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Living In Fear, Or Live With Fear.


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"Just the sort of comment one has come to expect from an American."clap2.gif

No, sorry. You haven't apparently read this thread, or any of many others.

It's normally the Americans who are being bashed and I'm tired of it. I actually have nothing against the Brits. I'm just always amazed at how quickly they bash Americans.

I honestly believe they are actually ashamed of the way the US has to protect them. They KNOW that if something breaks out with N. Korea or Iran or China or... They can live in the shadow of the US which is ready for it.

Military spending by country. How do you like "them wieners?":


Your patriotic ramblings are most likely the result of a narrow, insular American education. I don't hold you responsible for that.

Try reasoning with a brain-washed Muslim extremist who can justify the slaughter of children in the name of Allah.

I won't try with you.

We don't reason with them. We try to kill them everywhere we find them.

Now read the thread.

Same same.

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I'm sure there are but I have never met a dumb guy from Switzerland.

Au contraire, the Swiss are very smart. They were smart to stay out of WWII. That doesn't mean they didn't sit back and let others do the fighting, and spend the money to rid Europe of Hitler. Nothing dumb about that. thumbsup.gif

Now, if the US had been as smart as the Swiss and stayed out of it, the Swiss could have used their intelligence to learn the goose step too. tongue.png

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Of course the USA needs beefed-up security at its Overseas Missions. It is the most-hated nation on the planet, and it is so hated because it has, and continues to, stick its nose in the soverign affairs of other countries. "We went to Europe in WWII simply because some things are worth dying for. Never mind that you're a pacifist. Hitler wasn't so you're welcome to die for nothing. I'd rather die for something. Killing a terrorist to save others would be high on my list." Killing 170,000 innocent civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki during WWII was high on the list of US terrorists. Americans can see the justification of those attacks, as the pages of history are always written by the victors.
The Japanese started that. Someone had to finish it. Have you considered how many allied forces and Japanese would have died had there instead been an invasion of Japan? Have you considered what will happen to N. Korea if they launch a nuke now, and do you have a problem with that? Do you have a problem with the countless Germans who died from Allied bombing to stop that war? The way you win a war is by holding the citizens accountable for their leaders. You make the citizens wish there was no war, and press that onto their leaders.

"If on the other hand you mean "parent" in the sense that the US has had to protect and support the UK, and provide them with things like TV, cell phones, the internet, computers, and even properly built autos, then yes, the UK resents it. I just chuckle at their little wieners." It's more about quality, not quantity. Exactly.

Are you aware that the Japanese terms of surrender had been proposed by the Japanese BEFORE we dropped the a-bomb, but the US rejected those terms? After dropping the bombs, the US accepted those very terms of surrender and ended the war.
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"Just the sort of comment one has come to expect from an American."

No, sorry. You haven't apparently read this thread, or any of many others.

It's normally the Americans who are being bashed and I'm tired of it. I actually have nothing against the Brits. I'm just always amazed at how quickly they bash Americans.

I honestly believe they are actually ashamed of the way the US has to protect them. They KNOW that if something breaks out with N. Korea or Iran or China or... They can live in the shadow of the US which is ready for it.

Military spending by country. How do you like "them wieners?":

To me your graph re: defense spending is a clear example of the utterly absurd level of money the US spends on defense (read offense). At this rate we will not only be hated, but BANKRUPT.

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Are you aware that the Japanese terms of surrender had been proposed by the Japanese BEFORE we dropped the a-bomb, but the US rejected those terms? After dropping the bombs, the US accepted those very terms of surrender and ended the war.

Bullshit. Even after the bombing, Russia invaded Japan. Even then the Japanese wanted conditions on a surrender that gave their leader full control of the country. The US came back and said "no," the new leader of Japan would the supreme commander of the allied forces and so it was.

The Japanese were still fighting the Russians at Manchuria after the first bomb was dropped.

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"Just the sort of comment one has come to expect from an American."

No, sorry. You haven't apparently read this thread, or any of many others.

It's normally the Americans who are being bashed and I'm tired of it. I actually have nothing against the Brits. I'm just always amazed at how quickly they bash Americans.

I honestly believe they are actually ashamed of the way the US has to protect them. They KNOW that if something breaks out with N. Korea or Iran or China or... They can live in the shadow of the US which is ready for it.

Military spending by country. How do you like "them wieners?":

To me your graph re: defense spending is a clear example of the utterly absurd level of money the US spends on defense (read offense). At this rate we will not only be hated, but BANKRUPT.

