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Falkland Islanders Vote To Remain British


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I, for one, can tolerate a different point of view. Why can you not tolerate the democratic wishes of the Falkland Islanders?

Why do you want to subject them to a government they don't want? Why would you force them to abandon their traditions and way of life?

If one were to substitute 'Tibetans' for 'Falkland Islanders' - your statement (above) would fit even better. For that matter, it's good to know the mainlanders are Argentine, rather than Chinese. If Chinese, they'd have 250 missiles aimed at the the islands, as they do with Taiwan.

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Stupid and pointless vote. Doesn't prove that the islands are British.

Maybe, maybe not.

But it does prove what the islander's want. Surely that should be enough for anyone who cares about democracy.

Edited to remove machine code errors

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Don't get your panties in a twist. Brazil is on Argentina's side and Brazil is a rapidly emerging superpower. I don't believe in the LONG RUN those islands will remain British. Could be 100 years though so it's a safe prediction. (We won't know.)

If Messi and Tevez can be persuaded to play for England then we will give them back the Falklands rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

They can keep Tevez. We'll have Messi though. thumbsup.gif

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So would you consider a vote of the Argentinian people on whether they should or shouldn't contest the F-lands legit as well? Kirchner doesn't want violence.

No, I have only an opinion,and no voice which counts, but important is not what Argentine wants or Great Britain,

important should only be, what the inhabitants of the Falklands want! thumbsup.gif

And, if Great Britain goes conform with their opinion, there should be no more problem! smile.png

And I agree 100%. If the inhabitants choose to be Argentinian, then so they should be. (As a Brit).

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The Argentine side doesn't think the inhabitants views are very relevant:

Argentina says the principle of self-determination does not apply to the Malvinas.

Its foreign ministry says there must be a legitimate relationship between that population and the concerned territory. It says no such relationship exists in the Malvinas, as British colonists "occupied the islands by force in 1833, expelled the people that had settled there and did not allow their return, thus violating the territorial integrity of Argentina".


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The Falklands have only ever been disputed when the Argentinian Junta/Dictator/President of the day has needed smoke and mirrors to distract the Argentinian people away from internal troubles.

That simply isn't true. The Argentinians overwhelmingly feel those islands belong to Argentina. Wishing that weren't so doesn't make it not so.

So who in the Argentine first started these claims, the Spanish invaders or the indigenous population ?

There was NO Argentina when the Brits colonised the FALKLANDS

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The Argentine side doesn't think the inhabitants views are very relevant:

Argentina says the principle of self-determination does not apply to the Malvinas.

Its foreign ministry says there must be a legitimate relationship between that population and the concerned territory. It says no such relationship exists in the Malvinas, as British colonists "occupied the islands by force in 1833, expelled the people that had settled there and did not allow their return, thus violating the territorial integrity of Argentina".


Very few Argentine governments have ever cared much for democracy.

Or historical accuracy!

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It's only a matter of time. Look at a map.

The UK channel Islands are a few feet from France, no problem, look at the map. coffee1.gif

How far are the F-lands from England? coffee1.gif

Yes far,

but, I think its more important what the inhabitants choose, than where the place is Geographic.

French Guyana, Martinique, Guadeloupe and Reunion? from France? Curacao, Aruba, Bonaire from the Netherlands? + Some more on the list.mentioned already above and more if we think longer! wink.png

Over 300 miles !

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Each case is separate with different historical facts to consider.

But you cannot dismiss the fact that the Falkland Islanders do not want to be part of Argentina.

They have always been British and want to remain so; that is an historical fact.

The first country to show any interest in sovereignty over the Falklands was France; so if basing your argument on history rather than democracy the islands should belong to France.

France doesn't want them, next in line is Spain.

Spain doesn't want them either; after Spain comes Britain.

Argentina didn't exist when the British first claimed the islands. After independence from Spain, what is now Argentina did claim sovereignty (in 1833) but that was 143 years after the first British settlers landed on the islands in 1690.

So whether you use the democratic argument or the historical one; the British claim outweighs the Argentinian one by a long way.


I still dont understand ths A's claim. What is the basis of their claim other than proximity?

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There are TWO sides here, and the other (minority view here but that doesn't mean it is wrong) side deserves some play as well:


President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has repeatedly requested

talks on the islands' future and accused the UK of "arrogance" for

refusing to negotiate.

"In the 21st Century [britain] continues to be a crude colonial power in decline."

Does she not have some problems to solve inside Argentina, which would be more important?

