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45 Year Old Vs 25 Year Old

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We need to distinguish between the two sorts of 24 year old.....

There is the 24 year old who works in a bar and has now been 'adopted' by the bar scene...her aim in life is to fleece as many Falang as possible and maybe one day, 'catch a good one', in the words of a bar girl. These relationships can work, I had one for 5 years, and no, I was not part time living here but with her 95% of that time....but generally they have 'luggage' having been married/kids etc. How many bar girls have ex-Thai BF's and a kid in the background somewhere? I would guess a high percentage from the bar girls I know/have known as friends.

Then you have the 'normal' girl from a modest background, got an education, got a normal job and is looking for security, a family possibly, a trustworthy partner etc....she sees guys her own age as immature and cheat and <deleted> around. She then meets a Falang who is not a whoremonger, sitting at a bar in his Singha T-Shirt, getting rat-arsed...and thinks to herself why not?

The girl in question has never dated a Falang before, never even seen a girly bar....had a Thai BF 3 years ago....oh yeah, he cheated and f..ked off! She just goes to work, comes home, sends a bit to Mom and Dad, relatively little spare time....maybe, now one can see the attraction of a relationship with an older (Falang) man and is possibly a better option than being some older Thai guys Mia Noi?

what a load of crap this post is everything in this post is generalising and basically saying every thai man is a <deleted>,you obviuosly have a very low opinion of thai guys.

Yeah yeah sure ther are relationships working with a huge age gap that seem to work but look a little deeper into these relationships and they involve the guy paying money buying house car etc, every one will claim no its not the case,fine stop paying them money and fully financing them and see how long they stay around

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The skeptic in me says this relationship is ripe for a good fleecing. Firstly, you met online. Hmmm. And then she says "age doesn't matter." Double, hmmm. Oh, and the classic farang-hunter line, "no like Thai men." Slam dunk. A Thai girl that says everything she thinks you want to hear. And why would she do that? Hmmm. The only possibility that this girl is genuine is if she is hideously unattractive. If that be the case, then there's hope.

I guess you have been fleeced before? You have actually read some of the posts on here? Many posters have had successful relationships with younger girls. Remember, we are not talking about some 24 year old hooker/bar girl whose job is to fleece as many gullible falang as possible. As for unattractive, yeah whatever, I don't do mingers, never have and never will....but then again, I am relatively good looking and have a nice personality!

Yet another example of a guy who starts a thread, purporting to get others opinions, and then getting upset when someone actually does offer an opinion. So you're only interested in positive comments, those that support your relationship? Ok then, you and your teeruk will be just fine. Age doesn't matter. Heck, you can be 80 and she's cool with that. She's not interested in your money. She prefers farangs, but you're the only farang that she knows. And she's not even interested in having a relationship with someone that she can actually communicate with. Feel better now?

Much better, thanks!

I started this thread partly to hear if there were ANY successful relationships with a large age gap and secondly, I thought it would be a relatively interesting topic.

To be honest, I really could not give a monkeys what people on here think, but nice to hear that many do have successful relationships with a much younger girl.

Of course, I realise it could all end in disaster (emotionally), but I managed to leave my previous 5 year relationship (did not marry her) relatively financially unscathed! Lol

I do think that though, that such an age gap IS possible in this country.

Good to hear everyone's point of view...that is the idea of a forum.

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We need to distinguish between the two sorts of 24 year old.....

There is the 24 year old who works in a bar and has now been 'adopted' by the bar scene...her aim in life is to fleece as many Falang as possible and maybe one day, 'catch a good one', in the words of a bar girl. These relationships can work, I had one for 5 years, and no, I was not part time living here but with her 95% of that time....but generally they have 'luggage' having been married/kids etc. How many bar girls have ex-Thai BF's and a kid in the background somewhere? I would guess a high percentage from the bar girls I know/have known as friends.

Then you have the 'normal' girl from a modest background, got an education, got a normal job and is looking for security, a family possibly, a trustworthy partner etc....she sees guys her own age as immature and cheat and <deleted> around. She then meets a Falang who is not a whoremonger, sitting at a bar in his Singha T-Shirt, getting rat-arsed...and thinks to herself why not?

The girl in question has never dated a Falang before, never even seen a girly bar....had a Thai BF 3 years ago....oh yeah, he cheated and f..ked off! She just goes to work, comes home, sends a bit to Mom and Dad, relatively little spare time....maybe, now one can see the attraction of a relationship with an older (Falang) man and is possibly a better option than being some older Thai guys Mia Noi?

what a load of crap this post is everything in this post is generalising and basically saying every thai man is a <deleted>,you obviuosly have a very low opinion of thai guys.

