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Caught Drink Driving In Thailand And Put In Prison

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I do not understand a few things

1. Why OP was not allowed to go home after the sentence? This makes no sense at all

2. Why was OP sentence to 30 or so days?, when everyone else( i know of 3 people personally and a number of posts here and other forums) pay 2000 baht fine and are free to go

3. Why OP supposedly used a policeman instead of a lawyer?

4. Why would a high ranked cop bail OP out,? when high ranked cops simply pull favors and OP would not even need to go to court

5. Why would a judge not "help" highly well connected people?

Me thinks OP either not telling the full story(perhaps caught a few times) and/or is imagining 'well connected friends"

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I can't figure out whether he's still in jail or not, nor can figure out if he's still in Thailand or not. If he's not in Thailand now, who gives a <deleted>? Stay out. Go to Bali or KL or somewhere else for your holiday's. 2 days in jail for a DUI ain't much. Try blowing that much in the US and see what happens. It's a major felony to blow that high here and be driving. Also try handing the arresting officer here some cash to turn the other way, oh yeah, that'll work. All in all, I would say he got off light and if he's not in Thailand now, stay out. This is not the only country in Southeast Asia with wild women and booze. Time to broaden your horizens.. coffee1.gif

I think he's under a bridge.

More like in the tunneltongue.png


I actually feel sorry for the OP, but that doesn't take away from the fact that he knowingly chose to do something very foolish. And, in a country that doesn't always follow the gentle nanny state methods of the west. He knew BEFORE he started drinking that he was going to drive away drunk.. It is too bad that he has had to pay a severe penalty even though there weren't any victims in this case other than himself. But, that shouldn't change the Thai justice system. All I hope is he takes it as a lesson learned and to not make the same mistake again. Not all of us get a second chance. Some actually die, or what is worse, take someone else with you.


The OP is not answering any posts to his own thread.

ALL BRIGADES.....I suggest we wait for a life sign first.

Cos it rubbish or he was even pissed when he wrote the posting. Probably pissed at his court hearing too.

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I am very permissive, you can even take drug or kill yourself anyway you want AT HOME, but for driving drunk they should cut you a part that doesn't seem to be useful to you as you do not look like a man !


I have no sympathy for drink drivers as I have first hand experience of the damage and destruction they cause. After you were released from prison you should have been deported-loser.


I got done last year in BKK . I knew I was pissed when they breathalysed me . It was on a Friday night and I was told to that I had to go to such and such police station where I would be detained until Monday morning when I would then go to court and pay an 8000 baht fine . But Thailand being Thailand we managed to negotiate an on the spot settlement of 4000 and THEY LET ME DRIVE HOME AND GAVE ME MY LICENSE BACK

It's all about the money for the BIB .

Lucky you!!!

I thought so too . Funny thing was , there were police all over this junction and I had to do a U-turn to go home . When I was going back the other way they tried to stop me again but it came over the radio , ' He's paid already , he's paid already !! '

Luck of the draw I guess .

It was totally corrupt though because we were in the booth by the side of the road and when I went to pay him he was quite open about ' Under the table , ender the table , there are cameras everywhere ' . This was on the Silom side of Thaksin Bridge .


It's dangerous to live,you can die!!

That is true, and it's one of the things I like about Thailand. We have the choice to do something stupid and kill ourselves. It's just the others that we might take with us that is the problem. Without a bit of danger it makes life too easy and too boring. But, there ARE acceptible limits to what we should do.


I have no sympathy for drink drivers as I have first hand experience of the damage and destruction they cause. After you were released from prison you should have been deported-loser.

Newbie and clearly ALREADY a member of the "HANG EM HIGH BRIGADE"

Welcome to TV, Julia. You'll do just fine in here.


I got done last year in BKK . I knew I was pissed when they breathalysed me . It was on a Friday night and I was told to that I had to go to such and such police station where I would be detained until Monday morning when I would then go to court and pay an 8000 baht fine . But Thailand being Thailand we managed to negotiate an on the spot settlement of 4000 and THEY LET ME DRIVE HOME AND GAVE ME MY LICENSE BACK

It's all about the money for the BIB .

