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Shop Staff Swarming Over Me


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Went out shopping for various bits and pieces ranging from airport plaza, panthip plaza and a few others namely big c, tesco and homepro plus probably a few more.

This isn't new to me but does anyone else kind of avoid being 'swarmed' by the little gangs of staff at the big shops and pestered by staff in the little shops?

I literally grimace when turning a corner only to be confronted by a group of staff all eyeing me hungrily.

I'm a quiet chap and like to stroll and peruse goods at my own leisure without being hassled. Sure some are just being nice and helpful I understand this but why do they number so many? I prefer just to grab one if I need assistance.

The missus on the other hand is quite terse sometimes in her rebuttal and just says its the culture and you need to be polite but clear. Rightly so I think but sometimes they linger around you and just make me want to leave.

I quite enjoy surprising a few if them when secretly face booking on their phones hiding from the boss behind a display/shelf.

One guy really made me chuckle in Robinsons. He was working on the tablet section and playing a game but checking he wasn't rumbled every now and then. Looked up and saw me laughing and pissed himself. All was well as he left me alone to look about without stalking me.

Not a moan just an observation. Well apart from the woman who tried to sell me a Bluetooth keyboard for my phone even though it would not connect or operate when tested?

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6A using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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They work on commision for selling certain products - and they will often become angry if you choose to buy something that they don't get a cut on. I find it frustrating, and will go to another store if the store clerk is coming on too heavy trying to sell a certain item.

I can see the store clerks point. A farang walks in and buys a TV they get 1000 baht rather than 300 baht that day.

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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Yes I must admit when in airport plaza looking at computers and tablets one nice chap started off in English about the specs and how it was great.

I can't really complain as my Thai is not strong enough to do the same but a quick Google on the bench outside with teerak dispensed to fetch the ice coffees showed what he was on about was not quite the case.

Still displays about specs are in English but I just can't get a chance to read them sometimes what with the staff fixated by my presence. Quite flattering really but not really into it.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6A using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I always had the same feeling, I also prefer to look at my own leisure whilst shopping,

now whenever I see them closing in I tell the wife to politely tell them that if I require assistance I'll ask them, but still doesn't stop some of them,, I guess they're only doing their job,,

if it was happening in uk or some other countries if the assistants were doing this (close surveilance)then they would most likely be suspecting you of being a shoplifter,,

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Home Pro has to be the worst, Samui, Pattaya, Udon they are all a pain in the arse. i normally just tell them i am ok alone, if they start the this one best i ask do you own one, answer is always no, so i ask if its so good why not.

Agree! When you ask for something most of them don't know what you are talking about. I try to take a "broken" part with me to show them It's okay if you can fit it in your pocket but if it's bigger you have to check it at the entrance and get somebody to come with you to show them. I've shown them parts and they have responded that they "no have", and after wandering around for 10 minutes I found it. When I showed it to the clerk she just giggled!

On the other hand, when I first came to Thailand I lived in Samui. I had to go to the grocery store to buy some eggs and went to the one across from Starbucks ( wasn't there then, 1998) in Chaweng. I couldn't find them anywhere so I tried to ask. I didn't know the Thai word and ended up doing an impression of a chicken laying an egg. After the clerk stopped laughing she took me to the hardware section where the eggs were neatly stacked next to the hammers and screw drivewrs

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I just tell them in Thai that I want to look by myself and they usually back off. Once in a while one will keep standing around and I say the same thing again, but a little more forcefully and they go away. It always works for me.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I have been in and out of Homepro a few times recently buying various bits and pieces (air conditioners, a washing machine, small stuff also). When I know what I want I go directly to the shelf where the stuff is to be found. They have been leaving me alone recently since I did a cross eyed rant after being told that there was no manager available to complain to.

As stated above, they harass you when you come in and when you get there and there is no bar code on the article (for instance), nobody is around to help. Even my wife got annoyed when the guy refused to sell us nails.. 'mai mee' .. it's a constant battle of nerves when you go to these places. I am slowly finding where you can buy nails and stuff without a fuss although one guy actually counted out 100 nails instead of weighing them, that's another story.

Maybe the solution is to get a T shirt made with the Thai equivalent of 'xxxxxxxxxx orrfff'. My 'I don't like plastic' one worked to a certain extent in 7-11 and raised some laughs.

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I have been in and out of Homepro a few times recently buying various bits and pieces (air conditioners, a washing machine, small stuff also). When I know what I want I go directly to the shelf where the stuff is to be found. They have been leaving me alone recently since I did a cross eyed rant after being told that there was no manager available to complain to.

As stated above, they harass you when you come in and when you get there and there is no bar code on the article (for instance), nobody is around to help. Even my wife got annoyed when the guy refused to sell us nails.. 'mai mee' .. it's a constant battle of nerves when you go to these places. I am slowly finding where you can buy nails and stuff without a fuss although one guy actually counted out 100 nails instead of weighing them, that's another story.

Maybe the solution is to get a T shirt made with the Thai equivalent of 'xxxxxxxxxxx orrfff'. My 'I don't like plastic' one worked to a certain extent in 7-11 and raised some laughs.

You sound like a peach, wife must be so proud...

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I had a Home Pro staff begging me to but a particular fan. Must have been a nice commission as he would not let up and he almost came to tears as I was not there to buy a xxxxxxx fan.

He was so desperate for me to buy that fan, I thought he was going to grab a hold of my pant-leg and I would be dragging him along as I left the store.

Edited by metisdead
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I have been in and out of Homepro a few times recently buying various bits and pieces (air conditioners, a washing machine, small stuff also). When I know what I want I go directly to the shelf where the stuff is to be found. They have been leaving me alone recently since I did a cross eyed rant after being told that there was no manager available to complain to.

