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the more i read the more i am getting to detest this so called conveyor of messages.

first look at his post1,we are leaving bkk,we got her,living with us,yet he says he doesnt know the dog only the owner.

post3,he says he is not the owner,cant take her has he got 4 dogs.

post5,she told me.

i think your responses have been unsympathetic,abandon her on the street,take her and leave her at the temple,every day your answers get worst i dont know what other posters think but as a dog lover i was taken in hook line and sinker.

are you getting some sort of kick out of this.if you are that concerned there is a post in this forum of a vet that would put this paula out of her misery and you as well.

i'm not happy at all.

I am only trying to find Paula a home.

Sorry if this post bothers you.

I think you misread, I do know the owner and Paula indeed.

What is unsympathetic in trying to save a dog ?

As I said repeatedly I am not Paula's owner, therefore no I have decision whatsoever in putting down Paula or not.

You can express you unhappiness and your advice to Paula's owner directly (I will give you her contact by PM), other than this it is pointless to tell me as I am not in a position to make that decision.

sorry but its you that bothers me if you were to find a home for paula.

your heading,our dog needs a new home,who is the other one?our means more than one,

you keep saying we,that is also more than one,

has the owner got a partner?if that is the other half of our or we then why has this not been added?

so go back and look at your posting which indicates its you and the owner,

as cuban's pointed out whatch the video i cant because i have seen enough over the past 30yrs in thailand,

so go back and tell paula's owner for a plastic bucket or bowl that she can take with her to remember her beloved that they will skin and roast her alive.

I have no interest here other than finding a home for Paula.

If you think I am doing a lousy job, please feel free to step in anytime, I will gladly provide photo and contact and any information you require to post / advertise

Thank you

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OK, I understand that emotions can fray. It is one of the reasons why I avoid this forum as the heartbreak is too much for me at times.

However, on the off chance the OP is trying to help, can some of you kind folks bite your lips? If I am wrong, fine kick me in rump, but I get so desperate at times to avoid seeing another homeless animal that I'm supportive of any effort to rehouse a faithful friend.

this is why i try not to read these stories it does get to me and my feelings run high,i have 2 bil.in bkk looking for someone who will give it a loving home, i told them if they can find one i will pay them a months wages.i am trying to deal with a case of cruelty to a dog near me but i have to bite my lip has i could end up with a big problem.


Any "taking upcountry" will not result in a peaceful retirement in the grounds of some rural temple!

Please get Paula's owner to watch this video to understand her final destination:

The intermediate step will the exchange of Paula for a small plastic basket.


Sorry I won't watch the vid or it will haunt me for days...

I have tried to tell her about the meat trade, but she does not really react, she must think I am exaggerating to make her keep her dog.

As they say ; None is so deaf as those who will not hear.:(

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OK, I understand that emotions can fray. It is one of the reasons why I avoid this forum as the heartbreak is too much for me at times.

However, on the off chance the OP is trying to help, can some of you kind folks bite your lips? If I am wrong, fine kick me in rump, but I get so desperate at times to avoid seeing another homeless animal that I'm supportive of any effort to rehouse a faithful friend.

Well said - what's the point in bashing someone for trying to find a home for a dog, whether its theirs or someone else's?

Anyone reading this who might have been thinking of asking for help here may now decide they don't need the abuse and just dump the dog instead.

If you can help, then do so instead of just saying how much you'd love to or how you're trying to.

If you can't help, why not just shut up, save any righteous indignation for another thread, and give the poor dog a chance of finding a better home?


The OP is looking for a home for a dog that is otherwise going to be abandoned. If you cannot help the OP then be quiet. Any more off topic posts will earn their poster a holiday.

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A update about Paula ; I have found a refuge that is ready to take her as long as the owner is sponsoring her.

I am not sure of what this entails (medical bills + food?)

Anyway I have passed on the message to Paula's owner and hope that she will agree.

I will keep you informed of any further development

I am crossing fingers and hope it will wok out !thumbsup.gif

In the meanwhile please keep asking around and pass the message

Thank you.



I have just received a mail back from Paula's owner.
She said ;- I am in the US thank you but I believe Paula has been taken care of -
She also added - I keep the contact just in case -

I immediately answered back asking if Paula has found a new home ... no answer

the - taken care of- sounds bad doesn't it ? crying.gif


it sounds like she took the opportunity of leaving the country to have someone else dealing with Paula. And when she will be back in one month, it will be all forgotten !

She cannot even face her own decision.bah.gif

I am so angry, why asking for my help if she was going to get rid of her so quickly ?

And I wonder where and how is Paula right now ...


looks like she's done the dirty on you as well as the dog,who needs freinds like her,after you had done all her dirty work and had to convey what she was going to do and put up with the snide remarks expecially from me,lets hope the dog has found a new home.

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looks like she's done the dirty on you as well as the dog,who needs freinds like her,after you had done all her dirty work and had to convey what she was going to do and put up with the snide remarks expecially from me...

And yet no apology at all...

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap


She is not my friend, it's just someone I happen to know and see sometimes. And I liked Paula.

Every time I saw her she would insist on me taking on Paula, as she knew I already had rescued dogs.

I kept saying I could not take her (did not have place/money..).

Gradually she told me about the different horrors scenarios that could happened if I did not take her as she could find anyone else.

Each time, the scenarios were worse... I did feel pressured. She kept repeating : - Paula likes you, you should have her.

A second potential rehomer was to come and pick up Paula; she said it was her last chance, but as the first re-homing attempt was unsuccessful she was not very hopeful. ...Paula's future looked bleak ...

Feeling sorry and pressured, I offered to put her on some website as so far she only had put ad at her husband's workplace and their Mooban.

So in fact I did offered my help.

A couple of days later, she wrote me a mail saying that the second potential re-homer did not even want her, so could I please put Paula on some websites, like I mentioned.

A week later Paula was already taken care of sad.png(can't take these words out of my head, trying to figure out all the possible scenarios ...) I think I'm still in shock ...

I don't regret anything, even the insults, I did it for the dog, not for her.

What are a couple of insults if it's to save a life ?

I just wish she'd given me more time to find a solution ...


looks like she's done the dirty on you as well as the dog,who needs freinds like her,after you had done all her dirty work and had to convey what she was going to do and put up with the snide remarks expecially from me...

And yet no apology at all...

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

apology is that from the owner?

so she has a husband.46 posts later.

and you are not her freind so you say.

i can only apologise for doubting you.


looks like she's done the dirty on you as well as the dog,who needs freinds like her,after you had done all her dirty work and had to convey what she was going to do and put up with the snide remarks expecially from me...

And yet no apology at all...

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

apology is that from the owner?

so she has a husband.46 posts later.,

and you are not her freind so you say.

i can only apologise for doubting you.

Sorry you don't make any sense : Yes she has a husband, 2 kids, 2 cats, a couple of sisters, some other grown up kids from a previous marriage, a driver, and a maid, ... What does it have anything to do with Paula or the fact she abandoned her ?

How could I be the husband ? Have looked at my name ? Avatar ?

Kitsune is a female fox with a large flowery hat, what male would choose such an icon ?


It is a dog.

Not a child.

If a home cant be found for it have it put down.

Then everyone can move onto their next "cause of the day"

You're an idiot.

  • Like 2

It is a dog.

Not a child.

If a home cant be found for it have it put down.

Then everyone can move onto their next "cause of the day"

You're an idiot.

i will second that.

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