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Just Hit By The Music Scammers- But For Them It Was A Flop


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My friends massage shop got hit for a lot last night.

She didnt know what to do and they got the money out of her.

10 of them in 2 pickups with 2 female

This thread has been running for over 2 weeks; so why did you not forewarn your friend of what was happening and if it happens to her.. to say NO.

some friend you turned out to be,

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This type of carry-on being allowed to continue is what separates Muang Thai from the first world, I'm sorry to say. Ideally, and at their level, these f***ers should be face-down in the moat, but the only way it'll stop is for someone of high rank to trump them.

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My friends massage shop got hit for a lot last night.

She didnt know what to do and they got the money out of her.

10 of them in 2 pickups with 2 female

This thread has been running for over 2 weeks; so why did you not forewarn your friend of what was happening and if it happens to her.. to say NO.

some friend you turned out to be,

My friends massage shop got hit for a lot last night.

She didnt know what to do and they got the money out of her.

10 of them in 2 pickups with 2 female

This thread has been running for over 2 weeks; so why did you not forewarn your friend of what was happening and if it happens to her.. to say NO.

some friend you turned out to be,

I havent been reading everything on here. Last time I checked they were only hitting bars

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Folks, the one thing that is being missed here is everyone of you is playing music illegely. You have to have a license in a commercial place to play music. Someone said they got something from the police station. The police cannot issue this license, they are not the authority for this. If you are legal and in complete complianse with the law, this thug cannot really do much. That licence runs about, just under 4000 B per year.

The license authority for Thailand is a follows:

Mr.Teerayut Tubprasit

Senior Assistant Licensing Manager

JV: MCT - Phonorights

Tel : 0-2641-5211-3 ext. 132

Fax : 0-2203-1009



With this come official documents for police procedures, (correct ones) to examine your premises. If the police do not follow these, they are the ones in trouble not you. You do however have to have a lawyer that is not afraid of his shadow, or on the take with the police to cause legal problems for the police and these thugs.

You need to understand, if no licence, your breaking the law, your the one in the wrong and so are leaving your self open to anything.

I have all the procedure documents here with me, in both Thai and English, however I don't know how to post them here on Thai Visa.

With these in hand, I would give them to this invading Thug, and tell him to get the hell out of my business. It shows him you know more about this than he does.

I just managed to copy and paste one of the documents. This should help.

1. Check the musical CDs you have been using to which recording company owns them in order to ensure that they are under protection of JV:MCT-Phonorights(which has taken care of more than 800,000 international songs) pursuant to commercial logos shown below.
2. Ask for the Power of Attorney (original copy and authentic signature) of that arrestor to find out which recording company he/she acts for and which song(s) he/she is arresting for.
3. Ask for his/her staff ID card to find out which recording company or company he/she acts for and also ask for the police officer ID card.
4. If you get arrested for any musical copyright, please be advised to go to the police station of that area to make a police report.
5. Absolutely make no payments. Also list songs, music albums and singers in such police report before bailing yourself out. For more information about the copyright of international songs,please contact KhunTherayuthat Tel. 087-2222207, Assistant Manager, the Department of Copyright, JV MCT-Phonorights
Everyone here, needs to get legal. You don't need to hire bodyguards, hitmen, or storm the police station in numbers. You need to be licensed to play music so you can legelly tell this thug to go away. Now you have the law on your side. In the document above, see numbers 2 and 3. If they don't have this, they ain't got shit. The license covers SonyBMG, Sony Music, Universal, Warner, EMI, and couple others. 800,000 songs in all.
The licence needs to be framed and in easy view, like on the bar where I have mine. It also come with a door sticker that says
I also have a "Hotline" I can call.
I have a bar and restaurant here in CM. I hope the above info is useful to all of you.
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Well thats all well and good when dealing with officialdom and yes legally we all need a licence.

but we are dealing with to all intents normal thuggish menbers of the public

so to me its none of their business and they can !@#k off anyway without the rigmarole of your checklist.