Yeah yeah sure ther are relationships working with a huge age gap that seem to work but look a little deeper into these relationships and they involve the guy paying money buying house car etc, every one will claim no its not the case,fine stop paying them money and fully financing them and see how long they stay around

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I don't mean EVERY Thai man....but then again, you could ask how many Thai men have a 'bit on the side'? Maybe, if this concept was not so socially acceptable, more Thai/Thai relationships would fail more regularly?

Also, I think the statement " stop paying them money and fully financing them and see how long they stay around", applies to all ages, irrespective of the age gap?

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Sorry my friend the last line more rubbish, most couples both partners would be working and money shared inc bills and rent petrol food etc both people would be be contributing,otherwise it would be a bit of a one sided relationship again generalising most thai men have other partners really, i would never be in a relationship where i pay for everything,but then im not an old guy looking for a young wife, maybe when i am an old guy my views might change and i might see it as a trade of can have a young girl but have to pay fair enough if you look at it like that but i wounldnt be so naieve to think the girl wa with me for who i was it would be a relationship of convienience for both people.

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Sorry my friend the last line more rubbish, most couples both partners would be working and money shared inc bills and rent petrol food etc both people would be be contributing,otherwise it would be a bit of a one sided relationship again generalising most thai men have other partners really, i would never be in a relationship where i pay for everything,but then im not an old guy looking for a young wife, maybe when i am an old guy my views might change and i might see it as a trade of can have a young girl but have to pay fair enough if you look at it like that but i wounldnt be so naieve to think the girl wa with me for who i was it would be a relationship of convienience for both people.

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

What about the couples who have children, perhaps they prefer for the wife to remain at home and taking care of the children, while the man would go out to work and pay for Everything. From your words above I'll have to assume you've no children with your wife, now I know she's a bit long in the tooth, but just say, your wife did have children, and she preferred to be a full time mother, that would leave you with no option than to pay for Everything, unless of course you were to copy many Thai husbands and do a runner.

P.s I'm still awaiting a reply to my post No 87, were I pointed out that there is a couple living in your district, the Thai wife being approx 25 yrs older than her Farang husband, which according to you is an indecent relationship.

Edited by nontabury
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Yeah yeah sure ther are relationships working with a huge age gap that seem to work but look a little deeper into these relationships and they involve the guy paying money buying house car etc, every one will claim no its not the case,fine stop paying them money and fully financing them and see how long they stay around

I have had several relationships in my life, one with a slightly older American woman, one with a slightly younger American woman, and much with a much younger Thai woman. I have also dated a wide variety of ladies from assorted countries.

Every one of those events involved me spending my money on them.

If you have managed to have a relationship with a woman that didn't cost you money, well done, you are a better man than me (and most of my friends).

Now I live alone, in my own house and females are never invited into it. Not that I dislike women, just can't be bothered any more.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Sorry my friend the last line more rubbish, most couples both partners would be working and money shared inc bills and rent petrol food etc both people would be be contributing,otherwise it would be a bit of a one sided relationship again generalising most thai men have other partners really, i would never be in a relationship where i pay for everything,but then im not an old guy looking for a young wife, maybe when i am an old guy my views might change and i might see it as a trade of can have a young girl but have to pay fair enough if you look at it like that but i wounldnt be so naieve to think the girl wa with me for who i was it would be a relationship of convienience for both people.

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

What about the couples who have children, perhaps they prefer for the wife to remain at home and taking care of the children, while the man would go out to work and pay for Everything. From your words above I'll have to assume you've no children with your wife, now I know she's a bit long in the tooth, but just say, your wife did have children, and she preferred to be a full time mother, that would leave you with no option than to pay for Everything, unless of course you were to copy many Thai husbands and do a runner.

P.s I'm still awaiting a reply to my post No 87, were I pointed out that there is a couple living in your district, the Thai wife being approx 25 yrs older than her Farang husband, which according to you is an indecent relationship.

i now loads of thai girls with children that still work in fact i only know one thai girl that dont work guess what she is 39 her husband ferang late 60s, same as in uk my sister has two kids she still works doesnt really need to but its called being independant, you are living in the old ages where women stay at home doing cooking and cleaning all day.

