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Top Democrats Admit Revamp Needed If Party To Win At Polls

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Top Democrats admit revamp needed if party to win at polls
Tanatpong Kongsai
The Nation on Sunday

BANGKOK: -- Abhisit calls for unity, vows to keep eye on govt

The Democrat Party will continue to offer a political alternative for the people while actively monitoring the government's administration, party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva said during the Democrats' annual meeting yesterday.

The party will act as a facilitator for people in all areas who wish to keep an eye on and report corruption, he said. The party will establish an anti-corruption website to inform people about the government's Bt2 trillion borrowing to fund infrastructure projects, and any irregularities within it. In the meantime, it will continue with its anti-corruption training for youth and promote the "Thailand Blueprint" project initiated by its Future Innovative Thailand Institute.

"Whether it's 10 years from now or 100 years, the party will remain involved with Thai politics, which continues to be plagued by periodic turmoil and conflict. But we have to continue to act with righteousness and must be determined to be with Thailand and to be a pillar so that society heads to righteousness," he said.

Speaking at the meeting, deputy leader Alongkorn Pollabutr said the party needed a structural revamp, as it had not won a national election since 1992. Unless it changed, it would not be able to win at the polls, he said.

A gap has opened up between the party's central administration and its branches, Alongkorn said, adding that the organisation needed to be unified and that all members must agree on budget administration. He added that the party had been unable to achieve electoral success despite the fact that it had more branches than any other party, with 197.

He proposed a special meeting of the party's executive to discuss restructuring.

Abhisit proposed changes to the party's regulations, including a new requirement that branch executive committees comprise at least seven members, and announced a new policy to coordinate more with local administrative agencies.

Phitsanulok MP Chuti Krairiksh said the party should promote the Blue Sky Channel among its supporters. Although the party does not own the channel, many party members appear on its programmes.

During the meeting, some members raised the issue of former party leader Bhichai Rattakul, who has criticised the party heavily of late. Abhisit defended Bhichai, saying he had the party's best interests at heart and that Abhisit himself had accepted Bhichai's criticisms of himself made long ago as a form of teaching.

He believed Bhichai had learned of the party's actions through the media and might not have received accurate and comprehensive information. The party had sent representatives to talk to Bhichai, he said.

Citing an example of the misunderstandings between the party and Bhichai, Abhisit said the party had not been aware of Bhichai's readiness to serve as an MP when it decided not to include him as a party-list candidate.

Moreover, the party did not agree with some of Bhichai's ideas, such as reaching out for talks with fugitive former premier Thaksin Shinawatra, as it might not be good for the country, Abhisit said.

-- The Nation 2013-03-24

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He believed Bhichai had learned of the party's actions through the media and might not have received accurate and comprehensive information. The party had sent representatives to talk to Bhichai, he said.

I see, the party did not wrong. it is just the media reporting about the party that is to blame.
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Speaking at the meeting, deputy leader Alongkorn Pollabutr said the party needed a structural revamp, as it had not won a national election since 1992. Unless it changed, it would not be able to win at the polls, he said.

btw, how many elections they did not win since 1992? took them a few days since to come up with that structural revamp idea. makes me wonder what will happen with the head. aren't defeated candidates usually replaced with new faces? the Democrats should try that.
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Speaking at the meeting, deputy leader Alongkorn Pollabutr said the party needed a structural revamp, as it had not won a national election since 1992. Unless it changed, it would not be able to win at the polls, he said.

btw, how many elections they did not win since 1992? took them a few days since to come up with that structural revamp idea. makes me wonder what will happen with the head. aren't defeated candidates usually replaced with new faces? the Democrats should try that.
I believe you are failing to give former-PM Abhiait the credit he deserves, he promised to resign & give his party the chance to change leaders if he lost the election, and he kept his word, a rare thing in Thai politics. They then re-elected him.

Whereas the TRT/PPP/PTP/Red-mob changed their then-PM, replacing former-PM Samak with party-thinker Thaksin's brother-in-law PM-Somchai, without asking the MPs or party-faithful, just the executive made that democratic decision.

Going back to the OP, the Dems defintely need a revamp, I don't think many farangs on TV would argue otherwise, and they are saying the right things. Perhaps other Thai political-parties might follow their example, waiting for legacy-politicians to die off is a slow method, for promoting reform. sad.png

With Abhisit on top the Democrats lost the the last election. it wasn't the first time. but all that didn't matter for the yesmen members of the Democrats party. they put him on top again.
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<snip for brevity>

The Democrats are indeed embarking on a gargantuan task on a par with ''The Labours of Hercules,'' which has got to start with a critical self examination of themselves, their policies and their membership, the electorate have to be informed that they have the power to shape their and their childrens and the country's political future but they have got to become involved in that machinery that promotes the growth of what passes for democracy in our world.

