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Police Bust Russian Gang On Samui


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Line phone app saves pair from russian gangsters

Surat Thani

SAMUI: -- One short message on the popular Line smart phone application is credited with saving the lives of two Russian bar owners on Koh Samui after they were kidnapped by Russian gangsters.

Albert Slotr said he and his friend cried tears of joy when they saw police on Monday night.

"I was allowed to use my cellphone to contact my relatives to arrange the payment of a ransom. So, I secretly sent a Line message too, to tell my relatives where exactly I was being held," Slotr told police.

The pair said they were assaulted and kidnapped earlier on Monday after they refused to pay the gangsters Bt1 million. They were being held in the Grand Hill hotel.

Slotr and his partner had already given the gangsters Bt1.67 million during the past few months but the gang pressed for more.

Three suspects were involved in the kidnapping, police said. One of them, Alexander Mashev, is on the run. Two others, Dannin Maslovski, 33, and Firdotov Sergey, 34, are in custody and are charged with extortion, physical assault and illegal detention.

According to the victims, Sergey entered their beer bar on Chaweng Beach one day and demanded 50 per cent of their business. As Sergey was running the mafia-style gang, the bar owners agreed to pay the "protection money".

However, after the gang pressed for too much, the bar owners decided to resist.

Police vowed to track down all the gangsters, who have also preyed on other Russian businesses on Samui.

Surat Thani deputy police chief Colonel Pornsak Nuannoo said yesterday that after being contacted by the victim's relatives, Koh Samui Police superintendent Colonel Jamnot Kaewkhao led a team, including Tourism Police and plainclothes officers, to the Grand Hill hotel himself.

With a search warrant in hand, police surrounded the hotel before finding Masloveski, 33, sprinting toward a Vios and arrested him there. In the vehicle was Bt70,000 in cash.

Sergey, 34, was arrested in the room where he had detained Slotr and his friend. There were signs that both victims had suffered physical abuse.

There were also guns and screwdrivers in the room.

Both Sergey and Masloveski have refused to provide any information during the interrogation.

-- The Nation 2013-02-27

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I understand what you are saying here, but please do not class all Russians as one race. There are many different 'types' of Russian. From Estonia, Georgia, Moscow, Siberia, all of the 'stans' etc etc.


You are perhaps thinking of Soviets (which puts you about 20 years behind the times!). Russians are from Russia or the Russian Federation. Moscow is a city in Russia so they are Russian. Estonia, Georgia, all of the 'stans are separate countries and not Russian.

Yes, there are many ethnic groups in Russia, just as there are in your country or mine, but if someone is from Russia they are Russian just as someone from the US (for example) is American regardless of ethnicity. I don't see where anyone has classed them as a race.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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So he managed to alert relatives via LINE.

Meaning the "kidnappers" had left him with a mobile device, and allowed him to see the location he was staying so he could let people know.

Not sure that the Russian mafia would want credit for this one, sounds like an amateur operation.

Also just imagining Samui police "SWAT" mounting a raid...that would be must see, something Peewee Hermen auditioning for the SAS. ( unless they called for the assistance of all the ex special forces guys that drink in and around Bangrak) teehee.

Agree to that statement!

If the russian mafia rules then you make space...believe me!

But that is no reason to talk every russian into the dirt! They are not better or worse than any other nation out there...

They just play a little bit harder! And they have the bucks to pay ....

And about the one spoiled apple can affect the whole basket... ha ha... better the spoiled basket attracts the spoiled apples! That is what we see now!

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Maybe it's time the Thai Government rethinks it's visa policy for Russians?

Jimi, why don't you ask Thai government to change their visa policy for other countries citizens since there are many criminal cases here in Thailand where other nationalities involved, not only Russians. Or you think that only Russians are all criminals? wink.png

all crime is reprehensible, but organised crime is in a league above, and no-one should underestimate the Russian mafia. Of course most Russians are not involved, but that is more reason to be careful at immigration, not less.

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Maybe it's time the Thai Government rethinks it's visa policy for Russians?

Jimi, why don't you ask Thai government to change their visa policy for other countries citizens since there are many criminal cases here in Thailand where other nationalities involved, not only Russians. Or you think that only Russians are all criminals? wink.png

No, just Russians. It takes little more than a few minutes in Pattaya to recognize that the Russian mob presence in areas of Thailand (Phuket, Pattaya, and now it looks like Samui) is becoming a real problem. I'm sorry but you'll just have to face the fact that the Russian mob is by far the largest organized criminal network in the world. That's a basic fact. Russia is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, so I would say it's safe to assume that there's a good chance high-flying Russian tourists are up to no good (if you're wealthy and Russian, you probably have more than few skeletons in your closet, in some cases literally). Russians ARE different from other tourists in Thailand and basically anywhere. As soon as the the denizens of post-Sov-bloc countries move into an area in Thailand, it seems articles start popping up in the local papers about extortion, kidnappings, contract killings and the bodily dismemberment of murder victims.

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A few post deleted.