Military spending is only about 20% of the budget. Look at where the real asinine spending is.

This is just ONE example of how things are going out of control:

"Under President Barack Obama, the U.S. government is distributing a record amount of public assistance and a new report reveals that it’s much worse than previously imagined because the Obama administration is spending more than the median national income to provide each impoverished household with welfare, a public-interest watchdog group reported on Halloween, the day of trick-or-treat.

According to Judicial Watch, a disturbing report was released by the Congressional Research Service (CRS), a group with a staff of about 900 lawyers, economists and scientists who conduct research and analysis for the United States Congress.

The report reveals that in 2011 the U.S. government spent $1 trillion for welfare benefits, including $746 billion in federal funds and $254 in state matching funds." Link

Edited by NeverSure
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Are you aware that the Japanese terms of surrender had been proposed by the Japanese BEFORE we dropped the a-bomb, but the US rejected those terms? After dropping the bombs, the US accepted those very terms of surrender and ended the war.

Bullshit. Even after the bombing, Russia invaded Japan. Even then the Japanese wanted conditions on a surrender that gave their leader full control of the country. The US came back and said "no," the new leader of Japan would the supreme commander of the allied forces and so it was.

The Japanese were still fighting the Russians at Manchuria after the first bomb was dropped.

No. The US originally rejected keeping the emperor in place and holding him harmless of blame. The US later accepted the terms of not touching the emperor, thus he's still there today. History is written by the victors, and settling to the same terms offered before the bombings wouldn't reflect well on the US. Hence the 'it saved millions from an invasion' shpeel.

And yes, Japan was still fighting after the bomb dropped because the war wasn't over yet.

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"Just the sort of comment one has come to expect from an American."

No, sorry. You haven't apparently read this thread, or any of many others.

It's normally the Americans who are being bashed and I'm tired of it. I actually have nothing against the Brits. I'm just always amazed at how quickly they bash Americans.

I honestly believe they are actually ashamed of the way the US has to protect them. They KNOW that if something breaks out with N. Korea or Iran or China or... They can live in the shadow of the US which is ready for it.

Military spending by country. How do you like "them wieners?":

To me your graph re: defense spending is a clear example of the utterly absurd level of money the US spends on defense (read offense). At this rate we will not only be hated, but BANKRUPT.

Military spending is only about 20% of the budget. Look at where the real asinine spending is.

This is just ONE example of how things are going out of control:

"Under President Barack Obama, the U.S. government is distributing a record amount of public assistance and a new report reveals that it’s much worse than previously imagined because the Obama administration is spending more than the median national income to provide each impoverished household with welfare, a public-interest watchdog group reported on Halloween, the day of trick-or-treat.

According to Judicial Watch, a disturbing report was released by the Congressional Research Service (CRS), a group with a staff of about 900 lawyers, economists and scientists who conduct research and analysis for the United States Congress.

The report reveals that in 2011 the U.S. government spent $1 trillion for welfare benefits, including $746 billion in federal funds and $254 in state matching funds." Link

Twenty percent is not sustainable and will bankrupt the country given its mostly borrowed. Read a little about what caused the downfall of the great empires. Here's a hint: over extended and out of money. The Chinese and others are laughing their butts of watching us spend our way into oblivion. And its not because of welfare. Maybe welfare for the MI complex, but not the needy.

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Are you aware that the Japanese terms of surrender had been proposed by the Japanese BEFORE we dropped the a-bomb, but the US rejected those terms? After dropping the bombs, the US accepted those very terms of surrender and ended the war.

Bullshit. Even after the bombing, Russia invaded Japan. Even then the Japanese wanted conditions on a surrender that gave their leader full control of the country. The US came back and said "no," the new leader of Japan would the supreme commander of the allied forces and so it was.

The Japanese were still fighting the Russians at Manchuria after the first bomb was dropped.

No. The US originally rejected keeping the emperor in place and holding him harmless of blame. The US later accepted the terms of not touching the emperor, thus he's still there today. History is written by the victors, and settling to the same terms offered before the bombings wouldn't reflect well on the US. Hence the 'it saved millions from an invasion' shpeel.

And yes, Japan was still fighting after the bomb dropped because the war wasn't over yet.

Well, as is said, you're entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.

It was after the US dropped the first bomb (Hiroshima) that Japan offered to surrender, but the terms of surrender weren't acceptable. It was then that Russia invaded Japan. So Japan had a one-two punch. Russia's invasion wasn't necessary of course because there was "more where that came from" and Nagasaki was hit.

