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Pistorius Freed On Bail


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Oscar Pistorius granted bail

A South African court grants Oscar Pistorius bail ahead of his trial after his lawyers successfully argued that the "Blade Runner" was too famous to flee.

Pistorius later left the magistrate’s court a free man, in a silver sports utility vehicle flanked by photographers and cameramen on motorbikes.

It was a first victory in what is expected to be a long legal battle with the state, which accuses Pistorius of premeditated murder.

Bail was set at one million rand ($A110,656.46) and Pistorius will have to surrender his passport, firearms and report to Pretoria’s Brooklyn police between 7am and 1pm on Monday and Friday.

As the lengthy ruling was read, the 26-year-old stood in the dock weeping and quivering as his family looked on, riven with tension.

Relatives welcomed the decision.

‘‘We are relieved by the fact that Oscar got bail today, but at the same time, we are in mourning for Reeva Steenkamp and her family,’’ said the athlete’s uncle and family spokesman, Arnold Pistorius.

Full story: http://www.smh.com.au/sport/oscar-pistorius-granted-bail-20130222-2ex6l.html

-- The Sydney Morning Herald 2013-02-23

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Interesting. When murder suspects are released on bail in Thailand, there's always a chorus about how ridiculous such actions are; as I've mentioned before, such practices are also not uncommon in western countries. So here you go....

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I wonder had he been black, poor and anonymous would the judge have granted him bail?

It was Magistrate, not a judge.

The Magistrate was black in a country where blacks are in the majority. What do you think?

The charge of premeditated murder will probably be changed.

What's of particular interest just now is that the Prosecution got the killer, as part of the application for bail, to sign a statement in affidavit form. He is now stuck with his story, whatever evidence the Prosecution now digs up.

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Interesting. When murder suspects are released on bail in Thailand, there's always a chorus about how ridiculous such actions are; as I've mentioned before, such practices are also not uncommon in western countries. So here you go....

Interesting - yes, but the comparison is faulty.

Read about the restrictions on Pistorius - very severe & far greater than any in Thailand. His affidavit played an important part in the granting of bail. In addition, here convicted murderers are released on bail - police killers in Kalasin for example.

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Stupid !

Them not clever than Thai ! Before when I read that they don't trust his facts version I thought South Africa was a modern country more intelligent than 3rd world countries but as they release them with a little amount as they know he can easily pay it !

Maybe the corruption there which is very strong too ! He has all rights !

Finally as in Thailand he won't risk a big penalty same if he recognize his big "mistake" !
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I'm not sure about all the facts, but it would appear to me this was a jealousy fight and he probably was firing through her door to scare the shit out of her and unfortunately, hit her. Which is still manslaughter or second degree murder..

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Yes, some people do like to jump to conclusions and carry out the hanging before the trial.

I think one reason in this case is the improbability of someone shooting through a toilet door without having checked that the other person in the house is not in there. If his story is true, he had the intruder cornered and could have called to his girlfriend to 'phone for the police. He has a lot of explaining to do but is now stuck with his sworn statement.

Of course, someone who kills a beautiful woman is a real bastard who should have his legs cut off.

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^^ He isn't anymore.

Interesting. When murder suspects are released on bail in Thailand, there's always a chorus about how ridiculous such actions are; as I've mentioned before, such practices are also not uncommon in western countries. So here you go....

Indeed, though the difference here being of who he is and that, subsequently, it'd be especially hard for him to just disappear.

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Strange case. Chief investigative officer Hilton Botha is dismissed from the case when it's revealed he's facing charges for attempted murder. Constant, almost sympathetic references to Pistorius' fragile emotional and mental state in the media. It's almost been turned around as though Hilton Botha is on trial and Pistorius is some kind of victim.

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It was not immediately clear where Pistorius would go, but he will not return to the Pretoria estate where Steenkamp was killed.

Well, we can be sure he didn't go for a foot massage or a pedicure. :rolleyes:

Edited by Payboy
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Strange case. Chief investigative officer Hilton Botha is dismissed from the case when it's revealed he's facing charges for attempted murder. Constant, almost sympathetic references to Pistorius' fragile emotional and mental state in the media. It's almost been turned around as though Hilton Botha is on trial and Pistorius is some kind of victim.

I've been a little suspicious of this case from the moment Botha was exposed. His employers knew of his pending convictions and I can't understand what possessed them to put him on such a high profile case. In fact, why is he not suspended pending his own appearance in Court?

We shall see. It will be months before this comes to Court and things could change a great deal by then. If Pisstitallaway is as remorseful as his act in Court suggests, he may top himself.

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I think one reason in this case is the improbability of someone shooting through a toilet door without having checked that the other person in the house is not in there.

I was curious about that as well. You would check first if the only other person in the house was there. Wonder what his defence team will come up with to explain that...

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I think one reason in this case is the improbability of someone shooting through a toilet door without having checked that the other person in the house is not in there.

I was curious about that as well. You would check first if the only other person in the house was there. Wonder what his defence team will come up with to explain that...

Yes that is a bit strange, improbable but not impossible. I know I would shout something or whatever to have them give up not shoot without warning ect. Then it would be clear who was in the toilet.

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I think one reason in this case is the improbability of someone shooting through a toilet door without having checked that the other person in the house is not in there.

I was curious about that as well. You would check first if the only other person in the house was there. Wonder what his defence team will come up with to explain that...
Yes that is a bit strange, improbable but not impossible. I know I would shout something or whatever to have them give up not shoot without warning ect. Then it would be clear who was in the toilet.

What if they lied?

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Strange case. Chief investigative officer Hilton Botha is dismissed from the case when it's revealed he's facing charges for attempted murder. Constant, almost sympathetic references to Pistorius' fragile emotional and mental state in the media. It's almost been turned around as though Hilton Botha is on trial and Pistorius is some kind of victim.

I've been a little suspicious of this case from the moment Botha was exposed. His employers knew of his pending convictions and I can't understand what possessed them to put him on such a high profile case. In fact, why is he not suspended pending his own appearance in Court?

We shall see. It will be months before this comes to Court and things could change a great deal by then. If Pisstitallaway is as remorseful as his act in Court suggests, he may top himself.

"Pending convictions"?

Authorities just reinstated the charges against Botha as I understand it.

The trial is pending, not the convictions. The jury could decide on acquittal.

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If his story is true, he had the intruder cornered and could have called to his girlfriend to 'phone for the police.

Did I not hear something in the extremely long bail decision about him being locked inside the bedroom?

One of the problems is that the first investigators' reports said he shot from inside the door, when he claims all shots were fired from outside at close range.

I would have though forensics would easily have established that.

Another OJ perhaps?

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Oscar Pistorius brother Carl also facing homicide trial
The brother of South African athlete Oscar Pistorius - accused of murdering his girlfriend - is also facing trial over the death of a woman.
Carl Pistorius is charged with culpable homicide over the death of a woman motorcyclist in a traffic accident, his lawyer said.
Ctd here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-21563911 (24/02/13)

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