<snip for brevity>

Excellent post and very good points.

Your reference to Hercules' Labours reminds me of his fifth task, to clean out the stables of King Augeas who possessed large herds of cattle.

For the Democrats, the job of cleaning up the bullsh*t that exists both within their own party and the present parliamentary system will be on a par with the above task. beatdeadhorse.gif

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Abisisth has done NOTHING positive for the party, but I guess it is not even his fault.

I remember his first interview with CNN after he was named PM. He said, that Thailand would have to look into a certain law and think about it. I guess, right after he said that, he was summoned by some "higher powers" and told, that THIS is NOT what has to be done.

I believe, he might be a descent politician in any European country, but English education and a European idea of democracy and politics does count for zero in Thailand.

...and they have to stop, making "chasing Thaksin" their main obligation and develop their "own character" and give a "face" to their policies, that is not centered on their oponents.

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Fine words, however the stumbling block is the old power brokers syndrome that is prevalent in all political parties here in Thailand where sadly in the vast majority of cases personal self interest comes long before the electorate and the country's interests.

This applies to all the current and past political parties, however the leadership of the Democrats need to be ruthless and prune out the self serving members from its ranks. Get in touch with and involve with the grass roots membership, we are all well aware that under the current system some areas are regarded as no go areas for the Democrats. Indeed a fine example of a non democratic society where political indoctrination has triumphed over political education and thus awareness of that which is really happening administration wise.

This situation needs to be reversed no matter what political party or hue may be involved, democracy has got to be open to all. Establish local party sections and constituency party committees much as is done in the U.K. and America to name a couple of examples and field candidates in all elections from village level all the way through the tortuous maze to parliament, let the grass rots membership be involved in the selection of candidates who are going to stand for election.

All people should be entitled to stand for election irrespective of class or education or religion, however there is one caveat and that is that police officers and serving military personnel must be barred from political office and state enterprises Those members who infringe the code of conduct must be disciplined and if necessary removed from the party membership, cancerous politicians affect the country as a whole thus their removal is of paramount importance to ensure open and good governance.

Yes of course there are personal issues at stake for some members, however it has got to be a case of , ''what can I do for my country as opposed to what can I do for myself, my family , my business my cronies and my bank balance etc.country and its peoples first, self last..

Like many other political parties here the dinosaurs have to be removed, O.K. their heads can be preserved in a metaphorical trophy room for posterity, however in the greater majority of cases those dinosaurs have failed to evolve and accept that the days of indoctrination and money politics must go.

The use of all forms of social media is of paramount importance, indeed there has been much use made of said media over the last few years and it has in many ways had a positive result for all parties and political beliefs. The politicians need to grow some spherical objects and actually debate , none of this kreng jai business, sentiment is an extravagant luxury that cannot be afforded if the truth is to come out however unpalatable that truth may be.

The crossing to other political parties or groups should be allowed,however there should, nay must be a five year period prior to any of those who cross to other parties or groups are allowed to become involved in parliamentary matters either as M.P.s or ministers or advisers.Of course we are well aware that covert advice and involvement will occur, however when it comes out into the open those concerned will pay the political price.

The party list should be abolished, it is a non democratic issue.Why should the electorate have someone foisted on them because they have paid an entrance feE and want to be involved in legislation thus ensuring a dividend payment on their investment either financially or to escape the long arm of the law ? The party list system in my view is a total abuse of democracy.

In short political parties are like tree's they grow from small seed and roots as they grow and mature they get stronger and bear fruit, that fruit is the food the country's electorate and social and business structures need if it is to grow and succeed in this modern global village we now inhabit.

The Democrats are indeed embarking on a gargantuan task on a par with ''The Labours of Hercules,'' which has got to start with a critical self examination of themselves, their policies and their membership, the electorate have to be informed that they have the power to shape their and their childrens and the country's political future but they have got to become involved in that machinery that promotes the growth of what passes for democracy in our world.

It seems as as if there has been a critical self appraisal process within the Democrat party, that is indeed a positive start, hopefully other political parties and groups will follow the trail being blazed by the Democrats albeit a small blaze at the moment. The future is ours to grasp, however we have to actually do something to ensure that future. Time alone will tell what will happen, hopefully this might just be the start of a political epiphany in the theatre of Thai politics.

I'm beginning to miss the times when you just posted pictures...

