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Thai Women: What Do You Think Of This White Skin Nonsense?

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I'm not Thai, but am a woman, so I'll irespond. biggrin.png

I also get sick of all the Thai women I meet saying to me, "Ohhh your skin is so white. I will trade my skin for yours!" It saddens me when my Thai friend's daughter (who is 6) tries to make her face white with powder and family members will actually tell her it's too bad that she's so dark skinned. Talk about growing up with low self-confidence. Of course, many people say it in jest...but still.

Has a lot to do with "class." If you're :Hi-so, then you should have white skin...but that's not always the case. I assume it's the same way in places like India, etc, where they follow the class system very seriously. Personally, I am kind of relieved they like white skin here in a way, because I hate tanning (sunburns, ouch!) One my my falang friends tans all the time, and she is going to get old way too soon! Not to mention, skin cancer...

Whenever my students at school tell me they want my white skin, I tell them that I think their dark skin is beautiful (which it really is) and they are always shocked when I say that. rolleyes.gif

╔═════════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ════════════════╗

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Repost this if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ you are a beautiful strong black woman ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ who dont need no man ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

╚═════════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ════════════════╝

Yeaaahhhh .... Noooooooo ....

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I'm not Thai, but am a woman, so I'll respond. biggrin.png

I also get sick of all the Thai women I meet saying to me, "Ohhh your skin is so white. I will trade my skin for yours!" It saddens me when my Thai friend's daughter (who is 6) tries to make her face white with powder and family members will actually tell her it's too bad that she's so dark skinned. Talk about growing up with low self-confidence. Of course, many people say it in jest...but still.

Has a lot to do with "class." If you're :Hi-so, then you should have white skin...but that's not always the case. I assume it's the same way in places like India, etc, where they follow the class system very seriously. Personally, I am kind of relieved they like white skin here in a way, because I hate tanning (sunburns, ouch!) One my my falang friends tans all the time, and she is going to get old way too soon! Not to mention, skin cancer...

Whenever my students at school tell me they want my white skin, I tell them that I think their dark skin is beautiful (which it really is) and they are always shocked when I say that. rolleyes.gif

╔═════════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ════════════════╗

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Repost this if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ you are a beautiful strong black woman ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ who don’t need no man ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

╚═════════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ════════════════╝



This topic is 4 pages long and yet I haven't seen any Thai women respond to it. The question clearly asks... THAI WOMEN: What do you think of this white skin nonsense?

If I may respond on their behalf, I'd imagine they'd say something to the effect...."Yeah...what's your point?"


White skin Thai = rich parents= money

Dark skin Thai = works in the fields =no money.

Its the same in most Asian country's.

Total rubbish. coffee1.gif

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This topic is 4 pages long and yet I haven't seen any Thai women respond to it. The question clearly asks... THAI WOMEN: What do you think of this white skin nonsense?

Could be the lack of Thai women members? unsure.png

  • Like 1

This topic is 4 pages long and yet I haven't seen any Thai women respond to it. The question clearly asks... THAI WOMEN: What do you think of this white skin nonsense?

Could be the lack of Thai women members? unsure.png

Don't you be so sure Duckie giggle.gif ..........................w00t.gif


White skin Thai = rich parents= money

Dark skin Thai = works in the fields =no money.

Its the same in most Asian country's.

Total rubbish. coffee1.gif

Well that was worth reading!


white skin,tall,strait nose - yammmmmii!


Your point was?

And who is this unattractive girl in the photo you've shared?


Don't go bashing on other cultures by calling them as nonsense just because they have a different point of view than you do.

For thai people is nonsense that russian ladies come here and use bikinis in public places.

For many years I suffered the opposite: in my home country I was rejected countless times by girls and mocked at school because of being nerdy, pale and skinny in a country where the "handsome" standard is to be extroverted, tanned and strong.

Finally I came to Thailand and here my attributes became something good, I am often praised for having such a nice skin and not being fat.

PS: I am not racist by any means, I have many black friends and most of the thai girls I had were quite dark skinned. It's just that I am happy to be in a country where my looks and attitude finally match the desirable standards.


Girls to me are like chocolate, sometimes I like a nice piece of dark or sometimes a nice piece of white chocolate.


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Had a friend once who wouldn't look at the lovely Isaan girls,because they were dark skinned. He always went for the Laos white skinned girls,strangely the ones he chose for long term girlfriends were invariably ugly.So I suppose it comes back to the old saying"Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder"

As the song goes... If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife.
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Whats sad about it this, is way you see very dark skinned thais lower their head and jump out of the way of the other thais.

its the demoralizing affect on those with darker skin that is the insidious part of that crap.

i have been asked a number of times by thai men

'why farang go for ugly black thai girls?'

the reply that they are just as beautiful as white ones was met with disbelief

so i changed it to

'i've been with so many white girls im bored with them'

they all then seemed to understand that one.

got another one on that same thing

but its tarlung,

(warning semi explicit and mysog to some)

to some 40+ 17-18-19 yrs old male tech sts

'their all pink on the inside.'

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i have a beautiful thai gf that i visit yearly in Phuket, she has lovely brown honey skin which i adore

but she dislikes her own skin color and does not like me complimenting her on it!!


Whats sad about it this, is way you see very dark skinned thais lower their head and jump out of the way of the other thais.

its the demoralizing affect on those with darker skin that is the insidious part of that crap.

Really good post.

I hope the tiny number of racist fools who've responded to this thread have the chance to read and reflect on what you've written.

