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Paypal-On My Krung Thai Account.

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I cruised into my local Krung Thai bankyesterday,where I have had an account for years, to open a PayPal facility on my existing account.

I speak Thai but I still had me missus phone them first to make sure there wouldn't be a problem.

I went in and asked in Thai if I could have a PayPal facility on my account in Thai.After that there was total confusion.They finally found some guy that knew what PayPal was and he had a lady escort me outside to the ATM machine.

I then asked her what was she doing and was she going to open a PayPal facility for me in Thai.

Her answer was "KTB online",Thais don't like to make full sentences.I asked her did she know what PayPal meant,she didn't.

I then went back into the bank and found the guy who knew what PayPal meant.I asked him,in Thai if I could get a PayPal facility on my existing account.His answer was........."KTB online"

At that point I decided that I better talk to my friends on ThaiVisa because they like to make full sentences.

Me missus has since explained that KTB means Krung Thai Bank.

All I want to do is buy some cheap clothes online from sellers outside Thailand.

I don't want to sell anything.

Can anybody explain this matter to me with a sentence longer than "KTB online.

Much appreciated.

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I'm figuring that this is a way to use papal and Krung Thai Bank get to charge you.

Has anyone ever done this.

Also I would like to get internet banking on this account,has anybody ever done that,is it in English.

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KTB is 40 years behind any other Thai bank. I have an account there, joint with my wife. I tried to open "KTB online" but you cannot if it is a joint account. I went into the bank thinking that both of us had to sign but it was still not available. They said that I had to open a business account for joint accounts. After a month of emails I was issued numerous passwords to activate the account but could never get it to work. If you made a transaction, with your password, it had to be approved by the joint owner with another password before it would go through. Understandable for business but not a private joint account. I told them to pack it in and withdrew all but a minimal amount from the account and put it in another bank, joint account, where I have internet access.

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I did set up a Paypal account through Kasikorn, first you need to open a savings account, your name, with debit card, Internet Banking is available right away and is well set out, then apply through internet banking for Kweb shopping card which is a cyber credit card no physical card, you can set the limit from 0 up to I think 100,000Bt, then link this to your Paypal account and once registered it works like a dream for me anyhow.KTB are in the dark ages.

Best of luck BW

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^^^^Yeap to what aussiebebe said above^^^^^

Other than KTB possibly helping to identify the trail deposits amounts, they would have no other involvement in helping to setup the source of payment link on a person's PayPal account.

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Thanks to all who replied.

It seems both KTB and I are 40 years behind the times.

I was only putting the PayPal on my Thai account because had the old fashioned idea that you had to go to the bank in person.

So this opens up a whole new ball game.

Would it not be better to put the PayPal on my Irish bank account which is where the money in my Thai account comes from anyway.So the currency only has to be changed once.

So i now have two more questions,

1-When I'm shopping online I use eBay,prices in Thai Baht and delivery to Thailand but prices are based on the US dollar or I use Rakuten.com,prices in Thai Baht,delivered to Thailand but there prices are based on the Japanese Yen.

Is it still more efficient to pay in euros from my Irish bank account.

2-If I get a PayPal facility on my Irish bank account can I then transfer my money to my KTB account every month instead of using internet banking and do I need to have PayPal hooked up to my KTB account as well.

Thanks for all your help,this could seriously save me some money.

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Go to Bangkok Bank and open a B1st account, Then sign up to Paypal

Normal Thai debit cards will not work online but this account will, I have opened a Thai Paypal account myself using this card

Be aware that the exchange rate that Paypal give is shockingly bad, if you have the option to set up the account using your home countries bank account then do this and then transfer the money over when needed, it will save you a lot of money if you are using your Paypal account a lot

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Yea, I've always heard the PayPal exchange rate is pretty sad; but of course it puts a smile on PayPal's face due to the profit it earns them.

