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Lessons From Thailand: Mobilizing Investment In Energy Efficiency


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Lessons From Thailand: Mobilizing Investment In Energy Efficiency
by Louise Brown and Athena Ballesteros

THAILAND: -- Developing countries will need about $531 billion of additional investments in clean energy technologies every year in order to limit global temperature rise to 2° C above pre-industrial levels, thus preventing climate change’s worst impacts.

To attract investments on the scale required, developing country governments, with support from developed countries, must undertake “readiness” activities that will encourage public and private sector investors to put their money into climate-friendly projects.

WRI’s six-part blog series, Mobilizing Clean Energy Finance, highlights individual developing countries’ experiences in scaling up investments in clean energy and explores the role climate finance plays in addressing investment barriers. The cases draw on WRI’s recent report, Mobilizing Climate Investment.

The development of Thailand’s energy efficiency sector is an interesting case study. It demonstrates how strong government leadership combined with strategic support from international climate finance can drive the transition toward an energy-efficient economy.

In the early 1990s, Thailand’s economy was growing rapidly at 10 percent per year; the power sector was growing even faster. The government recognized that conserving energy would provide a low-cost way to meet its citizens’ rising demand for energy.

Full story: http://insights.wri.org/news/2013/04/lessons-thailand-mobilizing-investment-energy-efficiency

-- WRIInsight 2013-04-02

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why is there no solar systems there in Bangkok I was looking

when I was there a few weeks ago while overseeing our new house....

in Australia where 2 out of 3 houses have solar panel systems

on their roofs and they are transferring power back to the grid

which in turn means that the power suppliers do not have to make

as much power

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The fourth paragraph makes me wonder why there is a panic about possible energy shortages with the Myanmar supply closed for servicing?

Not the sort of lesson the OP thinks has been learned!

Sent from my GT-P6200 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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why is there no solar systems there in Bangkok I was looking

when I was there a few weeks ago while overseeing our new house....

in Australia where 2 out of 3 houses have solar panel systems

on their roofs and they are transferring power back to the grid

which in turn means that the power suppliers do not have to make

as much power

Err isnt it because the Aussie goverment subsidise the installation of solar panels, were the Thai goverment doesnt...
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"... about $531 billion of additional investments in clean energy..."

Please provide an itemisation showing how you came up with such a brilliant statement and what are the qualifications of Louise Brown and Athena Ballesteros to be making such stupid statements in lame articles such as this. Back to global warming? Not enough road accidents, government corruption et al to keep the press full of rubbish?

Edited by Locationthailand
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