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Opening A Hotel/guesthouse In Thailand

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Taninthai, don't believe everything you here, unless you live in Nae Hong Song!

Ha Lemoncake you've just bought a smile to my face, your statement just took me back 6yrs, when my wife said to me, nobody will do everything, cook is for cooking, cleaner is for cleaning, etc. I have 10 rooms, running at 50-60% so to clean rooms only would take max 3hrs, so the rest of the time do you just pay them to sit around waiting for the customer to vacate, get real. My restaurant may make between 10 and 20 meals a day so on a bad day 10 meals at 20mins (av) she too will have just over 3hrs work, so do I pay her to sit around all day waiting for someone to order food. I said to my wife "believe me, you put in their job description and they will do it", until this day it was never raised as an issue again. Rooms are cleaned the moment a room is vacant as long as food is not being cooked, when rooms are all clean and no food is required they move onto the laundry, if the laundry is finished they do general cleaning of the hotel and restaurant. When your staff are idol they will get bored and grow to hate their job, if you'd read all my posts thoroughly you also know that one member is dedicated to pool cleaning, appox. 4/5hrs work a week. YOU DON'T KEEP A DOG AND BARK YOURSELF.

10 rooms take 3 hours to clean? now you have just shown that you do not have anythingw00t.gif

I have had to clean rooms and 10 rooms will take minimum 6 hours of non stop work if properly cleaned.

Unless of course your idea of a clean is to change towels and put a toilet paper.

No doubt a maid or reception staff will cook a great looking delicious mealrolleyes.gif

Lets hope your imaginary guests are happy with the food and "clean" rooms.

Man-management skills same as your time-management skills it would seem. I averaged the time at 20mins per room, doing it daily you keep on top of things, I then clearly stated that we are at 50-60% capacity, therefore my 3hrs was based on 6 rooms, now go and re-calculate :)

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Oh yes it's so easy just fire them if there no good, do you think there is a queue of qualified people waiting to step into their job ,so you fire your chief in the morning who is is gonna do all the cooking it could take you weeks to find another chief,heard the saying if you want something done properly then best to do it yourself this is especially true for Thailand.look around, every hotel has signs outside needing 5 or 6 staff you cannot bully your staff in Thailand they will walk away to another hotel,these are my opinions based on 5 years experience of dealing with these things everyday.

Taninthai, I don't doubt your experiences, in fact I 100% believe you have all the problems you've mentioned. The thing is they'll never go away, because you are the problem. You should never bully staff in Thailand or any other country, treat them like they're the most important link in the chain and they will deliver, but beware, people can spot your incompetence a mile away, the first thing you'll need to run a successful business is the respect of your employees, without it you got no chance. It's pretty impossible to get respect unless you deserve it, so there's your first lesson, earn their respect.

PS there's no point bragging about your 5yrs experience if it hasn't been a good experience - does that make sense? Why tell everyone else they're doomed to fail just because (in your words) you are?

Sorry tell me again, what work experience you have in Thailand? and what experience you have with managing work force in Thailand? or anywhere for that matter?

Seems like you need to add "Can't read" to your failures. I've been running a guesthouse for 6yrs, now I know you're gonna say "well I've been doing it for 5yrs" the difference between you and me is, mine runs well with me putting in very few hours a week, why are you asking me silly questions that have clearly been covered in this thread. Are you assuming that I have no management skills?

Please note, not once have I said it's easy to find staff, it isn't - more the reason to train them well, motivate them and get them to stay. My experience is that my manager has been here since we opened our doors in 2007, I had 2 staff that left after 2-3yrs service, family reasons. and my new staff have been here 3 & 4 yrs already, and unlike you I'm very very happy with them. Have I lost staff after 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, of course I have but it's a numbers game, and better they go earlier rather than after months of training. Stop assuming that just coz you can't get it to work everyone is in the same boat

Yep, 6 years with 10 rooms being cleaned under 3 hoursclap2.gif

Maids cookingw00t.gif

And a manager to oversee it allcheesy.gif

You are a true success story.wai2.gif

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Taninthai, don't believe everything you here, unless you live in Nae Hong Song!

