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Pattaya Drink Prices - Too High!


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180baht for a vodka red bull in a shabby beer bar is a rip off.

There are quite a lot of beer bars in Pattaya charging exhorbitant prices that water down spirts and that bill pad and provide generally poor service

That is why most regulars drink in the places they know give good value for money and dont try to rip you off.

If three quarters of the beer bars in Pattaya closed down it would be no great loss.

As for pretty girls in the beer bars they are as rare as hens teeth these days. Most of what is left in the beer bars is the scraps from the bar girls of yesteryear.

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What I don't get is, these Cheap Charlie bars should be full of happy smiling faces because they are drinking exactly where their wallet allows them and drinking where they want to be. However, all I see are unkempt, washed up, miserable looking patrons with the weight of the whole world on their shoulders.

What a very strange and clouded vision you have, it's nothing to do with ones wallet, people drink in places where the price is reasonable because drinking in a place that is unreasonable is foolish!! you see in your mind unhappy people where in fact they are unhappy and concerned for the people who do not realize that the bar they are in is empty because the prices are double!!

Do you think 25 000 000 baht is a reasonable price for a car?

Reasonable has a different meaning to different people.

I do not think its reasonable to sit in the heat, surrounded by people double my age and female company that is rather unpleasant to look at.

I think its reasonable to pay more for the drinks, to be in an aircon bar with pretty faces.

Sure if drinking is your everyday life, it might become expensive to keep it up, but in my case when i am out once every 2 weeks or so, i do not search cheap prices, but rather fun places

Are you saying bars that sell beer at uninflated prices do not contain pretty girls and only contain people double your age? are these bars also without air con? do bars that sell beer at inflated prices contain only pretty girls and people half your age? can a bar that sells beer at uninflated prices in fact be fun as well?

Are you saying pretty girls like to work for 5 baht tips?

Please name for me bars with pretty young girls, air con and in your opinion "reasonable" prices.

Also please define for me "fun"

Don't ask me look at your previous post and answer these questions for yourself!!

you can not name any bars which have everything you posted?

You can not define fun?

So your post was meant for what exactly?

I was responding to your post as this is a forum for discussion!! as for defining fun it is different for different people, I do not frequent girlie bars so I can not answer that question!

cheesy.gif , ok so you do not frequent girly bars and yet you make a statement on how these bars are?!thumbsup.gif

Do tell what bars you frequent, which are not girly bars and what they charge and offer?

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Why in gods name would anyone want to pay 70 baht for a bottle while looking at dressed up ladyboys

in open air and heat,

when there's an alternative to pay 60 baht while looking at naked girls dancing in air con ?

Would you prefer to pay 70 baht while looking at undressed ladyboys?tongue.png

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What I don't get is, these Cheap Charlie bars should be full of happy smiling faces because they are drinking exactly where their wallet allows them and drinking where they want to be. However, all I see are unkempt, washed up, miserable looking patrons with the weight of the whole world on their shoulders.

What a very strange and clouded vision you have, it's nothing to do with ones wallet, people drink in places where the price is reasonable because drinking in a place that is unreasonable is foolish!! you see in your mind unhappy people where in fact they are unhappy and concerned for the people who do not realize that the bar they are in is empty because the prices are double!!

Do you think 25 000 000 baht is a reasonable price for a car?

Reasonable has a different meaning to different people.

I do not think its reasonable to sit in the heat, surrounded by people double my age and female company that is rather unpleasant to look at.

I think its reasonable to pay more for the drinks, to be in an aircon bar with pretty faces.

Sure if drinking is your everyday life, it might become expensive to keep it up, but in my case when i am out once every 2 weeks or so, i do not search cheap prices, but rather fun places

Are you saying bars that sell beer at uninflated prices do not contain pretty girls and only contain people double your age? are these bars also without air con? do bars that sell beer at inflated prices contain only pretty girls and people half your age? can a bar that sells beer at uninflated prices in fact be fun as well?

