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Alcohol Consumption Threat To Women Workers' Welfare: Thai Health Lobby Group


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Health lobby group: alcohol consumption threat to women workers' welfare

BANGKOK, 5 March 2013 (NNT) - Thailand's largest health lobby group has cooperated with a women's labour movement to campaign against alcohol and related "vices".

About 100 campaigners from the Thai Health Promotion Foundation, and the Female Labour Network and the so-called Women and Men Progressive Movement Foundation, yesterday staged a campaign against alcohol consumption and related "vices".

The campaigners said that woman workers in Thailand drink alcohol on average 1-3 days a week. If women workers stopped drinking, the campaigners claimed, they would be happier.

The Thai Health Promotion Foundation is one of the country's wealthiest and most powerful lobby groups. It is funded by taxes on products deemed harmful to health, such as alcohol and cigarettes.

While the foundation has been set up to provide information to the public about the products harmful to health, the foundation has also assumed the role of a moral crusader against moral "vices" in general. It has funded campaigns against gambling, campaigns to promote religious moral values, and campaigns to "educate" people on how to have "healthy" love life.

The Thai Health Promotion Foundation has also been criticised for taking people who choose to take health risks to be people who fail morally.

-- NNT 2013-03-05 footer_n.gif

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The Thai Health Promotion Foundation is one of the country's wealthiest and most powerful lobby groups. It is funded by taxes on products deemed harmful to health, such as alcohol and cigarettes.

Well, at least they should be happy. rolleyes.gif

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Watch , em these so called health lobby groups, I cringe at this , nothing like being told by someone you don't know ,what you should be doing , the place develops into a nanny state, ban the smoking, ban the drinking , ban sex, ban the Thaskin, Ban this ban that, Australia is a good example.coffee1.gif I see coffee is no good for ya.to coffee1.gif

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These organizations, while relatively harmless, are generally useless.

They have a tendency to exist for the sake of existing. If you can show me some data or metric that shows how effective they are at reduction in smokers or booze abusers, i'd like to see it.

and where does all that tax money go? Does anyone here know?

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More stupidity from do-gooders. Up to them if they want to drink and I don't believe the number of consumption every one to three days. Just another 'foundation' justifying their existence through stupid press releases, amongst the hundreds established here looking for handouts as it's easier than working for a living. Have a laugh http://www.thaicharities.org/

Edited by Locationthailand
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The Thai Health Promotion Foundation is one of the country's wealthiest and most powerful lobby groups. It is funded by taxes on products deemed harmful to health, such as alcohol and cigarettes.

Seem to remember this same group whining about something else last week. Appear to be some religious zealots masquerading as a pseudo health organisation. Bit like the right wing nut jobs who formed the "moral majority" back in the 80s in the USA.

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"The campaigners said that woman workers in Thailand drink alcohol on average 1-3 days a week. If women workers stopped drinking, the campaigners claimed, they would be happier"

Some people work their arse off all week for a pittance. We all need a vice or two to keep us sane. I've had crap jobs before, and I know first hand that a few beers at the end of the week while bitching about all the problems in your life is a massive stress release. It's all about moderation.

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"While the foundation has been set up to provide information to the public about the products harmful to health, the foundation has also assumed the role of a moral crusader against moral "vices" in general. It has funded campaigns against gambling, campaigns to promote religious moral values, and campaigns to "educate" people on how to have "healthy" love life."

This sounds just like the moral pushing do-gooding groups everywhere....obviously have nothing better to than take a large hand-out from the Govt. under the guise of telling people how to prey properly and how to screw happily!

Vices are a valued part of my life.....without which I would be exceedingly bored!

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I suggest that Thai ladies would be far happier if they had husbands who stayed with them through thick and thin and stopped knocking them about, if their husbands didn't spent their hard earned down the local brothel or on rot gut whisky, if employers didn't expect 'favours' from their female employees, and if they didn't have to wait hand and foot on their families. If the ladies are drinking too much are they not following what the stupid majority do and turn to the bottle as if that would magically cure their problems when it more than likely exacerbates them? Isn't the real core problem the all too common Thai lifestyle? Surely not all that many Thai ladies have ear infection problems.