Again, please do not transform this thread in a chorus against the Russian Country and its people (and the other ex Soviet republics).

The next member will post racist, insulting or provocative words will get a suspension.

Again: c'mon, don't start to talk by cliche'. Dishonest or rude people are not defined by their passport.

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I just wonder:

1) How did the relatives managed to "alert" the police?
My experience is that police at Samui don't even answer phone calls and do everything possible to avoid taking down a rapport after a crime was committed. Does it mean there were some changes in the police work practices recently or that some other mysterious forces were at play?

2) How do the police know so quickly that Russian suspects involved in retaining other Russians were a "Russian mafia gang" and not some individuals who had a business dispute that went wrong for instance?

3) When will police start focusing on Thai mafia mob and their activities in Samui? Or is it that "Russian mafia mob" sounds better in the headlines?

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I lived in Pattaya for 6 years and watched the place slowly deteriorate with the influx of Russians. Yeah, it was a pishole before, but there were

enough quality people around to offset them. Well, that's changing rapidly. More and more Russians and less and less quality farangs. And a

lot of the old guard are looking to get out. So, what will be left? Who cares? Its ruined, already.

The Thais? What do they care. They only care about lining their pockets. Doesn't matter where it comes from. They'll wake up one day and

it will be only Russians here. But most of 'em won't know because they cannot tell where a farang is from anyways. Just as long as they can

squeeze 15 bodies in a baht bus, they are happy.

The visa thing? I heard that Russia has some kind of Most Favored Nation status with Thailand that allows them a hell of a lot more leeway than

the rest of us. Why? Its all about the oil. Who has the oil the world needs? Russia baby! Makes a lot of countries cringe realizing they have to

kiss the a*s of these clowns. Welcome to the 21st century.

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Seems to be a lot anti-Russian sentiment out there. Maybe it's a fair comment that most Russian tourists just don't understand or use some sort of social etiquette that is unfortunately reflecting badly on them. Must admit to agreeing with an earlier poster about most of them 'having their paws in many pies.' Met and spent time with a few 'colourful' Russians on visa runs and I have to say I liked them.

Back to the topic; Russian Mafia kidnapping 2 guys for 1 million baht!?!? Don't think so somehow. More like some small gang of crooks that are (trying)throwing their weight around and basically xxxxxx up! Would an organized mob like the Mafia really not take phones form their victims?

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What a disturbing trend. Regardless of what the reality of this situation is , it portrays a change toward evil and bad behavior that seems now to have spread to Samui. I love Thalland more than you can believe ( I'm American ) but I feel I really need to keep my sharp wits about me, all the time, while visiting LOS. I'm saddened by the shift toward more blatent evil.

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I do not want to sound racist here. But, how many people are running into Russian tourists here in Thailand, that have redeeming qualities? I constantly meet surly, grouchy, unfriendly, Cossack style Russians, where ever I go. Whether it be Samui, Phuket, Pattaya, or Bangkok, the level of Russians I am running into is scary. Are all Russians like this? They are some pretty icy, rude, loud, arrogant people, without much in the way of redeeming qualities, from my point of view. Am I missing something here? I realize that nearly their entire current wealth is due to ransacking Siberia in the 16-17th centuries, and killing and maiming millions for the sake of the acquisition of fur. In the process they acquired (if rape, and murder is an appropriate way to acquire) an enormous territory, which now constitutes 90% of their natural gas, and 80% or their oil production, not to mention diamonds, gold, etc. But, are there no cultures Russians these days? They are not a pleasant addition to the landscape here in the LOS. Anybody agree? Or disagree?


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My wife and I came back to visit for a couple of months, Nov, Dec most of January.

I didn't like what I saw regarding The Russian "mafia" this trip.

They are and have been all over the USA for years not all are A H's but a huge % of them are.


Edited by angiud
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I do not want to sound racist here. But, how many people are running into Russian tourists here in Thailand, that have redeeming qualities? I constantly meet surly, grouchy, unfriendly, Cossack style Russians, where ever I go. Whether it be Samui, Phuket, Pattaya, or Bangkok, the level of Russians I am running into is scary. Are all Russians like this? They are some pretty icy, rude, loud, arrogant people, without much in the way of redeeming qualities, from my point of view. Am I missing something here? I realize that nearly their entire current wealth is due to ransacking Siberia in the 16-17th centuries, and killing and maiming millions for the sake of the acquisition of fur. In the process they acquired (if rape, and murder is an appropriate way to acquire) an enormous territory, which now constitutes 90% of their natural gas, and 80% or their oil production, not to mention diamonds, gold, etc. But, are there no cultures Russians these days? They are not a pleasant addition to the landscape here in the LOS. Anybody agree? Or disagree?

I have been dealing with Russian (and ex USSR countries') tourists for just over 6 years here on Samui. I for one have met some with many redeeming qualities.

The vast majority are well behaved are not a problem. (More than a few are very attractive as well thumbsup.gif )

Yes they can appear to be "surly, grouchy, unfriendly," but when treated fairly and firmly - they respond and are not usually a problem.

