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Experts Call On Bangkok Residents To Prepare For Impacts Of Volatile Weather Conditions


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Experts call on Bangkok residents to prepare for impacts of volatile weather conditions

BANGKOK, 28 March 2013 (NNT) – Experts have been urging the residents of Bangkok to start preparing for the escalation in volatile weather conditions, expected during in the next decades.

Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA) Executive Director Anond Snidvongs said on Wednesday that Bangkok has been experiencing more and more seriously volatile weather conditions in recent years.

Mr. Anond suggested that the capital will likely be affected more by heavy downpours and consequential flooding while years of studies showed that subsidence has been constantly occurring by around 2 centimeters per year.

He added that, during the next 30 years, all must start working together to prepare prevention and alleviation measures, especially with the sea level continued to rise each year and parts of Bangkok already below the mean sea level.

Deputy Dean of Political Science Faculty at Thammasat University Tawida Kamolvej commented that the risks Bangkok is facing stemmed from its residents’ lack of basic knowledge about the city’s natural features and how to solve the problems that may emerge.

She added that Bangkok’s hasty lifestyle and the crowdedness are also putting people in this city at risks of fatal danger during a fire accident, for instance.

Ms. Tawida urged the city residents to become more aware about the goings-on and various rules and regulations put in effect around them so that they will be able to learn how to prevent and rectify any undesirable situation. She also suggested related state agencies must disseminate crucial information about safety and risks to the public.

-- NNT 2013-03-28 footer_n.gif

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Deputy Dean of Political Science Faculty at Thammasat University Tawida Kamolvej commented that the risks Bangkok is facing stemmed from its residents’ lack of basic knowledge about the city’s natural features and how to solve the problems that may emerge.

Maybe the quote from the esteemed Dean was out of context, but 'residents' lack of knowledge' does not seem to be so dire. It's city planners and politicians who should shoulder the onus of the inevitable damage the floods will bring. Bangkokians move to wherever they can find housing which fits their budget. Much more people reside there than need to, but that could be said about nearly any city. It's like Mexico City (or countless other giant cities)- a magnet for any and all people in outlying regions, whenever they have job problems, they pack a bag and move to the biggest city.

As for 'solving problems' (flood-related), no amount of sand bags will work. Certainly not, as some politicians have suggested, a giant berm all around the city with giant pumps pumping water out to the bay. With such a wrong-headed plan, the entire lower length of the Chao Praya river and its tributaries would need flood walls - which incidentally, are already being built - and needing to be made higher every so often.

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Thailand doesn't have the luxury of pretending this isn't happening.
Wish the States would take that lesson.

"He added that, during the next 30 years, all must start working together
to prepare prevention and alleviation measures..."

But that "working together" part- isn't that the definition of government?

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They forgot to say also prepare for the impact of volatile political conditions inwhich you will not get any real help or accurate information from the government concerning these volatile weather conditions, in another words do not believe a word we say and your on your own good luck!

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Thailand doesn't have the luxury of pretending this isn't happening.

Wish the States would take that lesson.

Few countries do. Well, Nepal perhaps. New York / New Jersey got a wake up call not too long ago.

I flew into JFK a couple days ago and every time it strikes me how low that whole area is. The sea just merges into land in most places, not a very significant coastline..

Bangkok of course is the same.

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I wonder if there could be an organisation they could contact who might be willing to come to Thailand to study the weather, particularly the rainy season. Who knows, maybe this organisation might by so munificent to do it for free?

No such organization could possibly exist. Why in the world would any country go to another country, and spend millions of dollars to give free high tech weather info to the host country ???? :-) :-)

When I saw this headline, my immediate thought was this was new tricky political speak for " watch out , floods are coming and we cannot stop them"..

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I wonder if there could be an organisation they could contact who might be willing to come to Thailand to study the weather, particularly the rainy season. Who knows, maybe this organisation might by so munificent to do it for free?

No such organization could possibly exist. Why in the world would any country go to another country, and spend millions of dollars to give free high tech weather info to the host country ???? :-) :-)

When I saw this headline, my immediate thought was this was new tricky political speak for " watch out , floods are coming and we cannot stop them"..

