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What Should Thailand Do.....?


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Topic is "What Should Thailand Do..... ? If North Korea starts letting off it's fireworks......"

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Sorry, I was typing and getting a snack when you posted this. I'll get back on track.

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Topic is "What Should Thailand Do..... ? If North Korea starts letting off it's fireworks......"

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Again, I don't see the possibility of a nuclear war between the US and N. Korea as a high probability. But if it were to occur, there's really nothing Thailand can do but react. A real nuclear war (as opposed to the cold war of years past) has never occurred on this planet, so no one knows what the ramifications will be. I'd imagine the political and economic fallout would be massive worldwide in the short term. Thailand will be impacted indirectly. But it's all pure speculation. Keep in mind that the world has been warned of a nuclear Iran for years, so this is nothing new.

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Well I would say a nuclear explosion less than two thousand miles from the Thai border would have an impact on Thailand, depending on the way the wind was blowing. It's roughly the same distance from Chernobyl to Scotland and we were blanketed in radiation to the extent some of our farms were shut down.

A cloud of radiation pouring over SE Asia would be very serious. I would be amazed if the Thais were ready for it.

Of course they are ready for it.

A minister will go on TV and tell everyone to run outside with the patloms and aim them at the sky.

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The radiation will be blowing towards Japan and then across the Pacific to the US and Canada, Thailand doesn't have to worry. If there is a major war they'll have a good opportunity to offload some of that huge pile of rotten rice they've been hoarding. Any destruction of South Korean industry also provides an opportunity for some of it to be relocated to Thailand. Although a complete route of North Korea with no damage to the south would see South Korean investment shift to the north, where labor is far cheaper and there is no language barrier.

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I just read another news report.

I don't think anything will happen. Too much confusion. All the NK officials in the article were named Kim.

Must be a bear to communicate the launch authorization when 99% of a country's people have the same name.

"Kim says, launch."

"What! Kim who? Which one?"

"The, er, only fat one in town."

Okay, maybe my theory has a hole or two.

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I could see a war happening. I doubt very much it would start with a pre-emptive nuclear strike against the US, US bases or Seoul. But I would think a ground assault would be very likely. In which case it would start a certain retaliation, and that could escalate to all out war.

I do think that NK will use its nukes as a last resort, rather than face the disgrace of defeat. That could well see a couple thrown back at them. I doubt it would even be large scale.

China and Russia will definitely NOT join in, but will just lodge formal complaints with the UN via the security council. Probably France will chirp in too. But they will be ignored.

The Thais shouldn't have too much to worry about. It is one thing Chernobyl which was spewing radioactive material into the atmosphere for weeks in huge amounts. There is actually only a tiny fraction of nuclear material in a few bombs in comparison. If it is rainy season it will be washed out of the sky quite fast. Look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki... The rest of Japan wasn't even affected. No way will it be blown over here and dumped on us.

I do think though that Thai tourism will go down the spout as will all tourism to SEA and EA... I really think that the Thai government's biggest thing on their agenda will be forget the Thais, how do we get the falang to come back?

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Thailand will do nothing.

Propaganda is used by EVERY country to demonize the people of another country. If anybody you know "hates"
Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan or North Korea for "some reason", it is because they have fallen victim to brainwash programming specifically created
for that purpose.

In North Korea, they have been making videos which show that Americans are all homosexuals, who eat snow and live in tents....

In America and Europe, they think of North Koreans as being crazy and war mongering, begging to be nuked....

People in the South East of Asia like Laos, Burma, Thailand, Phillipines, etc., believe that all westerners are born rich and with
privileges, and spend money only for pleasure.

European Governments tell their citizens to blame Greece and Zyprus for their financial discomfort, while using their own citizens as modern slaves.

If there wasn't propaganda, people would realize that we are just pawns in a global game of chess, where the real Kings and Queens aren't even on the board.


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Did they participate in the Korean war?

And for what side.

Do not know why you asked what side as Thai government is traditionally anti communist. Yes, a small contingent, fought alongside UN forces. Also contributed during the Vietnam War, with approx 12,000 combat troops with around 1,200 deaths.