How about you? Do you buy into this white skin nonsense?

Hell No, I think it's a industry fueled by self hate and generaly Bullsh*&!

Do you have a preference for light or dark-colored skin?

Nope, I love'm white as snow and black as night, all nationalities, kinda thick and kinda slim, tall or short, cute and young, grown and sexy cougars, it's all good and they can all be beautiful. Beauty and Ugly is not determined by skin tone to me. I just don't like ultra fat and ultra skinny and just down right fugly.

Do you find Thai girls with light-colored skin attractive?

I find attractive girls attractive, and ugly girls ugly, irrespective of their skin tone.
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Just look at the drama serials on TV. Look at the actresses, or at least, the "stars" of the show. I'm sorry, but facts are that they look nothing like the dark-skinned girl-from-Isaan types. Local men prefer fair-skinned ladies. Even dark-skinned local men prefer fair-skinned ladies. And what men like, they girls want to be. This is Thailand's concept of beauty, like it or not. People from the west may call this racism, but to the locals it's simply that they consider fair skin a beautiful quality. Fair skin is not only a desirable quality to Thais, it is a desirable quality for Asians, from China (ancient paintings depict women with fair skin) to Korea (have you seen how fair the pop starlets are) to Japan (geishas paint their skin white, to make a point). Racism is not the issue.

That's not to say that even if a girl has fair skin but bad facial features, she would still be considered beautiful. Fair skin to the locals are what boobs are to Caucasians. If you have a pretty face but have small boobs, that's fine. But if you had a pretty face and big boobs, even better. So to the Thais its like this. If you had a pretty face and are not so fair, that's fine. But if you had a pretty face and fair skin, even better.

Personally I prefer fair-skinned ladies (I'm Chinese, that's why, sorry). But it's not so much about being fair-skinned than it is about clear, clean, healthy looking skin. I've had not-so-fair girlfriends before, but they were of a shade of golden brown, not dark-dark.

One thing to note. There's a difference between being tanned and being dark, Tanned is ideally that nice, golden, glowing shade that happens when a fair-skinned person go under the sun. Dark is, well, dark, the result of genes, and that's what the locals dislike.

This is "dark."

This is "tanned."

And this is "fair."

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I like girls the same way I like my coffee - served in a paper cup 'cause I am just going to throw it away afterwards anyway........

Just kidding.......

Canadian women spend a fortune on tanning products and trips in the winter to hot destinations just to get that "healthy" glowing tan. My wife is the color of a perfectly made latte.....and just as delicious.

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Another beaten-to-death topic, but I'll bite. A knowledgeable Thai-American guy told me once that amongst Thai women, obsession with skin color is very similar to American women's obsession with thinness. In other words, a dark-skinned Thai woman is similar to an obese American woman in the US. Think about it in that context.

So if you were a foreigner in America, and you go on top of the tallest rooftop and yell out "Fat women are beautiful! Quit discriminating against fat women!" Do you really think that this would change the minds of the average American male? Doubtful.

By the way, this skin color phenomenon applies mostly to women, as men are more about physical beauty when choosing a mate. Thai women mostly prefer guys with a charming personality and the ability to provide...not necessarily in that order. Skin color doesn't really mean much in that respect. Yes, they dig Korean boy-bands, but it's not the most important thing--unlike us superficial guys.

In terms of first appearances I think Thai women like westerners because of their white skin and noses. I must admit the nose thing had me puzzled at first.

I like the darker skin but that's just for looking at which if I see a girl on the street is the only consideration. For a long term relationship there are more important things of course. For me it's not white skin as such that I'm not keen on so much as the attempt to change the colour. I'd just as soon they were happy with what they have.

Still if they want to do it then it's up to them.

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Potentially serious subject here. laugh.png

No idea why some Thai women think they need to be white to be sexy. My wife is dark and I like it. If I wanted white bodies I would have gone for farang girls...

.....and if I wanted dark skin I would have gone for African girls........

It really is ridiculous. The power of advertising to the uneducated masses.



I like girls the same way I like my coffee - served in a paper cup 'cause I am just going to throw it away afterwards anyway........

Just kidding.......

Canadian women spend a fortune on tanning products and trips in the winter to hot destinations just to get that "healthy" glowing tan. My wife is the color of a perfectly made latte.....and just as delicious.

you're a funny man thumbsup.gif


One of the older Thai gents I golf with broke it down for me like this. In a general way mind you. Dark skin is seen as something from farmers and people who work in the fields = poor. White skin is a soceity thing and you can live and work in an office or nice house = wealthy. Ladys want to show their friends and people somewhat known they have the money to spend on the high cost of the skin treatments. Yes high end places can get 100,000 Baht a month per lady. So its about skin color being part of the class system. Thailand is very conserned about what people say when they gossip about them.

I also heard that Elvis is dead.....


Had a friend once who wouldn't look at the lovely Isaan girls,because they were dark skinned. He always went for the Laos white skinned girls,strangely the ones he chose for long term girlfriends were invariably ugly.So I suppose it comes back to the old saying"Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder"

As the song goes... If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife.

Only people with ugly wives make this statement. I feel for you.


White skin dark skin!!!1 who cares not me, it is the person not the colour of the skin that matters , to me anyway.

Many years ago whilst ashore in Mombasa an african was offering me a girl, without thinking i said "no thanks, i dont like black ham" To which he quickly replied " all same inside johnny, all pink" smile.png

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