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Bangladesh Airlines Ex Manchester


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Understand BINMAN wil start to operate from Manchester to Dhaka early April. Flight schedules and prices to be announced shortly however understand some flights will operate via Dubai!

Another cheaper alternative to Emirates ! I wonder however what the service will be like ?

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you can be 100% sure that this will be the worst flying experience u ever had in ur life.... only desperate people fly them.... their flights are never in time, connecting flights often missed, then u will be stuck at Dhaka airport for 24 hours with no person to assist u.... the planes are dirty and filthy, the term "service" better shouldnt be used when mentioning this airline..... there are so many messageboards about airline-tests, u better go there and read the posts.... you will be frightened.... oh and dont ever expect to be on board of a plane which is less than 20 years old....

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First flew them in 1983 and was on their inaugral flight when then had just taken delivery of their brand new DC 10.

Tick price at the time was £349.00 and not too bad. :o

Went a couple of times with them after that but now prefer TG direct flights.

Assume schedules must have changed but at that time the route was Lon-Amsterdam-Athens-(middle east -somewhere) Calcutta -Bombay...then Dhaka..up and down like a Yo -Yo.

From there on it was an old 707 down to Bangkok (all the light fixtures fell out and the oxy masks were hanging down .. :D )

Locals tend not to booze so was a case of grabbing the steward on departure and ordering a case of Heine and telling him to put it on ice...£1 or $1 a beer....wot...caught on quick....

Also if you like currys you will be OK :D


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There are some times when a few bucks don't count as much as being a tiny bit comfortable...their slogan is "Your home in the sky" - considering the state of their toilets in-flight (haven't flown myself, but saw pictures as well as a vivid account from a friend who had that misfortune), I think it could only be someone's home after a herd of wild boars partied in it for a week :o

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  • 3 weeks later...

:o I agree totally with asiawolfie, I flew with them to bkk a couple yrs ago and after being delayed on the runway for 3 hrs, cancellng the flight until the next day, stopping at 3, yes 3, unscheduled airports in India, I eventually got to bkk 72hrs later!!!

Not to mention the rude service, cr*p food(and i normally love plane food) and general cr*p conditions.

Dhaka airport was a total laugh, or not. I was told that i had to get my luggage and then had to take it on as hand luggage as there were no transit desks, well there didnt seem to be any desks apart from the one with 15 Indians sitting around chatting and totally ignoring all the foreign passengers trying to check in and figure out where the hel_l we had to go to catch the next flight.

The return trip took 56hrs to get back to london, so I suppose I was lucky!!


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Flown with them a couple of times, and everytime was always with a small incident or another. I only chose them because at the time i could get a return business class for £540 which aint bad at all.

Now the first time i flew, they were on time the plane was ok and we stopped at Frankfurt for 1 hour then Dahka for 2 hours then onto bkk, all this was ok as being business class you had all the decent lounges. On the way back however was a different matter. Took off ok landed at Dahka, and as we were touching down the inner window fell out :D 1 hour there then take off, then what the agent forgot to tell me was we were having stops at Dubai, Rome and Frankfurt on the way back :o

Yes i know a sucker for punishment, flew with them again 6 months later, thought it cant be that bad again, how wrong could i be. Same journey out, no hitches, same route. On the way back we were just taxiing(sp) along the runway at Dahka when we made an emergency stop, the captain came on and said there was minor problem with the wing. We sat on the runway for about 1hr, next thing i see 3 men on the wing with a <deleted> welder. At this point i just closed my eyes necked 5 valiums and hoped for the best, woke up just as we were landing at heathrow.

Moral of the story.......dont fly biman fly with Ethiad much better by such a long way :D

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