You will probably be better off transferring from your home country bank to your Thai bank...and be sure your home country bank does NOT convert to baht before sending because you will no doubt get a sad exchange rate...but a rate that makes the bank smile. Let the Thai bank convert to baht when receiving the funds as the Thai bank TT Buying Rate is about the best the common man can get in a transfer.

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Thanks for your kind replies,

I'm a little confused,I have opened a PayPal account on my Irish account,I want to use it for 2 things.

1-Transferring my monthly income to KTB in Thailand.I currently use my Irish banks internet banking, transfer fee 15 euros.Ordered in euros to be exchanged in Thailand.

Am I to understand that the PayPal won't do it this way and the PayPal exchange rate is so bad that even though there is no transfer charge it works out more expensive than my Irish internet banking.

2-Shopping-I want to use Rakuten.com where I seem to be able to have my delivery address in Thailand and prices in euros.

would it not be cheaper to pay them in euros from my Irish PayPal account.

I can't seem to do this on eBay.I find an item priced in dollars and when I open it the price is in Baht.They tell me I have to have a sellers account to changed my billing currency.

Thanks again to all who are helping,this is important stuff for me


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Basically the PayPal exchange rate is approx. 2.5% lower than the Thai bank TT Buying Rate. Here's a PayPal link talking about their exchange rate. Link. This link also has sublinks giving more info. A note in this link says, "When you withdraw money from your PayPal account to your local bank account, we automatically convert the money into the local currency at the time of the withdrawal request." Additionally, one of the sublinks seems to indicate there would be another fee of 0.5% to 2% for international transfers...see this Link.

I logged onto my PayPal account and followed the instructions in the link. The exchange rate shown at this moment in time for USD was 28.4678 which caculated out to be 2.34% lower than the Bangkok Bank TT Buying Rate of 29.15.

So, if using PayPal you are basically getting hit with approx. a 2.5% fee through their lower exchange rate. Plus, the funds arrive your Thai bank they are probably still going to charge approx. a 0.25% (200 baht min, 500 baht max) receipt/conversion fee (although the money is arriving in Thai baht you are still be charge to receive the funds). When the dust settles it looks like using PayPal will cost you approx. 2.75% per transfer. Ex: a USD $1000 transfer would end-up with fees of the PayPal fee of approx. 2.5% ($25) plus the Thai bank receiving fee of 200 baht/$6.86 for a total of 31.86 in fees incurred in the exchange/transfer process. And actually it may be more than 2.75% if that other PayPal fee of 0.5% to 2% is throw in also.

Bigger transfers get even more expensive due to PayPal 2.5% lower exchange rate and possibly their other 0.5% to 2% fee....a person would most likely be better off letting their home country bank send the funds with a flat rate fee---BUT REMEMBER, don't let your home country bank convert to baht before sending as most banks seem to be in the 3% ballpark in terms of lower exchange rates. Exchange rate fees are just cash cows for banks. Let the Thai bank do the conversion using the TT Buying Rate.

Hopefully others who have actually used and "priced out" the PayPal fees (i.e., actual fees and the effect of the lower exchange rate) for an international transfer can provided more detailed info. I've just read many ThaiVisa posts which talk about the PayPal sad exchange rate/associated fees. Cheers.

Edited by Pib
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Thank you Pib,

Well that's a definite answer to my first question about my larger transfers.

As for the shopping and I don't do much of it.what does eBay do if I tell them to post it to Thailand and take the money out of my Irish PayPal account.Would they just bill the price in dollars and let PayPal give the exchange rate.

Then there wouldn't be much use in trying to open a PayPal account in GTB would there.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

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Where your Ebay buy is shipped to purely depends on what "shipping" address you choose...which may be different than your Ebay/PayPal registered address....a person can have multiple shipping addresses...or at least U.S. Ebay accounts can....I know I do...I have shipping addresses to both the U.S. and to Thailand setup. Shipping destination has nothing to do with the payment in currency XYZ. And of course some Ebay sellers say they will only ship to your Ebay/PayPal "registered" address, but after hundreds of Ebay buys paid via PayPal I haven't run across one that don't accept the shipping address if it differs from your registered address.

