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Songkran Alcohol Ban Mulled In A Move To Reduce Deaths During Holiday


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Didn't we see this same article last year?

Has TAT approved it? This ban would do wonders for the tourist business that our puppet PM wants increased. Oh right... she wants the 'Quality' tourists. Guess they don't drink.

Here's an idea... get the cops out in force and actually doing their job. No 100 baht and you get to go on your way BS. If you are caught driving under the influence, you car is impounded for 7 days, starting right NOW, and you get hit with a 10000 baht fine (payable at the courthouse only). You also get to pay for the 7 day storage of your vehicle.

Oh, and any cop who takes a bribe gets an automatic termination notice.

Yeah right, like any of that would/could happen in Thailand LOS (Land of SCAMS).

A few Songkran's ago they warned that throwing buckets of water on motorcycles was very dangerous and the cops will take prisoners if you are seen doing it

Come the day I was on the Beach Rd in Patong and there was 2cops on there bikes drenched to the skin and covered with powder with there guns in a plastic bag on there belts

You have to laugh

Edited by jocko
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26,000 people are killed in road accidents every year in Thailand... So how about 'driver education'? Every idiot in Thailand knows how to go fast as putting the pedal to the metal ain't difficult!! But teaching them to 'drive' would go a long way to avoiding accidents, by not overtaking on unbroken lines, observe speed signs, driver courtesy etc... ah silly me... Songkran... the excuse to party for a week and enjoy water fights, play music past the point of distortion and drink Leo whilst watching your girlfriend in a wet T Shirt.

Just watching some old tart backing out of her drive way this morning certainly was an education, even me pet dog ran for safety, so yeah , some education at the grass roots level (schools) maybe they will pass the message on to their parents etc, err maybe LT

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26,000 people are killed in road accidents every year in Thailand... So how about 'driver education'? Every idiot in Thailand knows how to go fast as putting the pedal to the metal ain't difficult!! But teaching them to 'drive' would go a long way to avoiding accidents, by not overtaking on unbroken lines, observe speed signs, driver courtesy etc... ah silly me... Songkran... the excuse to party for a week and enjoy water fights, play music past the point of distortion and drink Leo whilst watching your girlfriend in a wet T Shirt.

Speed signs?????? Where have you seen those?

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Best and only way in this land is to raise any alcool

by 500%, simple beer included guess ar the price of 250 bahts not many will get drunk...

These people are usually low level worker with small brain. (if any)

They would just stock up beforehand, they are not that stupid.

or they would shift their consumption to mind scrambling Lao Khao

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Fix the dam roads for one, there are too many autos, bikes for these roads that have not been updated since they were built years ago. School areas with no cross walks or traffic lights and let us not talk about busses passing cars on two way roads. Speeding. More autos on the road since the government issues 300,000 baht rebate if you purchase a new car. These Thailand roads are not safe and there is no vehicle inspections. Why stop the drinking? This is a comic book!!!!

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Songkran has traditionally been celebrated as the New Year for many centuries,is celebrated in Thailand as the traditional New Year's Day from 13 to 16 April. It coincides with the New Year of many calendars in ASIA.. Drinking is part of this celebration & to Ban alcohol would be like changing the holiday & baning Spraying water as well !!! They can say that no driver drink any alcohol at all & then try enforse fines or tickets.. Some other way besides hurting the non drivers too..

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It flushes even more money in the pocket of the alcohol dealers, when people are afraid getting short on liquors, they buy the double amount in advance and the same people issueing these bans are in one or another way often family related to the alcohol industry, the worst thing for a country could be when the people issue a law are bussines owners at the same time.

A ban for cars would be the best if the government if the government really cares for their people under these circumstances and would proove the rest of the world, he we have a strong independent government.

A society of arrogance and ignorance on both sides taught not to take responsebility for their life and action is the main problem over here and we will not see any bettering in our lifes over here in next century.cheesy.gif I will lock the car, lock the home and burp.gif and be save.

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The most basic reason why there are so many accidents in Thailand is that nobody follows any rule and this includes the rule about not drinking when you are going to drive. The reason that nobody follow any rule is that nobody checks and there is no punishment. The police is a totally useless Mafia style organisation that seems to do little else that collecting bribes.

And in the rare case you get an fine by the single honest police officer in Thailand, the fine is 200B. That's 4 or less hours of work for the average Thai (compared to Europeans countries, where the average fine in 3 or more days of work).

Edited by kriswillems
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saving a few hundred lives is good-but NEVER works, and it will not put Thailand down to number 7 in the world most dangerous.

My point is why the crackdown ONLY on certain days---alcohol ban will not do any good short term and certainly will not do the tourist industry any good whatsoever-hurting the tourist does NOT stop the Thai drunks etc from the carnage on the roads . I am far from an academic but my family ancestry-teaching was sound and to read all this bulls#it again is sickening.

Do the people here in powerful positions think that all Thais are stupid, on the contrary The Thai people think the authorities are the stupid ones.

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26,000 people are killed in road accidents every year in Thailand... So how about 'driver education'?