Are you saying pretty girls like to work for 5 baht tips?

Please name for me bars with pretty young girls, air con and in your opinion "reasonable" prices.

Also please define for me "fun"

Don't ask me look at your previous post and answer these questions for yourself!!

you can not name any bars which have everything you posted?

You can not define fun?

So your post was meant for what exactly?

I was responding to your post as this is a forum for discussion!! as for defining fun it is different for different people, I do not frequent girlie bars so I can not answer that question!

, ok so you do not frequent girly bars and yet you make a statement on how these bars are?!

Do tell what bars you frequent, which are not girly bars and what they charge and offer?

It's a discussion which I am discussing, I have been to girlie bars rarely I might add, the whole experience of these places is not for me! I am very happy at my local Mom and Pop shop which I might add is very busy and offers very cheap beer with very nice seating outside, it has a great view over a lake and the people that own it have been friends for a few years now, some very nice Thai girls come in to do there shopping which we all coo at!! Lol I don't go to this shop because I can't afford to go elsewhere I go because its where I choose to go! It suits me fine!! I also go to a bar by the sea, they sell cheap beer along with cheap food, actually there is a lady boy there, not a very pretty one but he does a good job, the owners are great Thai people and always have a beer on the table waiting when they see me coming, great service!! Edited by dogpoo
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Why in gods name would anyone want to pay 70 baht for a bottle while looking at dressed up ladyboys

in open air and heat,

when there's an alternative to pay 60 baht while looking at naked girls dancing in air con ?

Would you prefer to pay 70 baht while looking at undressed ladyboys?

Now that would be fun! Lol hopefully they would not be bigger than me in the dingle dangle department! Edited by dogpoo
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Why in gods name would anyone want to pay 70 baht for a bottle while looking at dressed up ladyboys

in open air and heat,

when there's an alternative to pay 60 baht while looking at naked girls dancing in air con ?

Would you prefer to pay 70 baht while looking at undressed ladyboys?tongue.png

I know I will whistling.gif ..............................

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Why in gods name would anyone want to pay 70 baht for a bottle while looking at dressed up ladyboys

in open air and heat,

when there's an alternative to pay 60 baht while looking at naked girls dancing in air con ?

Would you prefer to pay 70 baht while looking at undressed ladyboys?tongue.png

I know I will whistling.gif ..............................

I also know you will do more than just looktongue.pnggiggle.gif

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What I don't get is, these Cheap Charlie bars should be full of happy smiling faces because they are drinking exactly where their wallet allows them and drinking where they want to be. However, all I see are unkempt, washed up, miserable looking patrons with the weight of the whole world on their shoulders.

You obviously missed it when I was there,then wink.png .

Seriously,I do often frequent these CC bars on the outskirts of Pattaya.Sometimes to talk with "miserable patrons" and many times I just like to get drunk without a bar girl pestering me and normal volume on the music.

The beers are cheap,but even if they cost the same as on Beach Road or Ws I would still frequent them.If I want a party or a girl I go other places.

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There appears to be the same or similar pattern of conversation around these cheap bars and that is a 55+ year old factory worker from Yorkshireville who built a house in Surin for a 20 something Mee, Dee or any other 3 letter combination farm girl. Once the last of the furniture had arrived there was a knock at the door and the brothers of Mee or Dee told them to either leave or be made to leave.

It is only then that is dawns on the log head that they have been ripped off, of 3+ million baht of their factory work life savings. So it's back to the Utopia of Pattay's cheap Charlie bars where they can wallow in self pity with like minded yellow skinned alcoholics, trying to mask their life shattering experience by drinking and eating in the cheapest places and pretending to be know it alls when in fact, sadly, it's the only places they can now afford to frequent.

Edited by Wilma Fingadoo
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not to difficult to buy san mig, heini, etc for 50 baht also 40-50 sangsom coke. case of knowing where to go. certainly the cheapest place in Thailand I have found for drinks in bars, Just knowing which ones.

