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How To Avoid Child Kidnapping And Loss Of Assets?


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I'm seeking for advice to protect my child from potentially being taken away from me by my wife.

And secondary, I'm also looking for recommendations on how to keep all my assets in case of a divorce.

My Profile:

I love my child more than anything in the world and want to stay with him at any time.

I have a good relationship with my wife, which I also love, and she already agrees to sign whatever legal document I want, whether to renounce to her 50% child custody, or her part of the assets gained since we got married (Sin Somros).

Great Wife and Great Kid, Why Worry Now?

Because I have been reading horror stories on ThaiVisa for the last couple of days and got really worried that behind the angel, a monster is hiding and will, one day, potentially try to extort all the money possible through all imaginable means, including child kidnapping etc. as demonstrated by other's experience.

So... better think of the unthinkable and get well prepared now than suffer later.

Need Your Opinion:

  • Should we get divorced now? (while still staying together)
  • How to proceed to gain 100% custody of the child? is it even possible? (the mother agrees)
  • How to register the mother's will to renounce to all my assets (so called "Sin Somros")
  • For this matter only, would it be best to live in Thailand or in Europe? I guess that in Europe my wife's knowledge and money will be too limited to run away or to even make use of any local laws, while in Thailand she'll just run away with a friend or a family relative.
  • Are there any devices like an electronic bracelet which cannot be removed without a code/key and which would track the geographic position of the child at any time? would that be legal? am I watching too much movies?
  • Any serious ideas to effectively prevent Child Kidnapping by the mother or a relative of her?
  • On the legal aspect, my child, which is born outside Thailand, is European and has an European passport, but we are planning on getting him a Thai Birth Certificate from the Thai Embassy, is it a good idea if we were to live in Thailand? or is it better to avoid registering him as a Thai and let him stay as a European Tourist in Thailand (would just have to make some VISA runs every 3 months) therefor the Thai authorities would have less power on him, as well as my wife and her family I guess? I'm not sure about this, please advise!

Thank you for taking the time to help, I'm sure this thread will be very useful to all fathers and husbands!

Edited by Annonymous
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Great, so none of you actually tried to address my concerns, why even bother replying? I don't need your criticism just technical information on how to protect the father's side, or in other words, to save my ass as a farang with money married to a village girl with none.

I don't believe in "marriage", for me it is purely a technical aspect, nothing more nothing less. I believe in love and I got married only because it was the only way for me to bring the love of my life with me to Europe. When I ask if I should get divorced in order to save my assets or a child kidnapping, is purely a technical question, and my wife doesn't care about this document that makes us husband&wife, we love each other, married or not we'll keep loving each other and will stay together.

Have you even read the thread I have linked to? How can one, after reading such stories, rest on his two ears and don't think about a potential possibility that this might happen even to us as well? Those people who endured unforgivable experiences with their "ex" were once totally in love and that is why we should all seriously consider the possibility of this happening to anyone, including the most happiest and most in love couples.

Being with a Thai women makes it even more probable as many Thai woman are getting married with westerners only for their money, this is an undeniable fact for anybody who have stayed a few years in Thailand. This is only fair that our assets and our money stays ours and that it is not extorted by the person we thought we loved. It is unfair that a marriage followed by a divorce results on one of the parties ending with 100x more money that she had before, and even 100x more than she could earn by herself in a one year work! Our values are not rated the same way as the local values and this is why the probability of this to happen between a Thai and foreigner is much higher than between same-class people.

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First the OP wrote 'I have a good relationship with my wife, which I also love...'

Two para down, he started to ask 'Should we get divorced now? (while still staying together)'

Needless to say, I didn't bother to read the rest.

I jumped to the replies after that line also.
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to save my ass as a farang with money married to a village girl with none.

Why did you get married to this "village girl without money" and more important, why did you get her pregnant if you already knew what kind of problems you would end up with? blink.png

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to save my ass as a farang with money married to a village girl with none.

