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Allegations Of Police Torture By Seriously Injured 16 Year Old Pattaya Drug Suspect


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Allegations of Police torture by seriously injured 16 year old Pattaya drug suspect

PATTAYA:--A 16 year old boy is recovering from major abdominal surgery at Banglamung Hospital following an incident at a Pattaya Train Station last week where he claims to have been tortured by 3 men, two of them Police Officers, who suspected him of possessing drugs.

Khun Pavina from the Pavina Foundation who was called by the Mother of the boy to assist in investigating the case, visited the boy at Banglamung Hospital on Saturday along with Police Major General Katcha, the Provincial Police Commander who were given a detailed account of the alleged incident by the boy, who we are unable to identify for legal reasons.

The boy, who has undergone surgery to repair a ruptured intestine, told those in attendance that on 1st April at night he was contacted by a friend who he was asked to meet at the Huai Kwang Train Station in the Huay Yai area. He went via motorbike and met with the so-called friend who asked him if he had any Yabba Tablets for sale. The boy stated he did not have any. The man, who appeared nervous, repeated the request and the boy’s answer was still “no”.

Moments later a Bronze Isuzu Pick-up arrived containing 3 men. The boy recognized all three and claimed one was a Huay Yai Police Officer, the other was an officer from the Narcotics Suppression Bureau and the third was a Police Volunteer. The men asked the boy where the drugs were and once again he told them he had no drugs. At this point the boy was placed in handcuffs and he claims a gun was placed to the side of his head by one of the Police Officers who repeated the question again.

Full story:http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/82186/allegations-police-torture-injured-16-year-pattaya-drug-suspect/

-- Pattaya One 2013-04-07

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I don't doubt the boy's statements one minute. The guy I have to cut my grass and do odd jobs has an eighteen year old brother. The police came to his house took him away and the next day he was in intensive care in the hospital. They beat the hell out of him. I have no idea if he was guilty of anything or not but he is now at home recovering. No charges were filed by the police. They are tough up here in Udon.

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Thai police torture?

I find that hard to believe.

As Buddhists it isn't in the nature of the Thai of to do harm or bad things to others.

RTP do sometimes severely beat suspects, as happened to one of my Thai family members six months ago.

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^ Probably hatched from that magic egg that the Thai gave birth to yesterday?

Perhaps you have not had any experience with the RTP, but rest assured they can and do cross the line.

Perhaps you have never heard of these incidents.


Think he was being facetious

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^ Probably hatched from that magic egg that the Thai gave birth to yesterday?

Perhaps you have not had any experience with the RTP, but rest assured they can and do cross the line.

Perhaps you have never heard of these incidents.


Wiki... where anyone can write, edit and contribute what they want... :cheesy:

I suggest getting to know some Thais mate. :D

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Irregardless of the past records of certain Police action.

If this is found to be true & there appears to be no reason for it not to be

I wait with bated breath to see what punishment is forthcoming to the offenders if found Guilty


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Thai police torture?

I find that hard to believe.

As Buddhists it isn't in the nature of the Thai of to do harm or bad things to others.

..and there are fairies at the bottom of the garden also!


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Thai police torture?

I find that hard to believe.

As Buddhists it isn't in the nature of the Thai of to do harm or bad things to others.

RTP do sometimes severely beat suspects, as happened to one of my Thai family members six months ago.


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Thai police torture?

I find that hard to believe.

As Buddhists it isn't in the nature of the Thai of to do harm or bad things to others.

HMMM - Obviously, you haven't been in Thailand very long. If a person doesn't confess quickly, torture is commonly applied. The thinking is that a person arrested is obviously guilty or he/she would not have been arrested.

Books have been written by foreigners detailing how they ended up confessing to crimes they did not commit...

Public executions were still being done just 30 years ago - but history has been swept under the rug.

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