As stated above, they harass you when you come in and when you get there and there is no bar code on the article (for instance), nobody is around to help. Even my wife got annoyed when the guy refused to sell us nails.. 'mai mee' .. it's a constant battle of nerves when you go to these places. I am slowly finding where you can buy nails and stuff without a fuss although one guy actually counted out 100 nails instead of weighing them, that's another story.

Maybe the solution is to get a T shirt made with the Thai equivalent of 'xxxxxxxxxxxx orrfff'. My 'I don't like plastic' one worked to a certain extent in 7-11 and raised some laughs.

You sound like a peach, wife must be so proud...

well as far as personal remarks go, that one seems particularly unnecessary.

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Along with the potential for commission, they 'swarm' around you as Thai customers typically have no clue what is what and need babysitting. They probably think we're all as equally incompetent. I just tell them mai pen rai with a shake of the hand (like waving off a songthaew), which usually works.

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I have been in and out of Homepro a few times recently buying various bits and pieces (air conditioners, a washing machine, small stuff also). When I know what I want I go directly to the shelf where the stuff is to be found. They have been leaving me alone recently since I did a cross eyed rant after being told that there was no manager available to complain to.

As stated above, they harass you when you come in and when you get there and there is no bar code on the article (for instance), nobody is around to help. Even my wife got annoyed when the guy refused to sell us nails.. 'mai mee' .. it's a constant battle of nerves when you go to these places. I am slowly finding where you can buy nails and stuff without a fuss although one guy actually counted out 100 nails instead of weighing them, that's another story.

Maybe the solution is to get a T shirt made with the Thai equivalent of 'xxxxxxxxxxxx orrfff'. My 'I don't like plastic' one worked to a certain extent in 7-11 and raised some laughs.

You sound like a peach, wife must be so proud...

well as far as personal remarks go, that one seems particularly unnecessary.

Says the guy giving out crossed eyed rants in public while suggesting that sales people xxxx off. Quite necessary actually...

Edited by metisdead
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Along with the potential for commission, they 'swarm' around you as Thai customers typically have no clue what is what and need babysitting. They probably think we're all as equally incompetent. I just tell them mai pen rai with a shake of the hand (like waving off a songthaew), which usually works.

That kind of sensible response isn't welcome here lol

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Yesterday it happened again ,i was in mike's to get a new pair of trousers and was looking when the girl insisted on pulling pairs out ,even after i had asked her nicely ,as did my wife to let me just look and i will choose myself,but she just would not stop ,so i said that i would get them somewhere else and walked off . i just cannot understand their mentality to keep on when told politely to leave you alone .

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home pro used to do it for me till i picked up a brush handed it to them and told them f-off and do some work, try it.

In home pro, I played hide and seek with the "shadows" one time, and then popped out and said "boo"...they scattered pretty quickly, and must have been thinking another ting tong farang, but the Mrs wasnt amused...biggrin.png

Think the sadest case in these home improvment places, not home pro, was when I was revamping the bathroom, went into one of the large places looking for wall & floor tiles, new toilet, basins, shower and all the plumbing and electrial cr*p.

picked the tiles first and gave them the number of boxes needed and asked them to go an check they have enough stock, this request was relayed by the long haired dictionary in Thai as well as well, so no problem with communication...they came back rather quick and said "have"..ok so off I went loading the trolley up with all the other bits and pieces I needed, picked the toilet and shower out, and told them to get the tiles etc and big stuff down to the check out, while I finshed filling my trolley up..

so about an hour later arrive at the check out and all the stuff I asked for was piled up ready for payment and I when I checked it looked like there were not enough boxes of tiles, so the the long hair dictionary queries this and the reply was..no have enough tiles, you pay wait two weeks for rest of tiles...suffice to say I wasnt a happy bunny, as we know two weeks can mean two months or never and it was the first I asked prior to buying everything else, in essence they were BS me.

I chose then not to get into debates with them, and said to Mrs, lets go and walked leaving everything at the check out, so the lack of customer service in this place cost them quite a large sale in the end, the Mrs was a little embarrassed, as guess in Thai thinking we suppose to eat sh*t and accept this.

In the end went to one of their competitors not too far away and got great service, they too didnt not have the all tiles I needed in stock, but they were up front with it, promised two weeks, at the end of week one called the Mrs saying everything on track for delivery, week 2 almost to the day they promised, truck turns up at my place with the short fall, all delivered for free and a few hours later a call from the sales girl, did you get all your tiles, is everything ok, nothing broken etc etc

so you can guess were I shop now for my DIY stuff..biggrin.png

did you see my post i think it was may or june in the d.i.y.forum,we needed paint to redecorate outside we had the codes and colours got the paint and we started at the back of the house on the woodwork bordering the ceilings,oh shit wrong colour,back to home pro where the mrs was told the bigest pack of lies to cover his bum,codes have changed you should have asked,but we got intouch with toa that piloc never served us again.the jets need to be cleaned regularly which they hadnt been doing.lazy twits.

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For what its worth, it has nothing to do with being farang. They make the same commission from Thais, and I can assure you these shops sell more products to locals than farangs.

A farang walks in and buys a TV they get 1000 baht rather than 300 baht that day.

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Yes, don't imagine that you are getting special treatment because you are a Farang.

We got an admittedly cheap washing machine installed a few days ago. They didn't earth it of course, but that is normal. The first time we used it it was vibrating itself to bits and we had to stop the program. When we called Homepro we were told 'concrete no good, must make new'. Meaning that it was my fault of course. I discovered that the machine hadn't been levelled and that this was an easy job, problem gone. Same thing with the compressor units of the air conditioners, they both made an unpleasant noise until I levelled them even though I did give the guy a spirit level, he didn't seem to know what it was.

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