Ha Lemoncake you've just bought a smile to my face, your statement just took me back 6yrs, when my wife said to me, nobody will do everything, cook is for cooking, cleaner is for cleaning, etc. I have 10 rooms, running at 50-60% so to clean rooms only would take max 3hrs, so the rest of the time do you just pay them to sit around waiting for the customer to vacate, get real. My restaurant may make between 10 and 20 meals a day so on a bad day 10 meals at 20mins (av) she too will have just over 3hrs work, so do I pay her to sit around all day waiting for someone to order food. I said to my wife "believe me, you put in their job description and they will do it", until this day it was never raised as an issue again. Rooms are cleaned the moment a room is vacant as long as food is not being cooked, when rooms are all clean and no food is required they move onto the laundry, if the laundry is finished they do general cleaning of the hotel and restaurant. When your staff are idol they will get bored and grow to hate their job, if you'd read all my posts thoroughly you also know that one member is dedicated to pool cleaning, appox. 4/5hrs work a week. YOU DON'T KEEP A DOG AND BARK YOURSELF.

Lol. 10 rooms and running at 50-60% and you need to employ a manager and other staff geez me and my wife would be running that on our own no staff needed.

We have 12 rooms spread over 10 rai beachfront we have two staff come everyday to clean rooms the rest of the work we do ourselves peak season we will have 1 full time staff as said it hard work but the profit between December to February is extremely good ,better than what I would make In the uk actually.

I don't mind grafting if I have a nice healthy bank balance when season ends

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Taninthai, don't believe everything you here, unless you live in Nae Hong Song!

Ha Lemoncake you've just bought a smile to my face, your statement just took me back 6yrs, when my wife said to me, nobody will do everything, cook is for cooking, cleaner is for cleaning, etc. I have 10 rooms, running at 50-60% so to clean rooms only would take max 3hrs, so the rest of the time do you just pay them to sit around waiting for the customer to vacate, get real. My restaurant may make between 10 and 20 meals a day so on a bad day 10 meals at 20mins (av) she too will have just over 3hrs work, so do I pay her to sit around all day waiting for someone to order food. I said to my wife "believe me, you put in their job description and they will do it", until this day it was never raised as an issue again. Rooms are cleaned the moment a room is vacant as long as food is not being cooked, when rooms are all clean and no food is required they move onto the laundry, if the laundry is finished they do general cleaning of the hotel and restaurant. When your staff are idol they will get bored and grow to hate their job, if you'd read all my posts thoroughly you also know that one member is dedicated to pool cleaning, appox. 4/5hrs work a week. YOU DON'T KEEP A DOG AND BARK YOURSELF.

10 rooms take 3 hours to clean? now you have just shown that you do not have anythingw00t.gif

I have had to clean rooms and 10 rooms will take minimum 6 hours of non stop work if properly cleaned.

Unless of course your idea of a clean is to change towels and put a toilet paper.

No doubt a maid or reception staff will cook a great looking delicious mealrolleyes.gif

Lets hope your imaginary guests are happy with the food and "clean" rooms.

Man-management skills same as your time-management skills it would seem. I averaged the time at 20mins per room, doing it daily you keep on top of things, I then clearly stated that we are at 50-60% capacity, therefore my 3hrs was based on 6 rooms, now go and re-calculate smile.png

Sorry - did you just say you once cleaned 10 rooms - YOURSELF - really! Now I know you are ---------

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Taninthai, don't believe everything you here, unless you live in Nae Hong Song!

Ha Lemoncake you've just bought a smile to my face, your statement just took me back 6yrs, when my wife said to me, nobody will do everything, cook is for cooking, cleaner is for cleaning, etc. I have 10 rooms, running at 50-60% so to clean rooms only would take max 3hrs, so the rest of the time do you just pay them to sit around waiting for the customer to vacate, get real. My restaurant may make between 10 and 20 meals a day so on a bad day 10 meals at 20mins (av) she too will have just over 3hrs work, so do I pay her to sit around all day waiting for someone to order food. I said to my wife "believe me, you put in their job description and they will do it", until this day it was never raised as an issue again. Rooms are cleaned the moment a room is vacant as long as food is not being cooked, when rooms are all clean and no food is required they move onto the laundry, if the laundry is finished they do general cleaning of the hotel and restaurant. When your staff are idol they will get bored and grow to hate their job, if you'd read all my posts thoroughly you also know that one member is dedicated to pool cleaning, appox. 4/5hrs work a week. YOU DON'T KEEP A DOG AND BARK YOURSELF.

10 rooms take 3 hours to clean? now you have just shown that you do not have anythingw00t.gif

I have had to clean rooms and 10 rooms will take minimum 6 hours of non stop work if properly cleaned.