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What I don't get is, these Cheap Charlie bars should be full of happy smiling faces because they are drinking exactly where their wallet allows them and drinking where they want to be. However, all I see are unkempt, washed up, miserable looking patrons with the weight of the whole world on their shoulders.

What a very strange and clouded vision you have, it's nothing to do with ones wallet, people drink in places where the price is reasonable because drinking in a place that is unreasonable is foolish!! you see in your mind unhappy people where in fact they are unhappy and concerned for the people who do not realize that the bar they are in is empty because the prices are double!!

Do you think 25 000 000 baht is a reasonable price for a car?

Reasonable has a different meaning to different people.

I do not think its reasonable to sit in the heat, surrounded by people double my age and female company that is rather unpleasant to look at.

I think its reasonable to pay more for the drinks, to be in an aircon bar with pretty faces.

Sure if drinking is your everyday life, it might become expensive to keep it up, but in my case when i am out once every 2 weeks or so, i do not search cheap prices, but rather fun places

Are you saying bars that sell beer at uninflated prices do not contain pretty girls and only contain people double your age? are these bars also without air con? do bars that sell beer at inflated prices contain only pretty girls and people half your age? can a bar that sells beer at uninflated prices in fact be fun as well?

Are you saying pretty girls like to work for 5 baht tips?

Please name for me bars with pretty young girls, air con and in your opinion "reasonable" prices.

Also please define for me "fun"

Don't ask me look at your previous post and answer these questions for yourself!!

you can not name any bars which have everything you posted?

You can not define fun?

So your post was meant for what exactly?

I was responding to your post as this is a forum for discussion!! as for defining fun it is different for different people, I do not frequent girlie bars so I can not answer that question!

cheesy.gif , ok so you do not frequent girly bars and yet you make a statement on how these bars are?!thumbsup.gif

Do tell what bars you frequent, which are not girly bars and what they charge and offer?

I can answer, I dont use titty bars or gogo bars, music is usually crap, drinks are overpriced, spirits are watered down or short measures, most girls have a my shit dont stink attitude, service usually sucks big time, invariably full of pissed up <deleted> tourists.

I use places such as Leos Blues bar, for music.

I also use places such as Star Bar soi 8 again for music and decent service, Wonderful beer bar 2 again for music and decent service.

Sailor Bar, well worth a visit just for the staff.

Dennis's place up on soi Lk Metro, a/c and decent service, he runs the place well.

Jamesons another place I use, always someone in there I know.

Wound rather have a night in with raging toothache than set foot in a gogo bar, at least I will know the whisky is a decent brand and aint watered down.

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There appears to be the same or similar pattern of conversation around these cheap bars and that is a 55+ year old factory worker from Yorkshireville who built a house in Surin for a 20 something Mee, Dee or any other 3 letter combination farm girl. Once the last of the furniture had arrived there was a knock at the door and the brothers of Mee or Dee told them to either leave or be made to leave.

It is only then that is dawns on the log head that they have been ripped off, of 3+ million baht of their factory work life savings. So it's back to the Utopia of Pattay's cheap Charlie bars where they can wallow in self pity with like minded yellow skinned alcoholics, trying to mask their life shattering experience by drinking and eating in the cheapest places and pretending to be know it alls when in fact, sadly, it's the only places they can now afford to frequent.

You missed out the bit about, the yellow teeth (thats if they have any left) nicotine stained fingers, Bobby Charlton hair style, curled up toe nails that havent been cut in weeks, bitching and moaning about the UK gov't ripping them off, harking on about the good old days 80 baht to the pommie peso and 4 large Changs for 100 baht, yeah they sure are living the dream.
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What I don't get is, these Cheap Charlie bars should be full of happy smiling faces because they are drinking exactly where their wallet allows them and drinking where they want to be. However, all I see are unkempt, washed up, miserable looking patrons with the weight of the whole world on their shoulders.

