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5-Year-Old Kindergarten Boy Seriously Beaten By 7-Year-Old Prathom 1 Student

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One article I read on this said the younger of the two who beat up this child was egged on by his aunt.

In thailand is aunt could be 1yr younger.
possibly but indications were that it was an adult. I could be wrong though.
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The child was transferred to a better hospital only the day before the report so it would be premature for them to speculate. The standard of hospitals in the provinces is such that many serious conditions are not dagnosed or diagnosed too late and too expensive and complicated to treat successfully. One would also think the involvement of the Paveena Hongsakul Foundation immediately would prioritise the child for admission to the better Bangkok hospitals which is where he now is.

I would expect some sort of handover - bearing in mind the Thai obsession with paperwork.

Is an improvement or degrading of a patient's condition 'speculation'? Seems pretty basic. If the 'specialists' don't know if the patient is getting worse, how can they treat accordingly?


My printer ran out of ink so I went to an internet cafe to print some documents. There were probably fourteen computers with a kid playing games on each one. I looked at the games and almost all of them were very violent, kill, kill, kill.

I think this has a lot to do with the children commiting violent acts. The kids sit in front of these computers for hours, some daily. Then when they don't get their way some of them automatically revert to violence.

It's just not an issue here in Thailand but in a lot of countries. Another issue is many parents in this country have no idea where their children go or what they do. Daily family quality time where there is interaction between the parents and children is missing. Reading children books at a young age, teaching them moral values of respecting the rights of others, ect. I guess the kids are just supposed to know these things on their own.

Unfortunately, this is just a symptom, not a cause. There is a lot of research that shows kids to be de-sensitised to violence by violent ghames, but they are not without an awareness of the impacts of what they do in real life. Sadly...

I think the last paragraph in my post has a lot to do with the actions of children today.

I couldn't agree more with you - your last paragraph sums up the reasons why so many children in so many countries have problems today.

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...this is not a tragedy....this 'respect your elder'...regardless of what type of person they are.....

...has been perpetuated for so long....abuse is rampant....bullying....etc...in school.....is commonplace...

....people don't command respect.......they demand it....regardless.....this is not culture....it is lack of culture...

......an excuse for culture....

This is a result of a culture breaking down. It's not so long ago in Thailand's history that it was a very remote area of the world. The villagers that lived here, didn't need to teach the children what they should and shouldn't do. They simply lived the life of "Do as I Do". This was the way things worked and had always worked, so children grew up the same as their parents and their parents before them. They didn't know of or need any other way to do things.

Slowly, outside influences entered their world, things began to change, ever so slightly at first but then more rapidly. Today we have a country that has serious cultural problems. Things are changing so fast that the Thai populace are finding it very difficult to adapt to the changes. I think they find it difficult to tell other people "what to do" and "how they should do it"

Some Thais will adapt quicker than others, but for many it will be a road too far for them.


I am surprised that the fight was a 1 on 1 afare as most here are 10 on 1 , i do hope the boy will gain full health and then go have muiy Thai lessons , and i dont joke everyone should be able to difend oneself.


One article I read on this said the younger of the two who beat up this child was egged on by his aunt.

In the school playground ?

What's written in the the Thai media is usually made up to sensationalize for a very low educated populance to buy.

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