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Thai Women: What Do You Think Of This White Skin Nonsense?

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Had a friend once who wouldn't look at the lovely Isaan girls,because they were dark skinned. He always went for the Laos white skinned girls,strangely the ones he chose for long term girlfriends were invariably ugly.So I suppose it comes back to the old saying"Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder"

I too have met farangs who actively seek white-skinned girls in the belief that they're getting something "better".

As you say, they often end up with pigs.

But how were the girls conversational skills?


My wife ( she's thai ) is a doctor and own a beauty clinic ( threads-botox-filler-laser-whitening etc )

It's just insane how many girls show up for whitening injection shock1.gif

My wife don't like sunshine and always looking for shadow


It's sad, and rather pathetic, when I see a lovely, dark-skinned girl whose made herself look like a zombie, after applying whitening lotions/powders to her face.

I am attracted to confidence, and so in Thailand I find myself gravitating towards lighter skinned girls. That's not to say I have a real preference for skin color. If I met a dark-skinned girl who didn't spend an extra hour in the bathroom camouflaging her true beauty, of course I'd be game.

Maybe you should consider the reasons why many dark skinned girls are desperate to look white. From childhood they feel different and it doesn't matter how lovely you or I might think they are, they live in a society where the continuous ad brainwashing and feeling inferior if dark wins hands down. I doubt very much whether you gravitating toward a girl with lighter skin colour is going to make one iota of difference in her thinking. If they buy the product and think the whitening cream is making them more attractive and they actually feel more attractive, then I don't see why they shouldn't use it. Most foreigners that seem to have the strongest objections are the ones who usually end up paying for it.wink.png

Not sure I follow you here. Why do you assume I haven't considered the reasons dark skinned girls want to be white? Of course I'm aware of them. And I didn't say my gravitating toward a girl with lighter skin is going to make her more confident; I said girls with lighter skin tend to be more confident, and I am attracted to said confidence.

The problem with whitening is that it's rarely uniform. Women with LOVELY honey/coffee hued skin end up ruining their natural glow, and are transformed to a pasty white, resembling the shade of an undershirt shirt that's been worn too many times. It's the converse of pale girls who over tan, and end up looking orange.


It's sad, and rather pathetic, when I see a lovely, dark-skinned girl whose made herself look like a zombie, after applying whitening lotions/powders to her face.

I am attracted to confidence, and so in Thailand I find myself gravitating towards lighter skinned girls. That's not to say I have a real preference for skin color. If I met a dark-skinned girl who didn't spend an extra hour in the bathroom camouflaging her true beauty, of course I'd be game.

Maybe you should consider the reasons why many dark skinned girls are desperate to look white. From childhood they feel different and it doesn't matter how lovely you or I might think they are, they live in a society where the continuous ad brainwashing and feeling inferior if dark wins hands down. I doubt very much whether you gravitating toward a girl with lighter skin colour is going to make one iota of difference in her thinking. If they buy the product and think the whitening cream is making them more attractive and they actually feel more attractive, then I don't see why they shouldn't use it. Most foreigners that seem to have the strongest objections are the ones who usually end up paying for it.wink.png

If only the brainwashing was about skin colour here i'd be ecstatic!


Personally, I find a woman with dirty elbows a turn off. I am always surprised by the number of Europeans with dirty elbows and forearms along with black dirt encrusted toenails. If I can get past the bad hygiene issues, skin colour is a minor issue.

Seriously foreign people, please wash your feet and arms.


You sound like my mother. She too had a fixation with dirty elbows

What about the knees and the ankles ?

PS : Unfortunately, because of this early age brainwashing I'm now like you, cannot stand dirty elbows. Should I sue my mother ?


Some world organization needs to start a education campaign to educate women around the world

Billboards, Websites, Radio spots, TV, everywhere.

Men don't care about your skin color, hair, pedicure, shoes, jewelry.

Men like a good shape that is not too fat or too skinny. No flab.

Women could have no toenails, wear a burlap sack and have blue skin. If they are shaped well then it's game on.

Get the word out

Lose some weight and hit the yoga, aerobics or gym, refine the diet etc


Some world organization needs to start a education campaign to educate women around the world

Billboards, Websites, Radio spots, TV, everywhere.

Men don't care about your skin color, hair, pedicure, shoes, jewelry.

Men like a good shape that is not too fat or too skinny. No flab.

Women could have no toenails, wear a burlap sack and have blue skin. If they are shaped well then it's game on.

Get the word out

Lose some weight and hit the yoga, aerobics or gym, refine the diet etc

Perhaps you're under the mistaken impression that women only want/need to look good for men. I don't believe this to be the case here or anywhere else.


Some world organization needs to start a education campaign to educate women around the world

Billboards, Websites, Radio spots, TV, everywhere.

Men don't care about your skin color, hair, pedicure, shoes, jewelry.

Men like a good shape that is not too fat or too skinny. No flab.

Women could have no toenails, wear a burlap sack and have blue skin. If they are shaped well then it's game on.

Get the word out

Lose some weight and hit the yoga, aerobics or gym, refine the diet etc

Women don't care as much about what men think as they do about what other women think.