What a very strange and clouded vision you have, it's nothing to do with ones wallet, people drink in places where the price is reasonable because drinking in a place that is unreasonable is foolish!! you see in your mind unhappy people where in fact they are unhappy and concerned for the people who do not realize that the bar they are in is empty because the prices are double!!

Do you think 25 000 000 baht is a reasonable price for a car?

Reasonable has a different meaning to different people.

I do not think its reasonable to sit in the heat, surrounded by people double my age and female company that is rather unpleasant to look at.

I think its reasonable to pay more for the drinks, to be in an aircon bar with pretty faces.

Sure if drinking is your everyday life, it might become expensive to keep it up, but in my case when i am out once every 2 weeks or so, i do not search cheap prices, but rather fun places

Are you saying bars that sell beer at uninflated prices do not contain pretty girls and only contain people double your age? are these bars also without air con? do bars that sell beer at inflated prices contain only pretty girls and people half your age? can a bar that sells beer at uninflated prices in fact be fun as well?

Are you saying pretty girls like to work for 5 baht tips?

Please name for me bars with pretty young girls, air con and in your opinion "reasonable" prices.

Also please define for me "fun"

Don't ask me look at your previous post and answer these questions for yourself!!

you can not name any bars which have everything you posted?

You can not define fun?

So your post was meant for what exactly?

I was responding to your post as this is a forum for discussion!! as for defining fun it is different for different people, I do not frequent girlie bars so I can not answer that question!

cheesy.gif , ok so you do not frequent girly bars and yet you make a statement on how these bars are?!thumbsup.gif

Do tell what bars you frequent, which are not girly bars and what they charge and offer?

I can answer, I dont use titty bars or gogo bars, music is usually crap, drinks are overpriced, spirits are watered down or short measures, most girls have a my shit dont stink attitude, service usually sucks big time, invariably full of pissed up <deleted> tourists.

I use places such as Leos Blues bar, for music.

I also use places such as Star Bar soi 8 again for music and decent service, Wonderful beer bar 2 again for music and decent service.

Sailor Bar, well worth a visit just for the staff.

Dennis's place up on soi Lk Metro, a/c and decent service, he runs the place well.

Jamesons another place I use, always someone in there I know.

Wound rather have a night in with raging toothache than set foot in a gogo bar, at least I will know the whisky is a decent brand and aint watered down.

2 of the bars you mentioned do not have air con.

Sailor bar in my opinion is a dirty, old , worn out hole with over weight and well aged girly's. The only thing good there is their steaks.

Toilet is an experience in itself.

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2 of the bars you mentioned do not have air con.

Sailor bar in my opinion is a dirty, old , worn out hole with over weight and well aged girly's. The only thing good there is their steaks.

Toilet is an experience in itself.

Dont go to a bar for free aircon, go to enjoy myself, a/c isnt a problem for me.

Agree with everything you say about Sailor Bar, its a Pattaya institution thats been there for years, wonder how many farang bar owners look on in envy at the success of such a dump.

The cocktails must be the cheapest in Pattaya, always pop in everytime I am in Pattaya.

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2 of the bars you mentioned do not have air con.

Sailor bar in my opinion is a dirty, old , worn out hole with over weight and well aged girly's. The only thing good there is their steaks.

Toilet is an experience in itself.

Dont go to a bar for free aircon, go to enjoy myself, a/c isnt a problem for me.

Agree with everything you say about Sailor Bar, its a Pattaya institution thats been there for years, wonder how many farang bar owners look on in envy at the success of such a dump.

The cocktails must be the cheapest in Pattaya, always pop in everytime I am in Pattaya.

The better question is how many bar owners stay in business long enough to see its prosper ? :)

Any business takes years to build up, but too many think money will just start rolling the day they open it

PS. Triangle bar runs a similar concept of just dirt cheap drinks, i believe its a cash flow model.

Edited by lemoncake
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2 of the bars you mentioned do not have air con.

Sailor bar in my opinion is a dirty, old , worn out hole with over weight and well aged girly's. The only thing good there is their steaks.