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With Abhisit on top the Democrats lost the the last election. it wasn't the first time. but all that didn't matter for the yesmen members of the Democrats party. they put him on top again.

As is their democratic right, surely ? At least they got to choose.

There are indeed other candidates for leader, within the Democratic Party, but they chose to reelect Abhisit. Up to them ... doesn't necessarily make them "yesmen", does it ? wink.png

TRT/PPP/PTP have a seemingly-inexhaustable supply of new leaders, who mostly come from the same family, is that somehow more democratic or healthy for the political system ?

I myself don't think political-families maintaining control of a country long-term, as with Singapore or North Korea for example, is a good thing. What would you say, about that when it happens here in Thailand, as it currently is ?

Looking beyond the cheap Abhisit-bashing, do you really believe the S-Clan are that talented ?

in case you didn't notice, this topic is about the democrats. there are plenty topics on the trt-ptp brigade were you can talk about them for a cheap bashing.

as for "political-families maintaining control" that would be even more the case if the democrats had won the election. their current top men are a few generations more involved in politics as the "newcomer" Thaksin.

furthermore Thaksin and standbys winning the election, so why the should change their team? doh, you should do that when you are losing.

Edited by ZhouZhou
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Abisisth has done NOTHING positive for the party, but I guess it is not even his fault.

I remember his first interview with CNN after he was named PM. He said, that Thailand would have to look into a certain law and think about it. I guess, right after he said that, he was summoned by some "higher powers" and told, that THIS is NOT what has to be done.

I believe, he might be a descent politician in any European country, but English education and a European idea of democracy and politics does count for zero in Thailand.

...and they have to stop, making "chasing Thaksin" their main obligation and develop their "own character" and give a "face" to their policies, that is not centered on their oponents.

I don't know who these higher powers should be...but as good politician he would have done the necessary things, like the tax on land, no matter what some super rich tells him. If he fails to get a majority in parliament that this is party of democracy but he would have been remembered as trying.
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Fine words, however the stumbling block is the old power brokers syndrome that is prevalent in all political parties here in Thailand where sadly in the vast majority of cases personal self interest comes long before the electorate and the country's interests.

This applies to all the current and past political parties, however the leadership of the Democrats need to be ruthless and prune out the self serving members from its ranks. Get in touch with and involve with the grass roots membership, we are all well aware that under the current system some areas are regarded as no go areas for the Democrats. Indeed a fine example of a non democratic society where political indoctrination has triumphed over political education and thus awareness of that which is really happening administration wise.

This situation needs to be reversed no matter what political party or hue may be involved, democracy has got to be open to all. Establish local party sections and constituency party committees much as is done in the U.K. and America to name a couple of examples and field candidates in all elections from village level all the way through the tortuous maze to parliament, let the grass rots membership be involved in the selection of candidates who are going to stand for election.

All people should be entitled to stand for election irrespective of class or education or religion, however there is one caveat and that is that police officers and serving military personnel must be barred from political office and state enterprises Those members who infringe the code of conduct must be disciplined and if necessary removed from the party membership, cancerous politicians affect the country as a whole thus their removal is of paramount importance to ensure open and good governance.

Yes of course there are personal issues at stake for some members, however it has got to be a case of , ''what can I do for my country as opposed to what can I do for myself, my family , my business my cronies and my bank balance etc.country and its peoples first, self last..

Like many other political parties here the dinosaurs have to be removed, O.K. their heads can be preserved in a metaphorical trophy room for posterity, however in the greater majority of cases those dinosaurs have failed to evolve and accept that the days of indoctrination and money politics must go.

The use of all forms of social media is of paramount importance, indeed there has been much use made of said media over the last few years and it has in many ways had a positive result for all parties and political beliefs. The politicians need to grow some spherical objects and actually debate , none of this kreng jai business, sentiment is an extravagant luxury that cannot be afforded if the truth is to come out however unpalatable that truth may be.

The crossing to other political parties or groups should be allowed,however there should, nay must be a five year period prior to any of those who cross to other parties or groups are allowed to become involved in parliamentary matters either as M.P.s or ministers or advisers.Of course we are well aware that covert advice and involvement will occur, however when it comes out into the open those concerned will pay the political price.

The party list should be abolished, it is a non democratic issue.Why should the electorate have someone foisted on them because they have paid an entrance feE and want to be involved in legislation thus ensuring a dividend payment on their investment either financially or to escape the long arm of the law ? The party list system in my view is a total abuse of democracy.