Those NASA nuts, they just don't get it do they....

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Those that care about such things, know that year 'round floods are inevitably coming. Yet the majority just think hour to hour, day to day, about how to get more money, and maybe some nookie. Goldfish have been found to have a memory of about 7 minutes. How much better are Bangkokians?

At least beavers plan for the future, cutting logs, building shelters, and they accept their environment is flooded. Could Bangkokians grow webbed feet?

Edited by maidu
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According to the title of this thread: "experts-call-on-bangkok-residents-to-prepare-for-impacts-of-volatile-weather-conditions"

Prepare? How? Build an ark?

In Bangladesh, some villages have a bamboo structure, like a large wide ladder - with its legs set in the mud. That way, at least some of the residents can clamor up the scaffolding to survive the ubiquitous floods. They also have small boats made in to floating schoolrooms. Perhaps that's a peek in to the future for Bkk, when there's 1 to 3 standing meters of dirty water everywhere.

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Well its not only the Thai government not reacting to changing weather. If I remember correctly the east coast of the US have been hit several times and still there is no sign of infrastructure to stop this. NY can be under water before BKK if the US don't wake up. Atleast the Thais are going to spend $12 bn on flood prevention.

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Well its not only the Thai government not reacting to changing weather. If I remember correctly the east coast of the US have been hit several times and still there is no sign of infrastructure to stop this. NY can be under water before BKK if the US don't wake up. Atleast the Thais are going to spend $12 bn on flood prevention.

$12 bn minus 30% for the good old boys/girls = $8.4 bn

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Deputy Dean of Political Science Faculty at Thammasat University Tawida Kamolvej commented that the risks Bangkok is facing stemmed from its residents’ lack of basic knowledge about the city’s natural features and how to solve the problems that may emerge.

Maybe the quote from the esteemed Dean was out of context, but 'residents' lack of knowledge' does not seem to be so dire. It's city planners and politicians who should shoulder the onus of the inevitable damage the floods will bring. Bangkokians move to wherever they can find housing which fits their budget. Much more people reside there than need to, but that could be said about nearly any city. It's like Mexico City (or countless other giant cities)- a magnet for any and all people in outlying regions, whenever they have job problems, they pack a bag and move to the biggest city.

As for 'solving problems' (flood-related), no amount of sand bags will work. Certainly not, as some politicians have suggested, a giant berm all around the city with giant pumps pumping water out to the bay. With such a wrong-headed plan, the entire lower length of the Chao Praya river and its tributaries would need flood walls - which incidentally, are already being built - and needing to be made higher every so often.

Excellent again and yes, mindless knee jerk fixes to age old and recurring problems.

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What?! Not a mention of 'global climate change' (or whatever the term is these days) as the cause? I'm waiting for the unpredicted severe Bangkok earthquake. Hopefully, I'll have a long wait.

But this takes the cake:

Ms. Tawida urged the city residents to become more aware about the
goings-on and various rules and regulations put in effect around them so
that they will be able to learn how to prevent and rectify any
undesirable situation. She also suggested related state agencies must
disseminate crucial information about safety and risks to the public.

More aware? Many can't even put on a motorbike helmet (or find/buy one?).

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What?! Not a mention of 'global climate change' (or whatever the term is these days) as the cause? I'm waiting for the unpredicted severe Bangkok earthquake. Hopefully, I'll have a long wait.

But this takes the cake:

Ms. Tawida urged the city residents to become more aware about the

goings-on and various rules and regulations put in effect around them so

that they will be able to learn how to prevent and rectify any

undesirable situation. She also suggested related state agencies must

disseminate crucial information about safety and risks to the public.

More aware? Many can't even put on a motorbike helmet (or find/buy one?).

Indeed Max, it doesn't bode well does it. Safety and risks to the public? Great statement. This woman needs to get out a bit more, maybe say try to walk a few blocks of Sukhumvit without falling in a hole or having your eye poked out by an advertising hoarding.

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