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Cops Bust Nigerian Fraudsters In Bangkok


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Anyone being approached by any Nigerian simply should run the other way. They are all over Soi 3 (Nana Nua) and everyone of them has 'soething' for you. If it is not a scam it is drugs but I have never met a Nigerian yet who is not involved in a scam.

I have, there is one called Dennis who sells clothes outside Parkland Bangna Trat Soi 37, no work permit and doing a job restricted for Thais. He also sells next to the Nation tower. At least he is working and not selling drugs, but still involved in illegal employment.

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Anyone being approached by any Nigerian simply should run the other way. They are all over Soi 3 (Nana Nua) and everyone of them has 'soething' for you. If it is not a scam it is drugs but I have never met a Nigerian yet who is not involved in a scam.

Dämn! You mean those diamonds aren't real?

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Anyone being approached by any Nigerian simply should run the other way. They are all over Soi 3 (Nana Nua) and everyone of them has 'soething' for you. If it is not a scam it is drugs but I have never met a Nigerian yet who is not involved in a scam.

Tafia, I am a Nigerian, I lived in Bangkok for 13 years, I went to court once because I refused to pay, or rather I cancelled a post dated cheque that I gave to someone as he supplied me a substandard product.

The Judge listened to my side with all smiles and asked us to go settle it outside the system since we were both still doing business together.

In my business, I get credits up to 50 million from individuals I do business with, and SCB gave 18M very soft loan in 2005. KTB bought my house and advanced some hundreds to trick it out. I forget my bills in spasso a few times, I paid up on subsequent visits.I had so many non Nigerian friends, non blacks, yet when we hang the bills always land on my laps, as I am erronously considered their boss by so many waiters.

At the moment, I live in Abuja Nigeria, I am pretty quite certain that 99 % of your type or people who easily trash a nation because of the actions of a few, can not afford to buy a house around here. And I am sure no one here will try any scam on you. If you look decent enough, no one will offer you drugs at street corners, but if you are like a human canvass, or a jail bird, who am I to say.

I am a Nigerian and very black, no one ever disrespected me and I never tried scams on "white" people.

So go sit on a bayonet.

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Nigeria's in Thailand "SHOULD" be refused entry into the Kingdom or at least make it extremely difficult for them to get visas. The amount of "innocent" Thai girls sitting in SE Asian jails as a result of these bastards using them as drug mules is staggering. Haven't met an honest Nigerian yet.

The volume of trade btw the two countries makes your opinion a sabotage.The Richest man in Nigeria, Dangote,( see Forbes} , has bulk of his venture thai related.Millions or hundreds of flow one way into Thai banks, Look for the information for on Foreign remittances into Thailand and see where you country stands. sponsoring bar girls doesnt count.

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Maybe it's just me - but I would really love to scam a Nigerian. Not for money - just for "revenge" from all the email spams. I'm not sure it's possible though. They seem to be masters.


Try "the skeleton coast"story,type it into google

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Maybe it's just me - but I would really love to scam a Nigerian. Not for money - just for "revenge" from all the email spams. I'm not sure it's possible though. They seem to be masters.

You should see a post on another lower Issan forum, did just that, it was pretty good.

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Anyone being approached by any Nigerian simply should run the other way. They are all over Soi 3 (Nana Nua) and everyone of them has 'soething' for you. If it is not a scam it is drugs but I have never met a Nigerian yet who is not involved in a scam.

Tafia, I am a Nigerian, I lived in Bangkok for 13 years, I went to court once because I refused to pay, or rather I cancelled a post dated cheque that I gave to someone as he supplied me a substandard product.

The Judge listened to my side with all smiles and asked us to go settle it outside the system since we were both still doing business together.

In my business, I get credits up to 50 million from individuals I do business with, and SCB gave 18M very soft loan in 2005. KTB bought my house and advanced some hundreds to trick it out. I forget my bills in spasso a few times, I paid up on subsequent visits.I had so many non Nigerian friends, non blacks, yet when we hang the bills always land on my laps, as I am erronously considered their boss by so many waiters.

At the moment, I live in Abuja Nigeria, I am pretty quite certain that 99 % of your type or people who easily trash a nation because of the actions of a few, can not afford to buy a house around here. And I am sure no one here will try any scam on you. If you look decent enough, no one will offer you drugs at street corners, but if you are like a human canvass, or a jail bird, who am I to say.

