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Aircards For Pc / Difference In Quality?

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The village is in no-man´s land between Buriram and Roi Et , near Phayakaphumpisay.

Want to use my lap top on occasional visits, if possible skyping too.

Which provider to use?

Layman´s question= these USB like sticks which serve as antenna, is there a difference in quality?

What to buy?


Personally I / we use True HS3G and have found the service fine, one can't download from P2P sites and you-tube as are similar sites are all but inaccessible.However all in all mail, forums, newspapers etc work fine albeit a trifle slowly at times. Also I can stream B.B.C.radio and a multitude of other radio sites in general with few problems .

As far as I am aware there is no difference twixt the operation of the card twixt P.C.or lap top this being based upon the fact That I /we use both P.C. and lap tops.

I can't speak for Skype as I/ we don't use it, cost per month unlimited access from True HS3G is 1,000 baht, can't remember how much the original stick was to buy though.

However be warned it is a typically Thai process to go through when purchasing one of-these air cards,they want to know everything what time does your morning flatulence occur do you like Thai food etc, so make sure your partner has his or her I.D. card when buying the air card or you have your work permit handy..

However hopefully when the phone line is hooked up I shall be able to view programmes via P2P from the U.K. although live T.V. streaming via a subscriber and a free service can be a bit patchy at times though hence my love of P2P sites.


I also use True Move. I only pay for the 600+ bt plan. Didn't have to jump though so many hoops as Siampolee. I am living near Phimai. Can view YuTube at the beginning of my months service but not at all near the end due to "fair service" limit. Most days no problem connecting, sometimes slow.


In lower Isaan the True Move 3GH only worked in city areas. If you have a local True shop ask for a demo first, say youtube vid.

Also, i was on the B1000 a month unlimited (fair usage) contract and after the first week of my monthly renewal they throttled down the speed. I would say i'm a moderate user. Skype was good.

You could try Dtac 3 g if you get a signal in your area. Skype is good

All 3 companies have maps on their websites where 3g is available.

Edge is very slow and painful to use on a continuous basis. Forget Skype

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Here in Southern Buri Ram I use a Join Air aircard from CAT. I get about the same reception as I got when I had the CDMA dongle. Nowhere near 3G but quick enough for SKYPE. Tends to be slow especially in the afternoons.. There are different sizes of the aircard depending on how far you are from the antenna, you may have to get a more powerful one. Cost is 575 baht a month. Initial cost of the aircard depends on size.



Depends absolutely where you are.

I just changed to TRUE MOVE 3G+ with USM sticker on my Laptop in Chayaphum, Phukiau small countryside Village and works absolutely fabulous. (990.- Baht starter Package 1 month free)

So check it out with the providers, if you have a Signal at your place, True Move, D-tac and AIS.

I was pissed with D-tac and AIS EDGE service since some month. OK now.


If you're in the sticks, it's hit and miss! TOT works where I live, but DTAC barely gets a signal.


In the sticks here in Ubon means AIS will be your only choice and some towers are not equipped for edge service much less 3G.

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