I know that I will regret saying this one day, as 'the guest from hell' is always just around the corner, but in 13 years on the island - one Brit and one German are on that list.


OK, thanks for that. I realize that was a huge generalization. Something I am guilty of from time to time. So, nice to hear some positive reports.

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I agree with few members,many Russians are all over Thailand involved in unsavoury activites.We must cull these illicit activites now or else it will be too late and we will all be in trouble soon.ALthough many legitimate holiday makers come to thailand and do spend more than the Brits who also field so many unsavoury characters too to say the least.

unsavoury comment:)

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I lived in Pattaya for 6 years and watched the place slowly deteriorate with the influx of Russians. Yeah, it was a pishole before, but there were

enough quality people around to offset them. Well, that's changing rapidly. More and more Russians and less and less quality farangs. And a

lot of the old guard are looking to get out. So, what will be left? Who cares? Its ruined, already.

The Thais? What do they care. They only care about lining their pockets. Doesn't matter where it comes from. They'll wake up one day and

it will be only Russians here. But most of 'em won't know because they cannot tell where a farang is from anyways. Just as long as they can

squeeze 15 bodies in a baht bus, they are happy.

The visa thing? I heard that Russia has some kind of Most Favored Nation status with Thailand that allows them a hell of a lot more leeway than

the rest of us. Why? Its all about the oil. Who has the oil the world needs? Russia baby! Makes a lot of countries cringe realizing they have to

kiss the a*s of these clowns. Welcome to the 21st century.

Dear Hater,

This is a picture of Rama 5 and Szar Nicolar. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v498/centscru/CzarNicholasandRama5.jpg

Russia and Thailand have a long history together. There are royal intermarriages etc.

I went to Pattaya 5 years ago when there weren't that many Russians there. I saw plenty of Western European, Australian and American Sex tourists, child molesters and ugly drunks. Yes, I agree the Siberian Villagers that go there aren't the sharpest tools in the shed, but to generalize that ALL Russians are like this or that is plain ignorant.

Pattaya has beautiful areas if you ever walk past walking street, I biked all over and found great Thai people and unspoiled nature. Everytime someone posts an article about a Brit molesting children in Pattaya you do not hear a public outcry that all Brit visas should be banned. So please keep your hate. If you do not like Pattaya, or Russians please move like you did when you did not like your original home.

Thank you,

Russia National

Generally speaking, they are not nice people, but rude, loud, and can be inclined to be very 'pushy'. Certainly not the type of people we like to have in our community. And they seem to be here in droves. Because of their rudeness and willingness to argue over the price of just about anything, my partner barred them from her shop. They appear not to have any consideration for others around them. Now, you might be the opposite and a very nice guy. But in my opinion the description above appears to me to be the general case.

If not, why are they so noticed in the community ?

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I do not want to sound racist here. But, how many people are running into Russian tourists here in Thailand, that have redeeming qualities? I constantly meet surly, grouchy, unfriendly, Cossack style Russians, where ever I go. Whether it be Samui, Phuket, Pattaya, or Bangkok, the level of Russians I am running into is scary. Are all Russians like this? They are some pretty icy, rude, loud, arrogant people, without much in the way of redeeming qualities, from my point of view. Am I missing something here? I realize that nearly their entire current wealth is due to ransacking Siberia in the 16-17th centuries, and killing and maiming millions for the sake of the acquisition of fur. In the process they acquired (if rape, and murder is an appropriate way to acquire) an enormous territory, which now constitutes 90% of their natural gas, and 80% or their oil production, not to mention diamonds, gold, etc. But, are there no cultures Russians these days? They are not a pleasant addition to the landscape here in the LOS. Anybody agree? Or disagree?

I have been dealing with Russian (and ex USSR countries') tourists for just over 6 years here on Samui. I for one have met some with many redeeming qualities.

The vast majority are well behaved are not a problem. (More than a few are very attractive as well thumbsup.gif )

Yes they can appear to be "surly, grouchy, unfriendly," but when treated fairly and firmly - they respond and are not usually a problem.

I know that I will regret saying this one day, as 'the guest from hell' is always just around the corner, but in 13 years on the island - one Brit and one German are on that list.


mmmmmmmmm! obviously making money there !
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Maybe it's time the Thai Government rethinks it's visa policy for Russians?

Jimi, why don't you ask Thai government to change their visa policy for other countries citizens since there are many criminal cases here in Thailand where other nationalities involved, not only Russians. Or you think that only Russians are all criminals? ;)

I agree Waldemar...it's not just the Russians.

But name a mafia which has and continues to stick it's neck out here as much as the Russians???

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Got to love the headlines !!!

1. One managed to send a message via line program, did not realize kidnapped people were kept somewhere with wi fi Internet

2. $30 000 for 2 people??? They must of been hardcore gang- 5555 biggrin.png

Ever heard of HSDPA / EDGE?

Anyway none of this should be a problem since according to you all these Russians don't really exist, they're just planted to trick us other farangs into thinking foreign arrivals are up rolleyes.gif

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