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Yeah yeah sure ther are relationships working with a huge age gap that seem to work but look a little deeper into these relationships and they involve the guy paying money buying house car etc, every one will claim no its not the case,fine stop paying them money and fully financing them and see how long they stay around

I have had several relationships in my life, one with a slightly older American woman, one with a slightly younger American woman, and much with a much younger Thai woman. I have also dated a wide variety of ladies from assorted countries.

Every one of those events involved me spending my money on them.

If you have managed to have a relationship with a woman that didn't cost you money, well done, you are a better man than me (and most of my friends).

Now I live alone, in my own house and females are never invited into it. Not that I dislike women, just can't be bothered any more.

I took my gik away for the weekend. The room was 450THB and the fuel for my bike about 800THB. We met with one of her Thai friends who paid for our dinner and drinks. The next morning the friend also delivered steamed dumplings for our breakfast. Then before we headed back home the gik bought me two big bags of cashews and some Belgian chocolates...

I am late forties she is early twenties...

I was....and still am...frankly amazed...

And a little scared.

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Another thread lead me to this link this is why I don't like what goes on over here I know the video is Cambodia but this happens in Thailand even Europe this is the sort of live these people have when it starts that young the girls believe it's actually normal now make sure you watch it all http://m.youtube.com/index?&desktop_uri=%2F#/watch?v=h4LdswC0wMU

Maybe a little reality check for some think about next time when you think your so great cause you have a wife half your age from a poor country in se asia

For every failure you can cite, I can reference two that are actually working. That's the problem with anecdotal evidence. Unless you have irrefutable evidence to the contrary, someone will have an opposing view and anecdotal evidence to back it up.

The best you can do is acknowledge the differences and move on down the road. When you continue to press your point, it makes others question your motives.

EDIT: After checking your link, I believe you are posting on the wrong thread. The video you posted is about sex tourism and that is not the topic of this thread.

Edited by Loptr
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Yeah yeah sure ther are relationships working with a huge age gap that seem to work but look a little deeper into these relationships and they involve the guy paying money buying house car etc, every one will claim no its not the case,fine stop paying them money and fully financing them and see how long they stay around

I have had several relationships in my life, one with a slightly older American woman, one with a slightly younger American woman, and much with a much younger Thai woman. I have also dated a wide variety of ladies from assorted countries.

Every one of those events involved me spending my money on them.

If you have managed to have a relationship with a woman that didn't cost you money, well done, you are a better man than me (and most of my friends).

Now I live alone, in my own house and females are never invited into it. Not that I dislike women, just can't be bothered any more.

Our experiences are very similar when it comes to women. I have finally reached the age or intelligence where I am not led around by my privates and am quite comfortable in my own skin. If I invite someone into my life, then it is to enrich my life, not drag it down. I don't do drama and that is the life-blood of many western women, so nix that concept. After having played the "game" too many times, I can read the signs a mile away and will either keep those that are users at a distance or banish them from my life entirely.

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The best you can do is acknowledge the differences and move on down the road. When you continue to press your point, it makes others question your motives.


That's quite right,I also question the motives of people who think it's wrong to be in a relationship with someone with a large age difference. I knew of one guy who also thought it was wrong to be in such a relationship, I just thought he was jealous, then a couple of years ago he died, his wife then told us he had not been able to make love for a few years,

Maybe this was the reason he held this view, maybe he felt inadequate i don't know.In some cases it may be that the man is just simple afraid of women, especially a much younger one. I suppose there must be many reasons.

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Sorry my friend the last line more rubbish, most couples both partners would be working and money shared inc bills and rent petrol food etc both people would be be contributing,otherwise it would be a bit of a one sided relationship again generalising most thai men have other partners really, i would never be in a relationship where i pay for everything,but then im not an old guy looking for a young wife, maybe when i am an old guy my views might change and i might see it as a trade of can have a young girl but have to pay fair enough if you look at it like that but i wounldnt be so naieve to think the girl wa with me for who i was it would be a relationship of convienience for both people.

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

/////. //////

What about the couples who have children, perhaps they prefer for the wife to remain at home and taking care of the children, while the man would go out to work and pay for Everything. From your words above I'll have to assume you've no children with your wife, now I know she's a bit long in the tooth, but just say, your wife did have children, and she preferred to be a full time mother, that would leave you with no option than to pay for Everything, unless of course you were to copy many Thai husbands and do a runner.

P.s I'm still awaiting a reply to my post No 87, were I pointed out that there is a couple living in your district, the Thai wife being approx 25 yrs older than her Farang husband, which according to you is an indecent relationship.


i now loads of thai girls with children that still work in fact i only know one thai girl that dont work guess what she is 39 her husband ferang late 60s, same as in uk my sister has two kids she still works doesnt really need to but its called being independant, you are living in the old ages where women stay at home doing cooking and cleaning all day.