Unless of course your idea of a clean is to change towels and put a toilet paper.

No doubt a maid or reception staff will cook a great looking delicious mealrolleyes.gif

Lets hope your imaginary guests are happy with the food and "clean" rooms.

Man-management skills same as your time-management skills it would seem. I averaged the time at 20mins per room, doing it daily you keep on top of things, I then clearly stated that we are at 50-60% capacity, therefore my 3hrs was based on 6 rooms, now go and re-calculate smile.png

I am sorry so 10 rooms does not take under 3 hours, 5 rooms doesrolleyes.gif

So do tell me what you charge per night to have a manager on high salary and do tell me why since you doing so well, you have maids cooking?

May be you can explain to me how you actually manage to stay in business with 5 rooms, maid, reception and manager

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Taninthai, don't believe everything you here, unless you live in Nae Hong Song!

Ha Lemoncake you've just bought a smile to my face, your statement just took me back 6yrs, when my wife said to me, nobody will do everything, cook is for cooking, cleaner is for cleaning, etc. I have 10 rooms, running at 50-60% so to clean rooms only would take max 3hrs, so the rest of the time do you just pay them to sit around waiting for the customer to vacate, get real. My restaurant may make between 10 and 20 meals a day so on a bad day 10 meals at 20mins (av) she too will have just over 3hrs work, so do I pay her to sit around all day waiting for someone to order food. I said to my wife "believe me, you put in their job description and they will do it", until this day it was never raised as an issue again. Rooms are cleaned the moment a room is vacant as long as food is not being cooked, when rooms are all clean and no food is required they move onto the laundry, if the laundry is finished they do general cleaning of the hotel and restaurant. When your staff are idol they will get bored and grow to hate their job, if you'd read all my posts thoroughly you also know that one member is dedicated to pool cleaning, appox. 4/5hrs work a week. YOU DON'T KEEP A DOG AND BARK YOURSELF.

10 rooms take 3 hours to clean? now you have just shown that you do not have anythingw00t.gif

I have had to clean rooms and 10 rooms will take minimum 6 hours of non stop work if properly cleaned.

Unless of course your idea of a clean is to change towels and put a toilet paper.

No doubt a maid or reception staff will cook a great looking delicious mealrolleyes.gif

Lets hope your imaginary guests are happy with the food and "clean" rooms.

Man-management skills same as your time-management skills it would seem. I averaged the time at 20mins per room, doing it daily you keep on top of things, I then clearly stated that we are at 50-60% capacity, therefore my 3hrs was based on 6 rooms, now go and re-calculate smile.png

Sorry - did you just say you once cleaned 10 rooms - YOURSELF - really! Now I know you are ---------

You mean, now you know that i actually know what i am talking about as i know every single part of my business?coffee1.gif

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Taninthai, don't believe everything you here, unless you live in Nae Hong Song!

Ha Lemoncake you've just bought a smile to my face, your statement just took me back 6yrs, when my wife said to me, nobody will do everything, cook is for cooking, cleaner is for cleaning, etc. I have 10 rooms, running at 50-60% so to clean rooms only would take max 3hrs, so the rest of the time do you just pay them to sit around waiting for the customer to vacate, get real. My restaurant may make between 10 and 20 meals a day so on a bad day 10 meals at 20mins (av) she too will have just over 3hrs work, so do I pay her to sit around all day waiting for someone to order food. I said to my wife "believe me, you put in their job description and they will do it", until this day it was never raised as an issue again. Rooms are cleaned the moment a room is vacant as long as food is not being cooked, when rooms are all clean and no food is required they move onto the laundry, if the laundry is finished they do general cleaning of the hotel and restaurant. When your staff are idol they will get bored and grow to hate their job, if you'd read all my posts thoroughly you also know that one member is dedicated to pool cleaning, appox. 4/5hrs work a week. YOU DON'T KEEP A DOG AND BARK YOURSELF.

Lol. 10 rooms and running at 50-60% and you need to employ a manager and other staff geez me and my wife would be running that on our own no staff needed.

We have 12 rooms spread over 10 rai beachfront we have two staff come everyday to clean rooms the rest of the work we do ourselves peak season we will have 1 full time staff as said it hard work but the profit between December to February is extremely good ,better than what I would make In the uk actually.

