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Being Gay At Jerry Falwell's University


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An interesting story and well written ... but I'm still not sure why he avoided explaining what his "issues" were.

And that's when I wrote my teachers that very difficult email coming out to them, and explaining that I could no longer sit in their classes because of my... I think I vaguely called them "issues." I summed up my entire life's story in eight concise paragraphs, the last of which explained my decision to withdraw from school.

Instead of elaborating on (presumably) paras 6 and 7 of his distinctly "cushy, closeted life" 's story its a pity he avoided anything about para 8 and never explained his decision properly. I may be rather cynical of his type, but I can't help thinking that his only problem wasn't so much his being gay, which clearly wasn't a problem for anyone else, as not being special.

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I would have thought that his major issue would be being gay at Jerry Falwell's university.

Apparently not, as I had the same issue at my highschool: I thought everybody would shun me because I was gay, but once I had my coming-out I was proven to be wrong: Most people either didn't care, or just hugged me.

I see the story as one well-written coming-out story, with the university mentioned just being an example. This should encourage all gay young adults to come out of the closet - the time for hiding is over. Be amazed at how many of your professors and fellow-students are totally fine with you being gay, as long as you are happy with it yourself.

The time to apologize is over. Anybody who has a problem with your homosexuality, has a problem which is not yours. You may choose to help him to understand and catch up with the 21st century, though.

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I think you're missing the point. Liberty University isn't simply (or even) a high school. It's a private Christian university founded by the evangelist Jerry Falwell that well-known supporter of LGBT rights. Being gay at Liberty is a bit like taking bacon sandwiches into your local synagogue.

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I may be rather cynical of his type, but I can't help thinking that his only problem wasn't so much his being gay, which clearly wasn't a problem for anyone else, as not being special.

Yes of course, everyone knows its the "gay agenda" to demand "special" rights. huh.png

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I think you're missing the point. Liberty University isn't simply (or even) a high school. It's a private Christian university founded by the evangelist Jerry Falwell that well-known supporter of LGBT rights. Being gay at Liberty is a bit like taking bacon sandwiches into your local synagogue.

Taking bacon to your local mosque is certainly a big issue, but being gay in that particular university did sound like my own personal non-religious coming-out.

Tell us about yours.

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I think you're missing the point. Liberty University isn't simply (or even) a high school. It's a private Christian university founded by the evangelist Jerry Falwell that well-known supporter of LGBT rights. Being gay at Liberty is a bit like taking bacon sandwiches into your local synagogue.

In Jerry Falwell's view, possibly (although the author doesn't think so and he's been there!) but that obviously wasn't the case either for his "ex-boyfriend, Eddie", the "other gay students", his fellow students, or any of his lecturers or any of the staff.

"being gay at Jerry Falwell's university" obviously wasn't an issue, at least not as far as it being a problem and anyone trying to "cure" him was concerned. The only problems he had were in his own mind, nobody else's, although that was the reverse to what he was expecting:

"I was expecting Dr. Borland to act differently towards me. I was expecting him to be... well, a homophobe. But as I put on my seatbelt, I realized that all that time, I was the one who was afraid. Not him. I'd been warned my whole life about homophobia, but no one ever said anything about homophobiaphobia."

If he had "got the crap beaten out of" him then his decision to leave would have been understandable, but as he didn't and he didn't have any problems with any of those there even when they knew he was actively in a gay relationship with another student it makes me wonder what his "issues" actually were.

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