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


I knew of couples in the UK,who had children,and they made the decision knowing full well that in doing so they would lose out on much needed money, that the mother would not go out to work but instead stay at home and look after the children, they were fortunate in that they could afford to make that decision, they did not think it's a matter of giving up their independence, they simple thought it was in the best interest of their children that one parent was always available for their childrens needs, unfortunately many Couples for financial reasons are not able to make that decision, if they could I'm sure they would.

For the 3rd time of asking please reply to post 87.

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Sorry my friend the last line more rubbish, most couples both partners would be working and money shared inc bills and rent petrol food etc both people would be be contributing,otherwise it would be a bit of a one sided relationship again generalising most thai men have other partners really, i would never be in a relationship where i pay for everything,but then im not an old guy looking for a young wife, maybe when i am an old guy my views might change and i might see it as a trade of can have a young girl but have to pay fair enough if you look at it like that but i wounldnt be so naieve to think the girl wa with me for who i was it would be a relationship of convienience for both people.

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

/////. //////

What about the couples who have children, perhaps they prefer for the wife to remain at home and taking care of the children, while the man would go out to work and pay for Everything. From your words above I'll have to assume you've no children with your wife, now I know she's a bit long in the tooth, but just say, your wife did have children, and she preferred to be a full time mother, that would leave you with no option than to pay for Everything, unless of course you were to copy many Thai husbands and do a runner.

P.s I'm still awaiting a reply to my post No 87, were I pointed out that there is a couple living in your district, the Thai wife being approx 25 yrs older than her Farang husband, which according to you is an indecent relationship.


i now loads of thai girls with children that still work in fact i only know one thai girl that dont work guess what she is 39 her husband ferang late 60s, same as in uk my sister has two kids she still works doesnt really need to but its called being independant, you are living in the old ages where women stay at home doing cooking and cleaning all day.

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


I knew of couples in the UK,who had children,and they made the decision knowing full well that in doing so they would lose out on much needed money, that the mother would not go out to work but instead stay at home and look after the children, they were fortunate in that they could afford to make that decision, they did not think it's a matter of giving up their independence, they simple thought it was in the best interest of their children that one parent was always available for their childrens needs, unfortunately many Couples for financial reasons are not able to make that decision, if they could I'm sure they would.

For the 3rd time of asking please reply to post 87.

Agree completely, I bet if you did a survey in the UK of married (or unmarried) couples who have had a kid, I would guess the huge majority of the women would rather stay at home a be a full time Mum looking after the house and kids.....in fact I know a load of people back in the UK in exactly that situation, BUT they CAN NOT AFFORD to lose that 2nd income, so are forced to go back to work after maternity leave finishes.

So chucking your new born kid at 6 months old into some creche while the Mum goes back to work for her 'independence'...I would call that utterly selfish and unfair on the kid! Different for older kids obviously.

I reckon 80-90% of UK Mum's would much rather stay at home and look after the kid until at least a school age before thinking about getting another job.

"the old ages?"....what, nurturing your kid in it's early years of development?

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These threads do get complicated. My advise is enjoy the relationship and don't dig yourself into a hole. What I mean is if you were in a new relationship back home, would you go out and buy her a car, house, motorbike? I think you know the answer?

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MaiChai, on 22 Apr 2013 - 17:42, said:

These threads do get complicated. My advise is enjoy the relationship and don't dig yourself into a hole. What I mean is if you were in a new relationship back home, would you go out and buy her a car, house, motorbike? I think you know the answer?

Lol...I will not be buying a new car, new house or motorbike! But I did contribute (yes, contribute, not pay for!) to all those things in my previous 5 year relationship (well, house and car, but never put in more than I was willing to lose!) Also, remember, I ended my previous relationship....so 100% down to my decisions rather than my Ex's.

In my view, my initial "contribution" was substantially cheaper than renting a car or house over that period, so quids in....but would have been a different story if it had been over in 6 months! That would have been in the 'taken to the cleaners category'!

Also, factor in, I was here for 95% of the time during those 5 years....so had full advantage of my initial contribution!

So, rest assured, everything this time round will most certainly be 'pay-as-you-go' in respects of houses etc.

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Quote nontabury. ?.i thought he was jealous.......

You know thats one off the saddest answers you can give in a debate like this,jealous. ?..<deleted> the any bloke could go down any bar and if inclined that way and take any girl, of any age enjoy her for the night and get rid of her in the morning, could kep her for a while even,no doubt marry her if he wanted.