I don't mind grafting if I have a nice healthy bank balance when season ends

Whoo 12 rooms, that's more than 10 right? How can you defend yourself and try and pat yourself on the back after revealing how hard you find it. It's a little late now to try and pos. up your story, you've been slagging your situation off through the entire thread, I employ 3 FT staff one being a manager, and my wife covers their days off MON/WED/FRI, our premises are open from 8am to midnight with kitchen closing at 9pm, and my monthly hrs come in at (approx) 850 per month. Now should me amnd my misses bust our guts working those 800+hrs, or use my management skills to employ staff, get them to the standard I require, and sit back and enjoy my time in Thailand, I personally didn't come here to work hard. As I said in an earlier post a redundant manager is a good manager. My staff bill comes to 25k p/m (I don't pay the misses obviously), is it really worth me working all those hours to save myself 25k??? get real guys you ain't gonna win here not on this thread not today. Lemoncake and Taninthai, I'm not trying to be offensive but stop tarring everyone with your incompetence brush

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Taninthai, don't believe everything you here, unless you live in Nae Hong Song!

Ha Lemoncake you've just bought a smile to my face, your statement just took me back 6yrs, when my wife said to me, nobody will do everything, cook is for cooking, cleaner is for cleaning, etc. I have 10 rooms, running at 50-60% so to clean rooms only would take max 3hrs, so the rest of the time do you just pay them to sit around waiting for the customer to vacate, get real. My restaurant may make between 10 and 20 meals a day so on a bad day 10 meals at 20mins (av) she too will have just over 3hrs work, so do I pay her to sit around all day waiting for someone to order food. I said to my wife "believe me, you put in their job description and they will do it", until this day it was never raised as an issue again. Rooms are cleaned the moment a room is vacant as long as food is not being cooked, when rooms are all clean and no food is required they move onto the laundry, if the laundry is finished they do general cleaning of the hotel and restaurant. When your staff are idol they will get bored and grow to hate their job, if you'd read all my posts thoroughly you also know that one member is dedicated to pool cleaning, appox. 4/5hrs work a week. YOU DON'T KEEP A DOG AND BARK YOURSELF.

10 rooms take 3 hours to clean? now you have just shown that you do not have anythingw00t.gif

I have had to clean rooms and 10 rooms will take minimum 6 hours of non stop work if properly cleaned.

Unless of course your idea of a clean is to change towels and put a toilet paper.

No doubt a maid or reception staff will cook a great looking delicious mealrolleyes.gif

Lets hope your imaginary guests are happy with the food and "clean" rooms.

Man-management skills same as your time-management skills it would seem. I averaged the time at 20mins per room, doing it daily you keep on top of things, I then clearly stated that we are at 50-60% capacity, therefore my 3hrs was based on 6 rooms, now go and re-calculate smile.png

I am sorry so 10 rooms does not take under 3 hours, 5 rooms doesrolleyes.gif

So do tell me what you charge per night to have a manager on high salary and do tell me why since you doing so well, you have maids cooking?

May be you can explain to me how you actually manage to stay in business with 5 rooms, maid, reception and manager

Really I feel like I'm up in front of the Jury again!

Is 10k a high salary - I don't think so!!

Have you not worked out, the rooms are only half of the business, you need to diversify, we have a bar and restaurant, we do a laundry service, we sell toiletries, we rent motorbikes, we have a pool and gym that people pay a membership for.

...and apology accepted! Listen guys it was you who thought it OK to throw all your problems out there and have a good winge about Thai people and their work ethics, don't expect everyone to agree with you.

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He has told us the manager is on 10k,so what's the maid come cook come porter come receptionist plus anything else that needs doing earn then,please don't tell me 6-8k and she has been there 6 years you must have found the best hotelworker in Thailand give her arise for <deleted> sake.oh forgot she does the laundry and cooks the ferangs dinner every day,and you was talking about staff respecting you pull the other one

a manager on 10Kcheesy.gif Must be a real professional

maid on 6-8 when the minimum wage is 9blink.png

This guy really knows how to treat his staff well and sure knows how to keep them, why would maid want to change to be paid the minimum, she loves being under paid and over workedw00t.gif

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Really I feel like I'm up in front of the Jury again!

Is 10k a high salary - I don't think so!!

Have you not worked out, the rooms are only half of the business, you need to diversify, we have a bar and restaurant, we do a laundry service, we sell toiletries, we rent motorbikes, we have a pool and gym that people pay a membership for.

...and apology accepted! Listen guys it was you who thought it OK to throw all your problems out there and have a good winge about Thai people and their work ethics, don't expect everyone to agree with you.