An admiring look from another woman is worth 10 times that of compliments from just-another-horny-bloke who'll say anything to get in her pants.

  • Like 2

Light skinned, dark skinned, tall, short, long hair, short haired, petite, voluptuous, busty, flat, naughty, good....I've enjoyed all types in LOS. Settled on a petite, mocha latte with a bewitching smile....however, she prefers light skinned girls:-o


Some world organization needs to start a education campaign to educate women around the world

Billboards, Websites, Radio spots, TV, everywhere.

Men don't care about your skin color, hair, pedicure, shoes, jewelry.

Men like a good shape that is not too fat or too skinny. No flab.

Women could have no toenails, wear a burlap sack and have blue skin. If they are shaped well then it's game on.

Get the word out

Lose some weight and hit the yoga, aerobics or gym, refine the diet etc

Women don't care as much about what men think as they do about what other women think.

An admiring look from another woman is worth 10 times that of compliments from just-another-horny-bloke who'll say anything to get in her pants.

That was exactly the point I wanted to make in my previous. Other women's opinion matter much more to the average woman than what men think. Thai men's opinion may matter some in Thailand, but farang men's opinion in Thailand matter very, very little.

  • Like 2

Some world organization needs to start a education campaign to educate women around the world

Billboards, Websites, Radio spots, TV, everywhere.

Men don't care about your skin color, hair, pedicure, shoes, jewelry.

Men like a good shape that is not too fat or too skinny. No flab.

Women could have no toenails, wear a burlap sack and have blue skin. If they are shaped well then it's game on.

Get the word out

Lose some weight and hit the yoga, aerobics or gym, refine the diet etc

Women don't care as much about what men think as they do about what other women think.

An admiring look from another woman is worth 10 times that of compliments from just-another-horny-bloke who'll say anything to get in her pants.

That was exactly the point I wanted to make in my previous. Other women's opinion matter much more to the average woman than what men think. Thai men's opinion may matter some in Thailand, but farang men's opinion in Thailand matter very, very little.

I greatly agree women want to be admired by other women. Same with men.. Getting big muscles in the gym is mostly about impressing other men.

There are a great many women in Thailand however who would like to attract a man with means to support them and improve their lot in life and in my analysis they are missing the boat on being attractive to men.

You can impress other women all day and it's never going to allow them to quit their low paying jobs.


Some world organization needs to start a education campaign to educate women around the world

Billboards, Websites, Radio spots, TV, everywhere.

Men don't care about your skin color, hair, pedicure, shoes, jewelry.

Men like a good shape that is not too fat or too skinny. No flab.

Women could have no toenails, wear a burlap sack and have blue skin. If they are shaped well then it's game on.

Get the word out

Lose some weight and hit the yoga, aerobics or gym, refine the diet etc

Women don't care as much about what men think as they do about what other women think.

An admiring look from another woman is worth 10 times that of compliments from just-another-horny-bloke who'll say anything to get in her pants.

That was exactly the point I wanted to make in my previous. Other women's opinion matter much more to the average woman than what men think. Thai men's opinion may matter some in Thailand, but farang men's opinion in Thailand matter very, very little.

Bang on.

The only instance where I can see the opinion of foreigners being of any consequence to a Thai woman is if/when one is taken out of Thailand to the West. If she's even remotely pretty, she's likely to be overwhelmed by male interest and female envy.

  • Like 1

Look how many single mothers, nice good hearted 30+ year, old maids etc are toiling away in low paying thankless jobs who would like to attract a man who is Thai or Foreigner?

It's a lot of women out there. I am frequently asked I know someone who would want them.

I don't want to tell them the truth.. They need to watch their diet and hit the gym etc if they want to be desirable.

Many many millions of women in Thailand and the rest of the world fit this profile.

I guess its too obvious an analysis.



Fair skin has long been viewed as a positive physical characteristic in China, Japan, Korea; and that has spread throughout South Asia. Even in India, fairer skin was usually attributed to a higher caste, while darker skin to a lower caste. And in the U.S there is the gentle push/pull between lighter and darker skinned African-Americans. Not much new here?


Speaking as a red headed farang woman with freckled white skin I think it is crazy, but who am I to judge. I would love to have the beautifl golden skin of a Thai woman, but that is never going to happen no matter how much cream I put on or time spent in a tanning salon. Berkshire made a good comment about discrimination against fat women. American women spend billions of dollars each year to try and get skin that matches the natural Thai beauty and it doesn't work. But, for some strange reason, Thai women don't realize what they have naturally. It all goes back to advertising and the very race concious Thai people who separate High society from low society by the colour of one's skin. Dark skin means you grew up in some rice paddy. White skin means your family never had to work for a living. It all comes down to brain washing from an early age. I DO know that if a Thai woman puts that whitening cream on her face and I take a photo with a flash camera then she is going to look like a zombie just out of a grave. The flash refelects all that terrible whitening cream.

this, it all comes down to not looking like a farm girl and the obsession with jpop and kpop, when will they learn koreans on video clips have head their whole head fixed, the average ones are far less atractive then a nice thai.

