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Tall Poppy Syndrome Is Alive And Well!


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I am an early 30's Aussie woman with a thai partner. We recently purchsed a hotel in Sukhumvit, which is going well. Instead of getting a pat on the back, all we seem to be getting is people throwing jealousy our way. Why is it that so many farang that are happy living a hand to mouth existance hate it when they see someone else come here and succede??? I just dont understand... Would they be the same in their own country??? I know personally I am always happy to see some make a go of it!

Sorry this is just my rant after a bad day with old farang men butting in to stuff that isn't there own business on the internet.

People can be so vile!

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Thanks guys, I needed those words tonight. What jealous people never see is the 20 hour days people pull to make sure their businesses grow... It's 1am and I just finished one of those days, and now need to be up to do breakfast by 6am. People succede by hardwork, not just lying on their butts :-), but some people just have the woe is me attitude instead of the get up and go one!

The Bleather I met you at dinner with another forum member last year when you were here, and you made a great impression, so thanks so much for your support and kind words.

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Welcome to the world of business ownership.

Staff thinks you have load of money, they see the takings but do not comprehend that there are bills to pay including their wages

Suppliers think you making too much money

People around believe you do nothing but make money.

Its just all honky dorry and anyone can do it.

Next time someone opens their mouth or throws a hissy fit, you can offer them to swap for a day and see how easy it is to run a business and also advise them to open their own.

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Congratulations OP... I'm in your corner - wishing you well. Being a self-employed business owner is a mix of things... great satisfaction, joy, hard work, risk, sacrifice, and many other rewarding things. Pay no mind to jealous people ...

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May we know the name of your hotel pls?

why on earth do you need the name of the hotel? and what on earth the name of the hotel have to do with the thread?
Some networking and extra publicity never does a business any harm...
I am sure if OP wanted, she would have released some information.

OP did not complain about bad business or lack of customers, so the name of the hotel is totally irrelevant

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The previous poster was probally looking for a decent place to stay, then again this is TV and Thailand so nothing is as it seems. All the best to the Op and her business.

May we know the name of your hotel pls?

why on earth do you need the name of the hotel? and what on earth the name of the hotel have to do with the thread?

Some networking and extra publicity never does a business any harm...

I am sure if OP wanted, she would have released some information.

OP did not complain about bad business or lack of customers, so the name of the hotel is totally irrelevant

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So next time someone goes on a jealousy-bender, tell them what a big mistake you and your husband made buying into this hotel -- worse than having 2-year old triplets and YOU are jealous with all their freedom & lack of being tied down and can go anytime they want to a full-moon party on Koh P.

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Thanks guys, I needed those words tonight. What jealous people never see is the 20 hour days people pull to make sure their businesses grow... It's 1am and I just finished one of those days, and now need to be up to do breakfast by 6am. People succede by hardwork, not just lying on their butts :-), but some people just have the woe is me attitude instead of the get up and go one!

The Bleather I met you at dinner with another forum member last year when you were here, and you made a great impression, so thanks so much for your support and kind words.

What was impression Billy Connolly or super gran? :)

Its jealousy thats all, I have a business in the UK I wish I could move it to Thailand. I too am a little jelous:(

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PS. Forgot to mention staff also thinks that the only reason you in business is because of them and they always know better than you.

Only a fool never listens to his competent enployees as they often do know better what is happening.

Companies all over the world recognise that and make use of it.

Mind you i am talking about good employees, with skill and understanding.

Anyway people often really don't understand the risks a businesses owber takes and the time he works plus capital invested. Its only normal that he is compensated for that.

Of course i have no resoect for those that rip off their staff by paying peanuts or overcharge their clients.

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OP I have been doing business in LOS for over 20 years now.

Do yourself a favour and cultivate a circle of Thai friends with a similar mindset to yours and your husbands and keep away from the "expat" scene to socialise in. The 1% or 2% of decent people in that world are "drowned out" by the no hoper, BS artise, complaining flotsum that washes up on Thailands shores.

If you feel the need to mix with people from your own birth-country background do it in Singapore or KL on your short "breakaways".

And don't forget to keep a low profile outside of your business.

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Indeed, who would be jealous of a person who has decided to move to a foreign country, marry very soon thereafter and start a business (we all know how 95% of these turn out) - with a Thai spouse no less.

You are shackled to a business 24/7 and that type business in particular.

Maybe it's you, not your guests and that is reflected back upon you. I wont stay in a farang run or owned gh. They are always more expensive and the owner/manager usually think much more of themselves than seems to warrant. I still recall an abdolutely miserable gh "owner" I had a run in CM better part of 20yrs ago. His wife gave me a room cheap because she was smart as the entire pkace was empty. He made my stay throughly miserable and dtove me out. Yeah, I was a 33yo backpacker (clean, educated snd nearly 50k usd in pocket).

Judging by what you have told us (21posts) about yourself, I don't know why people woukd be jealous either.

I can tell you that you have picked a business full of hassles and grief. Seems it's wearing thin already.

My uncle had built and sold many hotels. My cousins and himself retain four. They have zteadfastly disallowed their children from entering the businesses. They will be sold off when my uncle dies and cousins retire or don't want to deal with the patrons and their bs any longer. The kids will see none of it save fir the money. The children are pushed toward the professions.

Perhaps your patrons see you as just a flunky inkeep expat working illegally?

Just because you own the business (not the building note) is not especially commanding of high respect. Many, many people with money treat all servuce staff like shit.