Now you have pool and gym and sell membershipcheesy.gif

Does the maid also clean the gym, restaurant and bar and does the laundry?

So she is a cook, cleaner, bar tender, tour desk and membership sales person.

So the secret to success is to have a restaurant but have the maid cooking?blink.png

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No disrespect and not saying he is but he comes across as one of the old guys that has a young wife set her up with the resort to keep here busy as they do and then hasn't really got clue what is going on with the place ,tells us he has gymnasium and bikes aswell now ,does the maid/ cook also run the gym and do all the maintenance in motorbikes too.

The original op asked for info on running resorts so that's what we have given him it's not us putting all our problems out there,say it again I know alot of people running hotels and honestly you are the only one that says staff are not a problem everyone else I know running hotels tells me staff are the biggest problem they have and these are Thai hotel owners telling me this.

Edited by taninthai
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You boys have really been hit with the Thai bug of classifying each person. My staff are my staff, they are paid to work for me, this is clarified at interview "Now do you want the job" To employ someone solely for cleaning rooms when you only have 10 is ridiculous My cook doesn't clean, and my cleaner doesn't cook. My staff wear the same (well tidy) uniform and perform all their duties throughout the day, They've been taught to cook and clean and run the bar/reception. In a small guesthouse of only 10 rooms it is the only way forward, there is no other logistical method that will work. Now it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out that if my wage bill is 25k p/m and the manager is on 10k that leaves 7.5 each for other 2.

If my model sounds feasible on paper that's all you got to do after it's written down is implement it, a little like when I built the place, I made a plan and then implemented it. If someone is hell bent on stopping your plan from working, you either persuade them to come around to your way of thinking or you get rid. I think your problems are you never had a plan or road map to start with

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You boys have really been hit with the Thai bug of classifying each person. My staff are my staff, they are paid to work for me, this is clarified at interview "Now do you want the job" To employ someone solely for cleaning rooms when you only have 10 is ridiculous My cook doesn't clean, and my cleaner doesn't cook. My staff wear the same (well tidy) uniform and perform all their duties throughout the day, They've been taught to cook and clean and run the bar/reception. In a small guesthouse of only 10 rooms it is the only way forward, there is no other logistical method that will work. Now it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out that if my wage bill is 25k p/m and the manager is on 10k that leaves 7.5 each for other 2.

If my model sounds feasible on paper that's all you got to do after it's written down is implement it, a little like when I built the place, I made a plan and then implemented it. If someone is hell bent on stopping your plan from working, you either persuade them to come around to your way of thinking or you get rid. I think your problems are you never had a plan or road map to start with

Boys promise you won't hate me if I give you my site, I got nothing to prove to either of you, but still I'd loove to get my point across that it can be done, and as long as you keep making assumptions about me, the info is going to go through one ear and out the other, I direct you to my site as long as you promise to stop slagging me off :) :)

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I'm not trying to educate anyone, or at least that wasn't my intention, my 1st intention was to give the OP some good sound advice, but on hearing all the negative comments, I felt strongly about re-addressing the balance. Do you expect me to give up and roll over and say "OK i'm having all the problems you are having" when I'm not?

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You boys have really been hit with the Thai bug of classifying each person. My staff are my staff, they are paid to work for me, this is clarified at interview "Now do you want the job" To employ someone solely for cleaning rooms when you only have 10 is ridiculous My cook doesn't clean, and my cleaner doesn't cook. My staff wear the same (well tidy) uniform and perform all their duties throughout the day, They've been taught to cook and clean and run the bar/reception. In a small guesthouse of only 10 rooms it is the only way forward, there is no other logistical method that will work. Now it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out that if my wage bill is 25k p/m and the manager is on 10k that leaves 7.5 each for other 2.

If my model sounds feasible on paper that's all you got to do after it's written down is implement it, a little like when I built the place, I made a plan and then implemented it. If someone is hell bent on stopping your plan from working, you either persuade them to come around to your way of thinking or you get rid. I think your problems are you never had a plan or road map to start with

Boys promise you won't hate me if I give you my site, I got nothing to prove to either of you, but still I'd loove to get my point across that it can be done, and as long as you keep making assumptions about me, the info is going to go through one ear and out the other, I direct you to my site as long as you promise to stop slagging me off :) :)
No one is flagging you off just saying how your bussiness is is not what I hear from other people in the same bussiness .you have slagged of me and my bussiness a little. But anyway no matter about staff and how much work you do or don't do at the end of the day it's all about profit.you claim it stupid to have staff just to clean rooms for us it works they only work a few hours each day therefore we can pay below minimum wage.