Why did you get married to this "village girl without money" and more important, why did you get her pregnant if you already knew what kind of problems you would end up with? blink.png

Your question is the answer, if I knew about all the stories I have read during the last couple of days here on ThaiVisa, I would have probably stayed with her while not getting married, and would just forget about going to Europe (as to obtain a schengen VISA for her, the only possible path for us was marriage).

Now that I know that such horror behavior exists here in Thailand, I'm looking for ways on how to not find myself posting on ThaiVisa "help my wife left with my child and now wants half of my assets for which I have worked really hard for years", I don't want to learn the hard way, I don't want to be one of many here on ThaiVisa with horrible experiences with their ex-wives, no! I just want to block it, make it impossible, no extortion possible and surely not using my child as a tool.

I believe prevention is better, I'm sure you do to.

Now if you people can't give a good tip on how to not get screwed up, don't even bother, please

Edited by Annonymous
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Is the OP being serious?

I couldn't read the whole post and got as far as should we get divorced now but stay together.

A strange thing to be thinking in a happy marriage IMO.

Is there anything else you want to discuss?

Messy divorces happen in all cultures and countries.

Stop reading and try to live life for now.

Who knows what the future brings but the way you think it's looking dark already.

Best regards

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Why everybody think I'm crazy???

Is it not common sense after reading the 2 stories I have linked above, and reading people saying "never again... never again... next time I'll protect myself more", and when I read that I think "hum, I'm married, should I be worried? how can I protect myself now?" and therefor asking to what steps to do to not be one of the horror stories ending on ThaiVisa!!!

What the hell people, just common sense!

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Don't worry mate, you probably won't have an unforseen accident, and she probably won't get the lot

Look, if you think reading ThaiVisa is a true indication of living in Thailand, think again, many of the horror stories are just that, stories.

They are made up to get a reaction, then while members here try to make all wrongs, right, and what a terrible place Thailand is, the OP is sitting somewhere in freezing Europe giggling into his beer.

OP, how old are you ?

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First the OP wrote 'I have a good relationship with my wife, which I also love...'

Two para down, he started to ask 'Should we get divorced now? (while still staying together)'

Needless to say, I didn't bother to read the rest.

Make sense!

Much better to get divorced when you are still friendly and like each other, than to wait until after hate blossoms.

Avoiding loss of assets is easy.

Don't get her a Visa to the West, don't tell her what you have or where you have it, don't buy a house or car in Thailand.

Avoiding loss of children.

Don't worry about it, just move on and make more, plenty of available and fertile Thai girls.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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First the OP wrote 'I have a good relationship with my wife, which I also love...'

Two para down, he started to ask 'Should we get divorced now? (while still staying together)'

Needless to say, I didn't bother to read the rest.

Make sense!

Much better to get divorced when you are still friendly and like each other, than to wait until after hate blossoms.

Avoiding loss of assets is easy.

Don't get her a Visa to the West, don't tell her what you have or where you have it, don't buy a house or car in Thailand.

Ooops. Edited by Banzai99
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Are there any devices like an electronic bracelet which cannot be removed without a code/key and which would track the geographic position of the child at any time? would that be legal?

It would make her boyfriend quite nervous in the future.

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A troll is fun sometimes, but a paranoia one is better.

Should the OP be for real I advise to go see a shrink, and don't read topics about car accidents otherwise you may feel the need to start a topic about selling your car before that happens to you too.

Edited by Carib
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Great, so none of you actually tried to address my concerns, why even bother replying? I don't need your criticism just technical information on how to protect the father's side, or in other words, to save my ass as a farang with money married to a village girl with none.

I don't believe in "marriage", for me it is purely a technical aspect, nothing more nothing less. I believe in love and I got married only because it was the only way for me to bring the love of my life with me to Europe. When I ask if I should get divorced in order to save my assets or a child kidnapping, is purely a technical question, and my wife doesn't care about this document that makes us husband&wife, we love each other, married or not we'll keep loving each other and will stay together.