During the United Nations-mandated conflict in the Korean peninsula, Thailand provided the 21st Regiment of about 1,294 men. The Kingdom also provided 4 naval vessels and an air transport unit to the UN command structure. The contingent was actively engaged and suffered heavy casualties, including 129 dead. The returned to Thailand in 1955

I know

Just saying that was the reasoning for me to think they might be on the same side as again.

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Did they participate in the Korean war?

And for what side.

Do not know why you asked what side as Thai government is traditionally anti communist. Yes, a small contingent, fought alongside UN forces. Also contributed during the Vietnam War, with approx 12,000 combat troops with around 1,200 deaths.

During the United Nations-mandated conflict in the Korean peninsula, Thailand provided the 21st Regiment of about 1,294 men. The Kingdom also provided 4 naval vessels and an air transport unit to the UN command structure. The contingent was actively engaged and suffered heavy casualties, including 129 dead. The returned to Thailand in 1955

I know

Just saying that was the reasoning for me to think they might be on the same side as again.

I believe they would.

Thailand had troops in the Iraq war against Saddam Hussein. OMG. Link sick.gifwai2.gifw00t.gifsick.gif

Thailand has, in its recent past been pro-West, was part of Seato until Seato became impotent, and still is aligned with Nato in its actions.

What's the alternative? Align with communist and Muslim countries?

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My wife doesn't even know who North Korea even are!....ahh, ignorance is bliss hey.

Wonder how many other Thais never heard of em?

Long as any radiation stays out of my favourite bar in Bangkok, I'm fine about nuclear fallout.

I doubt I know many Thais that have NOT heard of North Korea - and long before this. (And that isn't some sort of attempt at veiled elitism - I include not only my well educated and worldly Thai friends and associates but plenty of "average" ones as well).

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Thailand should try to back the winner.

Itvwould be an improvement on past pwrformance if they could start off by backing the winner without having to change costume half way through.

I guess that's a reference to WWII but it's not as if the Thais switched sides halfway through or anything of the sort; they chose the wrong side full stop.

Since then they have sided with winners - and those who got a draw at best...

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Did they participate in the Korean war?

And for what side.

They were on South Korea's side before the war even started and they not only sent troops but were among the largest contributors among the 16 UN participants in the force assembled (of course the US was nearly 90% of it).

Aside from being thoroughly aligned with the US for reasons of self-interest and obligation, the Thais were genuinely in opposition to communism.

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My wife doesn't even know who North Korea even are!....ahh, ignorance is bliss hey.

Wonder how many other Thais never heard of em?

Long as any radiation stays out of my favourite bar in Bangkok, I'm fine about nuclear fallout.

I doubt I know many Thais that have NOT heard of North Korea - and long before this. (And that isn't some sort of attempt at veiled elitism - I include not only my well educated and worldly Thai friends and associates but plenty of "average" ones as well).

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You're probably right.

Seems though, most Thais I ever met don't even know where the UK is, have no concept of continents, and basically geography has totally escaped them.

Even my wife, and she has a masters degree in business and a bachelors in accountancy. She never knew where the UK was till she went there.

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ok...so we all are aware that things arent that good, and discussion here has covered the "What If's" and why's....

Thailand has a population of around 66mil I believe, and all crammed into a very small area (country).

Even the Phillipines has asked the US to come back (after they boldy threw them out previously). Was NASA trying(when they were knocked back) to get the info on weather patterns, to advise the best solutions to Thailand, ...protecting them???... considering what is now unfolding.

theblether raised the important point regarding fallout, and i agree with him totally...is the government here advising their people about it?

What do Farmers understand about fallout??

What will happen HERE? in Thailand, to the food chain for the subjects of the Kingdom...what "SHOULD" be done, to advise and protect against the reprocussions of the madness unfolding?

I.E. ...what is the contigency plan.

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ok...so we all are aware that things arent that good, and discussion here has covered the "What If's" and why's....

Thailand has a population of around 66mil I believe, and all crammed into a very small area (country).