Not interested in seeing your resort or anyone elses I'm sure all our resorts are nice ,I would love to talk about turnover and profit since we have similar amount of rooms but obviously open Internet forum not the place to do it.

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I'm not trying to educate anyone, or at least that wasn't my intention, my 1st intention was to give the OP some good sound advice, but on hearing all the negative comments, I felt strongly about re-addressing the balance. Do you expect me to give up and roll over and say "OK i'm having all the problems you are having" when I'm not?

So your advice is to pay less than minimum wage and have them work double the load and that is a way to successfully manage staff and hotel.

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...and finally they stop spouting their negativity - winner!

So in conclusion OP, yes it's possible to run a small guesthouse in Thailand, turn a profit and sit back and relax, working minimal hours per week, and try not listening to all the negativity here, just coz they couldn't do it doesn't mean you can't

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You boys have really been hit with the Thai bug of classifying each person. My staff are my staff, they are paid to work for me, this is clarified at interview "Now do you want the job" To employ someone solely for cleaning rooms when you only have 10 is ridiculous My cook doesn't clean, and my cleaner doesn't cook. My staff wear the same (well tidy) uniform and perform all their duties throughout the day, They've been taught to cook and clean and run the bar/reception. In a small guesthouse of only 10 rooms it is the only way forward, there is no other logistical method that will work. Now it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out that if my wage bill is 25k p/m and the manager is on 10k that leaves 7.5 each for other 2.

If my model sounds feasible on paper that's all you got to do after it's written down is implement it, a little like when I built the place, I made a plan and then implemented it. If someone is hell bent on stopping your plan from working, you either persuade them to come around to your way of thinking or you get rid. I think your problems are you never had a plan or road map to start with

Boys promise you won't hate me if I give you my site, I got nothing to prove to either of you, but still I'd loove to get my point across that it can be done, and as long as you keep making assumptions about me, the info is going to go through one ear and out the other, I direct you to my site as long as you promise to stop slagging me off smile.pngsmile.png
No one is flagging you off just saying how your bussiness is is not what I hear from other people in the same bussiness .you have slagged of me and my bussiness a little. But anyway no matter about staff and how much work you do or don't do at the end of the day it's all about profit.you claim it stupid to have staff just to clean rooms for us it works they only work a few hours each day therefore we can pay below minimum wage.

Not interested in seeing your resort or anyone elses I'm sure all our resorts are nice ,I would love to talk about turnover and profit since we have similar amount of rooms but obviously open Internet forum not the place to do it.

A lot has to do with location, For example i am in Pattaya, and you can forget about part time staff cause they will not show up for half of the time.

Paying minimum also does not seem to work here, so need to pay little more and even then you do not get much quality.

Then there is a problem of "easy money around" so often some staff will start to provide" extra service" on site and/ or leave to join the "easy money jobs"

Then, many have boyfriends and upon boyfriend arriving, they stop to work to spend time.

Then problems with gambling, drugs etc.

Just the other week, my maintenance guy was arrested for failing the drug test. 10 days in jail so no work is done.

As you said, money can be made, but ONLY through hard work and must be prepared to put in the hours.

Stress levels also very high, due to staff, guests and supplier problems

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one post you saying your not trying to educate then you keep claiming two posters that have successful resorts actually haven't got successful resorts,tell me then why is someone paying me 220k for my website and some fixtures and fittings when we finish up next month.

P.s they also have to pay the land owner to rent the land so don't twist it that I sold my bussiness for that price

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one post you saying your not trying to educate then you keep claiming two posters that have successful resorts actually haven't got successful resorts,tell me then why is someone paying me 220k for my website and some fixtures and fittings when we finish up next month.

P.s they also have to pay the land owner to rent the land so don't twist it that I sold my bussiness for that price

OMG - I'm creasing myself with laughter, I thought I was talking to a businessman, sorry mate, our worlds are light-years apart, good luck with the sale of your F&Fs (+website).

Nobody was saying you haven't got a successful resort, I don't even know it to comment. This was not a competition, it was a thread about advising someone whether it was a worth while venture, you and Lemoncake decided to advice him not to get involved and gave a string of reasons why, stipulating all the problems you incur day after day. I on the other hand don't share the same views or experience and so I wrote to that effect, only to be called a liar, and a dreamer, then you try to defend yourself by back-tracking and claiming how successful your business is and how much profit you make (so funny).

