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Phuket Immigration Warns Of Drive On Foreign Stay Reports


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A few years ago whilst staying in a CNX gh , a huge 'skinhead' type Serbian did a runner owing a months rent. He had used a photocopy of his passport.

The landlady reported it. Two days later Immigration and 'others' turned up and checked her records. They said the guy was on thier wanted list and made her promise to submit a detailed guest list everyday. Which she faithfully honoured.

A guy would come round each morning, collect yesterdays form and leave a new form to be filled in.

Months later after returning from Laos, in the same gh, reception where called by the consulate asking to speak to me (family emergency-go home asap). The consulate had found me via the guest reporting system and so I was able to say goodbye to my farther.

This system is priceless for safety and emergencies. It should be strictly enforced.

Most people have a mobile phone these days, so your family (if you have any) could have called you direct, unless of course you change your number when travelling and forget to give them the new number. Email works for many too, provided that one checks email regularly (daily).

Some people don't inform their family of contact options when travelling, but that is their problem, and everyone else should not be punished for it.

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