I am a Nigerian and very black, no one ever disrespected me and I never tried scams on "white" people.

So go sit on a bayonet.

But it's not the actions of a few is it, you are the exception, not the scum that your country is known for the world over. I have never met an honest Nigerian in Thailand, but i have seen many selling drugs, watched them in Internet cafes trying out their scams and been approached by them on the street with their scam stories as well as seeing them work illegally, including the ugly fat Nigerian whores around soi 3. Thailand would be better off without them, after all why do they come here? it;s not to teach English, they are not old enough to retire and unless desperate no Thai woman will touch them. It would be best if they went back to Nigeria where they belong. Never been to Abuja, but lagos is a real dump.

It's so true ,I do not won't to see black people in Thailand or elsewhere :P

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I saw this same story in the newspaper but three farang were in handcuffs with them. One was holding his head down, the other two were a man and a woman. It looked as though the white farang were lended a hand to the scam. Maybe with translation / english work on the scam.

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No but he has been to Pattaya, and makes a expert on Nigerian matters, World bank has had Vice presidents from Nigeria, never heard any of the scammed the banks.

Here's something for you

"My purpose of contacting you is for you to help secure the funds left behind by my late client, to avoid it being confiscated or declared unserviceable by the Bank in Spain where this fund valued € 6.100,000.00 (Six Million One hundred thousand Euros) was deposited by my client before her death. [...] I am actually asking for your consent to present you to the Bank as the Next of Kin/beneficiary of my late client's fund, so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you."

"I have been able to offset most Overdue Contract sums (USD$15M) owed by the Government of Ghana to Foreign contractors in the past years. [...]it is risk free and i will share the Funds with you (USD$15,000,000.00) 70/30, you will be taking 30% of the total sum(USD$15,000,000.00) and 70% will be for me."

"As it were, the acute contract sum was deliberately over-invoiced by us (TBC) with the sum of US$25,000,000.00 (TWENTY-FIVE MILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS ONLY). The project was executed, commissioned and the contractor(s) paid accordingly. My colleagues and I want to transfer the over-invoiced amount into a viable foreign account."

"I am [name deleted], 18 years old (f); [...] I saw your data on the net and I was ministered in my heart to contact that you are the right person to help me out with this. All I want from you is to stand as my guardian and get the money transferred into your account and then I will come over and start up a good business and complete my education."

"It may interest you to know that in July of 1997, the Swiss Banker’s Association published a list of dormant accounts originally opened by non-Swiss citizens. These accounts had been dormant since the end of World War II (May 9, 1945). Most belonged to Holocaust victims. [...] Due to the sensitive nature of my job, I need a foreigner to HELP claim the funds. My share will be 60 percent and your share is 40 per cent of the total amount. THERE IS NO RISK INVOLVED."

Just a little selection of the scams that land in my baiting account per week. Nearly all of the IPs (as far as traceable) point to Lagos, Nigeria. Advance fee fraud, Romance scams (sometimes using pics of GIs KIA in Iraq or Afghanistan), even the odd killer is there, who wants to get paid or he will murder you and your family.

This is organized crime and it is successful.

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I wish that instead of taking backhanders that the Powers that be would hit such scammers and dealers very hard.

It is only a matter of time before Thailand ends up like some inner city areas of the UK if not. Still I do not appreciate some of the racist stuff being banded around, of course all Nigerians are not bad or scammers the point is however don't get fixed into labelling people and the whole race argument raised. It's simple, scammers out of the kingdom, dealers out too whatever your colour or creed!

Good on the Thais for trying to protect their country in many ways I wish my country would have done the same to stop it becoming the seas pit it is turning into from the urban areas outward.

Most likely the reason a lot of you folk ate over here now. I wish I was, a return trip and close inspection to life in the uk a few years down the line will only be pointing to one direction and by that I do not mean the boy band. I mean downhill!

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8 Million baht from 18 people? I wouldn't argue with 'ingenious'. Clearly they're still evolving new 419's to replace the old "I am Ohmyfinga Ikidunot, son of the late King Footlong Ikidunot of Lower Evungatuk, and I have a proposal for you"...

Cryptic. What does this post mean?

419 refers to a Nigerian police unit tracking the e-mail scammers. try 419eaters.com if the site is up. This guy turned the tables. There is/was a price on his head.