As for one stop music i tried three times last year in tge end concluded they went bust

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Technically you are right of course. Public performance of any music, video, play song or book requires at least the permission of the copyright owner and usually a payment of some kind.

However, these scammers (claim to) have obtained the authority to collect royalties on behalf of some very minor copyright owner and use intimidation tactics to extort cash - the copyright issue is just an excuse and the amounts demanded pulled from thin air. I'd be surprised if they recognised a real document evidencing the correct license, let alone have it put them off their stride for a second.

I'd also guess that the people who they claim to collect for have no agreement with any other agency to cover their material so they only have to plant or claim to have heard one of these pieces of music on the premises to give them the "right" to start seizing property and demanding money to keep some poor hapless staff member from a night in jail.

Edited by Greenside
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I agree with all of you. This is nothing but the mob. All I am saying, is its best to be as legal as you can be. If you happen to get an honest cop, (don't everyone hurt yourself laughing) it's good to be legal. If you end up suing the police, going to court, whatever, who knows, your lawyer is going to want you to be 100% in the right if possible.

Eyecatcher, I don't know why you think the company went out of business last year> We just updated our licence about a month and half ago. Same phone number, address, as in years past.

Burmese copyrights, never heard of such a thing. These guys will try to get you for anything.

I have put all my computers in my office, thats behind a locked door. There are no thumb drives, CD's near my music system, except for the two music CD"S that the licence company sends you for free with the renewal of your licence. Just being careful as well as being legal. I've seen some good advice here from you guys, I'm going to use it if they hit me.

Thanks to all.

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They hit the local massage lady 2 doors down from me i started taking photo's of them and they started going nuts at me lol then the real police turned up and they done one i also showed them the video of themselves on page 1 lol and they said it wasn't them when it clearly was the guy started chasing me bit stupid trying to extort money right next to a muay thai gym.

rc ....what part of town was this in, if you do not want to give names...... and did they hit the lady for any baht...... what was the result of the real police showing up......

their fate, according to a little bird,and in the words of a famous rabbi........" it won't be long now"


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This was soi chang khian just off huay kaew road the soi the other side of the road from dunkin donuts i have been told that they get you to sign a bit of paper as soon as you do that you have to pay but i told her not to sign it there for she did not pay and as soon as the police turned up they backed away they also drove on motorbikes during the day checking the place out to see who was around and last night it was only women in the area and 2 farrang so they seem to target places that are easy.

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I just saw this on a friend's Facebook wall today. All of you need to download and print this out and prominently display it in your stores, as well as encourage your neighbors to do it too. The basic gist of it - too lazy to go word for word here, but your Thai partners will get some good grist for further research off of the keywords in the doc.

Basically, the Thai Supreme Court has ruled that a restaurant (they cite resto specifically, though could likely extend to all businesses) that plays music that is not being played for profit directly, that is/ ie charging extra for the experience of enjoying said music, is not infringing on the copyright laws and the owners of the venue don't have to confess to haven broken any laws or admit any wrongdoing.

I'll include the Thai text so you can have fun with Google Translate with it, and also maybe do some further Google topic searches off of some of the better bits of the text given.

Have fun. Defeat the goons !

ศาลฎีกาไทยได้เคยตัดสินประเด็นดังกล่าวว่า การเปิดเพลงให้ลูกค้าฟังในร้านอาหาร ถ้าไม่ใช่เป็นการเปิดเพลงเพื่อหากำไร “โดยตรง” จากการที่ให้ลูกค้าฟังเพลงแล้วเรียกเก็บค่าตอบแทน หรือเรียกเก็บเพิ่มรวมไปกับค่าอาหารและเครื่องดื่มแล้ว การเปิดเพลงให้ลูกค้าฟังในลักษณะดังกล่าวไม่ถือว่าเป็นการละเมิดลิขสิทธิ์ ต่อให้รับสารภาพไปแล้วก็ลงโทษไม่ได้อยู่ดี


Edited by realthaideal
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It doesnt matter if you have CDs or dont. They are scam artists and not really repping anyone other than trying to fearmonge people into paying. I kinda hope that this would escalate really fast, and they would be afraid of entering into businesses and they would fear that something would happen to them.

