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Fuel Filters


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Can someone give me the Thai term for gas line fuel filter? It would be nice if it was also written in Thai so I could SHOW the mechanic besides telling him in my poor Thai what I meant. I don't want my oll changed AGAIN. I just had it done.

Thank you.

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ไส้กรองน้ำมันเชื้อเพลิง รุ่นแก้วใส ทรงยาว Fuel filter Clear long

There you go...

From this website


ไส้ - sai - entrails, bowels, interior parts;

กรอง - graawng - to filter

น้ำมัน - nam man - gasoline

เชื้อเพลิง - cheuua phleerng - combustible material

รุ่น - roon - classifier

แก้ว - gaaeo - glass

ใส - sai - transparent

ทรง - sohng - form

ยาว - yaao - long

So you should be fine with:


sai graawng nam man cheuua phleerng

Happy spelling, hope mechanic can read laugh.png

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I never understand why people don't fit these things, they cost about £1 in the UK and save you so much aggravation, given that the fuel in Thailand is often of such questionable quality.

When it gets blocked, you can see, just change it, 30 second job...if you are a real CC, wash the sucker out.

Well highlighted Rene

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As someone else mentioned in another thread, don't fit a plastic one. At least not near anything hot smile.png

Go with the metal and glass variety.

I pointed out to the forum members the best option is to get a glass and metal filter.


Not sure about the all metal type. You have to pull it apart to see if it's blocked!

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