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Problem Getting Police Clearance

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Hi All,

My GF (Indian) is having trouble getting a police clearance form the
police HQ in BKK.

She was asked to get this document from the school that's about to hire her. It
was supposed to be a straightforward procedure.

She took all the documents to the police station - passport copies, photos,
etc. - even a letter form the school inviting her to work with
them. She was told by the lady there, that the letter has to be in Thai.

It took her another two days to get it but once she showed it at the station
she was told it’s not correct. The person dealing with her was extremely rude. First she
asked to talk to the school representative but when handed the phone she
refused to talk shouting back that she "wants to speak in Thai!".
When a Thai speaking person from the school wanted to talk to her she only said
one sentence "The letter is wrong!" and refused to talk any longer or
explain. When we asked her for an example of the letter she needs, she
announced she has no copy machine even though there was one right next to her.
After a bit more of this theatre (she left the office and made as wait) we ended
up taking a picture of the example document so we can show it to the school

Eventually we asked if we can send the letter by post (from what I know It is
possible to obtain the clearance via post (?) ) she barked that it’s not possible and
my GF has to show up in person.

To make the story even nicer my GF was holding our 2 months old daughter in her
arms through the whole conversation. This sweet image didn’t seem to soften the
police woman’s attitude.

Keep in mind that we've lived in Thailand for 2 years now, are and have been legally
employed, have valid visas and all.

To sum it up: We've visited the police HQ twice already and got nothing. sad.png

Any ideas on what to do next?

Edited by manonthemon
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I have taken police clearence from the Police HQ atleast 4 time and faced no problems at all. People were all nice and helpful. the last time I was there it was there closing time but few officers did stay back to complete my procedure. No many documents are required, just copies of work permit, passports, letter from school (in Thai) and got to fill up the form available at the counter. Photos will be clicked online at the HQ. Another important thing is to have the new employment contract (photocopy) as well.

The photocopy machine in the police HQ office cannot be used (first time when I was there) you got to use the machine outside in the opposite building they charge about 2 baht per copy. Police clearance can also be issued from India but it will take nice and long 2 months before the certificate reaches you or you can apply one through the Indian Embassy as well.

Try again, if possible take a thai person with you, it will all work out well if you can also speak some thai.


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No many documents are required, just copies of work permit, passports, letter from school (in Thai) and got to fill up the form available at the counter. Photos will be clicked online at the HQ. Another important thing is to have the new employment contract (photocopy) as well.

The thing is my GF doesn't have a work permit yet as she's only been invited to work for the school and we're going there to sigh a contract so they can start the procedure of getting the WP, visa, teachers license etc.

Well, we'll try to gt another letter form school, exactly like the example from the police HQ and got there yet again. We'll cal the embassy too - maybe they will help.

I just don't understand why would anyone be rude like this. And why is it so hard to legally teach English in Thailand. It's not like she's trying to make trouble, just work, teach thai kids and earn an honest living.

anyway - thanx for all the replies. Keep fingers crossed,


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I just don't understand why would anyone be rude like this.

A) Many Thais really dislike Indians. Perhaps the hateful woman you had to deal with is one of them.

B) It seems most Gov official Thais holding a position where they need to help people are often incredibly unhelpful and sometimes rude.

C) The woman was just having a bad day / hates her own life / is just a sour person.

No idea the real reason, but I'd wager it is one of the above.

Best of luck getting what you need. Dealing with anything here officially can be a pain in the bum.

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