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Thai Women: What Do You Think Of This White Skin Nonsense?


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What really concerns me is not the shade of Thai peoples skin,a nice dusky or dark skin can be very attractive,but this use of skin whiteners,is something else. There are many women in Thailand who believe skin colour is everything (and so does the rich heirachy) ,and are not educated enough to know what potential damage they are doing to themselves,I look around at young women in their late twenties and early thirties,with pock marked pitted faces,with dark brown spots,something like freckles,on a worn and blotchy,patchy skin, the like of,I have never seen before in western women.

I have no proof,but this mania to make their skin white,may be a serious problem the manufacturers need to address to stop the white is good,dark is mai suai! form of advertising.

Total nonsense of course,but how does one change a society built on looks and external superficial appearance? and no regard for the person,whose worth may very well be much more than the sum total of their skin colour? Sadly they have many decades to go before they reach some form of enlightenment. Even the Thai Soaps have dark skin people in lower class jobs,i.e ...................cleaners,gardeners,drivers,nannies,window cleaners.

Meanwhile those that are biased to anyone that are different,should bare in mind our society in the west,was in it's infancy as late as the late sixties,when considered medical treatment for homosexuality was Electric shock treatment,as an in patient for six weeks,in a mental asylum,I'm sure there are many Baby Boomers,who wouldn't have known that was standard practice in the sixties in the UK.

And a friend of mine went through this abysmal treatment,purely through ignorance of the the medical proffession of the era,I gave him as much moral support as a heterosexual, as I could at the time,and we are still friends to this day.Imagine going to visit a friend in a mental Institution,whos only crime (sic) was to be Gay.The good news is my friend now lives with the partner of his choice,and is a well adjusted person,who does not dwell on the past,and his terrible treatment, So I have digressed somewhat,but the point is major changes can take many decades,and Thailand has a long,long way to go,before people are accepted for themselves, and not for their class, looks,wealth,skin colour, (Black skin = Peasant,White skin = power,) and much more................

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I have no problem with people who want to be whiter, or darker, or even want to stay the same. It’s their personal choice, just like wearing any makeup, or what hairstyle should one must have ects. It’s the person on the inside that counts most and impresses me more than the exterior appearance.
Same same with... some prefer dark chocolate chip, some prefer white chip, while the rest are not very picky of whatever is on the table at the time or easiest to reach.

If many of you think that the whitening lotion is harmful, Of course one could argue the same goes with drinking and smoking also. So why would many farangs do it?...couldn’t be that good, right?...harmful substance with no nutritional value in it whatsoever. Many people also die from drinking and smoking also. So drinking and smoking are also "nonsense",....yes?

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I have no problem with people who want to be whiter, or darker, or even want to stay the same. It’s their personal choice, just like wearing any makeup, or what hairstyle should one must have ects. It’s the person on the inside that counts most and impresses me more than the exterior appearance.

Same same with... some prefer dark chocolate chip, some prefer white chip, while the rest are not very picky of whatever is on the table at the time or easiest to reach.

If many of you think that the whitening lotion is harmful, Of course one could argue the same goes with drinking and smoking also. So why would many farangs do it?...couldn’t be that good, right?...harmful substance with no nutritional value in it whatsoever. Many people also die from drinking and smoking also. So drinking and smoking are also "nonsense",....yes?

You're being way too logical for these lads. You should also mention that sunbathing is more harmful than any whitening lotion.

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I have no problem with people who want to be whiter, or darker, or even want to stay the same. It’s their personal choice, just like wearing any makeup, or what hairstyle should one must have ects. It’s the person on the inside that counts most and impresses me more than the exterior appearance.

Same same with... some prefer dark chocolate chip, some prefer white chip, while the rest are not very picky of whatever is on the table at the time or easiest to reach.

If many of you think that the whitening lotion is harmful, Of course one could argue the same goes with drinking and smoking also. So why would many farangs do it?...couldn’t be that good, right?...harmful substance with no nutritional value in it whatsoever. Many people also die from drinking and smoking also. So drinking and smoking are also "nonsense",....yes?

You're being way too logical for these lads. You should also mention that sunbathing is more harmful than any whitening lotion.

I would say either way is too extreme. Trying to change your skin color so you are not recognized as a worker is as bad as someone trying to burn to a crisp because of a shallow conception that it's better trying to look like s swim-suit model than be who you actually are.

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Potentially serious subject here. laugh.png

No idea why some Thai women think they need to be white to be sexy. My wife is dark and I like it. If I wanted white bodies I would have gone for farang girls...

.....and if I wanted dark skin I would have gone for African girls........

It really is ridiculous. The power of advertising to the uneducated masses.

Potentially serious subject here. laugh.png

No idea why some Thai women think they need to be white to be sexy. My wife is dark and I like it. If I wanted white bodies I would have gone for farang girls...

.....and if I wanted dark skin I would have gone for African girls........

It really is ridiculous. The power of advertising to the uneducated masses.

what a riduculous thing to say, have you ever travelled to Latin America? nowhere near Africa mind you. Anyway my point is, these women a consistently winners of miss universe pageants, they are neither white nor black, but amazing brown beauties, the most gorgerous women on the planet by far.

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No preference for me however the Asian obsession with being whiter leaves me perplexed. Ironically in the west people love to get tanned. I do laugh though when I see pics on facebook of girls with too much of the old ghost cream on. It's like they did their makeup in the dark and no one has told them yet. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

People like what they are not. Hence the skin colour thingy. Those of us who can rise above that don't care about superficial things like skin.