I applaud you for admitting your crime.

Slightly off topic maybe but which is worse - drinking and driving or taking heroin?

It amazes me that so many people think for some reason taking heroin is a worse crime.

Drinking and driving in a built up area is worse than rape.

I guess it depends what happens . I don't think what I did and what happened is worse than raping someone . What might have happened maybe........


Nowadays I take a Motorbike Taxi home, when I had a little to much to drink, and if I drink, I drink a lot. I guess drunk walking is still legal, isn't it?

But when your drunk it's so hard to tell which taxi driver is the least drunk.

What if I fall off a Motorbike taxi when I'm drunk. Is it my fault?


I wonder how the responders would take it if the shoe was on the other foot, you bunch of self righteous gits. Yeah yeah we all know DUI is bad. Give the guy a break and help answer his question instead of reading him the riot act. If ya all want blood goto Saudi Arabia where you can get a front row seat for a multitude of punishments.

I wonder how you would think about the OP, if you had attended funerals of friends and family members who were killed by drunken idiots in cars??? I am unfortunate to have had to attend such funerals twice...

So you've never broken the law in Thailand,ever been with a bar girl?whistling.gif


30 days + seems a lot IF it's a first offence, but for crimes against humanity (spelling, grammar and the lack of punctuation) I say hang him high! angry.png

Seriously though.... if the OP isn't a troll then there's something he's not telling us.


Yes personally in principle I put DUI right up there with going out and having unprotected sex without telling anyone you've got AIDS.

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I wonder how the responders would take it if the shoe was on the other foot, you bunch of self righteous gits. Yeah yeah we all know DUI is bad. Give the guy a break and help answer his question instead of reading him the riot act. If ya all want blood goto Saudi Arabia where you can get a front row seat for a multitude of punishments.

I wonder how you would think about the OP, if you had attended funerals of friends and family members who were killed by drunken idiots in cars??? I am unfortunate to have had to attend such funerals twice...

So you've never broken the law in Thailand,ever been with a bar girl?

Comparing being with a bar girl and drink driving ? ????

Being with a bg only harms oneself.

Drinking driving kills. In the next month at least 500 families will attend funerals because of those who thought it ok to drive after drinking or were too drunk to think rationally.

There is absolutely no comparison.

A better one is the unprotected sex if you have AIDS.


I wonder how the responders would take it if the shoe was on the other foot, you bunch of self righteous gits. Yeah yeah we all know DUI is bad. Give the guy a break and help answer his question instead of reading him the riot act. If ya all want blood goto Saudi Arabia where you can get a front row seat for a multitude of punishments.

I wonder how you would think about the OP, if you had attended funerals of friends and family members who were killed by drunken idiots in cars??? I am unfortunate to have had to attend such funerals twice...

So you've never broken the law in Thailand,ever been with a bar girl?

Comparing being with a bar girl and drink driving ? ????

Being with a bg only harms oneself.

Drinking driving kills. In the next month at least 500 families will attend funerals because of those who thought it ok to drive after drinking or were too drunk to think rationally.

There is absolutely no comparison.

A better one is the unprotected sex if you have AIDS.

I agree to a certain point - drink -driving is a very foolish, selfish thing to practice. Let's face it, either one does it or one doesn't. It is premeditated, I think. I haven't done it for over 20 years but did it. But I never took my car to the pub.

There are people who drink and drive reading this thread.If one of them see the error of his ways and stops, then that is good.

People are selfish - they will probably stop as to not end up in the OPs position rather than thinking of others.


Really unsure why so many are jumping on the drink driving wagon.

OP clearly stated he was not, he had a beer and did not wait for 20 mins and hence the reason for reading to be over the limit.

True or not, i do not know, but the rest of his story just does not make much sense, especially with "well connected" people being involved as OP claims

Really unsure why so many are jumping on the drink driving wagon.

OP clearly stated he was not, he had a beer and did not wait for 20 mins and hence the reason for reading to be over the limit.