In short political parties are like tree's they grow from small seed and roots as they grow and mature they get stronger and bear fruit, that fruit is the food the country's electorate and social and business structures need if it is to grow and succeed in this modern global village we now inhabit.

The Democrats are indeed embarking on a gargantuan task on a par with ''The Labours of Hercules,'' which has got to start with a critical self examination of themselves, their policies and their membership, the electorate have to be informed that they have the power to shape their and their childrens and the country's political future but they have got to become involved in that machinery that promotes the growth of what passes for democracy in our world.

It seems as as if there has been a critical self appraisal process within the Democrat party, that is indeed a positive start, hopefully other political parties and groups will follow the trail being blazed by the Democrats albeit a small blaze at the moment. The future is ours to grasp, however we have to actually do something to ensure that future. Time alone will tell what will happen, hopefully this might just be the start of a political epiphany in the theatre of Thai politics.

I'm beginning to miss the times when you just posted pictures...

What too difficult to understand? Prefer some artwork?whistling.gif

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Speaking at the meeting, deputy leader Alongkorn Pollabutr said the party needed a structural revamp, as it had not won a national election since 1992. Unless it changed, it would not be able to win at the polls, he said.

btw, how many elections they did not win since 1992? took them a few days since to come up with that structural revamp idea. makes me wonder what will happen with the head. aren't defeated candidates usually replaced with new faces? the Democrats should try that.

It is only now that they are truly understanding the electorate are not concerned with honesty or reality just in promises for their future no matter how many are broken in the past.

Look for an upcoming election when Thacksin says in six months he will make every one rich.

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Abisisth has done NOTHING positive for the party, but I guess it is not even his fault.

I remember his first interview with CNN after he was named PM. He said, that Thailand would have to look into a certain law and think about it. I guess, right after he said that, he was summoned by some "higher powers" and told, that THIS is NOT what has to be done.

I believe, he might be a descent politician in any European country, but English education and a European idea of democracy and politics does count for zero in Thailand.

...and they have to stop, making "chasing Thaksin" their main obligation and develop their "own character" and give a "face" to their policies, that is not centered on their oponents.

A PM being summoned by a higher power and told this is NOT what has to be done?

That sounds VERY familiar!

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Abisisth has done NOTHING positive for the party, but I guess it is not even his fault.

I remember his first interview with CNN after he was named PM. He said, that Thailand would have to look into a certain law and think about it. I guess, right after he said that, he was summoned by some "higher powers" and told, that THIS is NOT what has to be done.

I believe, he might be a descent politician in any European country, but English education and a European idea of democracy and politics does count for zero in Thailand.

...and they have to stop, making "chasing Thaksin" their main obligation and develop their "own character" and give a "face" to their policies, that is not centered on their oponents.

I don't know who these higher powers should be...but as good politician he would have done the necessary things, like the tax on land, no matter what some super rich tells him. If he fails to get a majority in parliament that this is party of democracy but he would have been remembered as trying.

Sadly people forget how many other parties he had to placate to stay in power.

Unlike the present Government who has to kowtow to no other parties they have the votes with in their own party do do as they wish.

Even with that kind of power it would seem their is a movement to replace the PM with another one more closely associated with a known convicted criminal.

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Speaking at the meeting, deputy leader Alongkorn Pollabutr said the party needed a structural revamp, as it had not won a national election since 1992. Unless it changed, it would not be able to win at the polls, he said.

btw, how many elections they did not win since 1992? took them a few days since to come up with that structural revamp idea. makes me wonder what will happen with the head. aren't defeated candidates usually replaced with new faces? the Democrats should try that.

It is only now that they are truly understanding the electorate are not concerned with honesty or reality just in promises for their future no matter how many are broken in the past.

Look for an upcoming election when Thacksin says in six months he will make every one rich.

cannot win the election since 1992 - blame the electorate.
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Well if the Democrats don't make drastic changes it will make no difference who they run. the electorate is very well bought conditioned to vote PT in.

I can just imagine the talk around the supper table at the next Shinawarta family reunion.

Thaksin speaking. Who wants to be the next.

Prime Minister of Thailand. Lots of perks.

not you son first a turn as Minister of Finance where it is an accepted
practice to lie that will cover up your lack of knowledge or perhaps
Minister of Education you don't have to know any thing there. Then you
will be eligible for the head of the line at the trough.

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Well if the Democrats don't make drastic changes it will make no difference who they run. the electorate is very well bought conditioned to vote PT in.

I can just imagine the talk around the supper table at the next Shinawarta family reunion.

Thaksin speaking. Who wants to be the next.