Sellers list their items in a certain currency and and it's probably affected by the currency of the country your Ebay account is registered in. When you go through the PayPal payment process it will make the payment in the currency required by the seller. Plus you can I have a U.S. Ebay and PayPal account and it seems all my buys are in USD's, except for a few U.K. seller items listed in pounds but the Ebay listing also shows what the price will be in U.S. Dollars....if the USD figures is acceptable to me I buy it...and that is the USD charge that hits my credit card as I always pay via credit cards I have linked to my PayPal account.

I can't say for sure what Ebay and PayPal account registered countries other than the U.S. might show for currency/prices since I have U.S. registered Ebay/PayPal accounts....I expect the country your Ebay/PayPal is registered in has an affect on how items are displayed such as the currency amounts. Sometimes doing a test run/buy is the only way to find out for sure....posts like my post you are now reading right now may be partially or completely wrong. Cheers.

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"Would it not be better to put the PayPal on my Irish bank account which is where the money in my Thai account comes from anyway.So the currency only has to be changed once."

Not all sites in Asia will accept a Paypal account from abroad. I have a Paypal account in Europe, but strangely had to register a local Paypal account to pay for purchases here in Asia. Both my Paypal accounts are linked with my credit cards, but you could also deposit money in your Paypal account by bank transfer.

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I did set up a Paypal account through Kasikorn, first you need to open a savings account, your name, with debit card, Internet Banking is available right away and is well set out, then apply through internet banking for Kweb shopping card which is a cyber credit card no physical card, you can set the limit from 0 up to I think 100,000Bt, then link this to your Paypal account and once registered it works like a dream for me anyhow.KTB are in the dark ages.

Best of luck BW

Same I did.

Get online banking for your bank. Make sure they offer a "virtual card" or that the debit card can be used for online transactions.

Go to Paypal.com

Open an account.

Add a new credit card (virtual or debit card)

Paypal charges your card up to 70 baht

Enter the 4 digit code in the description on your statement it will look like PP*1234Code

Go to Paypal and enter the code to verify your card.

Been using my Kasikorn virtual card with Paypal for 3-4 years now with no issues.

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As many others have said, its has very little to do with the bank especially at a branch level. Its no good going in the bank and shouting odds becuase they don't know what you're talking about. Would you go into a bank and ask them to set up an Amazon account?

Bangkok Bank is the best for PayPal. When I an attended an eBay/PayPal seminar in Thailand they where there and very helful. Although I have Kasikorn and Bangkok bank linked to my Thailand PayPal I wouldn't dream of going into a branch and expecting the clerk to know what a PayPal account was.

Yesterday I sent money here via PayPal and got 43.1 which is the worst I've ever seen. Its always between 0.5 and 1 baht worse than the high street banks here.

I've had a Thai PayPal for well over 10 years and appart from the poor exchange, never had any problems.

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I understand you only want to buy some stuff online.

You can do that with your banks debit card (the card you get to use at the ATM)

Depending on what bank or account type, it might differ, but most banks issue a debit card with the Visa or Mastercard logo.

These can be used everywhere online, as long as you have money in the bank account.

I have a normal/standard Bangkok Bank savings account and with it comes the B 1ste card for ATM use, but can also be used for online payments.

I have been using it for online shopping and payments for many years.

So, if the seller you want to buy the shirts from uses Paypal for payment option, you can just use your bank debit card.

Edited by ronthai
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I really want to use my Irish PayPal account to keep things simple.

For this bookfinder.com and eBay it seems best.

I have just opened it and have transferred euro into it.Then I will try Rakuten the asian website i want to use.

If it won't accept it I will try some of the things you've all kindly mentioned.