True or not, i do not know, but the rest of his story just does not make much sense, especially with "well connected" people being involved as OP claims

Well connected my arse.


Since they've been cracking down (relatively speaking) here on the local population, they love the chance to throw a farang into the mix and of course setting an example with the penalty may well be worth more than the potential baksheesh.


Really unsure why so many are jumping on the drink driving wagon.

OP clearly stated he was not, he had a beer and did not wait for 20 mins and hence the reason for reading to be over the limit.

True or not, i do not know, but the rest of his story just does not make much sense, especially with "well connected" people being involved as OP claims

Well connected my arse.

i would be really worried if your arse was not well connected, hope other parts of the body are also well connected.


I do not understand a few things

1. Why OP was not allowed to go home after the sentence? This makes no sense at all

2. Why was OP sentence to 30 or so days?, when everyone else( i know of 3 people personally and a number of posts here and other forums) pay 2000 baht fine and are free to go

3. Why OP supposedly used a policeman instead of a lawyer?

4. Why would a high ranked cop bail OP out,? when high ranked cops simply pull favors and OP would not even need to go to court

5. Why would a judge not "help" highly well connected people?

Me thinks OP either not telling the full story(perhaps caught a few times) and/or is imagining 'well connected friends"

1. Because he has not been sentenced yet he is still waiting for his case to come up.

2. He wasn't sentenced to 30 days he was REMAND.

3. Local problem with a connection why pay a lawyer?

4. Friend of the family or just looking for a drink?

5. They do and they did he has twice been granted permission to leave before the the court has given judgement.


I do not understand a few things

1. Why OP was not allowed to go home after the sentence? This makes no sense at all

2. Why was OP sentence to 30 or so days?, when everyone else( i know of 3 people personally and a number of posts here and other forums) pay 2000 baht fine and are free to go

3. Why OP supposedly used a policeman instead of a lawyer?

4. Why would a high ranked cop bail OP out,? when high ranked cops simply pull favors and OP would not even need to go to court

5. Why would a judge not "help" highly well connected people?

Me thinks OP either not telling the full story(perhaps caught a few times) and/or is imagining 'well connected friends"

1. Because he has not been sentenced yet he is still waiting for his case to come up.

2. He wasn't sentenced to 30 days he was REMAND.

3. Local problem with a connection why pay a lawyer?

4. Friend of the family or just looking for a drink?

5. They do and they did he has twice been granted permission to leave before the the court has given judgement.

Where are you getting all this information from? it sure is not in the OP


I would have given you 5 years you could have killed someone because of your stupidity anyone who drinks and drives needs the book throwing at them including Thai's


it sure is not in the OP

You are basing this assumption on what?

Always better to confirm a question before posting a statement that is nothing but a wild guess because when the truth comes out the person making blind assumptions is left looking stupid mate.....

Have you not even considered why I chose your post to reply to?


it sure is not in the OP

You are basing this assumption on what?

Always better to confirm a question before posting a statement that is nothing but a wild guess because when the truth comes out the person making blind assumptions is left looking stupid mate.....

Have you not even considered why I chose your post to reply to?

Ohhh and here we gorolleyes.gif

Quotes from OP

"once it was my turn to be sentenced the judge layed down my punishment in Thai and I could see in the police mans face it was no good, 32 days in pattaya special prison"

There goes your "factual" theory of your points 1, 2 and 3

"after the prison sentence we went to the provincial court with the police man and he talked to clerks and the judge said no you can't go home for maybe 6 or so months,"

And there goes the rest of your theory's

Good idea to read first before postingthumbsup.gif , especially if you do not want to be making blind assumptions making one look stupid(as you so eloquently put it)


I rather be drunk and drive home slowly and safely with a proper helmet on my head than jump on the back of a moto taxi wearing a paper helmet (or no helmet as most falangs seem to think nothing can happen when you are the passanger) driving like he's at the Imola race track and who just finished a bottle of hong thong with his mates... Hard to kill someone at 5am riding safely at 30km/, the BIB better start to crack down on the people with broken head lights and break lights, driving against incoming traffic helmetless at 100km/h

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