I think both you and Lemoncake should take a long hard look at yourselves, because I think you'll find the problems you have come from within.

Lemoncake - thankyou for your last post, no derogatory remarks, and what you say is actually very constructive, you have redeemed yourself. Yes I can believe that location has a lot to do with it. So (not to give you personal advise), those that experience problems hiring staff because their business is smack in the middle of sex-tourist destinations, why don't you try hiring from up country, I'm not saying it will work, plus you'd have some added expenses, but worth a try. See up-country there are people who closer resemble what we expect to find in our home countries, the problem in these tourist areas, the bright lights and fast bucks are like a magnet, and that's what you've got to compete with. Even people who simply turn up with all their high morals and intent on finding a proper, decent job, soon get sucked into machine, so yes location has got a lot to do with it, and how long before these staff from up-country soon realise if they just lower their moral standards (A LOT) they too can make some easy money - GO FAT, GO UGLY may be the way forward (lol)

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Oh hum you still going on about this,sorry dont have time today my unsuccessfull resort that i havent got a clue how to manage is full for the next 3 days......speak soon time to make some more money now.....:)

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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one post you saying your not trying to educate then you keep claiming two posters that have successful resorts actually haven't got successful resorts,tell me then why is someone paying me 220k for my website and some fixtures and fittings when we finish up next month.

P.s they also have to pay the land owner to rent the land so don't twist it that I sold my bussiness for that price

OMG - I'm creasing myself with laughter, I thought I was talking to a businessman, sorry mate, our worlds are light-years apart, good luck with the sale of your F&Fs (+website).

Nobody was saying you haven't got a successful resort, I don't even know it to comment. This was not a competition, it was a thread about advising someone whether it was a worth while venture, you and Lemoncake decided to advice him not to get involved and gave a string of reasons why, stipulating all the problems you incur day after day. I on the other hand don't share the same views or experience and so I wrote to that effect, only to be called a liar, and a dreamer, then you try to defend yourself by back-tracking and claiming how successful your business is and how much profit you make (so funny).

I think both you and Lemoncake should take a long hard look at yourselves, because I think you'll find the problems you have come from within.

Lemoncake - thankyou for your last post, no derogatory remarks, and what you say is actually very constructive, you have redeemed yourself. Yes I can believe that location has a lot to do with it. So (not to give you personal advise), those that experience problems hiring staff because their business is smack in the middle of sex-tourist destinations, why don't you try hiring from up country, I'm not saying it will work, plus you'd have some added expenses, but worth a try. See up-country there are people who closer resemble what we expect to find in our home countries, the problem in these tourist areas, the bright lights and fast bucks are like a magnet, and that's what you've got to compete with. Even people who simply turn up with all their high morals and intent on finding a proper, decent job, soon get sucked into machine, so yes location has got a lot to do with it, and how long before these staff from up-country soon realise if they just lower their moral standards (A LOT) they too can make some easy money - GO FAT, GO UGLY may be the way forward (lol)

People from upcountry do not speak much English which means can not communicate with guests

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Okay guys.. I really appreciate everyones opinion... But this thread has unfortunately turned out to be mud-wrestling contest between a few people... I startet this thread to obtain info, ideas and peoples opinions on my venture..

So please start your own thread if you wanna trash each other or discuss each others business, all this pickin' ain't helping me out..


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Julian3243, on 05 Apr 2013 - 18:12, said:

Okay guys.. I really appreciate everyones opinion... But this thread has unfortunately turned out to be mud-wrestling contest between a few people... I startet this thread to obtain info, ideas and peoples opinions on my venture..

So please start your own thread if you wanna trash each other or discuss each others business, all this pickin' ain't helping me out..


very sorrywai.gif , i charge by the hour consultancy, so if you need ideas and help it aint free

Or better yet, do not get into business of which you have no idea and no experiencethumbsup.gif

Edited by lemoncake
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Little follow up just sacked our 2 staff, the resort nwxt door found a bag full of soft drinks hidden in the bushes near where staff park motirbike, we took the bag away hide ourselves and watched staff leave and yes they went straight to bushes,so they are now sacked and we have 3 weeks left before we close our resort no more staff me and the wife will run it on our own for the last 3 weeks.

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by taninthai
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