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Hitler Fashion Statements Confuse, Offend Tourists In Thailand


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I missed it. I just went back and read it. Sorry you feel bad about old people. Young men and also young women have their uses, wisdom is rarely one of them. Instead of answering my question you missed the point and offered a variety of names of men who were evil. But see, that was not the question as this thread is about one person, Hitler. Since you are young you may not have noticed the evil that was Hitler beyond a body count. It was lampshades, killing camps with gas chambers and whole religious groups wiped out. It was a unique kind of evil one that many would choose to forget or make light of. It stays with us today in not carefully watched and controlled.

Got nothing against old people. Just stupid people.

I never said I had anything against old people in the post you refer to. Read it again. What I said was that unless you were there, then your take on it is just as relevant as mine. But, not suprisingly, you seem to think you have a more of a moral compass that the rest of us. So be it. It says plenty about you.

But talking about ducking questions, you still haven't made clear whether you think that Thai's are genetically incapable about learning about these things.

I don't think I have more of a moral compass than the rest of us, whoever that may be, you, certainly but not the rest of us.

Thais are capable of learning anything. In most things the do better than most others in my opinion. That's why I live in Thailand and trust my life to Thai doctors and a Thai wife and family.

Edit to add, (How's that for speed of service.)biggrin.png

I would imagine I was in Thailand before you were born. Maybe it was better then but it's fine now.

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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Well since Germany and Thailand were allies, perhaps it makes sense to

celebrate and display the flag of your former ally ?? :-)

Perhaps allies for one reason, FEAR.
Seems to me a profit motive for territorial considerations after the Franco/Thai war (1940). Thai resistance may have delayed or halted the capture of Singapore and left the war a much different outcome in the early stages.

No brown people where alowed on the evacuation boats.

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its beyond words . . and this is a school event


can you imagine that all these happened in a public school event? unbelievable

In Germany and Austria, unbelievable and some other European countries to. In Thailand SEA countries, NO, NO problem, they do not know enough about it. To far, 10.000 km away! Understandable rolleyes.gif

Oh I think there a still a few in Germany. Going to their graves to do whatever ever they do.

The funny ones are those Russian Nazis.

You are right, still some, maybe a lot admirers of Hitlers time and his thoughts in Germany, Austria, also in second and third generation!

But I was meaning, Officially such representation of symbols same shown on the photo(s) would no be tolerated by the authorities in the German speaking countries and there are harsh and strict laws against any presentation and glorification ! wai.gif

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would there be a similar outcry in the west if one of the locals wore a Pol Pot T shirt?

personally I think the wrong side won WW2

As an Austrian,i should have the same personal thinking,

But, the Japanese did not come sympathetic around in my mind and

Hitler and a lot of the High ranking Nazis, had been so extreme unscrupulous and incredibly murderous, special in a kind of religious ethnic cleansing,


even they are my ancestors, I feel ashamed about the "Fuehrer" and many of them! sad.png

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would there be a similar outcry in the west if one of the locals wore a Pol Pot T shirt?

personally I think the wrong side won WW2

As an Austrian,i should have the same personal thinking,

But, the Japanese did not come sympathetic around in my mind and

Hitler and a lot of the High ranking Nazis, had been so extreme unscrupulous and incredibly murderous, special in a kind of religious ethnic cleansing,


even they are my ancestors, I feel ashamed about the "Fuehrer" and many of them! sad.png

Always fun to start a conversation on ww2 with Germans at the stone table when the beers are flowing biggrin.png

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Always fun to start a conversation on ww2 with Germans at the stone table when the beers are flowing biggrin.png

1. I never drink alcohol.

2. What is the problem with my statement? I born 1961 by the way.

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its beyond words . . and this is a school event

can you imagine that all these happened in a public school event? unbelievable

In Germany and Austria, unbelievable and some other European countries to. In Thailand SEA countries, NO, NO problem, they do not know enough about it. To far, 10.000 km away! Understandable

Oh I think there a still a few in Germany. Going to their graves to do whatever ever they do.

The funny ones are those Russian Nazis.

You are right, still some, maybe a lot admirers of Hitlers time and his thoughts in Germany, Austria, also in second and third generation!

