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Dutchman Beaten By Thai Teens For No Apparent Reason


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There is more to this story , I dont believe teenagers just start beating a foreigner without a reason.

He must have done something wrong in the past....

"I dont believe teenagers just start beating a foreigner without a reason" - well it depends what you mean by 'a reason' doesn't it ? Random aggression, theft, or a score to settle have resulted in Farangs have been beaten, robbed, chased, half-killed, about 20 times to my knowledge in the space of 3 years in the small city in Isaan where i live. Attacks on long-term farangs are way more common than any official figures indicate - i am absolutely sure of that from local, personal knowledge. And yes, sometimes it is virtually 'without a reason'. One small anecdote : i was walking along a riverside promenade with my lady one evening, and a young Thai nearly crashed into us by riding a m'cycle too close at about 30 kph - also narrowly missing all the toddlers, parents and grannies who take the air every evening. I shouted OI ! in my best sarf lonun tone, and the Thai teen screeched to a halt and started posing up with all the signs he wanted a ruck. We carried on walking and he started his bike and joined a small gang of his mates at the middle of the promenade where there are some shops. We tried to ignore him but as we leaned on the railings looking at the river, he kept squaring up to us and doing a strange walking back and forth dance of aggression. I wouldn't have minded a one-on-one given the mood i was in, but of course if we'd made even the slightest move towards him, we'd have had the whole posse to deal with...so we took the more diplomatic option and walked into the shops and out the other side onto a main road. My lady was on edge for an hour afterwards. When i asked her why he reacted so badly to just being yelled at, she of course said : 'Loss of face'. Guess what ? My first thought - he deserves to lose some of it... So i'm afraid you don't know much about living in Thailand if you really believe that Thai teens wouldn't beat foreigners "for no reason" - depending of course on whether you mean a "justified reason", or some 'reason' created in their demented brains.
long story short: nothing happen.

was that case the worst and most violent example out of all that other 20 times in 3 years?

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He looks big for sure but if drunk your at a disadvantage, also many against one.. not good odds. I wonder what the reason is, if he says he did not provoce it and that is true then i really wonder why. Though we have random violence back home in the Netherlands.

As to Jurgen fun to see anti Dutch sentiment havent seen it before a new thing.

Have you EVER heard of a one on one fight here in the LOS? These two bit punks will only attack in a gang. Unless you are well schooled in the martial arts, what chance do you have against 5-10 punks? Will they ever show the courage to fight like men? Of course not. Do you know why? because they are not men. They are 13 year old boys, in the body of an adolescent, or a young man. It is a disguise. They only will fight in packs, since they do not have a single courageous bone in their body. Whether or not this attack was provoked is besides the point. Even if it was, one man, to one man. Mano a mano. Something the Thai punk kids do not believe in, and a risk they are unwilling to take.

What a load of <deleted>....

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I've never read so much speculation on TVF based on so little information - after wading through 13 pages all I have learnt is some teenagers can be inherently unreasonable and when Thai's fight they tend to do it in groups.

and if you dare to suspect that the victim might have gave them some reason people will jump on you how you can up with that idea.

but if you declare thais have "demented brains" no one will question that.

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I have a novel idea. Why don't we wait until the attackers are caught and hear their side of the story before passing judgement on anyone?

That's right, it could very well be self defence.thumbsup.gif

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one reason : a farang

Would you care to elaborate a bit ?

Do you mean that being a farang is THE reason why this happened.

I have been here 14 years full time. I have never been beaten, or insulted.

I've been here 7 years. have lived in Chiang mai (love it!!!) and Nakhon Pathom, Auythaya and past 4 years in Ratchaburi province. As Chiangmai and also many other places i consider nice, with friendly people there are places where farangs are not so safe. Ratchaburi is a lovely place with mostly friendly people who like to help tourists.

But my times in Ayuthaya and Nakhon Pathom are the 2 worst places in Thailand in my opinion. Several of my friends (farangs) have been verbally or physically insulted and attacked. Or at least provoked by thais.

Some of my friends got beaten by Thais for no other reason than being a farang.

I admit some of my friends also beaten simply because they misbehaved - s thats might be thier fault. But i can give names of people who have been beaten up for no reason. a friend of mine recently went to disco in Nakhon pathom where he was approached by a thai girl, when he started dancing with her, some guys jumped on him, smashed his head... One of the Thais was claiming that girl was his gf, so clearly that was a set up.

In ayuthaya i found people there very unfriendly and they do not even pretend to put on THAI SMILE on their face while you shop around or walk on the street.

And Nakhon Pathom is just a dangerous place to be . I know that many people who have ever been there for longer time can say the same thing

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one reason : a farang

Would you care to elaborate a bit ?

Do you mean that being a farang is THE reason why this happened.

