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Honorary Thai Consulates Around The World

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What a ridiculous and dangerous waste of time. You're American! Just show up! You get a 30 day approval right at customs, on the spot! For your return flight info - just list the same flight (mil-air) you took coming in. You don't need a return ticket in hand - I never have mine nor have they ever asked for proof of return ticket (though I have the print-out E-ticket if I ever need it).

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What a ridiculous and dangerous waste of time. You're American! Just show up! You get a 30 day approval right at customs, on the spot! For your return flight info - just list the same flight (mil-air) you took coming in. You don't need a return ticket in hand - I never have mine nor have they ever asked for proof of return ticket (though I have the print-out E-ticket if I ever need it).

30 days on the spot, is not a multi B. Big difference.

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For perspective: I always deal with the honorary Thai consulate in Portland, Oregon, USA and they are extremely competent and friendly ... and I always get a triple-entry tourist visa with no questions asked.

Ditto on Portland. Quick turnaround and she replies to email as well. - Grin

I third that. I've been using Portland for many years and have never had the slightest problem. I do however, double check and make sure that everything is included before I mail anything, i.e.) passport, money order, photos, computer printout of flight itinerary, pre-paid overnight self-addressed envelope etc. Also, make sure your application form is filled out completely and correctly and that it is signed and dated.

I almost did not post this for fear that Mary Wheeler who is the woman running the place will get overwhelmed with applications. She is very competent, polite and helpful. Her Honorary Consulate in Portland is far better than the "official" one in Los Angeles.

Unfortunately, not all visa types can be handled there. Check the website or call if in doubt: http://www.thai-or.com/

Edited by Groongthep
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What a ridiculous and dangerous waste of time. You're American! Just show up! You get a 30 day approval right at customs, on the spot! For your return flight info - just list the same flight (mil-air) you took coming in. You don't need a return ticket in hand - I never have mine nor have they ever asked for proof of return ticket (though I have the print-out E-ticket if I ever need it).

This doesn't do you any good if you're staying over 30 days.

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Really a nightmare in Honolulu. Here in Zurich, Switzerland, there is a Thai consulate, efficient, fast, friendly, perfect. Whenever I need a visa, it's done in 2 days. No hassles, really perfect service. They even advice you, which visa is the best for you, depending on what you want to do and how long you want to stay.

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1. As for onward travel plans: Qatar Airways in BKK recently refused to issue a O/W ticket Montreal- BKK even though the person travelling was equipped with a 3 month tourist visa.

2. The visa was issued by the Thai consulate in Montreal. Fee: 70 CAD and come back to pick it up in 2-3 days.

Cough up with another 70 CAD and you get the visa straight away. The receipt was for 70 CAD only, but it took a mere 5 mins to get it. A bit fishy!

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Hehehe, this is kind of how things work in thailand. I remember once a lady at the immigration giving me someone else's visa extension application form filled with personal details and photocopy of their passport to take and fill out in the same format. So they're not too concerned about ID theft at all.

Also the honory consuls get their roles by government connections, not through being competent and offering good service. Congratulations on getting the visa.

A decade ago, I was forewarned, so although I lived on the West Coast, I sent my application to Houston, TX and it was done in 3 days.

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Chicago and New York are Consular offices. There is only one Embassy in any country and it's always in the Capitol city, in this case Washington DC. Which is not to say that the Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles Consulates are "professional" or not (though the diplomatic world generally aspires not to "professionalism" per se, but rather to diplomatic protocol which, in my own humble experience, especially with American diplomatic operations, is anything but professional). Having said that, the Thai Consulates in Los Angeles and Chicago have always provided polite and competent service for my family and I. Which, as another poster noted, is far more than can be said for the Keystone Cops outfit otherwise known as the American Embassy in Thailand.

I hope USNret made his free (actually not free, but rather paid for by the rest of us) flights to Thailand. Let us all know how your trip works out for you. I wonder if we should ask for a written report, or at least a postcard, given we paid for your flight? :-)

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Welcome to the world of island mentality. I'll get to it later. SurF competition today. Too hot to work today. I was once waiting for itEms to clear customs in another island and they closed the post office for a week because I'd a cricket tournament !!

What are you talking about? I lived in hawaii for 12 years and never heard of anything this ridiculous. Besides, cricket is virtually unkown there.

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About ten years ago I received my OA Thai visa form this same consulate office in HNL. The couple running the office where elderly even at that time. Their son used the space next door to run his house cleaning service. Who knows if he paid rent. I doubt that anyone in Thailand really cares. Perhaps one of the couple has passed away and things are in a state of flux. After all the money form Thailand would then come to an end. Assuming that Thailand pays for office space and salaries.

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For future reference, you don't need any onward ticket if you show up and get a 30-day entry stamp at the airport. I know what the website says, but the only people who have ever given me grief about not having a return ticket are the people at the airport who always act like the world is ending but end up letting me on the plane after they give me a stern warning. lol

You do need a ticket out, that is why the stern warning. Depending on the airline, people don't get a warning they are simply not allowed to board the flight unless they buy a ticket out within 30 days.

Also note that airlines often overbook their flights, as there are always passengers that not show up. It is always a gamble how much will not show up on a sold out flight, if more passengers show up than expected some passengers will have to be denied boarding.

The first persons who will be denied boarding are persons who don't have the proper documents, as in that case the airline doesn't have to pay compensation.

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I been there many many times, used to always obtain my visa in Honolulu, actually they are Filipino or used to be. No other Consulate works like this. Only in Hawaii LOL.

Glad you were able to sort it out!

Just so you know, next time just get a 30 day on arrival, head for Laos and buy a 60 day visa. When the 60 days are up you can get another 30 day extension. This is what my son did 2 months ago. Tomorrow we are heading to the lovely Chiangmai Immigration where there are so many happy farangs faces sitting there all day. Seriously though welcome to Thailand. BTW my Dad, (Korean war), Uncle ( Navy corpsman Captain Ret. attached to the Marines and served in Nam), and a brother Chief Petty Officer Ret. (stationed in Cuba) all serve with the Navy.

Go Navy!

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Chicago and New York are Consular offices. There is only one Embassy in any country and it's always in the Capitol city, in this case Washington DC. Which is not to say that the Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles Consulates are "professional" or not (though the diplomatic world generally aspires not to "professionalism" per se, but rather to diplomatic protocol which, in my own humble experience, especially with American diplomatic operations, is anything but professional). Having said that, the Thai Consulates in Los Angeles and Chicago have always provided polite and competent service for my family and I. Which, as another poster noted, is far more than can be said for the Keystone Cops outfit otherwise known as the American Embassy in Thailand.

I hope USNret made his free (actually not free, but rather paid for by the rest of us) flights to Thailand. Let us all know how your trip works out for you. I wonder if we should ask for a written report, or at least a postcard, given we paid for your flight? :-)

Yea yea yea you/us paid for USNret flight because USNret. took a military flight? Happy I could obliged our service men and women!!!!!!!!

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Suggest this webpage from DC embassy website for up to date contact info for honorary consulates.


For Honolulu it shows old address but then has a note saying address would change on 17 Dec.

Link to website shown on this webpage does show correct address.

Edited by ubonjoe
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