Then there was surrender and the allies occupied Japan for a number of years. You have heard of the occupation, haven't you? The allies ran Japan for a number of years.

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Some of you are missing the point, what's at stake here is national pride, the USA has more consular guards than the Brits, which is a real loss of face for our man in Chiang Mai, not even a bit of razor wire to festoon the consulate, can’t Mark Kent borrow a few unemployed red shirt thugs from Pheu Thai to stand around menacing consular visitors? Have we fallen so low in terrorist esteem that no one wants to bomb us, perhaps William Hague’s arming the Syrian rebels will make the Jihadists sit up and take notice.

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"Just the sort of comment one has come to expect from an American."

No, sorry. You haven't apparently read this thread, or any of many others.

It's normally the Americans who are being bashed and I'm tired of it. I actually have nothing against the Brits. I'm just always amazed at how quickly they bash Americans.

I honestly believe they are actually ashamed of the way the US has to protect them. They KNOW that if something breaks out with N. Korea or Iran or China or... They can live in the shadow of the US which is ready for it.

Military spending by country. How do you like "them wieners?":

To me your graph re: defense spending is a clear example of the utterly absurd level of money the US spends on defense (read offense). At this rate we will not only be hated, but BANKRUPT.

Military spending is only about 20% of the budget. Look at where the real asinine spending is.

This is just ONE example of how things are going out of control:

"Under President Barack Obama, the U.S. government is distributing a record amount of public assistance and a new report reveals that it’s much worse than previously imagined because the Obama administration is spending more than the median national income to provide each impoverished household with welfare, a public-interest watchdog group reported on Halloween, the day of trick-or-treat.

According to Judicial Watch, a disturbing report was released by the Congressional Research Service (CRS), a group with a staff of about 900 lawyers, economists and scientists who conduct research and analysis for the United States Congress.

The report reveals that in 2011 the U.S. government spent $1 trillion for welfare benefits, including $746 billion in federal funds and $254 in state matching funds." Link

Twenty percent is not sustainable and will bankrupt the country given its mostly borrowed. Read a little about what caused the downfall of the great empires. Here's a hint: over extended and out of money. The Chinese and others are laughing their butts of watching us spend our way into oblivion. And its not because of welfare. Maybe welfare for the MI complex, but not the needy.

I don't argue that the US is spending too much money, as is Europe and other developed countries. It's like a drunken spree. We just disagree on what priorities should be.

As for China, let them laugh. They have crashed. Their economy is in a shambles. They are communist and so the government owns the means of production which is now losing money. They also have 1.4 billion people to feed via a communist system. The recession in the West is killing China, as is their deficit "stimulus" spending. They are crazier than we are.

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Are you aware that the Japanese terms of surrender had been proposed by the Japanese BEFORE we dropped the a-bomb, but the US rejected those terms? After dropping the bombs, the US accepted those very terms of surrender and ended the war.

Bullshit. Even after the bombing, Russia invaded Japan. Even then the Japanese wanted conditions on a surrender that gave their leader full control of the country. The US came back and said "no," the new leader of Japan would the supreme commander of the allied forces and so it was.

The Japanese were still fighting the Russians at Manchuria after the first bomb was dropped.

No. The US originally rejected keeping the emperor in place and holding him harmless of blame. The US later accepted the terms of not touching the emperor, thus he's still there today. History is written by the victors, and settling to the same terms offered before the bombings wouldn't reflect well on the US. Hence the 'it saved millions from an invasion' shpeel.

And yes, Japan was still fighting after the bomb dropped because the war wasn't over yet.

Well, as is said, you're entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.

It was after the US dropped the first bomb (Hiroshima) that Japan offered to surrender, but the terms of surrender weren't acceptable. It was then that Russia invaded Japan. So Japan had a one-two punch. Russia's invasion wasn't necessary of course because there was "more where that came from" and Nagasaki was hit.

Then there was surrender and the allies occupied Japan for a number of years. You have heard of the occupation, haven't you? The allies ran Japan for a number of years.

Guess we have competing 'facts'. Ones understanding of events doesn't make them 'facts', as demonstrated be endless mis-truths spewed out during the last election. Something is only a fact until it is proven wrong. Guess that's why some still believe in creationism.

And yes, I'm believe McArthur ran Japan after the war.