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  • 6 months later...

Perhaps campaigns at the highest levels should be created, to educate Thais about how their dark skin makes them MORE beautiful. A kind of a take off of the "black is beautiful" campaigns you used to see in the US. Most Thais I meet have no idea how lovely their dark skin is. They have been indoctrinated for so long, by these toxic skin care companies, and the nonsense notions on Thai TV, that dark skinned people are all poor farmers. All the rich people you see on Thai TV are milky white. They reinforce these racist stereotypes. How many Thai women do you see on the beach tanning themselves? I have always thought a great theme for a girly bar would be the "Chocolate Bar". Only brown girls are allowed to apply for positions. It would be so much fun to be able to say, "Sorry, but you do not qualify. You are too white. Nobody would want you here. Only dark girls are considered desirable here." The darker the better. From middle level cocoa on up. Since many of us farengs consider their darkness a symbol of their beauty, I think it would be a real hit. And perhaps it would be the beginning of the Thai people embracing the beauty within their darkness.

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  • 5 months later...

Hi darling,Lets go to the beach.No not now ! Why? Sun to strong,Must wait till after 4 pm How about a walk in the park?After 4pm. Ok

Darling, here try this 75 SPF after you go in the water! Why are you wearing your clothes to go swimming???

Darling lets go to market. Ok! 10 minutes later OMG! roon maak maak. Darling yes, its 38c Why are you wearing a long sleeve shirt and a hoodie?

Darling lets go to Big C. I want to buy lotion Ok ! I'm curious I want to see bottle" DNA proven skin whitening" .Are you sure you want to buy this feminine cream ?

Rest assure the beauty industry has made many times over billions of bht .

IMOP!Culture differences. I guess!

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How about you? Do you buy into this white skin nonsense?
Girls in the UK like to be tanned, girls in LOS want to be white.
Do you have a preference for light or dark-colored skin?
As long as they are attractive, shades are immaterial.
Do you find Thai girls with light-colored skin attractive?
As above.

<Girls in the UK like to be tanned, >

According to a news item I heard today, the desire of UK people to get tanned has led to a huge increase in skin cancer. Be careful what you wish for!

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How about you? Do you buy into this white skin nonsense?
I prefer paler skinned girls, but the industry of it all is a bit above and beyond.

Do you have a preference for light or dark-colored skin?

I prefer light skin Asians, whether they are are Thai, Korean, Chinese, etc
I also prefer light skinned farang girls, ones who don't tan.

Do you find Thai girls with light-colored skin attractive?
Extremely so, I would flirt with a light-colored girl over a darker girl 9 times out of 10. But I would never shy away from a darker girl just because of her skin tone.
I constantly get asked why I, as a farang, like pale skinned girls or girls which obvious Chinese heritage. Because "Farang like dark girls". I have had that convo a few times a months over years of being here...

Sadly, I have to admit,

I prefer light skinned women,

but not whiter than me, as I am a sun worshipper and enjoy the sunshine on my skin and its healing properties and nutritive qualities,

I do not like the thai way of avoiding the sun at all costs, but I understand it, as the sun is always there, boiling away in thailand

My girl was diligent about putting the spot remover on her freckles, which they do not consider pretty, nor, do most of the girls that have freckles in the west,

it seems the girls are the same everywhere as many females in the US will not go in the sun either, wanting to keep the wrinkles away

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Had a friend once who wouldn't look at the lovely Isaan girls,because they were dark skinned. He always went for the Laos white skinned girls,strangely the ones he chose for long term girlfriends were invariably ugly.So I suppose it comes back to the old saying"Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder"

I too have met farangs who actively seek white-skinned girls in the belief that they're getting something "better".

As you say, they often end up with pigs.

Sadly they gave up the really pretty girls for a lighter shade,it beats me!

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  • 1 month later...

Yes. The obsession with whiteness here is amazing. On most of the soaps, the ones who live in the 50 million baht homes are always pasty white. Like casper the friendly ghost.I always tell my thai girlfriend repeat after me- Black is beautiful, white is bad. She thinks I am nuts. They just do not get it. I cannot believe the number of stunning, dark skinned women here, who think they are ugly because of their gorgeous, cocoa colored skin. If only they knew the truth! I think a great business model is the "Chocolate Bar". Hire dark skinned girls only. I would love to see the look on a beautiful light skinned girls face, when you told her she cannot work there because her skin is too light. I love the very concept.

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The fact is that all throughout Asia dark skin is associated with outdoor labor working (poor people). Light skin is associated with non labor people ( wealthy and upper class). That's just the facts, right or wrong it is cultural.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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The fact is that all throughout Asia dark skin is associated with outdoor labor working (poor people). Light skin is associated with non labor people ( wealthy and upper class). That's just the facts, right or wrong it is cultural.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

The ideal that most Thai women aspire for are Korean...and to a certain extent, Japanese, and Chinese. If you ever watch any Korean, Japanese, or Chinese shows/movies, you will see the sorts of women that Thai girls want to emulate. The Thai girls you see in the soaps pretty much resemble the Korean girls in the Korean soaps. And they all have impeccably light skin. That's just the way it is. And no amount of whinging/whining from disgruntled farang guys will ever change that.

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