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Maybe it's just me - but I would really love to scam a Nigerian. Not for money - just for "revenge" from all the email spams. I'm not sure it's possible though. They seem to be masters.

It's quite easy, in fact -- head over to http://www.419eater.com, where they routinely annoy fraudsters (although they never take cash off them).

Their signature dish is the 'safari', whereby they induce the scammer to travel a long way to an inhospitable place to collect their fraud money, which of course never materialises. In 2008, they sent two knuckledraggers to the wonderful country of Chad, who have never made it back to Nigeria.


NB: Some people may think that the activity of 'baiting' fraudsters is itself unethical. In that case, I advise you not to visit the site.

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8 Million baht from 18 people? I wouldn't argue with 'ingenious'. Clearly they're still evolving new 419's to replace the old "I am Ohmyfinga Ikidunot, son of the late King Footlong Ikidunot of Lower Evungatuk, and I have a proposal for you"...

Cryptic. What does this post mean?

Google 'Ebola Monkey Man: Nigerian 419 Scam' and it will make sense. wink.png

One word for "Ebola Monkey Man" site: OMG!

I lied. Four words: OMG I love it.

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Nigeria's in Thailand "SHOULD" be refused entry into the Kingdom or at least make it extremely difficult for them to get visas. The amount of "innocent" Thai girls sitting in SE Asian jails as a result of these bastards using them as drug mules is staggering.

Haven't met an honest Nigerian yet.

And you probably won't – not in tourist spots in Asia, anyway. There are no doubt millions of honest Africans in their home countries. It's the 'tourists' who are the problem. Has anyone ever seen couples with or without kids on the streets or in tour groups?

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Maybe it's just me - but I would really love to scam a Nigerian. Not for money - just for "revenge" from all the email spams. I'm not sure it's possible though. They seem to be masters.

So you want to scam innocent Nigerians who have never scammed anyone. Sounds like a pretty racist attitude. Why don't you want to scam Americans instead? Plenty of American scammers e.g. Madoff. This is racism at its worst.

Not neccessary, if any group of people from a certain country, or of a certain religion, have cost you in scams or inconvenienced you in any way, or are committing scams and atrocities in many parts of the world, you are right to be wary of them, but also, there were good Germans during the second world war, as there are some good people of every country or religion.
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Maybe it's just me - but I would really love to scam a Nigerian. Not for money - just for "revenge" from all the email spams. I'm not sure it's possible though. They seem to be masters.

There is a web site (www.419eater.com/) that reports the hilarious antics of a guy who scams the scammers. He makes total fools out of them by using their own greed against them. Edited by HerbalEd
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Confidental - God bless you, I am wrtting this to you because my uncle the late King of Umbuntoto, Titi Boonakar Botwanakinsi left a fortune when he was killed in a plane acident of 500 Billion Us$ in a big box which is waiting at your local airport customs need you to pay the duty which is 800 US$ only. please send the money to me to release the box of money to you, now, today, urgently.

Yours in god, jesus or whatever turns you on, your humble dirty little Nigerian Scam artist.

If you get an email which is obviously a scam (obvious to most people with half a brain) send it to : http://www.spamcop.net/ they take action and work with goverment agencies to have people shut down and/ or arrested.

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So what if there's a bunch of Africans selling drugs in Nana. I mean... what, they're going around drugging your beer in bars or something ?

They're not hurting anybody and from what I've seen, these guy cause less 'trouble' than typical fuc_khead (average) tourist. They just sit around on the street or in the bars and minding their own business. Nobody is forcing you to buy drugs, to give them money for investment, or whatever. They're not funding terrorist cells, they're not selling drugs around schools, and so on. So why is everybody bitching about Africans in Nana ?

The capacity of people on this forum to be self-righteous and arrogant is amazing.

White people are masters of scamming, but we took it to a level which a normal person (whatever the color) can't even comprehend. The only difference is these guys are doing it by sitting publicly.. in a bar, and offering you something, and the white guys... they sit in suits in banks or pharmaceutical companies and other places and they are doing it on a global scale.

And to the guy on 2ng page .. that commented how some black guy is working illegally in some shop or whatever ... dude. Like .. at least one in 5 (white) expats here.. is working illegally. So what..

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I worked for 8 years with a charity in Pattaya. We were connected to many Christian Churches. Many times the pastors of those Churches would ask me to help with people who had approached them asking for help.