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I have two PayPal accounts - one in USA and one in Thailand - the USA account is connected to a US bank. The Thai PayPal account is connected to Kasikorn. I also have the online Kasikorn account with the pseudo credit card attached to it. Easy enough to transfer funds from one PayPal account to the other with a small fee.

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I have two PayPal accounts - one in USA and one in Thailand - the USA account is connected to a US bank. The Thai PayPal account is connected to Kasikorn. I also have the online Kasikorn account with the pseudo credit card attached to it. Easy enough to transfer funds from one PayPal account to the other with a small fee.

Same as the above contact Paypal and they'll set it up once they know yout credit card details or direct bank account details.

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Hi, I'd love to help but I don't understand why the OP went to a KTB branch to open Paypal. You go to paypal.com online, click on 'Sign Up Now' and then click on the 'Get Started' tab under Personal, which is the right option if you just want to shop online.

After you've chosen a password and entered your address you then verify by checking your email inbox and clicking on the link in the email Paypal sent you. You then need to link this to your KTB account and do so via Paypal. You enter your KTB account number and Paypal will credit your account with two small sums of money, say 0.03baht and 0.13baht. This can take a day or so.

You link your KTB account by logging in to Paypal and clicking on the 'Get Verified' link under your name where it say Status. You then check your KTB to see how much Paypal credited to your account (either check online or update your KTB passbook) and you enter these two amounts.

I have a Kreung Thai account and that's just what I did. No problem.

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So what happens if I open a PayPal account on my KTB account.

i then transfer euros from my Irish PayPal to my Thai PayPal

Don't PayPal change my euro into Baht and fleece me in the process.

Then when I buy online in Dollars or Yen they fleece me again

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Hi, I'd love to help but I don't understand why the OP went to a KTB branch to open Paypal. You go to paypal.com online, click on 'Sign Up Now' and then click on the 'Get Started' tab under Personal, which is the right option if you just want to shop online.

After you've chosen a password and entered your address you then verify by checking your email inbox and clicking on the link in the email Paypal sent you. You then need to link this to your KTB account and do so via Paypal. You enter your KTB account number and Paypal will credit your account with two small sums of money, say 0.03baht and 0.13baht. This can take a day or so.

You link your KTB account by logging in to Paypal and clicking on the 'Get Verified' link under your name where it say Status. You then check your KTB to see how much Paypal credited to your account (either check online or update your KTB passbook) and you enter these two amounts.

Under NO circumstances fall for the emails that tell you Paypal has deposited small amounts in to your account. This a total scam designed to get access to your banking details. Paypal does not do this and I have used them for years...and received and reported the bogus emails.

The Paypal account can be linked to your credit card or whatever account you choose, but the actual Paypal account does not need to have any money in it whatsoever.

Edited by Mudcrab
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^ I'm afraid not. Both Australian Paypal and Thai Paypal deposit a small sum to verify the account. But you are right about them not sending an email about the deposit, if that's what you mean.

To get Verified by confirming your bank account, you first need to add your bank account to your PayPal account.

Here's how to add your bank account:

  1. Log in to your PayPal account.
  2. Click Profile.
  3. Click My money.
  4. Click Update Bank accounts.
  5. Click Add to add a bank account.
  6. Complete the information and click Continue. Make sure to enter your name exactly as it appears on your bank account statement.
  7. Review the confirmation page and click Add Bank Account.

We'll then deposit 2 small amounts (ranging from 0.01 to 0.99 THB) into your bank account. These amounts will show on your bank statement within 4-6 business days. Please enter the 2 amounts online:

  1. Log in to your PayPal account.
  2. Click Profile.
  3. Click My money.
  4. Choose the bank account and click Confirm.
  5. Enter the exact amounts of the 2 deposits made to your account. (For example, if the amounts you received are 0.12 and 0.07, enter 0.12 and 0.07).
  6. Click Submit.
Edited by Fullstop
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