Even the Phillipines has asked the US to come back (after they boldy threw them out previously). Was NASA trying(when they were knocked back) to get the info on weather patterns, to advise the best solutions to Thailand, ...protecting them???... considering what is now unfolding.

theblether raised the important point regarding fallout, and i agree with him totally...is the government here advising their people about it?

What do Farmers understand about fallout??

What will happen HERE? in Thailand, to the food chain for the subjects of the Kingdom...what "SHOULD" be done, to advise and protect against the reprocussions of the madness unfolding?

I.E. ...what is the contigency plan.

Fallout may be a less likely possibility but not to be ignored, I think. However, any significant conflict in the world - let alone in the region/same continent - can have a whole range of potential effects on Thailand. Anything from economic, to military, to humanitarian...or all that and more.

P.S. - the agreements on the bases in the Philippines had expired. It's true that the US wanted to stay - and many in the Philippine government and populace wanted them to stay - but an agreement on an extension could not be reached. Not quite "boldly threw them out".

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Amazing . 5 pages and not one person displayed a crucial point of fact:

North Korea has no nuclear missiles.

Ok. You may continue your discussions ... But take into account North Korea will not for at least a decade have the technology to miniturise their nukes so they can be contained in rockets.

The North could try to pass a bomb through the border with the South... But they just closed the border. Which means--in regard to nukes-- things have never looked better.

Hilarious reading comments about Thais being ignorant. Thais have learnt to voice their opinions only when they know of which they speak.

Sorry... i havent read anything about Thais being ignorant on this subject...but now we are talking of the infrastructure in thailand, with regard to Contigency plan

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Amazing . 5 pages and not one person displayed a crucial point of fact:

North Korea has no nuclear missiles.

Ok. You may continue your discussions ... But take into account North Korea will not for at least a decade have the technology to miniturise their nukes so they can be contained in rockets.

The North could try to pass a bomb through the border with the South... But they just closed the border. Which means--in regard to nukes-- things have never looked better.

Hilarious reading comments about Thais being ignorant. Thais have learnt to voice their opinions only when they know of which they speak.

Interesting that you can speak with such authority on something that no other credible sources or intelligence agency has said.

BM25 Musudan?

Rodong 1?

My area of expertise (such as it is - not all that much) is more light infantry, special operations, COIN and military history. I don't know that much about the high tech stuff - can you explain to me how and why those missiles don't matter?

Can you explain why anyone - including a large number of analysts and scholars - is pretending to take the threat of nuclear warfare on NK's side seriously?


Oh, and I loved the joke about Thais only speaking their mind when they know what they are talking about. That was hilarious.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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Amazing . 5 pages and not one person displayed a crucial point of fact:

North Korea has no nuclear missiles.

Ok. You may continue your discussions ... But take into account North Korea will not for at least a decade have the technology to miniturise their nukes so they can be contained in rockets.

The North could try to pass a bomb through the border with the South... But they just closed the border. Which means--in regard to nukes-- things have never looked better.

Hilarious reading comments about Thais being ignorant. Thais have learnt to voice their opinions only when they know of which they speak.

While I accept your right to your opinion. I think we already established that nobody was taking any chances on assuming they were not capable. Especially when most of the experts know that they are more than capable of delivering some form of nuclear missile to the US bases in SK, Japan and possibly Guam.

The NK regime has been saying for months that it has developed a sufficiently miniaturized device which is what their last test was. Nobody thinks they are bluffing, and even if they are bluffing, that bluff seems to be called very soon. I think there is no smoke without fire, and I think that the opposite view should be taken, meaning that I think it is a lot wiser to assume that they in fact are a lot more advanced than we already have proof of. That's the whole point of being the most secretive nation in the world, is that you only let people know what you want them to know.

The fact that Pyongyang has now officially declared a state of war against the South, and that their army have now received orders to prepare for all out war, and moving a medium range missile to the east coast nuclear launch facility... If they are just posturing, then I think they are doing a very good job, because now we are in a situation of proliferation, and that means on the brink of something that nobody here wants to happen, but chances are it has already reached its tipping point.

