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Maggie Thatcher Is Dead.


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No tears shed in any working class areas of the UK-Scotland,South Wales,Northern England.She hated the working class with a vengeance eg pit closures,Hillsborough disaster etc.She made many people's lives a misery and killed off community spirit.

No problems with that, Ystradyfodwy. Continue to blame others for your shallow lives and so it goes on.

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The sooner the British people realise its not about race divide but about class divide the better.Todays Tory government might not have such strong individuals such as Thatcher,Tebbit etc.but do you really think that Cameron,Osbourne have any idea what its like to live in working class communities in such difficult economic times yet they state 'we're all in it together'!Laughable.

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No tears shed in any working class areas of the UK-Scotland,South Wales,Northern England.She hated the working class with a vengeance eg pit closures,Hillsborough disaster etc.She made many people's lives a misery and killed off community spirit.

No problems with that, Ystradyfodwy. Continue to blame others for your shallow lives and so it goes on.

My life is quite fulfilling and certainly not shallow but thanks for your concern.x

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No tears shed in any working class areas of the UK-Scotland,South Wales,Northern England.She hated the working class with a vengeance eg pit closures,Hillsborough disaster etc.She made many people's lives a misery and killed off community spirit.

No problems with that, Ystradyfodwy. Continue to blame others for your shallow lives and so it goes on.

My life is quite fulfilling and certainly not shallow but thanks for your concern.x

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Another example of the Cultural Divide:


How many folks read The Morning Star.? wink.png

It's probably best if you keep out of situations that you don't understand. Thatcher did lots of good things and lots of bad things while she was PM. Cartoons and front pages don't really cover the situation.

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I remember being i England, listening to Men in a Pub ranting over Milk. They ran up a big bill and were quite drunken. I asked the Barman and he said they were Car Workers moaning about the P.M. stopping free milk to their Kids. Lunacy,aid should go to poor who are unable to work, not rich drunks.England does funny things.coffee1.gif

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No tears shed in any working class areas of the UK-Scotland,South Wales,Northern England.She hated the working class with a vengeance eg pit closures,Hillsborough disaster etc.


Did you just google "bad things that happened while Thatcher was in power"?

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I remember being i England, listening to Men in a Pub ranting over Milk. They ran up a big bill and were quite drunken. I asked the Barman and he said they were Car Workers moaning about the P.M. stopping free milk to their Kids. Lunacy,aid should go to poor who are unable to work, not rich drunks.England does funny things.coffee1.gif

I remember the free milk well. It used to sit in the corner of the classroom until break time when we were forced....yes forced to drink a bottle of this warm foul milk before being allowed outside to play.

Even as a five year old I remember our relief when this "privilege" was removed.

Personally speaking there was plenty of good fresh cold milk at home...so no one wanted this stuff! Good riddance. clap2.gif

Still wouldn't have voted for her. "Free footballs for all!" might have swayed me however.....

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For anyone who is interested the funeral starts at 0915 (bst) and expected to last 3 hours. BBC are beaming around the world. 23 years after she left office and still commands a global presence, that must grate with a lot you, sorry but this fact.

I will not be attending the funeral, I will be watching here, the white ensign will fly proudly and my daughter will represent me at St. Pauls.

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No tears shed in any working class areas of the UK-Scotland,South Wales,Northern England.She hated the working class with a vengeance eg pit closures,Hillsborough disaster etc.She made many people's lives a misery and killed off community spirit.

Anyone that works is working class.

Do you somehow think that the workers that belonged to the bloated unions that benefited from featherbedding and extortionesque practices were somehow superior to those that worked long hours in the services sector, or that generated the tax revenues that paid for the benefits of millions? Mrs. Thatcher came from humble origins and worked hard to achieve her position.

I suggest that some of Mrs. Thatcher's strongest supporters were "working class".

I really do think that using words like, bloated, featherbedding, extornionesque given what the banks have done in the last few years is a bit rich, no pun intended. Some of Mrs Thatcher's biggest supporters were bankers or was it some other word beginning with B i had in mind?

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No tears shed in any working class areas of the UK-Scotland,South Wales,Northern England.She hated the working class with a vengeance eg pit closures,Hillsborough disaster etc.


Did you just google "bad things that happened while Thatcher was in power"?

Who do you think came up with the brilliant idea of fencing in fans?

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How many folks read The Morning Star.?

Snarling deadbeats of the British underclass no doubt...

Thanks mate,I've been reading the morning star for many years,in recent years on the Internet,before that the Daily Worker,however that is just one newspaper amongst many that I've read on a daily basis,including the Daily Mail,and the Daily Telegraph.Why,because I think it helps me to see the truth.Do I think the Daily Worker is a good newspaper,no way,its very biased.

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NOT a one of em would have the balls to pull this sort of stunt to her face. bah.gif

What a ridiculous thing to say. Of course they would, and often did. She was reviled by a large section of the population whether you like it or not.

Yes, and a great many of those that opposed the Conservative party policies did so in a peaceful and civilized manner.

The expressions of a violent minority undermine those that had legitimate disagreement with Mrs. Thatcher's policies. Unfortunately, this group are the same people that trash cities, vandalize, collect benefits because they do not wish to work, and contribute nothing to society.

The impact of the idiots celebrating an elderly woman's death causes public sentiment to turn in Mrs. Thatcher's favour.

i think you are seriouslu underestimatng the intelligence and the feelings of the people( sone habits dont change eh

)You are correct to point out that there were many who opposed her peacefully...(as a side note many were arrested for doing so but surprisingly found not guily) and many of these events were hijacked by people with nothing to do with the intended demonstation.

Wether some of these people were also emplyees of the state is open to debate,but in generilisation they are to how you described.

My point is the public see them for what they are Idiots .That wont sway them in anyway for sentiment to turn in Thatchers favour.

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Just to put it in perspective, 60% of Britons oppose the taxpayer funding the funeral, and 41% disagreed that she was Britain's greatest peacetime prime minister as opposed to the 25% of Mail, Express and Telegraph readers who think she was.

So most agreed she was the country's greatest peace time Prime Minister.Personally I would rank Clement Attlee above her but she would certainly be in second place.

Clem Attlee when PM used at the end of the day walk the couple of miles from the train station to his home.When some suggested that as Prime Minister he should take a chauffeur driven car,he responded that would be a quite unnecessary waste of tax payers money.A different and I think a better type of politician.

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