Love how you seem to think its just the poors. How telling...

Raise the prices and clean out your riff raff. Ought to work real well for you.

If you want to judge people, I suggest a better method might be not on the crass vulgarity of money (honestly, you have no idea how much money people have do you?) But when they open their mouths you can instantly tell their their station, their education and if that is not enough judge a person by their actions.

Of course, you are not intetested in people but in their money, so it is pretty obvious that is your gauge of success. I can though state that our world will be far less when are all salespeople, middle managers, indurance flunkies and real.estate flippers.

All hail Babbit!

Edited by bangkokburning
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You seem like quite a snob toward "old" people and also "farang" and also "men" ...

I have a a feeling you aren't as peachy and are one of those bitter ozzies women that just get under others skin, throw in a dash of jealousy and your superiority complex, thinking you have gone more local than "old farang men" and what you get is a bitter day.

Also maybe your to "driven' and remind all these men of why the heck they got out of the west in the first place.

Nobody is going to "pat" you on the back in life when you do well, your not making others happy if your not spreading the wealth... if you brag and talk about your hotel with everyone, you might be attracting lots of bull...

My advice... stop being sexist, stop hating your elders, your race, yoru culture and your customers and put on a thai smile if you are in the service industry...

One time I did have a problem with an older german fellow that owns a popular backpackers guesthouse... he was stressed out, cruching his eyebrows, he yelled when i couldn't hear over the party the number for my food... That made me pissed.. a misrable German in the service industry making it hand over fist but acting like and <deleted>... I don't know why... it just bugged me.... I leave home to escape over ambitious shallow <deleted> and instead be around relexed open minded people.

Edited by driedmango
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This is another whining variation of if you don't have "enough" money (in my judgement), go home crowd.

The ugly twist is that unlike theBlather the OP is grubbing for our money.

Thailand, despite what it desires is the CHEAP holiday destination for the world and the CHEAP retirement destination for a a multitude of overweight, sexless sociopaths.

If you need to confirm this, you need only go on any exoensive daytrip on the Andaman. There you will see all the lovely working and middle class folk enjoying their holidays. If you are too lazy, just go to the airport.

As for the sexpats who have moved to heaven...have a look around the bigCs and Tescos, etc...look at the chumps shopping there. Average no money Joe's. Now go to Robinson's or any of the stupid priced malls. How many guys you see shopping there? None, just a tiny few buying gear to take back to EU where VAT is so high.

The reason that people retire outside their country is because its cheaper, a lot cheaper. This nation caters to cheap charlies.

If you have any serious money and are living here and not in your home country, south of Europe, Carribean...it can only be one thing. Legendary availabilty of CHEAP compnions. I would argue this far more insidious than a retired teacher "scraping by" on b25k a month.

No crime in being poor - only being stupid.

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I see that you think highly of your (probably) biggest group of customers; complete with calling them racial slurs.

PS. the best thing about the internet is your choice of what to read/ignore/respond to.

Please let me know the name of your hotel so I can avoid it.

Do you feel better now?

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I guess a lot of the cynicism is based on the old chestnut that 'the best way to make a small fortune in Thailand is to start with a large one !' Sadly, many small business owners in Australia could probably trot out the same line, but I suspect that the reasoning is different.

The Thai people, we are told, are a jealous and duplicitous bunch who will conspire to drag down any Farang who dares to stick his/her head above the throng and try to make any real money in Thailand. This starts, of course, with Immigration Officers and culminates in all manner of theft and treachery from competitors and staff alike, until the hapless Farang is forced to sell the business for considerably less than it cost. In the most extreme case, the trip home is in a casket - that seems to be an occupational hazard for bar owners, but you'd have to ask those who have lived in Thailand for a few decades if it can happen to hotel owners. Hopefully, it's rare.

Ultimately, in the grand scheme of things, I would think that the scorn of a few old Farang pales into insignificance next to imminent financial ruin and even death at the hands of such nasty and vindictive locals. The people you should most fear are those who *do* want to pat you on the back - in addition to their other evil qualities, Thais are completely two-faced and will stab you in the back at the first opportunity.

You dont have to take my word for any of this - just tune into a Thai soap sometime. You dont even have to speak Thai - the quality of the acting is that good. I expect that you will learn a great deal about the Thai personality from just 30 minutes worth of one of these dramatic opuses. I even had a GF who was prepared to re-enact the scene where the psychotic matriarch goes after the hero with a knife - man, that WAS a night to remember !

(OP, if you havent guessed by now, the above is tongue-in-cheek, but its pretty close to the warnings doled out by expats in Thailand on a daily basis. I'm only a weekend warrior, but I wonder how much research you did before embarking on such a risky business venture in another country ? I suspect that you will need a little more than management experience and a working knowledge of MYOB ..)

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Maybe having a hotel named after probably the most hackneyed song in the Thai/Filipino repertoire isn't such a good idea.

Anyway, if you are unable to accept criticism, won't listen to your staff and discriminate against certain groups, however you might perceive them, clearly illustrates that you have no place in the hospitality industry.

Edited by tolsti
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It is a bit strange that you start a thread on it after you moan about people sticking their noses in on the internet.

Also a bit strange that you open a hotel in a dying on it's backside sex tourist area and then have a problem with fat old farangs and announce it on a forum that has rather a lot of fat old farangs that use that area. Declaring that you are more succesful than them when you know nothing about them.

Good luck I think you'll need it.

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