Lucky country, when say have nothing else to complain about! whistling.gif

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Can the British public have a referendum to find out if we want them? These islands cost Britain a fortune and we have to be pleased that they want to stay British.Old people in Britain spend the day in bus stations to keep warmbecause they cannot afford to pay their fuel bills and yet we can splash out millions on these people. Please do not tell me,"its history"

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Can the British public have a referendum to find out if we want them? These islands cost Britain a fortune and we have to be pleased that they want to stay British.Old people in Britain spend the day in bus stations to keep warmbecause they cannot afford to pay their fuel bills and yet we can splash out millions on these people. Please do not tell me,"its history"

There is oil under that Atlantic sea,even 30 years ago it was an unknown secret. The oil will be drilled and then it will be payback. Why do you think Argentina wants these Islands,oil.

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Can the British public have a referendum to find out if we want them? These islands cost Britain a fortune and we have to be pleased that they want to stay British.Old people in Britain spend the day in bus stations to keep warmbecause they cannot afford to pay their fuel bills and yet we can splash out millions on these people. Please do not tell me,"its history"

Good Point and What happening IF UK say No thx?

As a Swede i also think The Norwegian oil belong to us as well as Finland Poland north Germany....... :):)

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Can the British public have a referendum to find out if we want them? These islands cost Britain a fortune and we have to be pleased that they want to stay British.Old people in Britain spend the day in bus stations to keep warmbecause they cannot afford to pay their fuel bills and yet we can splash out millions on these people. Please do not tell me,"its history"

Good Point and What happening IF UK say No thx?

As a Swede i also think The Norwegian oil belong to us as well as Finland Poland north Germany....... smile.png:)

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect App

Yes that would actually be democratic. The vote should have included voters from the UK.
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It's only a matter of time. Look at a map.

And if they invade again so will we kick their ass again its been British for 180+ years almost as long as America has been America

We might have a problem there, if the argies did invade again we wont have aircover, without aircover we would get hammered. Too many fighting men are involved in wars we cant win, that idiot in number 10 has practically neutered the military and i think we would seriously struggle to retake the islands now. Absolutely no offense to the military but their ability to do anything is now very limited.

Besides which our military has to fight not only the enemy abroad but the lib-left within, who seek to disadvantage it at every turn with ludicrous rules of engagement.

From your extensive war-fighting experience, please enlighten us on how the "lib-left within" disadvantage us with "ludicrous rules of engagement"....

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Each case is separate with different historical facts to consider.

But you cannot dismiss the fact that the Falkland Islanders do not want to be part of Argentina.

They have always been British and want to remain so; that is an historical fact.

The first country to show any interest in sovereignty over the Falklands was France; so if basing your argument on history rather than democracy the islands should belong to France.

France doesn't want them, next in line is Spain.

Spain doesn't want them either; after Spain comes Britain.

Argentina didn't exist when the British first claimed the islands. After independence from Spain, what is now Argentina did claim sovereignty (in 1833) but that was 143 years after the first British settlers landed on the islands in 1690.

So whether you use the democratic argument or the historical one; the British claim outweighs the Argentinian one by a long way.


I still dont understand ths A's claim. What is the basis of their claim other than proximity?

Well actually proximity doesn't come into it,unless over 900 miles away count. Personally I think it's about stirring the people up to vote for the Party that says: "we will get back the Falkland Islands" (Malvinas) which we never really had in the first place! Good Politics, eh?

Edited by MAJIC
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Can the British public have a referendum to find out if we want them? These islands cost Britain a fortune and we have to be pleased that they want to stay British.Old people in Britain spend the day in bus stations to keep warmbecause they cannot afford to pay their fuel bills and yet we can splash out millions on these people. Please do not tell me,"its history"

There is oil under that Atlantic sea,even 30 years ago it was an unknown secret. The oil will be drilled and then it will be payback. Why do you think Argentina wants these Islands,oil.

And has Argentina managed to get their own sector?

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Can the British public have a referendum to find out if we want them? These islands cost Britain a fortune and we have to be pleased that they want to stay British.Old people in Britain spend the day in bus stations to keep warmbecause they cannot afford to pay their fuel bills and yet we can splash out millions on these people. Please do not tell me,"its history"

Get your facts right, you have been reading too much of the Daily Mail. The Falklands are making a mint from fishing income alone before any mention of oil.

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Will you answer my question: Why do you not support the wishes of the islanders; do you not believe in democracy?

I do but you fail to admit it is a DISPUTED territory. So that calls for NEGOTIATIONS.

Yes Jingthing ! the Argies decided that when they cowardly invaded the FALKLANDS one dark and stormy night when the people had no one to protect them. However the Agies soon found out as did Hitler, dont push the BRITS too far, they will take only so much !

Plus we sank a ship the Japanese missed.

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She's not a pinko commie, she's a kirchnerismo, a Kirchnerian Peronist. Digest that!


Ms Kirchner is increasingly developing friendships with some of your favourite folk..see below:


you may not be a fan of neo- or prior colonialism, but backing Argentina seems a mighty odd horse to pick in this context given the track record of Argentina's leadership over the last 70 years.

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