Prime Minister of Thailand. Lots of perks.


not you son first a turn as Minister of Finance where it is an accepted

practice to lie that will cover up your lack of knowledge or perhaps

Minister of Education you don't have to know any thing there. Then you

will be eligible for the head of the line at the trough.

do you know the democrats and Shinawatra family are two different clans?

it is very easy to distinguish between them. Shinawatra & co winning elections. democrats losing election.

this topic is about the democrats. their leader is Abhisit. not Thaksin.

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Buying votes verses not buying votes? In reality it is easy to blame this or that on one individual.

Change is needed at the grass roots level. Do not accept money or gifts for your vote. Periodwink.png

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I am sure Abhisit only needs to consult Thaivisa , which i am lead to believe, he regularly reads, to keep the Dems of the front foot and the bad guys on the back foot, especially when its about democracy, he can phone me anytime.coffee1.gif

Edited by chainarong
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Abisisth has done NOTHING positive for the party, but I guess it is not even his fault.

I remember his first interview with CNN after he was named PM. He said, that Thailand would have to look into a certain law and think about it. I guess, right after he said that, he was summoned by some "higher powers" and told, that THIS is NOT what has to be done.

I believe, he might be a descent politician in any European country, but English education and a European idea of democracy and politics does count for zero in Thailand.

...and they have to stop, making "chasing Thaksin" their main obligation and develop their "own character" and give a "face" to their policies, that is not centered on their oponents.

I don't know who these higher powers should be...but as good politician he would have done the necessary things, like the tax on land, no matter what some super rich tells him. If he fails to get a majority in parliament that this is party of democracy but he would have been remembered as trying.

But that is exactly the point: since when does ANY politician in Thailand do the right thing, with no regards for his own wealth or the wealth of a few, high and mighty!?

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A task worthy of a Hercules.

BTW It's interesting to notice that culling members here on TV is similar to the labours of Hercules. Almost like the second one, the one with the Lernaean Hydra and cutting of one head and two new ones emerge :-)

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Well if the Democrats don't make drastic changes it will make no difference who they run. the electorate is very well bought conditioned to vote PT in.

I can just imagine the talk around the supper table at the next Shinawarta family reunion.

Thaksin speaking. Who wants to be the next.

Prime Minister of Thailand. Lots of perks.


not you son first a turn as Minister of Finance where it is an accepted

practice to lie that will cover up your lack of knowledge or perhaps

Minister of Education you don't have to know any thing there. Then you

will be eligible for the head of the line at the trough.

do you know the democrats and Shinawatra family are two different clans?

it is very easy to distinguish between them. Shinawatra & co winning elections. democrats losing election.

this topic is about the democrats. their leader is Abhisit. not Thaksin.

You might have to revise that description, the PTP have lost the last 5 by elections.

Edited by waza
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Well if the Democrats don't make drastic changes it will make no difference who they run. the electorate is very well bought conditioned to vote PT in.

I can just imagine the talk around the supper table at the next Shinawarta family reunion.

Thaksin speaking. Who wants to be the next.

Prime Minister of Thailand. Lots of perks.


not you son first a turn as Minister of Finance where it is an accepted

practice to lie that will cover up your lack of knowledge or perhaps

Minister of Education you don't have to know any thing there. Then you

will be eligible for the head of the line at the trough.

do you know the democrats and Shinawatra family are two different clans?

it is very easy to distinguish between them. Shinawatra & co winning elections. democrats losing election.

this topic is about the democrats. their leader is Abhisit. not Thaksin.

You might have to revise that description, the PTP have lost the last 5 by elections.
so you think there is no revamp needed for the democrats party to win at polls?
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Good to see Abhisit expanding a little on the governments anti corruption hotline theme, can only be good for Thailand, when the infrastructure to the provinces is updated by the government his website will be more comprehensively available, especially by emerging households possessing means of internet communication, facilitated by the minimum wage increase. I am a little surprised at the mention of the Democrat district offices, is the financial donation list shrinking? I particularly appreciate that while the Democrats continue to remain focussed on removing the corruption element from the suggesed major infrastructure projects, they have perhaps accepted that trying to oppose the funding and implementation of such projects is not in the best interests of Thailand

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The difference between the Shinawatra clan and the Democrats is as follows:

The Shinawatra clan is an (extended) family with a criminal fugitive as patriarch and with a political party setup/bought which is ordered around like a family company and controlled by the family.

The Democrats are a political party.

differences in relevance to the topic. Abhist is the leader of the Democrat party. not Thaksin.

and the topic is about how the democrat party could win elections.

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