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Are you aware that the Japanese terms of surrender had been proposed by the Japanese BEFORE we dropped the a-bomb, but the US rejected those terms? After dropping the bombs, the US accepted those very terms of surrender and ended the war.

Bullshit. Even after the bombing, Russia invaded Japan. Even then the Japanese wanted conditions on a surrender that gave their leader full control of the country. The US came back and said "no," the new leader of Japan would the supreme commander of the allied forces and so it was.

The Japanese were still fighting the Russians at Manchuria after the first bomb was dropped.

No. The US originally rejected keeping the emperor in place and holding him harmless of blame. The US later accepted the terms of not touching the emperor, thus he's still there today. History is written by the victors, and settling to the same terms offered before the bombings wouldn't reflect well on the US. Hence the 'it saved millions from an invasion' shpeel.

And yes, Japan was still fighting after the bomb dropped because the war wasn't over yet.

Well, as is said, you're entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.

It was after the US dropped the first bomb (Hiroshima) that Japan offered to surrender, but the terms of surrender weren't acceptable. It was then that Russia invaded Japan. So Japan had a one-two punch. Russia's invasion wasn't necessary of course because there was "more where that came from" and Nagasaki was hit.

Then there was surrender and the allies occupied Japan for a number of years. You have heard of the occupation, haven't you? The allies ran Japan for a number of years.

Guess we have competing 'facts'. Ones understanding of events doesn't make them 'facts', as demonstrated be endless mis-truths spewed out during the last election. Something is only a fact until it is proven wrong. Guess that's why some still believe in creationism.

And yes, I'm believe McArthur ran Japan after the war.

I guess if we can't debate the facts, we can always go into religion and piss someone else off. Yes, General Douglas MacArthur ran Japan and yes, the US went all-out helping Japan to rebuild.

And yes, I believe in creationism. I believe a very strong hurricane went through a junkyard and designed and created the very first 747 jumbo jet. The hurricane was very adept at natural selection, naturally. :)

Oh wait. The US designed and built the first modern type aluminum frame passenger plane, and the 747. My personal favorite of all time is the B-52. When I was very young we used to drive on old hwy 99 past Boeing Field S. of Seattle and those suckers were backed up to the fence, right along the hwy. To this day I'm still in awe of how big they were, especially with their tails so massive and tall, and right next to the fence. No one cared if we stopped and walked along the fence.

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The OP troll is long gone.

Probably fat and satisfied with troll booty in their troll lair. Laughing manically and planning the next troll.

Life goes on

Good point. But the OP troll had helpers to fill his shoes. There are a lot of America bashers on this forum. I enjoy taking them on.

I don't think I've done too badly by myself with the occasional zinger from CMK. Sometimes I feel like I'm standing in a ring with a bunch of guys around me all trying to take a shot at me but I give as "good as I get."

I'm tired of it now, and it's late here so I'm checking out.

I'll let the geniuses find out why the US Embassy is guarded. It's at the request of the leaders of Thailand, who are themselves fighting terrorists. :)

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I wonder what would happen if the American guards that stood staring at there opposite numbers in North Korea. Suddenly just walked away and went back to there barracks. My guess is not much it would take them weeks to come to terms with the fact that we don't care to waste time playing there silly game. How embarrassing for them that they are not treated as a significant threat. De escalate the problem and talk with them, you never know.

That post is so full of fallacy, lack of logic, and general ignorance it's stunned me.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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I never realized how living in fear so much affected my life and it's not necessary.

I just finished reading a great book;-


Oh Yeah, she's a fkn genius. It's all in your mind. In your mind.

Do you know what the last thing is that goes through a bug's mind when it hits your windshield? His <deleted>.

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Now there is an interesting though!! I wonder what would happen if the American guards that stood staring at there opposite numbers in North Korea. Suddenly just walked away and went back to there barracks. My guess is not much it would take them weeks to come to terms with the fact that we don't care to waste time playing there silly game. How embarrassing for them that they are not treated as a significant threat. De escalate the problem and talk with them, you never know.

Kim Jung Un


Kim Jung Un had NO military experience whatsoever before Daddy made him a four-star general.

This twerp had never accomplished anything in his life that would even come close to military leadership.

He hadn't even so much as led a Cub Scout troop, coached a sports team, or commanded a military platoon.

So he is made the "Beloved Leader" Of North Korea .







Oops! ...

Just remembered that we did the same thing.

We took an arrogant law student-community organizer, who had never worn a uniform, and made him Commander-in-Chief.