I have been here 14 years full time. I have never been beaten, or insulted.

I've been here 7 years. have lived in Chiang mai (love it!!!) and Nakhon Pathom, Auythaya and past 4 years in Ratchaburi province. As Chiangmai and also many other places i consider nice, with friendly people there are places where farangs are not so safe. Ratchaburi is a lovely place with mostly friendly people who like to help tourists.

But my times in Ayuthaya and Nakhon Pathom are the 2 worst places in Thailand in my opinion. Several of my friends (farangs) have been verbally or physically insulted and attacked. Or at least provoked by thais.

Some of my friends got beaten by Thais for no other reason than being a farang.

I admit some of my friends also beaten simply because they misbehaved - s thats might be thier fault. But i can give names of people who have been beaten up for no reason. a friend of mine recently went to disco in Nakhon pathom where he was approached by a thai girl, when he started dancing with her, some guys jumped on him, smashed his head... One of the Thais was claiming that girl was his gf, so clearly that was a set up.

In ayuthaya i found people there very unfriendly and they do not even pretend to put on THAI SMILE on their face while you shop around or walk on the street.

And Nakhon Pathom is just a dangerous place to be . I know that many people who have ever been there for longer time can say the same thing

I see from your profile you do Thai boxing. I do not believe your stories one bit. I think you have a grudge loosing fights with This either in or out of the ring. Fights that you and your mates started

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one reason : a farang

Would you care to elaborate a bit ?

Do you mean that being a farang is THE reason why this happened.

I have been here 14 years full time. I have never been beaten, or insulted.

I've been here 7 years. have lived in Chiang mai (love it!!!) and Nakhon Pathom, Auythaya and past 4 years in Ratchaburi province. As Chiangmai and also many other places i consider nice, with friendly people there are places where farangs are not so safe. Ratchaburi is a lovely place with mostly friendly people who like to help tourists.

But my times in Ayuthaya and Nakhon Pathom are the 2 worst places in Thailand in my opinion. Several of my friends (farangs) have been verbally or physically insulted and attacked. Or at least provoked by thais.

Some of my friends got beaten by Thais for no other reason than being a farang.

I admit some of my friends also beaten simply because they misbehaved - s thats might be thier fault. But i can give names of people who have been beaten up for no reason. a friend of mine recently went to disco in Nakhon pathom where he was approached by a thai girl, when he started dancing with her, some guys jumped on him, smashed his head... One of the Thais was claiming that girl was his gf, so clearly that was a set up.

In ayuthaya i found people there very unfriendly and they do not even pretend to put on THAI SMILE on their face while you shop around or walk on the street.

And Nakhon Pathom is just a dangerous place to be . I know that many people who have ever been there for longer time can say the same thing

I see from your profile you do Thai boxing. I do not believe your stories one bit. I think you have a grudge loosing fights with This either in or out of the ring. Fights that you and your mates started

Just a thought from me,I know which post I would put more faith in.

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Never seen the report button..pls how do i find it here..

Look in the bottom lefthand cnr directly under "Never seen " in your post. "Report" (not highlighted)

Hold your curser over " Report " Which will highlight it and then left click on that.

Edited by Ron19
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This story just does not fit the part. Having lived in Thailand for over 20 years, I have never even been threatened by Thai men. But I cannot say the same during my short trips to USA and Europe.

No kidding...the amount of weird provocation and aggression I get when I go to the States is something I have never ever experienced in my 20 years here.

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had a good friend of mine who served two tours in Vietnam. He told me if you are up against one guy, just stick to Queensberry rules for fighting.

If six guys are coming at you, you are now in a fight for your life. So act accordingly. Hint.....no rules,where teeth make a great weapon, and an eye gouge takes the fight right out of a attacker..

Like women fight

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.At least 6 teenagers had also stopped under this bridge when a Thai girl walked over and said this Bridge is for Thai people Only and you need to leave.....

Sorry you experienced such an unfortunate and ignorant incident. Not all Thais feel that way

I think it's safe to say that in the majority, we welcome foreigners. It's more about individual behaviours rather than a blind intolerance.

It really is!

I've met a few buffoons in my time here but have always managed to laugh it off and most of the time it is just that- buffoonery.

Even on the rare occasion (twice I can recall) when there's been (possible) malice, I've just pissed off.

I was shocked when I read the above but am wondering if there were wires crossed somewhere given the iffy weather conditions???

It just doesn't ring right to me. I've been dragged into people's homes - total strangers - in the rain. Once in Chan, we got caught up in a flood and spent 2 nights in a house with folks we'd never seen before...