Toilet is an experience in itself.

Dont go to a bar for free aircon, go to enjoy myself, a/c isnt a problem for me.

Agree with everything you say about Sailor Bar, its a Pattaya institution thats been there for years, wonder how many farang bar owners look on in envy at the success of such a dump.

The cocktails must be the cheapest in Pattaya, always pop in everytime I am in Pattaya.


Not really too be honest but fair play to the owner.

If i'm right I think the land owner is the bar owner along with other plots nearby and he has no rent etc so can afford to sell beer at those prices, If it wasn't for the price it wouldn't be that busy i'm sure.

Edited by davethailand
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One of the common themes throughout previous postings is what different people value when they are looking for a 'good' bar and it isn't necessarily finding the cheapest drinks; I share that sentiment.

There are a few bars that I go back to time and time again and I know they are not the cheapest, but the mix of ambience, location, company, music etc., makes them an enjoyable place to be. Should any of those bars increase their prices to what I consider to be unreasonable, then I won't go back. It's not because I can't afford to, it's because I feel that the bar owner is trying to rip me off and the pleasure of being in that particular bar diminishes.

Back to the OP, charging me 180 Baht for a vodka/RB was taking the p*ss and I know I will never go back to that bar.

Thanks to the wealth of good advice from some members in this thread, however (thanks guys),I now know several other places to try next time round. I also hope that my luck improves and I find myself near one of them when it starts tipping it down!

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180baht for a vodka red bull in a shabby beer bar is a rip off.

There are quite a lot of beer bars in Pattaya charging exhorbitant prices that water down spirts and that bill pad and provide generally poor service

That is why most regulars drink in the places they know give good value for money and dont try to rip you off.

If three quarters of the beer bars in Pattaya closed down it would be no great loss.

As for pretty girls in the beer bars they are as rare as hens teeth these days. Most of what is left in the beer bars is the scraps from the bar girls of yesteryear.

It's not a "rip off", it's just expensive. No one is being forced to pay this.

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These prices based generally on Leo.

Poker bar (beach road) small beer 80 Baht.

We are the world (beach road) small beer 50 Baht.

Lucky corner bar (beach road) small beer 75 Baht.

Cloud 9 (behind We are the world) small beer 75 Baht. Lady drinks 120 Baht (or pay 300 bar fine and her drink prices same as yours).

All the above with live music and around soi 7 / soi 8 beach road.

Soi 8 go-go bars, one charges 90 Baht for a lady drink. Draught beers were as good as the bottles and a lot cheaper.

2nd road around soi 4 area, live music and 75 Bhat or so for a small beer.

2nd road around cemtral festival generally about 75 Baht small beer.

Beer garden, 75 Baht as I recall.

Walking street? LOL @ beer prices.

Bamboo bar I got charged 60, maybe 80 Baht for a bottle of water. 120+ for a small beer.

LK Metro plenty of go-go bars there and beer prices not too bad and very good compared to Walking street.

I don't drink spirits here, not at their prices and the corkage fees are astronomical IMHO. With bottles of your own spirits I got spoilt up north where they charged no fees for taking your own bottles of spirits.

One place on Arunothai charged 40 Baht a time for a glass of ice !

Hmmmm, maybe I need to stay in more.

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There appears to be the same or similar pattern of conversation around these cheap bars and that is a 55+ year old factory worker from Yorkshireville who built a house in Surin for a 20 something Mee, Dee or any other 3 letter combination farm girl. Once the last of the furniture had arrived there was a knock at the door and the brothers of Mee or Dee told them to either leave or be made to leave.

It is only then that is dawns on the log head that they have been ripped off, of 3+ million baht of their factory work life savings. So it's back to the Utopia of Pattay's cheap Charlie bars where they can wallow in self pity with like minded yellow skinned alcoholics, trying to mask their life shattering experience by drinking and eating in the cheapest places and pretending to be know it alls when in fact, sadly, it's the only places they can now afford to frequent.