It regards to streaming, it isn't going to stop these goons from trying to get money from you, but a well put together streaming music system won't allow them to take any of your gear. So at least if you do pu**y out and pay them like the farang b*tch they count on you being, you don't also have to replace your gear too.

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It doesnt matter if you have CDs or dont. They are scam artists and not really repping anyone other than trying to fearmonge people into paying. I kinda hope that this would escalate really fast, and they would be afraid of entering into businesses and they would fear that something would happen to them.

Along these lines, I have been told they leave the "big boys", Starbucks and McDonalds, etc alone. as they are no doubt well connected. The scammers are not stupid, but they seem to be getting careless.

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Just a bit perplexed as to WHY????/

,,,,,, if the real unpaid police [and all police cannot be in on it] have they not gone after these guys and arrested them????

...... and of all of the good folks who have been hit by this group, and have seen them come in pick up trucks and motorcycles, has no one bothered to get a license plate number...... ????? that surely would be a place for the real police to start looking.

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Got the licence plate number but the real police do not seem bothered about arresting them they just let them go to the next place they just seem to pick on the businesses that seem an easy target as soon as the big boss of the hotel came out they seemed to change there tune completely.

Edited by rakchaingmai
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They hit the Dog and Bone in Hang Dong last night.

10 thugs in two pickups along with a policeman from Hang Dong.

Not sure but

Took the girls away to the usual police station.

Seems they are upping the intimidation levels.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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They hit the Dog and Bone in Hang Dong last night.

10 thugs in two pickups along with a policeman from Hang Dong.

Not sure but

Took the girls away to the usual police station.

Seems they are upping the intimidation levels.

Remember scum the film, they filled a sock with some snooker balls then they know who is the daddy

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Well the Citylife article about this is up and it seems like they have a positive solution at the end... not sure if I can link it here, but it shouldn't be hard to find for yourself.

Yes get over and READ that article and I suggest all of you that have been hit get together and ALL GO TO PHUPING police staion together with your evidence and file charges against this AD guy the Police big shot said if you do that they can take action however nobody has reported him yet so sounds like they will do something if you actually file a complaint

In addition it was also said you can ALL SUE him

The Police have made it VERY CLEAR do not give them anything unless they have proper paperwork which they wont have since RTP of BKK sent a memmo to all districts in chaing mai to NOT hit any business's for this type of infraction.


Edited by DiamondKing
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To my way of understanding, if this mob comes in and their documentation cannot be valid without CM Police authenticaton , you are perfectly within your rights in "Nancy Reagan' it, JUST SAY NO" . At that point if they demand payment or other, you are within your rights to call the real police and yell robbery or attempted robbery in progress. The police should be required to show up , stat. and if observing such, proceed to arrest this mob for attempted robbery if not robbery, & in fact and kidnapping if they force someone to leave with them.

Solely my thoughts...... your thoughts please.

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To my way of understanding, if this mob comes in and their documentation cannot be valid without CM Police authenticaton , you are perfectly within your rights in "Nancy Reagan' it, JUST SAY NO" . At that point if they demand payment or other, you are within your rights to call the real police and yell robbery or attempted robbery in progress. The police should be required to show up , stat. and if observing such, proceed to arrest this mob for attempted robbery if not robbery, & in fact and kidnapping if they force someone to leave with them.

Solely my thoughts...... your thoughts please.


The critical part is "The police should be required to show up" and if you can count on that fine but it probably helps if you have the cell number for your friend the policeman who will insure you are taken care of by getting there quickly (because of course you will take care of him). If you do not have a number for your friendly policeman, hit the speed dial for your MauMau security team.

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