I've never heard such blatant racism on the part of Thais - even if some of them think the way that these people do, they rarely have enough courage to say these things directly. The language barrier is usually the problem - while plenty of Thais will speak Thai directly to a foreigner, in a place like Jomtien if you speak Thai you have to politely speak over the Thais who speak to you in English and insist on Thai as most Thais there will probably speak English (or perhaps even Russian! to you unless you can prove you speak Thai). I'm wondering, did these punks speak to you in Thai or English? Can you speak Thai? I'm pretty sure that if you spoke Thai with them, that these punks would have suddenly changed their tune. Also, being Jomtien these punks have probably experienced problems with foreigners in Pattaya, since there are so many there and as we all know, there are many types of foreigners in Pattaya - the good, bad and the ugly. While this is hardly a reason to be like this or say the things they said, it surprises me less than if this had happened in say, Khon Kaen.

Personally, I've never met any real Thai baffoons that I can think of (apart from one, but OK maybe he had a reason to be an ass after all, as I tried to steal his girlfriend!) - while not everyone has been very friendly, the worst experiences I've had here have been with disinterested staff at restaurants etc. something I don't make an issue out of as I have experienced the same in many other countries including back home.

Edited by Tomtomtom69
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had a good friend of mine who served two tours in Vietnam. He told me if you are up against one guy, just stick to Queensberry rules for fighting.

If six guys are coming at you, you are now in a fight for your life. So act accordingly. Hint.....no rules,where teeth make a great weapon, and an eye gouge takes the fight right out of a attacker..

Like women fight
Uhhhhhh ok..... So I guess after you curl into a ball on the ground ,then time to start praying the Thai gang will stop kicking you after you become unconscious. Well I guess everyone has their own style.

Regarding the female fights I have seen here , they seem a bit more normal. Meaning a quick fight for dominance, generally one on one, and then it is over. Do not recall seeing a Thai female fight where one of the combatants flags over 10 Thai bystanders who then assist her in beating her opponent into a pulp...

Ahh another lovely incident of a farang getting the boot put to him.... Was he drunk and causing trouble? Probably. Did he deserve a bunch of guys putting the boot to him in order to " restrain him"? I think not. And apparently police feel the same way, as they arrested the attackers...


Edited by EyesWideOpen
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Never seen the report button..pls how do i find it here..Look in the bottom lefthand cnr directly under "Never seen " in your post. "Report" (not highlighted)Hold your curser over " Report " Which will highlight it and then left click on that.

Using a mobile phone. ..

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Never seen the report button..pls how do i find it here..Look in the bottom lefthand cnr directly under "Never seen " in your post. "Report" (not highlighted)Hold your curser over " Report " Which will highlight it and then left click on that.

Using a mobile phone. ..

Sory can't help you there.

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Never seen the report button..pls how do i find it here..Look in the bottom lefthand cnr directly under "Never seen " in your post. "Report" (not highlighted)Hold your curser over " Report " Which will highlight it and then left click on that.

Using a mobile phone. ..

http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/forum/19-forum-support-desk/ they should know it

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I've never read so much speculation on TVF based on so little information - after wading through 13 pages all I have learnt is some teenagers can be inherently unreasonable and when Thai's fight they tend to do it in groups.

and if you dare to suspect that the victim might have gave them some reason people will jump on you how you can up with that idea.

but if you declare thais have "demented brains" no one will question that.

Though I'm not entirely certain you were responding to my referencing "demented brains"; just to clarify, I'm not presenting an opinion. Physical violence is the last resort of those who cannot communicate their emotional insanity and frustration and confusion in a more civilized and Selfishly intelligent fashion.

Violence, physical conflict and War have always been exclusively Self-less pursuits. Selfish people pursue Pareto optimal solutions to disagreements. The Self-less sons of their bullying mothers explode into emotional rage on account of their binary brains. "Kill or be killed", they imagine (as if that binary dilemma made a lick of sense). Screw mutual advantage; when your mind has been reduced to worthless, you will perceive everything in terms of survival. "It's Them or Us", slaves say; oblivious to the reality of exploitation (you can only be exploited by Your Own; who lie to you, for your sake - of course).

It's about passion and Yahweh. When you have a need to "muster armies" as the God of War, you will have a need to infect children with Self-defeating passionate needy. Yahweh is the God of War, by His own assertion; but he is also the God of Love. You cannot have War without Love. You cannot have violence without passion. You cannot be sane without Self. Wars cannot be fought without mothers infecting their children with love for the purpose of making them their slaves. Insanity went viral this way.

I have no idea what any of this has to do with Thais? Or why you perceived a racial element in a statement about violence being the communicative technique of last resort. If you have a "demented brain", you will lack the capacity to perceive alternatives to communicating your inner emotional rage. Imagining Thais to be more violent than the sons of Christians would be categorically and provably insane.

Onward Buddhist soldier

Marching as to War

With the Self-empowerment of Buddha

Going on before.

That's not really how the hymn goes, is it?

"Love is whatever you can still betray."

- le Carre


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