A guy, who had never had a real job, worked on a budget, or led anything more than an ACORN demonstration, and we made him "Beloved Leader" of the United States.


Sorry we brought this up.

Never mind.

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There's nothing to fear at all for people who put their heads in the sand, or even darker places.

For your entertainment, (since this isn't fearful) here's a partial list of terrorist killings in just the past couple of days. http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/

2013.03.12 (Saddar, Pakistan) - A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out three people.

2013.03.11 (Dibis, Iraq) - A Shahid suicide bomber detonates next to a girl's school, killing at least five.

2013.03.10 (Dakata, Nigeria) - Five Christians are shot to death by Islamic extremists while returning home from church.

2013.03.10 (Harasta, Syria) - Terrorists fire on a bus carrying kindergarteners, killing at least one child.

2013.03.10 (Jama'are, Nigeria) - Ansaru Islamists summarily execute seven 'Christian' hostages.

2013.03.10 (Landi Kotal, Pakistan) - A 4-year-old girl bleeds out after radicals detonate a bomb outside a rival mosque.


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Out of interest, how are Israeli embassies protected?

Maybe by American embassies making a target of themselves...

I would expect the Israelis to be the leaders in the field of cost-effective embassy protection.

The British approach seems to be geared towards security, preventing threats being brought into the embassy, rather than defending the embassy against outside attack; perhaps assuming that law and order outside the embassy is the responsibility of the host.


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Now there is an interesting though!! I wonder what would happen if the American guards that stood staring at there opposite numbers in North Korea. Suddenly just walked away and went back to there barracks. My guess is not much it would take them weeks to come to terms with the fact that we don't care to waste time playing there silly game. How embarrassing for them that they are not treated as a significant threat. De escalate the problem and talk with them, you never know.

Kim Jung Un

Kim Jung Un had NO military experience whatsoever before Daddy made him a four-star general.

This twerp had never accomplished anything in his life that would even come close to military leadership.

He hadn't even so much as led a Cub Scout troop, coached a sports team, or commanded a military platoon.

So he is made the "Beloved Leader" Of North Korea .






Oops! ...

Just remembered that we did the same thing.

We took an arrogant law student-community organizer, who had never worn a uniform, and made him Commander-in-Chief.

A guy, who had never had a real job, worked on a budget, or led anything more than an ACORN demonstration, and we made him "Beloved Leader" of the United States.


Sorry we brought this up.

Never mind.

Congratulations! You've managed to make a post even more unintelligent and bigoted than any by the guy it was replying to...no small feat.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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There's nothing to fear at all for people who put their heads in the sand, or even darker places.

For your entertainment, (since this isn't fearful) here's a partial list of terrorist killings in just the past couple of days. http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/

2013.03.12 (Saddar, Pakistan) - A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out three people.

2013.03.11 (Dibis, Iraq) - A Shahid suicide bomber detonates next to a girl's school, killing at least five.

2013.03.10 (Dakata, Nigeria) - Five Christians are shot to death by Islamic extremists while returning home from church.

2013.03.10 (Harasta, Syria) - Terrorists fire on a bus carrying kindergarteners, killing at least one child.

2013.03.10 (Jama'are, Nigeria) - Ansaru Islamists summarily execute seven 'Christian' hostages.

2013.03.10 (Landi Kotal, Pakistan) - A 4-year-old girl bleeds out after radicals detonate a bomb outside a rival mosque.


I don't really have a benchmark to consider that data against. For comparison, how many people were killed by Christian terrorists worldwide in the same period?

How many by mundane gun violence in the US?

Are you suggesting that we should refrain from travel to Pakistan or Nigeria?

I don't really see the relevance of the posts to embassy security. Are you saying that Thailand is like Pakistan or Nigeria, and therefore that we should have armed guards at our embassies and in our houses and at our mosques?

Or was it just an exercise in stirring religious hatred and fear?


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I wonder what would happen if the American guards that stood staring at there opposite numbers in North Korea. Suddenly just walked away and went back to there barracks. My guess is not much it would take them weeks to come to terms with the fact that we don't care to waste time playing there silly game. How embarrassing for them that they are not treated as a significant threat. De escalate the problem and talk with them, you never know.

That post is so full of fallacy, lack of logic, and general ignorance it's stunned me.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

No point in arguing w/ the many illiterate Brit trolls that hang out here. You have to realize the sort you're dealing with. Imagine a representative of the species with whom you're trying to discuss (cough) global politics and American foreign policy:

Fellow Brits’ Fight over Bargirl


Two British friends had an argument over liking the same bargirl and while

walking down Soi 7, Pattaya Second Road, the argument led to a fight to

get one injured while the other fled.