I think it's been going on a longer than j and k-pop.


Speaking as a red headed farang woman with freckled white skin I think it is crazy, but who am I to judge. I would love to have the beautifl golden skin of a Thai woman, but that is never going to happen no matter how much cream I put on or time spent in a tanning salon. Berkshire made a good comment about discrimination against fat women. American women spend billions of dollars each year to try and get skin that matches the natural Thai beauty and it doesn't work. But, for some strange reason, Thai women don't realize what they have naturally. It all goes back to advertising and the very race concious Thai people who separate High society from low society by the colour of one's skin. Dark skin means you grew up in some rice paddy. White skin means your family never had to work for a living. It all comes down to brain washing from an early age. I DO know that if a Thai woman puts that whitening cream on her face and I take a photo with a flash camera then she is going to look like a zombie just out of a grave. The flash refelects all that terrible whitening cream.

Yep the wifes friend who was into whitening stuff 5 years ago looked like a zombie without her make up on while staying the night at her place. I don't think anyone had ever seen her without it before.

Now even with her make up on she looks 10 years older than the rest of the friends as it's damaged her skin so much.

Me personally it doesn't matter to me, prefer darker skin, but most the classier more attractive looking girls wear whitening stuff. Oh well.

Anyway as you say the golden skin is nice and most of us here like....


How about you? Do you buy into this white skin nonsense?
I prefer paler skinned girls, but the industry of it all is a bit above and beyond.

Do you have a preference for light or dark-colored skin?

I prefer light skin Asians, whether they are are Thai, Korean, Chinese, etc
I also prefer light skinned farang girls, ones who don't tan.

Do you find Thai girls with light-colored skin attractive?
Extremely so, I would flirt with a light-colored girl over a darker girl 9 times out of 10. But I would never shy away from a darker girl just because of her skin tone.
I constantly get asked why I, as a farang, like pale skinned girls or girls which obvious Chinese heritage. Because "Farang like dark girls". I have had that convo a few times a months over years of being here...

some of them like white well.. it makes a change from everyone wanting to be brown in the west with all their fake tan. But each to their own

Some trying to get darker some trying to get lighter


women with their skincare and coaches

men with their bikes and cars

nothing nonsense about it

Men's skincare products is one of the fastest growing global industry's.

On another note my Thai wife is naturally white and her friend who has lived in the Uk for 20 years actually uses fake tan to avoid looking white.

It's all about money and advertising imho.


Do you buy into this dark skin nonsense?tongue.pngbiggrin.png Like what you like, and don't be so prejudiced in your opinions of others, might be a good place to start.thumbsup.gif

Racist. Crass. Idiotic.

Are you for real?


Some world organization needs to start a education campaign to educate women around the world

Billboards, Websites, Radio spots, TV, everywhere.

Men don't care about your skin color, hair, pedicure, shoes, jewelry.

Men like a good shape that is not too fat or too skinny. No flab.

Women could have no toenails, wear a burlap sack and have blue skin. If they are shaped well then it's game on.

Get the word out

Lose some weight and hit the yoga, aerobics or gym, refine the diet etc

Women don't care as much about what men think as they do about what other women think.

An admiring look from another woman is worth 10 times that of compliments from just-another-horny-bloke who'll say anything to get in her pants.

That was exactly the point I wanted to make in my previous. Other women's opinion matter much more to the average woman than what men think. Thai men's opinion may matter some in Thailand, but farang men's opinion in Thailand matter very, very little.

Bang on.

The only instance where I can see the opinion of foreigners being of any consequence to a Thai woman is if/when one is taken out of Thailand to the West. If she's even remotely pretty, she's likely to be overwhelmed by male interest and female envy.

You've got it.

Women dress for women.

And women undress for men.

Same everywhere, dude.

  • Like 1

Speaking as a red headed farang woman with freckled white skin I think it is crazy, but who am I to judge. I would love to have the beautifl golden skin of a Thai woman, but that is never going to happen no matter how much cream I put on or time spent in a tanning salon. Berkshire made a good comment about discrimination against fat women. American women spend billions of dollars each year to try and get skin that matches the natural Thai beauty and it doesn't work. But, for some strange reason, Thai women don't realize what they have naturally. It all goes back to advertising and the very race concious Thai people who separate High society from low society by the colour of one's skin. Dark skin means you grew up in some rice paddy. White skin means your family never had to work for a living. It all comes down to brain washing from an early age. I DO know that if a Thai woman puts that whitening cream on her face and I take a photo with a flash camera then she is going to look like a zombie just out of a grave. The flash refelects all that terrible whitening cream.

Mmm.. I have a thing for red heads, ever since my first kiss many years ago :D But so temperamental!

The skin thing is a class thing quite obviously. Thailand is still fundamentally a feudal society and the conquered Khmer aka. many Isaan people are at the bottom of the totem pole, while the newest invaders, the Chinese are at the top.

I don't have a preference for skin color as such, but dark skin and low class prostitute behaviour sometimes go together, so it can be a good indicator on which people to avoid, particularly if coupled with a tatoo and smoking.

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