But I was meaning, Officially such representation of symbols same shown on the photo(s) would no be tolerated by the authorities in the German speaking countries and there are harsh and strict laws against any presentation and glorification !

that's why they do it, they think its funny how offended people are... just like British punk music or whatever or the soup Nazi on Seinfeld... Nazis arrogant evil and stupid thought s is as funny.. I like to tell deadlocked hippy Nazi s of today funny things to shock them like global warming is a scam even though I know it isn't it is funny how worked up people get..its called black humour and it is funny sometimes. I think the Nazi thing with Thais is funny.. consider the irony.. they know Hitler was a stupid white suprmemisist, thy know what he did, and they think it is funny to piss you off
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Beat me to it

Great minds...

Both of you are dead right.

But somehow it is amusing to see the massive and stupid overreactions on display here.

It's like a "shock, gasp, horror " reaction to Benny Hill..............

I asked Samran a few posts back who was the most evil man born and didn't get a response. I think you young people don't really know what evil is because you were protected by a generation who gave their lives so you would not have to know evil to the same extent as Hitler perpetrated of the world. And I guess it worked because you don't have a clue about real evil and the horrors of WWII and the Nazi's that are being glorified by having kids march down the street in Nazi uniforms.

Its not glorification. Its black humour. Its like why people dress up like the devil for parties.

That would be the case if the Thais knew who Hitler was but they don't. It's not humor it is stupidity.

they do know who Hitler is, it is you who is ignorant to that, they think its funny to play stupid with farang, they might think your are stupid too.
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I think you young people don't really know what evil is because you were protected by a generation who gave their lives so you would not have to know evil to the same extent as Hitler perpetrated of the world. And I guess it worked because you don't have a clue about real evil and the horrors of WWII and the Nazi's that are being glorified by having kids march down the street in Nazi uniforms.

That comment is remarkably ignorant and offensive.

But this is coming from a guy who said that the youth of the 60's were the only ones ever to do anything to change the world (take a guess when he was young...); aside from the fact that was at least as ignorant and offensive it also directly contradicts the above.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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they do know who Hitler is, it is you who is ignorant to that, they think its funny to play stupid with farang, they might think your are stupid too.

In my experience they don't have a clue who Hitler, or any of the 20th century's leading players were, other than maybe matching a face to a name.

They do celebrate their very own fascist dictators though, Hitler and Hirohito's ally, Phibunsonkram among them.

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My BIL, an educated Thai and a decent chappy with whom I get along with very well has a fixation with military regalia..

Part of this fixation is his adornment of the Swastika and Third Reich Imagery... I've tried to tell him what these symbols represent and that to many the symbol is so closely linked to the slaughter of about 6 million innocent people it is highly offensive. I have also tried to explain the ideology of the Third Reich and that had my BIL himself lived in the day he would possibly be a target of the 'Ethnic Cleansing' policies...

If you want to educate you might want to be more careful with the facts: it was almost certainly closer to double that - I'm sure you'd agree that circa 5 million victims that were not Jewish don't deserve to be overlooked anymore than the 6 million Jews do.

And personally, I wish people wouldn't only cite the number of deaths in the camps. Brutal oppression throughout the Reich and a nightmarish existence beyond comprehension for those who survived the camps...these matter too.

BTW: While I find it mildly creepy the fact is there are LOADS of people around the world who are fascinated by Nazi regalia - some of them collectors - without having any regard for the Nazis (of course there are others that do).

Edited by SteeleJoe
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think you young people don't really know what evil is because you were

protected by a generation who gave their lives so you would not have to

know evil to the same extent as Hitler perpetrated of the world. And I

guess it worked because you don't have a clue about real evil and the

horrors of WWII and the Nazi's that are being glorified by having kids

march down the street in Nazi uniforms.

That comment is remarkably ignorant and offensive.

Say it ain't so Joe. I thought it was only Thai people who were capable of being ignorant and offensive?

this is coming from a guy who said that the youth of the 60's were the only ones ever to do anything to change the world (take a guess when he was young...); aside from the fact that was at least as ignorant and offensive it also directly contradicts the above.

I've always like Bill Clinton's line at the 50th anniversary of the Normandy landings where he said "when they were young, these men saved the world".

Oops. Bugger. I'm supposed the ignorant about history. Stuffed that one up didn't I?

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whistling.gif When you were that age didn't you like shirts with Johnny Rotten's picture on it and some message kike "God save the BL--dy Queen"s" on it.