You missed out the bit about, the yellow teeth (thats if they have any left) nicotine stained fingers, Bobby Charlton hair style, curled up toe nails that havent been cut in weeks, bitching and moaning about the UK gov't ripping them off, harking on about the good old days 80 baht to the pommie peso and 4 large Changs for 100 baht, yeah they sure are living the dream.

You seem to describe them rather well-I wonder why whistling.gif

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These prices based generally on Leo.

Poker bar (beach road) small beer 80 Baht.

We are the world (beach road) small beer 50 Baht.

Lucky corner bar (beach road) small beer 75 Baht.

Cloud 9 (behind We are the world) small beer 75 Baht. Lady drinks 120 Baht (or pay 300 bar fine and her drink prices same as yours).

All the above with live music and around soi 7 / soi 8 beach road.

We are the world (beach road) small beer 50 Baht.

Sounds like we visit similiar bars in the same area, I go for the live music.

Had forgotten about WATW bar, a great place, non a/c, hassle free, always had a great time in there, usually a good crowd, love when customers get up and start belting out songs such as Blueberry Hill etc.

As mentioned by a previous poster, its not about the cost, I would gladly pay 100 baht per beer in WATW bar, it never dissapoints, I usually alternate between the live music bars in that area.

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You missed out the bit about, the yellow teeth (thats if they have any left) nicotine stained fingers, Bobby Charlton hair style, curled up toe nails that havent been cut in weeks, bitching and moaning about the UK gov't ripping them off, harking on about the good old days 80 baht to the pommie peso and 4 large Changs for 100 baht, yeah they sure are living the dream.

You seem to describe them rather well-I wonder why whistling.gif
So you have had the pleasure of their company as well have you?

Usually to be found in some dive up on soi BK that knocks out big Leos for 55 baht per bottle, Chang seems to be the tipple of choice of these bon viveurs.

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These prices based generally on Leo.

Poker bar (beach road) small beer 80 Baht.

We are the world (beach road) small beer 50 Baht.

Lucky corner bar (beach road) small beer 75 Baht.

Cloud 9 (behind We are the world) small beer 75 Baht. Lady drinks 120 Baht (or pay 300 bar fine and her drink prices same as yours).

All the above with live music and around soi 7 / soi 8 beach road.

We are the world (beach road) small beer 50 Baht.

Sounds like we visit similiar bars in the same area, I go for the live music.

Had forgotten about WATW bar, a great place, non a/c, hassle free, always had a great time in there, usually a good crowd, love when customers get up and start belting out songs such as Blueberry Hill etc.

As mentioned by a previous poster, its not about the cost, I would gladly pay 100 baht per beer in WATW bar, it never dissapoints, I usually alternate between the live music bars in that area.

Yeah. She reduced the beer prices in WATW after the customer base seemed to drop right off. Seems she made a good move as it is generally busy now whenever we go.

Nothing pretentious at all about any of the bars I mentioned. I too go to them because I like them. Who needs air con when they have fans blasting away to keep the temperature down too.

Happy drinking and happy music to you smile.png

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my wife has a restaurant/bar just outside of pattaya she sells all small bottled drinks... ie san mig chang tiger etc etc at 55 baht each big leo at 65 baht wine from 80 by the glass she makes a handsome profit on day time opening only so why why why do these bars rip people off there is no need !!!!!

she pays 34 for sam mig and sells it at 55 hence profit of 21 baht

I would like to know where she gets it for 34, i get mine direct from San Mig and i pay 890 per box, in Macro its 895 per box, so where does she buy for 816?

We dont need cheap charlies like u,go out once every two weeks and therest of the month drink at home,very poor if isay so myself.maybe u live in Bangkok

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The drinks prices in Pattaya pale in comparison to Singapore, on a recent trip to Singapore i was charged S$66 for two lady drinks and a half pint of Tiger (which is brewed there) I will have nightmares about this for a long time!!!shock1.gif

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