Why do you drink so much, Noi?

I drink to forget.

What are you trying to forget?

I can't remember.

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The Thai Health Promotion Foundation is one of the country's wealthiest and most powerful lobby groups. It is funded by taxes on products deemed harmful to health, such as alcohol and cigarettes.

Seem to remember this same group whining about something else last week. Appear to be some religious zealots masquerading as a pseudo health organisation. Bit like the right wing nut jobs who formed the "moral majority" back in the 80s in the USA.

They need to learn Scottish Gaelic - Usquebaugh ( the water of life )

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"If women workers stopped drinking, the campaigners claimed, they would be happier."

What arrogance. The sort of people who spout that kind of arrant nonsense really boil my piss. Who the hell do they think they are to assume knowledge of what other people's desires and pleasures are, and what is good for them?

These organizations, while relatively harmless, are generally useless.

Far from being harmless, they are thoroughly dangerous. They presume to remove personal choice on the basis that they know best what is good for others. That those others whom they would coerce into lifestyle changes don't agree is of no consequence to them. Like the government funded fake charities in the UK who lobbied for the total smoking ban on the basis that it would "protect the workers". Yes, I bet the 150,000 workers who lost their jobs as a result of the ban were eternally grateful to those interfering busybodies for protecting them from the non-existent threat of "second-hand smoke". And now the anti-alcohol lobby is up to the same tricks, lobbying government to ban all sports sponsorship by alcohol companies. Can you imagine the effect that would have on just about every major sport? It would decimate those sports just like the smoking ban decimated pubs.

"Ah, but it's for your own good" they chorus.

Thank you, but I prefer to make my own decisions about what is good for me.

A plague on all their houses. If I had any say in the matter I would de-fund the lot of them and tell them to go and get proper jobs instead of making people's lives a misery for a living.

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised
for the good of its victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live
under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s
cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but
those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do
so with the approval of their own conscience
. -- C S Lewis

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did they survey the erstwhile ladies of the horizontal recreation profession? 1-3 times a week for these women would mean a poor month.

factory girls out for their night out on payday, naughty girls put down those whiskey shakes, your damaging your health, disregard the long hours you work for so little and sometimes dangerous work conditions.

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"If women workers stopped drinking, the campaigners claimed, they would be happier."

What arrogance. The sort of people who spout that kind of arrant nonsense really boil my piss. Who the hell do they think they are to assume knowledge of what other people's desires and pleasures are, and what is good for them?

These organizations, while relatively harmless, are generally useless.

Far from being harmless, they are thoroughly dangerous. They presume to remove personal choice on the basis that they know best what is good for others. That those others whom they would coerce into lifestyle changes don't agree is of no consequence to them. Like the government funded fake charities in the UK who lobbied for the total smoking ban on the basis that it would "protect the workers". Yes, I bet the 150,000 workers who lost their jobs as a result of the ban were eternally grateful to those interfering busybodies for protecting them from the non-existent threat of "second-hand smoke". And now the anti-alcohol lobby is up to the same tricks, lobbying government to ban all sports sponsorship by alcohol companies. Can you imagine the effect that would have on just about every major sport? It would decimate those sports just like the smoking ban decimated pubs.

"Ah, but it's for your own good" they chorus.

Thank you, but I prefer to make my own decisions about what is good for me.

A plague on all their houses. If I had any say in the matter I would de-fund the lot of them and tell them to go and get proper jobs instead of making people's lives a misery for a living.

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised

for the good of its victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live

under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s

cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but

those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do

so with the approval of their own conscience. -- C S Lewis

An obvious smoker who stuffed up what could have been a good post by linking it to his own filthy addiction.

Agreed with you up to that point also agree with a previous poster that drinking by the male of the species has a far worse effect on woman and children for that matter, than drinking by woman themselves.

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An obvious smoker who stuffed up what could have been a good post by linking it to his own filthy addiction.

Sorry Robbie. but you also mucked up your own post by the use of one word. You moralized.

p.s. I neither smoke nor drink, but I do not try to tell others what they can do with their lives.

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