Same reason, it annoyed your mother and father.

When you are young It's fun to flip off the establishment .... but in the end the establishment gets you.


...and at what time in history EXACTLY did the Sex Pistols kill millions of people?

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think you young people don't really know what evil is because you were

protected by a generation who gave their lives so you would not have to

know evil to the same extent as Hitler perpetrated of the world. And I

guess it worked because you don't have a clue about real evil and the

horrors of WWII and the Nazi's that are being glorified by having kids

march down the street in Nazi uniforms.

That comment is remarkably ignorant and offensive.

Say it ain't so Joe. I thought it was only Thai people who were capable of being ignorant and offensive?

this is coming from a guy who said that the youth of the 60's were the only ones ever to do anything to change the world (take a guess when he was young...); aside from the fact that was at least as ignorant and offensive it also directly contradicts the above.

I've always like Bill Clinton's line at the 50th anniversary of the Normandy landings where he said "when they were young, these men saved the world".

Oops. Bugger. I'm supposed the ignorant about history. Stuffed that one up didn't I?

I either didn't know or had forgotten that Pres. Clinton said that but I'm pleased because despite wondering if it sounded too melodramatic, that's the way I've always put it and think it's true - they saved the world.

And yes, you are coming across as insufficiently ignorant. Sort yourself out, would you?

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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Don't be naive thinking that they don't know who Hittler was, I happend to be Jewish, and when I was at colledge-here- I met once one guy in with a t-shirt with a portrait of hitler and saying: "Kill the Jews whereever you find them, Allah will help yoy" i went to the guy and I told him that I was a Jew, I ask him if he knew who Hittler was and he told me that he did , I was surprised, I asked him if he knew how many millions of jews Hittler killed- including my grandpa and almost all his familly- he told me that he knew it and that Thailand was a friend of Hittler, that Jews deserved to die and that was it, I couldnt take it any more so I beat the hell out of him, and after that people is the uni knew that I was a jew, an they attacked me but my buddhist friends helped me( this is not a problem of relligions, I think , since I dont believe in god), so don't think that they dont know who hitler was, and if you can read thai you will see that many young thais( most of them muslims) wear T-shirts preaching hate against the jews etc

Then you woke up?

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I think you young people don't really know what evil is because you were protected by a generation who gave their lives so you would not have to know evil to the same extent as Hitler perpetrated of the world. And I guess it worked because you don't have a clue about real evil and the horrors of WWII and the Nazi's that are being glorified by having kids march down the street in Nazi uniforms.

That comment is remarkably ignorant and offensive.

But this is coming from a guy who said that the youth of the 60's were the only ones ever to do anything to change the world (take a guess when he was young...); aside from the fact that was at least as ignorant and offensive it also directly contradicts the above.

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Joe help me out here. Going back I can't find the post that you have quoted. What post number is it? I think you posted a post that has been deleted. If I'm wrong let me know. Thanks

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Sorry not going to go back through the thread to find out if a post is still there and it's number. Not sure why you would need to know but feel free to check yourself.

I quoted what I saw.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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think you young people don't really know what evil is because you were

protected by a generation who gave their lives so you would not have to

know evil to the same extent as Hitler perpetrated of the world. And I

guess it worked because you don't have a clue about real evil and the

horrors of WWII and the Nazi's that are being glorified by having kids

march down the street in Nazi uniforms.

That comment is remarkably ignorant and offensive.

Say it ain't so Joe. I thought it was only Thai people who were capable of being ignorant and offensive?

this is coming from a guy who said that the youth of the 60's were the only ones ever to do anything to change the world (take a guess when he was young...); aside from the fact that was at least as ignorant and offensive it also directly contradicts the above.

I've always like Bill Clinton's line at the 50th anniversary of the Normandy landings where he said "when they were young, these men saved the world".

Oops. Bugger. I'm supposed the ignorant about history. Stuffed that one up didn't I?

I either didn't know or had forgotten that Pres. Clinton said that but I'm pleased because despite wondering if it sounded too melodramatic, that's the way I've always put it and think it's true - they saved the world.

And yes, you are coming across as insufficiently ignorant. Sort yourself out, would you?

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Have started watching Fox News. Feeling dumber already....