You obviously didn't read that other news report a few weeks ago, that stated that it was the foreigner that needed to educated that this was the way they drive in Thailand.

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There is absolutely NO excuse for drinking and driving. None. EVER. It's utterly reprehensible, and shows a complete disregard and disrespect for life. If someone wants to get plastered and drive their truck into a tree in their own back garden, fine. But don't put mine, my family's or anyone else's life at risk with this abhorrent selfishness. Anybody caught drunk driving should get an instant ban from driving for life, and a preposterously large fine. No exceptions.

Unfortunately, that will never happen, but one can dream :)

Rant over, I'll get me coat.

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So this proposed new measure will keep death & carnage off the roads during the festival period ??

By baning the sale of alcohol over the three day festival, widely publicised beforehand of course so Joe public can stock up on their favourite brew, still enjoy their 3 day beer fest & the government keeps it's revenue coming in, problem solved!!


Are they not capable of thinking any policy through to the end ??

People will stock up on alcohol ahead of the festival & still feel the need to drive.. this will never stop drink driving in a million years !!

Police mounting road blocks on every corner with the advisory reading: if you drink & drive during this period you WILL be banned automatically for a year, you WILL go to jail for 6 months, you WILL pay a huge fine, your insurance cover WILL double in price..

As in other countries this WILL have more effect !!

ha, this is true-but consider the ecosystem that imposes so much control; a government with that much power results in a populace less powerful- I'd rather have more freedom and be encouraged to take personal responsibility for my behavior

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So this proposed new measure will keep death & carnage off the roads during the festival period ??

By baning the sale of alcohol over the three day festival, widely publicised beforehand of course so Joe public can stock up on their favourite brew, still enjoy their 3 day beer fest & the government keeps it's revenue coming in, problem solved!!


Are they not capable of thinking any policy through to the end ??

People will stock up on alcohol ahead of the festival & still feel the need to drive.. this will never stop drink driving in a million years !!

Police mounting road blocks on every corner with the advisory reading: if you drink & drive during this period you WILL be banned automatically for a year, you WILL go to jail for 6 months, you WILL pay a huge fine, your insurance cover WILL double in price..

As in other countries this WILL have more effect !!


Yes this is a BRILLIANT idea----- OK thats the solution ----now the question----- How do we make them do it cos buggered if I know-------------------------------------------------Dougal the Kiwi

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Based on that chart from Road Safety & Nat'l Police, the safest vehicle you can drive in Thailand is a Farm Truck. I've always wanted one of these, now it's confirmed:


I'm assuming this isn't a serious post. Actually if you look there are no deaths at all involving space hoppers or unicycles.

On a serious note they're no different than any other truck of that size but are more dangerous as there are no set belts or airbags so if you roll it or hit something you won't be in it for long. Of course you do need to put the seat belt on for it to work. I actually saw one of these upside down in the central ditch that's used instead of proper barriers on the road south from Udon Thani on 3rd March. My Thai gf said they are good on the farm but dangerous on the road. Couldn't agree more.

There will always be more deaths than in many western countries because of the larger number of motorcycles but there are ways to help reduce this as many have said. Proper testing of drivers on the roads and enforcement. Road blocks are only any use against drivers that can't turn round such as big trucks and they need to be moved about so drivers can't be warned about them.

As someone else mentioned they need to stop people as they are driving along the road as well probably using unmarked cars and recording equipment as can easily be seen in the many traffic cop camera shows on TV which are on Youtube so the politicians can watch them on the Ipads they had bought for themselves.

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A farang friend of mine police took the last week for drunk driving.He had to spend one night in the cage and the next day trial = 3000 bht in fines.

He also got 200 back for spending one night in jail.

It should be harder punishments if they want to get them off the roads.

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So this proposed new measure will keep death & carnage off the roads during the festival period ??

By baning the sale of alcohol over the three day festival, widely publicised beforehand of course so Joe public can stock up on their favourite brew, still enjoy their 3 day beer fest & the government keeps it's revenue coming in, problem solved!!


Are they not capable of thinking any policy through to the end ??

People will stock up on alcohol ahead of the festival & still feel the need to drive.. this will never stop drink driving in a million years !!

Police mounting road blocks on every corner with the advisory reading: if you drink & drive during this period you WILL be banned automatically for a year, you WILL go to jail for 6 months, you WILL pay a huge fine, your insurance cover WILL double in price..

As in other countries this WILL have more effect !!


Yes this is a BRILLIANT idea----- OK thats the solution ----now the question----- How do we make them do it cos buggered if I know-------------------------------------------------Dougal the Kiwi

I agree that this is the path most countries have had to take. But each country must get there on their own.

Until then, there will be carnage on the roads.

Best to stay off the roads on holidays after dark

and best not to be on the roads from midnight to 5AM.

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Best and only way in this land is to raise any alcool

by 500%, simple beer included guess ar the price of 250 bahts not many will get drunk...

These people are usually low level worker with small brain. (if any)

You may have just opened the flood gates for a rant about stupid farang comments!

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