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does mc donalds have a breakfast menu in thailand

if so which stores as i went to one in silom road at 8am on a weekend and it had the normal lunch menu instead of a breakfast menu.

it seems strange that mc donalds in singapore and malaysia do have breakfast menus but thailand does not

could someone help me out.

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I've never seen the breakfast menu here, I love the pancakes and syrup option :o

Another thing that really surprises me is that they don't sell the thick shakes here either, I thought they would have been a good earner for McD, they have them in Penang though.


Ive been looking for Breakfast menu from Mc donalds in thailand for a long time but it seems there is nowhere to be found..not even shakes...

In thailand people likes to eat Chicken rice or Noodles for Breakfast :o

But i really missed those hot pancakes and syrup from MCD

''I Don't Represents Nobody, I Represent My Own''They Work For Me''

I am The Untouchable

does mc donalds have a breakfast menu in thailand

if so which stores as i went to one in silom road at 8am on a weekend and it had the normal lunch menu instead of a breakfast menu.

it seems strange that mc donalds in singapore and malaysia do have breakfast menus but thailand does not

could someone help me out.

..........that reminds me at a scene with Michael Douglas(Falling out???) when he came in a Mc Donald store just two minutes after noon and the staff refused his order for a breakfast.....

someone remember???

sorry, a bit off topic


sorry, wrong title :o

here we are:



does mc donalds have a breakfast menu in thailand

if so which stores as i went to one in silom road at 8am on a weekend and it had the normal lunch menu instead of a breakfast menu.

it seems strange that mc donalds in singapore and malaysia do have breakfast menus but thailand does not

could someone help me out.

..........that reminds me at a scene with Michael Douglas(Falling out???) when he came in a Mc Donald store just two minutes after noon and the staff refused his order for a breakfast.....

someone remember???

sorry, a bit off topic


sorry, wrong title :o

here we are:


Breakfast until noon in the US? In the UK it's 10am :D


Sorry people, but Mc Sh1t is the best t-shirt i have bought in Thailand.

Why oh why do you people care about a Mc Sh1t breakfast for goodness sake, are you here for the culture and great food or is just that you want to become even larger? :o:D

Please give me a VALID reason. :D

Sorry people, but Mc Sh1t is the best t-shirt i have bought in Thailand.

Why oh why do you people care about a Mc Sh1t breakfast for goodness sake, are you here for the culture and great food or is just that you want to become even larger? :D:D

Please give me a VALID reason. :D

Oh I forgot to show you all what it looks like after many of these disgusting so call 'breakfasts'.......



I tried this a few months back at maccas silom, no breakfast menu. I only went into maccas, because it was a monday morning, no street vendors.

if so which stores as i went to one in silom road at 8am on a weekend and it had the normal lunch menu instead of a breakfast menu.
Please give me a VALID reason. :D

How about because they TASTE GOOD! :D

I eat them every day when I go to Singapore or Australia and they are no worse than a British fry-up with sausage and bacon. :o

Ever watched the documentary "Supersize Me" :D

Havent touched Mc donalds since watching that film. :D

That film was hooey.

If the guy had continued exercising as normal and had not force-fed himself more than he wanted to eat normally, his weight and everything else would have remained normal and he wouldn't have made a million dollars on a big lie! :D


true that film was a load of crap and really only related to the Mc Donalds in the USA as other countries use different oils to cook it in and in australias case the oils are much more healthy than the USA plus the serving size is much smaller and reasonable than the USA


where can i get a good but cheap under 100 baht western/english breakfast in Nonthaburi or bangsue area no sukhumvit or silom as they are too far away from my home and work.

also does anyone know if they can get subway to deliver outside the toursit area for an extra fee to the moto driver for doing so. as they refuse to deliver to nonthaburi

Ever watched the documentary "Supersize Me" :o

I liked the part where the doctor was amazed that Mc D's was slowly causing the guy cyrhosis of the liver within 30 days. Something he'd never heard of or imagined could happen because of food...

Now...where's the closest Burger King?

Please give me a VALID reason. :D

Doctors, what do they know? First some things are good for you then it isn't, then it is then it isn't.

I still remember the bombardment of the 'Go to work on an egg' tv ads by the Brit government in the 70's.

As my ol lady used to say "Eat whatever you want, but in moderation".