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Sorry not going to go back through the thread to find out if a post is still there and it's number. Not sure why you would need to know but feel free to check yourself.

I quoted what I saw.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Mainly because posts are normally in some kind of context. And normally they are taken out of context for debate purposes. Since the post you quoted does not exist why would I debate it with you?

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Sorry not going to go back through the thread to find out if a post is still there and it's number. Not sure why you would need to know but feel free to check yourself.

I quoted what I saw.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Mainly because posts are normally in some kind of context. And normally they are taken out of context for debate purposes. Since the post you quoted does not exist why would I debate it with you?

Who's asking you to debate it? What's to debate?

YOU said it - why do you need to confirm that it's still there?

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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Sorry not going to go back through the thread to find out if a post is still there and it's number. Not sure why you would need to know but feel free to check yourself.

I quoted what I saw.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Mainly because posts are normally in some kind of context. And normally they are taken out of context for debate purposes. Since the post you quoted does not exist why would I debate it with you?

Who's asking you to debate it? What's to debate?

YOU said it - why do you need to confirm that it's still there?

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Because when a mod realizes that you are debating a post that has been deleted anything you have written about it will be deleted too. So why write a bunch of stuff only to have it deleted. You wrote, " That comment is remarkably ignorant and offensive." but the comment that you were commenting on is not there anymore.

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Sorry not going to go back through the thread to find out if a post is still there and it's number. Not sure why you would need to know but feel free to check yourself.

I quoted what I saw.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Mainly because posts are normally in some kind of context. And normally they are taken out of context for debate purposes. Since the post you quoted does not exist why would I debate it with you?

Who's asking you to debate it? What's to debate?

YOU said it - why do you need to confirm that it's still there?

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Because when a mod realizes that you are debating a post that has been deleted anything you have written about it will be deleted too. So why write a bunch of stuff only to have it deleted. You wrote, " That comment is remarkably ignorant and offensive." but the comment that you were commenting on is not there anymore.

I quoted something that I saw at the time I made that post. If it was deleted afterwards that's neither my fault nor of any concern to me.

I'm not debating anything.

It's telling that rather than address the comment you made you only want to discuss the fact that it's not there anymore...

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Edited by SteeleJoe
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Sorry not going to go back through the thread to find out if a post is still there and it's number. Not sure why you would need to know but feel free to check yourself.

I quoted what I saw.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Mainly because posts are normally in some kind of context. And normally they are taken out of context for debate purposes. Since the post you quoted does not exist why would I debate it with you?

Who's asking you to debate it? What's to debate?

YOU said it - why do you need to confirm that it's still there?

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Because when a mod realizes that you are debating a post that has been deleted anything you have written about it will be deleted too. So why write a bunch of stuff only to have it deleted. You wrote, " That comment is remarkably ignorant and offensive." but the comment that you were commenting on is not there anymore.

I quoted something that I saw at the time I made that post. If it was deleted afterwards that's neither my fault nor of any concern to me.

I'm not debating anything.

It's telling that rather than address the comment you made you only want to discuss the fact that it's not there anymore...

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

I gotta say I stay up all night thinking of interesting things to say on Thai Visa and when a fellow poster who I respect calls my words ignorant and offensive I am hurt to the core and would, of course, like to contribute a few words or phrases to explain my views. However since the post is no longer there tis all for naught. I assume a mod will come in and clean up the posts that are quoted in error.

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1) You will discuss the posts existence over and over but you won't comment on it because it's not there any more. That's ridiculous - it's not as if you deny having said it. But I never asked you to comment anyway so whatever...

2) Other people quoted it and you responded to them.

3) It's still there.


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1) You will discuss the posts existence over and over but you won't comment on it because it's not there any more. That's ridiculous - it's not as if you deny having said it. But I never asked you to comment anyway so whatever...

2) Other people quoted it and you responded to them.

3) It's still there.


Thanks, the time is different, that's odd. Oh well......

My point was in reference to the difference between generations. Take for example today's Aussie soldier. Lieutenant-Colonel Chris Smith (Yesterday Sydney Morning Herald), who was commanding officer of Mentoring Taskforce 3 for six months, catalogued dangerous and ill-disciplined conduct - including sunbathing on missions and hitting golf balls into areas where militants could be hiding. Colonel Smith went on to say that young soldiers had a ''distorted and fanciful perception of wartime soldiering'' based on ''stereotypical images of special forces soldiers, and characters from films and computer games''. ''The hyperbole surrounding the contribution of Australian soldiers in Afghanistan makes the soldiers feel entitled to be treated almost as Roman gladiators.


