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i need a fax , mine just went to fax heaven !

want the most simple possible , only use it two three time a month .

do not want inkjet ..

what other possibility i have and price ? plus more info welcome


Have you considered a fax program for your P.C. Winfax for example ?

Agreed it's not so useful for receiving faxes but great for sending.


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i will use one today , yes not so good if you received when you not home or receive and sign and send back !

secondly modem with true do not offer fax possibility !

i need to go to get few hours dial up and set up new connection for it wih dial up modem !

not the most simple ..

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i will use one today , yes not so good if you received when you not home or receive and sign and send back !

secondly modem with true do not offer fax possibility !

i need to go to get few hours dial up and set up new connection for it wih dial up modem !

not the most simple ..

If you have a fax-modem you can send faxes without any form of internet connection, just a phone line.

WinFax is fine for sending, pain in the butt for receiving though.

To the original question. Since you only use the machine '2 or 3 times a month' a laser fax is out, so you are limited to a thermal fax (fades with time) or an inkjet (you don't want inkjet).

A trip to Pantip, Fortune, Tesco, Carrefour etc etc will net a range of prices. for your usage, get the cheapest you can find.

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I am in the same position as you, and also have an intense dislike of inkjet printers having gone through the mill of replacing ink jet cartridges at great expense just to support the machines cleaning pratices, however on this point I have come to the conclusion that in the case of a fax that will not be colour such expense would not be prohibitive to retain plain paper as against thermal paper function.

I disagree with the idea of buying the cheapest firstly because it is likely to be thermal but also because a 4,300 bht fax machine (I saw a great Canon for this it was 5,000bht the week before) looks far more the business than say a 3,000 bht Sharp.

I will also be looking for a fax that copies (most) and hopefully scans.

I would not buy a Brother because brother are a 'me too company' copying the real big boys and if you look at the cheapo deals in Tesco they are mostly returned brothers, plus I bought a Brother multifunction cheap in Tesco (don't buy anything clearance in a supermarket ) and after about a month it started coming up with some message telling me to return it to Brother for service as if no one else could fix it.

Please post what you decide on.

Edited by spacebass
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Without form of internet .. yeack

Thank , yes I realize that after buying some times with CSlox early this morning , just my old modem and winfax was ok to send !

For the fax machine I have a roll paper one before, good machine for 12 years ( Xeros )

I got so much problem with inkjet printers in the pass , I went to buy a laser .

But want to spend the minimum for the fax for so little use !

I think they have three system for fax .. Paper roll / thermal / inkjet

I can go and look myself, but I am not confident with the help of the staff!

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Without form of internet .. yeack

Thank , yes I realize that after buying some times with CSlox early this morning , just my old modem and winfax was ok to send !

For the fax machine I have a roll paper one before, good machine for 12 years ( Xeros )

I got so much problem with inkjet printers in the pass , I went to buy a laser .

But want to spend the minimum for the fax for so little use !

I think they have three system for fax .. Paper roll / thermal / inkjet

I can go and look myself, but I am not confident with the help of the staff!

'Paper roll' is same as ' thermal' the paper is specially coated so that it makes characters when the fax machine print mechanism applies heat to it.

If you were happy with paper roll/thermal before and given how little you use it might as well go for it again, will be the cheapest and simplest.

Just go for a Canon, Sharp or Panasonic can't go far wrong. If the guy tries to sell you a Brother or something obscure it will be because he is on a special commission to sell that brand. so don't listen to hiim!

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