If this thing does in fact 'go south' (pun intended). Then the one thing that Thailand needs to consider, is that bases here could be used. Slightly out of range and so possibly a good place to stock munitions as a staging post if you like. That would make Thailand a target perhaps. Even though I doubt they would hit this place with nukes, they have plenty of chemical weapons and conventional warheads. They are just about crazy enough to try to hit every US base in the region.

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What will happen HERE? in Thailand, to the food chain for the subjects of the Kingdom...what "SHOULD" be done, to advise and protect against the reprocussions of the madness unfolding?

I.E. ...what is the contigency plan.

As mentioned previously.. Dont panic.... Yingluck will be handing out protective amulets should anything happen.

In reality...they dont have a plan, never mind a contingency plan...if there is an atomic mushroom over north korea...my advice get on a plane out of dodge heading west..

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weegee, on 04 Apr 2013 - 20:37, said:

ok...so we all are aware that things arent that good, and discussion here has covered the "What If's" and why's....

Thailand has a population of around 66mil I believe, and all crammed into a very small area (country).

Yes, What if. We don't know if N. Korea can or would deliver a nuke. If they can detonate it, they could put it on a boat and detonate it in a harbor. Or if they can't detonate it, they could make one heck of a dirty bomb even if they don't have weapons grade material.

They could take spent material from a reactor and surround a conventional bomb with it and set it off in a harbor, or launch it in one of the area capable missiles we do know they have. They do have the ability to build a bunch of dirty bombs.

All they have to do is wait until the winds are right, which I believe is most of the time. ??

The question is, are they really crazy enough to do something like that. The question isn't "can they" IMHO.

weegee, on 04 Apr 2013 - 20:37, said:

Even the Phillipines has asked the US to come back (after they boldy threw them out previously). Was NASA trying(when they were knocked back) to get the info on weather patterns, to advise the best solutions to Thailand, ...protecting them???... considering what is now unfolding.

We never get the same story from two countries who are party to a sensitive deal, but it's pretty obvious that The Philippines ask the US to come back. The Philippines is involved in a scary and serious conflict with China over land rights. It is in international court, but I don't trust China to sit still for any international court. China has claimed the property and The Philippines are afraid they will take it by force. China has threatened.

So certainly the Philippines wants the US, which has a treaty to defend The Philippines, back where they were.

And yes, The Philippines got uppity with the US and asked them to leave. Classic. Criticize the US until there's trouble, and then of course want to be in its shadow.

Because this was a major US location before, it is prime. Their harbors can handle the big aircraft carriers and of course the airbase is ripe.

weegee, on 04 Apr 2013 - 20:37, said:

theblether raised the important point regarding fallout, and i agree with him totally...is the government here advising their people about it?

I doubt it. Trouble in Thailand possible? No way. All is red roses and clear sailing always. Would a politician anywhere tell the truth?

weegee, on 04 Apr 2013 - 20:37, said:

What do Farmers understand about fallout??

Zero, zip, nada, no clue, what's a "fallout?"

weegee, on 04 Apr 2013 - 20:37, said:

What will happen HERE? in Thailand, to the food chain for the subjects of the Kingdom...what "SHOULD" be done, to advise and protect against the reprocussions of the madness unfolding?

I don't know. You tell me. If someone dusts Thailand with poison powder, what could anyone do? What did Scotland do when it got blasted accidentally by the Russians? What did the people in E. Washington USA do when Mt. St. Helens blew its top and covered much of E. Washington state in ash?

What did the people of Pompeii do? I've seen the mummies who were dried in place with their mouths open trying to get air, apparently. Sad.

I don't have a clue. It would be bad.

weegee, on 04 Apr 2013 - 20:37, said:

I.E. ...what is the contigency plan.

Contingency plan? Thailand? Get a few thousand defective fire extinguishers and try to blow the fallout into Cambodia? :)

The only thing that comes to mind is international relief. But who knows the medical ramifications much less the food and water. There are more than 60 million people. If they and the land are covered by fallout, I have no idea how bad it would be, just really bad.

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