Africans, Nigerians, Ghanaians, Iberians, Congolese, you name it - all had only two purposes for being in Thailand. Drugs and Cheating.

I had a bet with one of the pastors that I could find an honest African. I was wrong.

If you go to ICT prison in Bangkok you will quickly see the African population - they are in the cages on the ground floor. At visiting time they mount the cage walls, hanging on with fingers and toes. As you pass they ask for money for 'phone cards. There is one priest, Father Oliver, who knows them well.

When they are arrested, they are imprisoned, then sentence served they end up in ICT. By this time their airticket has expired and their passport (even if it was real) is invalid or gone. They have no embassy in Thailand except South Africans but they don't bother. So they languish there. They are a huge percentage of the ICT population.

Mostly the police don't try to pick them up though they know they are up to no good - always. Usually they have NO money, no assets and are just a liability.

It is very sad and very annoying at the same time.

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it's so easy to say all Nigerian's are bad, all of them should be banned, just because of some bad apples. Come mon guys, not all Nigerians are bad.

Of course we all know about the scams and the drug delers and I hate those scammers and dealers like hell. BUT...

I know a very nice Nigerian guy I use to play billiard with regularly. He is very kind and we talk to each other regularly about god and the world. He is married to a Thai and has two small kids. I know another Nigerian, that lives in the Philippines I also used to play with him, an owner of a nice restaurant. Both are kind guys I never had any problems with, and non of them tried to sell me any drugs lol.

Come mon what do you say if someone in the West states that ALL Thai girls are prost... It's the same nonsense. You just can't generalize it.

I agree. With the visa regulations in some SEA countries and cost of living, makes it a very attractive place if you are a scumbag. I only met hardworking honest Africans/Nigerians when I lived back home. Tougher to get a visa, so you usually got a higher ratio of honest people. With the ease of access, you end up with a higher ratio of sh**heads here. If your a hardworking, moral, honest man, you aren't going around and searching people out to offer 'opportunities.' So what happens is some TV poster, think that all nigerians / africans are scammers, because that is their only experiences. Sad really cause there are some really awesome people out there and I would hate to miss the opportunity to meet a new friend because I had prejudices.

Maybe it's just me - but I would really love to scam a Nigerian. Not for money - just for "revenge" from all the email spams. I'm not sure it's possible though. They seem to be masters.

So you want to scam innocent Nigerians who have never scammed anyone. Sounds like a pretty racist attitude. Why don't you want to scam Americans instead? Plenty of American scammers e.g. Madoff. This is racism at its worst.

There have been some really good threads posted online of people scamming the scammers back. It is rare, but when it happens it is truly a GEM!

This reminds me of a story of when I went far north into Laos. I was walking down the street, when a Laotian man called me over and asked for my help. He had 1 arm and was working inside of a UXO office. So, I go ok legit, let's see what I can do. He says he is trying to get this money transferred to his bank from the internet. I ask for the emails and they had World Bank or WTO on the header of the emails. So I was thinking since this guy works for a major NGO, maybe he is getting paid through a international organization. I then find a phone number on the emails and ring it up, it turned out to be a Nigerian sounding man on the phone, it was clear he was just trying to scam people with junk mail, especially after seeing the part about paying a fee to release the money and the country of origin was indeed Nigeria. Then I knew, no reputable organization is running payroll from Nigeria.

I had to sit there and explain to this 1 armed poor Laotian guy about scams on the internet and how he can't trust any email. He was shattered, he said he just wanted some money to use to go to university for better English lessons. He just started using the internet and email and had no idea. Thought he had a big payday coming. I felt terrible, so I invited him out on the town. He ended up with a friend's motorbike and drove us in the rain with his 1 arm! Went to a couple bars, got pissed, he kept asking if I wanted a girl and I politely declined. I asked him if he did and he was like yea, so I agreed to buy him one. We drove to 2 whore houses and he finally picked out a girl he liked and I paid out the 100K kip and he was off to have a good time.

TL;DR - Had to explain Nigerian Scammers to ONE ARM Laotian guy and then bought him a hooker

Edited by MikeThaison
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Nigeria's in Thailand "SHOULD" be refused entry into the Kingdom or at least make it extremely difficult for them to get visas. The amount of "innocent" Thai girls sitting in SE Asian jails as a result of these bastards using them as drug mules is staggering. Haven't met an honest Nigerian yet.

I did, but only one out of hundreds.. :(

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