You're vastly outnumbered; in fact they regard the forum as an exclusively Brit forum. Nor can you possibly win any argument with a troll anyway: it's not about reason, logic, or facts. Best thing to do is call the attn of a mod to the bashing.

There was, however, a good Brit bashing thread some time ago, but I don't have the link.

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I wonder what would happen if the American guards that stood staring at there opposite numbers in North Korea. Suddenly just walked away and went back to there barracks. My guess is not much it would take them weeks to come to terms with the fact that we don't care to waste time playing there silly game. How embarrassing for them that they are not treated as a significant threat. De escalate the problem and talk with them, you never know.

That post is so full of fallacy, lack of logic, and general ignorance it's stunned me.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

No point in arguing w/ the many illiterate Brit trolls that hang out here. You have to realize the sort you're dealing with. Imagine a representative of the species with whom you're trying to discuss (cough) global politics and American foreign policy:

Fellow Brits’ Fight over Bargirl


Two British friends had an argument over liking the same bargirl and while

walking down Soi 7, Pattaya Second Road, the argument led to a fight to

get one injured while the other fled.


You're vastly outnumbered; in fact they regard the forum as an exclusively Brit forum. Nor can you possibly win any argument with a troll anyway: it's not about reason, logic, or facts. Best thing to do is call the attn of a mod to the bashing.

There was, however, a good Brit bashing thread some time ago, but I don't have the link.

I don't really see the relevance of this post to a thread on the need for a visible deterrent. Are you of the view that if the chaps in your anecdote had been visibly armed, that they would have been less likely to start brawling?

Or was the post in fact completely irrelevant, and just another attempt to divert the thread into a name-calling argument between camps divided on grounds of nationality?


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I'm sure there are but I have never met a dumb guy from Switzerland.

Au contraire, the Swiss are very smart. They were smart to stay out of WWII. That doesn't mean they didn't sit back and let others do the fighting, and spend the money to rid Europe of Hitler. Nothing dumb about that. thumbsup.gif

Now, if the US had been as smart as the Swiss and stayed out of it, the Swiss could have used their intelligence to learn the goose step too. tongue.png


You bringing up Switzerland in this context makes my point most perfectly.

Even after he's finished colonizing Russia - turned out to not be quite as easy as he'd planned - it would have taken at least another century to conquer and actually effectively occupy that particular nation, whose military policy is actually very well thought out and strictly directed at the interest of the country as a whole, the regular citizens who actual directly elect and effectively participate in a real democracy.

As opposed to a corrupt and greedy - no I'll go ahead and say it, for the most part deeply evil - elite that cares nothing for the common people nor morality or common decency, who allows small segments of very self-interested factions to dictate policies that then put the rest of the country into a deep hole for decades to follow.


And again, one of those absolutely insane and idiotic, totally counter to the self-interest of the nation's policies is perfectly reflected by the graphic you so kindly provided:


Thanks for making my point so eloquently.

Going back in time and getting Bush/Cheney out of the way would definitely be right up there in making today a better place, can't really think of many after Hitler Stalin Mao and Pol Pot.

OK I'm sure there are dozens, but of course I'm being ethonocentric, protecting (genuine) Western interests come first in my book.

There's nothing to fear at all for people who put their heads in the sand, or even darker places.

For your entertainment, (since this isn't fearful) here's a partial list of terrorist killings in just the past couple of days. http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/

2013.03.12 (Saddar, Pakistan) - A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out three people.

2013.03.11 (Dibis, Iraq) - A Shahid suicide bomber detonates next to a girl's school, killing at least five.

2013.03.10 (Dakata, Nigeria) - Five Christians are shot to death by Islamic extremists while returning home from church.

2013.03.10 (Harasta, Syria) - Terrorists fire on a bus carrying kindergarteners, killing at least one child.

2013.03.10 (Jama'are, Nigeria) - Ansaru Islamists summarily execute seven 'Christian' hostages.

2013.03.10 (Landi Kotal, Pakistan) - A 4-year-old girl bleeds out after radicals detonate a bomb outside a rival mosque.

And this has what to do with US security? Nothing.

Exactly the same if we decided to rid the world of snakes and you posted a list of snake attacks around the world.

Totally irrelevant to anything important enough to be spending American treasure or spilling American blood.

Their problem, not ours.

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