Perhaps the older generation who was born before or during WWII has different take on what is offensive and what is not offensive as the story above indicates soldiers have different takes on what war should be like.

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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1) You will discuss the posts existence over and over but you won't comment on it because it's not there any more. That's ridiculous - it's not as if you deny having said it. But I never asked you to comment anyway so whatever...

2) Other people quoted it and you responded to them.

3) It's still there.


Thanks, the time is different, that's odd. Oh well......

My point was in reference to the difference between generations. Take for example today's Aussie soldier. Lieutenant-Colonel Chris Smith (Yesterday Sydney Morning Herald), who was commanding officer of Mentoring Taskforce 3 for six months, catalogued dangerous and ill-disciplined conduct - including sunbathing on missions and hitting golf balls into areas where militants could be hiding. Colonel Smith went on to say that young soldiers had a ''distorted and fanciful perception of wartime soldiering'' based on ''stereotypical images of special forces soldiers, and characters from films and computer games''. ''The hyperbole surrounding the contribution of Australian soldiers in Afghanistan makes the soldiers feel entitled to be treated almost as Roman gladiators.


Perhaps the older generation who was born before or during WWII has different take on what is offensive and what is not offensive as the story above indicates soldiers have different takes on what war should be like.



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1) You will discuss the posts existence over and over but you won't comment on it because it's not there any more. That's ridiculous - it's not as if you deny having said it. But I never asked you to comment anyway so whatever...

2) Other people quoted it and you responded to them.

3) It's still there.


Thanks, the time is different, that's odd. Oh well......

My point was in reference to the difference between generations. Take for example today's Aussie soldier. Lieutenant-Colonel Chris Smith (Yesterday Sydney Morning Herald), who was commanding officer of Mentoring Taskforce 3 for six months, catalogued dangerous and ill-disciplined conduct - including sunbathing on missions and hitting golf balls into areas where militants could be hiding. Colonel Smith went on to say that young soldiers had a ''distorted and fanciful perception of wartime soldiering'' based on ''stereotypical images of special forces soldiers, and characters from films and computer games''. ''The hyperbole surrounding the contribution of Australian soldiers in Afghanistan makes the soldiers feel entitled to be treated almost as Roman gladiators.


Perhaps the older generation who was born before or during WWII has different take on what is offensive and what is not offensive as the story above indicates soldiers have different takes on what war should be like.



I thought what I wrote was crystal clear. Different generations have a different understanding of what each would define as a basic issue or reality. War either present or past is not seen the same because of a generational difference. Hence the young guys from the Allied side would not find Nazis marching in Thailand offensive.

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1) You will discuss the posts existence over and over but you won't comment on it because it's not there any more. That's ridiculous - it's not as if you deny having said it. But I never asked you to comment anyway so whatever...

2) Other people quoted it and you responded to them.

3) It's still there.


Thanks, the time is different, that's odd. Oh well......

My point was in reference to the difference between generations. Take for example today's Aussie soldier. Lieutenant-Colonel Chris Smith (Yesterday Sydney Morning Herald), who was commanding officer of Mentoring Taskforce 3 for six months, catalogued dangerous and ill-disciplined conduct - including sunbathing on missions and hitting golf balls into areas where militants could be hiding. Colonel Smith went on to say that young soldiers had a ''distorted and fanciful perception of wartime soldiering'' based on ''stereotypical images of special forces soldiers, and characters from films and computer games''. ''The hyperbole surrounding the contribution of Australian soldiers in Afghanistan makes the soldiers feel entitled to be treated almost as Roman gladiators.


Perhaps the older generation who was born before or during WWII has different take on what is offensive and what is not offensive as the story above indicates soldiers have different takes on what war should be like.



I thought what I wrote was crystal clear. Different generations have a different understanding of what each would define as a basic issue or reality. War either present or past is not seen the same because of a generational difference. Hence the young guys from the Allied side would not find Nazis marching in Thailand offensive.

Your C&P was one of your bizzare non sequiturs.

You were born after WWII.

There were no Nazis marching in Bangkok.

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