Doctors....they make me sick. :o


why all the kurfuffle about Mc D's brekkie???...don't all the members of this forum absolutely lurrrrrve the thai preferred khao man gai???

(tasteless rubbery chicken breast...the only redeeming item is the accompanying chicken broth...ick)

why all the kurfuffle about Mc D's brekkie???...don't all the members of this forum absolutely lurrrrrve the thai preferred khao man gai???

(tasteless rubbery chicken breast...the only redeeming item is the accompanying chicken broth...ick)

Tastes better when served on a spear :o


I normally didn't eat the greasy McD's breakfasts in the USA. But, I admit I sure had a twinge of homesickness for McD's fried ANYTHING a few months ago when on a trip through Isaan, my Thai companions decided we'd all stop for breakfast at a "famous" local vendor who served only noodles--with cow anus and boiled blood. Still probably healthier than the carcinogens in McD's oils, but that thought still didn't help the gag reflex. :D

My companions chowed down with gusto and heaped great compliments upon the proud cook. Meanwhile, I'm slipping their "arse du bovine" delicacy to the dogs under the table. At least I emptied my bowl about the same time they did. Who says westerners don't try to save face? :o


Ever watched the documentary "Supersize Me" :o

Havent touched Mc donalds since watching that film. :D

I went out and ate McDonnalds later that night after watching the film.

I've worn down my sensitivity to seeing horrible things with my excessive internet use.


There is no way you can put a gloss on it, the food low nutrition CRAP. But adults are entitled to eat whatever they choose, but I disgree with Mc Donalds strategy of child orientated marketing. Their buns are loaded with sugar, the toys and gimmicks are all aimed to trap kids into required their sweet fix and entice them into persuading weak & lazy parents to indulge their kids at McDonalds. The ultimate in parental stupidy is giving into the McDonalds Birthday party.

Some years ago I was going to buy into a McDonald in Australia, I started on a training coure at their Hamburger University in Oak Brook Illinois. After a couple of days I quit the whole I idea, couldn't subject myself to the propoganda and keep any self respect. For the "training" you are just bombarded night and day with Bull shit and you are expected to believe it. Its worse than a time share salesmans conferance.

also does anyone know if they can get subway to deliver outside the toursit area for an extra fee to the moto driver for doing so. as they refuse to deliver to nonthaburi

There is a subway in Nonthaburi but probably not your end. It's just outside Nichada thani in Pakkret area


Alright... lets face it... MCD's in thailand is pretty shit *most* of the time. I mean, they don't even sell quarter pounders. Although, neither does singapore anymore (I was there last week on a visa run).

On the topic of being in thailand to eat thai food and experience the culture, I can see logic there. Some of us, however, have been here for a number of years and occasionally like to enjoy western food (I really enjoy au bon pain sandwiches).

Cow anus and boiled blood are probably pushing my physical limits if you know what I mean.. in saying that though, I know a number of thais and farangs that enjoy those meals. It is a strong belief here that eating boiled blood is very healthy for you.

Good western breakfasts can be hard to find in bangkok... but a good burger? Tony Romas express at Emporium make a nice, fresh, burger.

Oh, and supersize me put everyone off MCD's for a while I think ...


Living in Bangkok and for breakfast you want to eat... McDonalds??? Is this a wind-up or is it possible that eating too many of them in other countries has already addled your judgment???

Give me porridge any day. Throw in a handful of sultanas and you have a healthy breakfast.

I would kill for a bowl of US Wheatena porridge...you can eat it with bananas...anyone see any around BKK?


After readfing this thread last night I woke up today with a taste for McDonalds breakfast . Went out and had a egg , sausage mcMuffin . It was great ! It was smaller than I remember . But it has been at least a year that I was in one in the states .

I do understand the need to have something that you are used to eatting when your away . There are only so many cows asses , pig hearts and fish flavored potato chips one can eat .


I do understand the need to have something that you are used to eatting when your away . There are only so many cows asses , pig hearts and fish flavored potato chips one can eat .

You've just identified 2/3 of the content of the Sausage Mcmuffin ........ :o



I do understand the need to have something that you are used to eatting when your away . There are only so many cows asses , pig hearts and fish flavored potato chips one can eat .

You've just identified 2/3 of the content of the Sausage Mcmuffin ........ :o

:D:D That was good .

Back to my blongna sandwich .

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