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Riding Motor Bike On Wrong Side Of Road

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When riding a motor bike in the correct direction, and another motor bike is approaching (travelling in the wrong direction), which side should the passing occur of the motor bike travelling in the wrong direction ?? cheesy.gif


When riding a motor bike in the correct direction, and another motor bike is approaching (travelling in the wrong direction), which side should the passing occur of the motor bike travelling in the wrong direction ?? cheesy.gif

In Thai logic you have to overtake the incoming vehicule, so you move to the right side of the road to overtake :cheesy:


Before arriving at any decision you should first consider,not whether you or the other driver is travelling in the "correct" or "wrong" direction, because there is no such thing but rather whether you or the other driver is driving on the left ( assuming we are talking about roads in Thailand). If you keep left you would be maintaining the correct rule of the road but you wouldn't be passing the delinquent driver, you would be avoiding him!


This is basic stuff that doesn't seem to be covered by the Thai Highway Code for some odd reason. When you are turning left onto Sukhumvit from one of the side sois, and you see a motorbike coming towards you on the wrong side of the road, who has the right of way? The motorbike is, after all, on the main road, even if he is going along it in the wrong direction, while you're turning out from a minor road and so should give way to the traffic on Sukhumvit. I guess they probably teach the Thais this kind of thing in hospital...

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As a cyclist, this is one of the many hazards - I've found that an approaching vehicle on the wrong side of the road - and this can be a motorcycle, motorcycle/sidecar, car, pickup truck, all want to hug the outer edge of the road, forcing me from my 'lane' out into the traffic.

I would prefer to be the one furtherest left but some 'unwritten rule' suggests otherwise.

Worst for me is on some stretches of Sukhumvit where the median strips offer u-turns every 1.5km, sometimes face vehicle after vehicle taking a short-cut by crossing the road at an earlier u-turn bay and driving maybe 1km wrong-side.

No answers - except ensure they're aware I'm there, be alert - and cautious.


I see the jet ski boys have started using their police immunity to race down the beach side of beach road in the wrong direction, its quicker then the footpath, so always look both ways when you cross, they would have no chance of stopping if you walk out from behind a car


I formerly often drove from my place up-country to Pattaya, 660 kilometers one way.

One trip I decided to count the number of vehicles traveling the wrong way on the highway.

The final count was 33 trucks, buses, vans and cars. I DiD NOT count motorcycles.

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Interesting thread. Another issue is the usage of motorcycles on public sidewalks. When they are racing towards me at least I can see them and have a fighting chance to get out of their way. When they charge up from behind you you don't know which way to run. In Bangkok when this happens I now just stand still hoping the driver and Buddha have it figured out rather than causing my own demise! I wish they would address this in the drivers manual.


Who is more correct ?? A motor bike travelling against the traffic at night (on the wrong side of the road) with all his lights on, or a motor bike travelling in the correct direction with no lights on ?? cheesy.gif


If you travel down a stretch of road in the wrong direction every day at the same time then, surely, the other person should give way and move to avoid you.

The other person is the one causing the possible collision as he is not normally using that section of road at that particular time.

Of course, if you are just a casual 'wrong direction' rider at that location, then you have to give way. Seems perfectly logical to me. whistling.gif


When riding a motor bike in the correct direction, and another motor bike is approaching (travelling in the wrong direction), which side should the passing occur of the motor bike travelling in the wrong direction ?? cheesy.gif

'You want to hear the likely truth? If you are foreigner, then you do whatever it takes to avoid a collision and / or a confrontation. If either occur, you will have no rights worth mentioning or exercising by the time the idiot Thai and the police get done turning the incident into a national crisis. Any other way besides this approach and good luck.


If it's a Thai doing it, try to let him pass in whatever manner he chooses before proceeding. They are predictably unpredictable.

If it's a foreigner doing it, run him over. The bloody idiot ought to know better. :P

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It just depends on where I am when I'm driving on the wrong side of the road--your side.

I won't be coming at you in the center of your lane (too likely to lead to unpleasant consequences) but will be on either your right or left side. If I'm on the right near the center, just on your side of the line, then move over to your left to make room.

If I'm all the way over on your left side, then move over to your right.

SO simple! :)



The guy on the wrong side moves the furthest over on the shoulder, while the guy riding in the correct direction, moves further into the traffic lane. Jesus, guys, this is Thai Driving 101!


Slightly off topic, but along the same sort of lines.

After leaving a restaurant in the Mapbrachan area this evening, heading to Pattaya, I decided to join HW36 in Pong, then whilst accelerating up to 80-90 km/h on HW36, just joining the slip road for Pattaya I couldn't believe what I (just about managed) saw!!!!!!!! There was a complete brain dead (local) cretin facing me, trying to fix his moped, in the middle of the slip road, with the bike facing in the direction of oncoming traffic, with not a single light to be seen!!!!!!!!

<deleted> is wrong with these people???????? Apart from probable instant death or serious injury, they couldn't give 2 f__cks about other people's welfare or well being, not to mention the probability of me being blamed for the ar_eh_les inconsiderate behaviour, never mind the financial costs that would automatically be pinned on the Farang!!!!!!

I've been here 12 years, and thought I'd seen most things!!! Well, I was right, seen most things, but there is no end to the possibilities of the brain dead!!!!

BTW, I was with my Thai GF at the time, who, 1) couldn't believe I managed to avoid the <deleted>, and 2) couldn't believe the stupidity of the moron to start with!

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