable life by serving or exploiting the peasantry and then try to kid themselves that they are superior.

Edited by Martin
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I havn't actually witnessed it, but have heard many tales of older thais that squat on a western style toilet.

Not just Thais, I do it too. I have a Thai style dunny downstairs and a western upstairs. I much prefer the squat position on both. My Thai GF finds it hilarious!

Definately a fan of the bum gun. I hate it when there's just a bucket of water! :o

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If using a squatter, I remove my trousers completely to avoid the risk of pissing on the back of them as they sit round my ankles.

But then, if the floor is wet (and usually is if there is a water-tub style washing/flushing system, you get the trouser cuffs all wet when removing them. All very difficult, and I much prefer western style.

The only exception is when I am wearing only a sarong, squatters are very easy...

Why am I telling you this ?????? :o

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QUOTE(Neeranam @ 2006-03-04 18:33:26) *

I find that I am one of only a few Westerners that find it comfortable to squat (whilst chatting etc) like Asian people.

I also found it comfortable to squat but after 10 years I developed knee problems that make life miserable now. My doc said he'd encountered a lot of Peace Corps volunteers who had the same condition from too much squatting while chatting with the locals. Be warned!

I thought that it might be due to my flexibilty earned by years of kung-<deleted> training.

With the squatter, there is more room than the other kind to put that cigarette away safely - very painful when you burn you member!

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I havn't actually witnessed it, but have heard many tales of older thais that squat on a western style toilet.

Rumor true. I've fixed two toilet seats at home, broken by Thais doing their dance on the top. I'm afraid the practice is all over SE Asia. e.g. Below, picture from toilet stalls at Phnom Penh Airport, Cambodia.


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