Have you even read the thread I have linked to? How can one, after reading such stories, rest on his two ears and don't think about a potential possibility that this might happen even to us as well? Those people who endured unforgivable experiences with their "ex" were once totally in love and that is why we should all seriously consider the possibility of this happening to anyone, including the most happiest and most in love couples.

Being with a Thai women makes it even more probable as many Thai woman are getting married with westerners only for their money, this is an undeniable fact for anybody who have stayed a few years in Thailand. This is only fair that our assets and our money stays ours and that it is not extorted by the person we thought we loved. It is unfair that a marriage followed by a divorce results on one of the parties ending with 100x more money that she had before, and even 100x more than she could earn by herself in a one year work! Our values are not rated the same way as the local values and this is why the probability of this to happen between a Thai and foreigner is much higher than between same-class people.

i will give you the benefit of the doubt and commend for a remarkably good pisstake.

If its not here are my thoughts.

One does not enter into marriage with the expectation of failure, just one should not look for a cowardly out once they have.

I could ask you why you so stupid as to expose yourself to this danger and marry one so far below you, but the truth is i could not care less.

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@ OP

While I agree with most of the posters on this thread that this is a very paranoid attitude you appear to be taking with a happy relationship at present, please protect yourself and don't do any more stupid posts like the one below.


If your worst nightmares come true, and you start an ugly settlement, stating your intentions (last paragraph in the link) on an open forum is not going to help your case.

Because your username is Annonymous, please don't believe that you are.............thumbsup.gif

Just sayin'

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From the previous thread:

Anyway, I'm a new father since a few weeks and my feeling is that if anybody ever attempt to take away my child from me, I will not call the police but will go directly to my wife's family and will burn down her entire village and stay there until I get my child back! I have already told her very clearly that if she ever wanted to leave then she will have to leave my child with me, otherwise I will personally follow her and try everything I can in order to find her (including hiering private detectives) and will physically attempt a murder on her krab

Annonymous - you appear to be extremely immature, insecure and psychotic.

See your GP or health professional before it's too late. I feel for your wife and child, I really do.

Huh, you say the op is extremely immature and psychotic!....have another read of your own post for gods sake.

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Great, so none of you actually tried to address my concerns, why even bother replying? I don't need your criticism just technical information on how to protect the father's side, or in other words, to save my ass as a farang with money married to a village girl with none.

I don't believe in "marriage", for me it is purely a technical aspect, nothing more nothing less. I believe in love and I got married only because it was the only way for me to bring the love of my life with me to Europe. When I ask if I should get divorced in order to save my assets or a child kidnapping, is purely a technical question, and my wife doesn't care about this document that makes us husband&wife, we love each other, married or not we'll keep loving each other and will stay together.

Have you even read the thread I have linked to? How can one, after reading such stories, rest on his two ears and don't think about a potential possibility that this might happen even to us as well? Those people who endured unforgivable experiences with their "ex" were once totally in love and that is why we should all seriously consider the possibility of this happening to anyone, including the most happiest and most in love couples.

Being with a Thai women makes it even more probable as many Thai woman are getting married with westerners only for their money, this is an undeniable fact for anybody who have stayed a few years in Thailand. This is only fair that our assets and our money stays ours and that it is not extorted by the person we thought we loved. It is unfair that a marriage followed by a divorce results on one of the parties ending with 100x more money that she had before, and even 100x more than she could earn by herself in a one year work! Our values are not rated the same way as the local values and this is why the probability of this to happen between a Thai and foreigner is much higher than between same-class people.

Your thoughts are quite chaotic. You need to relax, unless theres more to your story to suggest she is already planning your farewell from her life?

To be completely honest you made your bed, so you lye in it. For gods sake .Get a grip man.

And by the way to add in your post that states this sort of thing is much higher than between the same "class" of people than western and Thai is <deleted> garbage and Im quite offended.

Mods, hope this gets closed down sooner than later.

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