Please tell why anyone would be jealous of you, are you gods giftbto women or something, we are in se asia any man can have young chick. ?..jealous. ?.im still laughing my head of at the thought of it, you are one of them guys that actually think your girl loves you for being you......lol,please see it for what it is arelationship of convenience i actually have no problem when people see it and acknowledge as this, but the old guys that think its romance and are that naieve to believe the girl would rather have an old wrinkley than a young fit decent guy there own age are just...........well laughable really

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Yet another example of a guy who starts a thread, purporting to get others opinions, and then getting upset when someone actually does offer an opinion. So you're only interested in positive comments, those that support your relationship? Ok then, you and your teeruk will be just fine. Age doesn't matter. Heck, you can be 80 and she's cool with that. She's not interested in your money. She prefers farangs, but you're the only farang that she knows. And she's not even interested in having a relationship with someone that she can actually communicate with. Feel better now?

Much better, thanks!

I started this thread partly to hear if there were ANY successful relationships with a large age gap and secondly, I thought it would be a relatively interesting topic.

To be honest, I really could not give a monkeys what people on here think, but nice to hear that many do have successful relationships with a much younger girl.

Of course, I realise it could all end in disaster (emotionally), but I managed to leave my previous 5 year relationship (did not marry her) relatively financially unscathed! Lol

I do think that though, that such an age gap IS possible in this country.

Good to hear everyone's point of view...that is the idea of a forum.

Honestly, the age gap is not that big a deal. In Thailand, in terms of farang/Thai relationships, a 20 yr gap is probably close to the mean average. But there are other things I'd be more concerned about. For instance, you met her online...and you think you're the only farang she's ever known? Well if she met YOU, I'd say there's about a 100% likelihood that she's met other farangs. Of course, she'd be incredibly stupid to tell you about them. Why invite a neverending barrage of questions when she can just simply deny they ever existed?

As for the farang-hunter lines "Age not important, I only want man with good heart," and "I no like Thai men," surely you're aware that these are classic bargirl statements. The latter especially. Not only does it make the guy feel instantly special, but it eliminates the possibility that you may think she has a Thai BF (which BG's generally do). And of course the farang-hunter MO of having multiple farangs on the hook at the same time is always a possibility.

Anyways, as Thai girls are apt to say, "up to you."

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Quote nontabury. ?.i thought he was jealous.......

You know thats one off the saddest answers you can give in a debate like this,jealous. ?..<deleted> the any bloke could go down any bar and if inclined that way and take any girl, of any age enjoy her for the night and get rid of her in the morning, could kep her for a while even,no doubt marry her if he wanted.

Please tell why anyone would be jealous of you, are you gods giftbto women or something, we are in se asia any man can have young chick. ?..jealous. ?.im still laughing my head of at the thought of it, you are one of them guys that actually think your girl loves you for being you......lol,please see it for what it is arelationship of convenience i actually have no problem when people see it and acknowledge as this, but the old guys that think its romance and are that naieve to believe the girl would rather have an old wrinkley than a young fit decent guy there own age are just...........well laughable really

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Certainly agree that the jealousy issue is rather a silly concept here in TH as well as other areas in SEA. I mean, really, you have a pretty, young Thai lady - wow!

However, all relationships are of convenience to one extent or another - it's just in the DNA - men look for young women and women look for security. Really, how did we humans actually make it so far up the food chain. Certainly, wasn't "love".

As an old guy I can assure you I am not naive nor a romantic although I am affectionate, kind and generous. I have no intention nor need to buy my relationships with cars, houses, motorbikes etc. although I am not the least hung up or paranoid about spending some money to keep my lady happy. Fortunately, really doesn't take so much and virtually nothing compared to my ex-wife in the US.

Some posters make such a big deal about not getting "ripped off" and take such pride in never buying anything. Sad, actually that you have no self confidence and are so fearful of mis-spending a few thousand baht.

So many posters seem to think that simply because you're "old" that:

- you're suddenly a complete idiot,

- lost all judgement,

- look for love in all the wrong places,

- believe everything some cutie tells you, e.g. "good heart" "no like Thai men" etc.

- going to get ripped off because no young lady could possibly have any interest in a wrinkly old dude,

- no choice but to pay for your live in lady because she would never possibly want to be with some old dude,

- couldn't possibly compete with some young dude, etc., etc. etc.

Maybe as a generalization, there is some truth to most of the above but in my experience, many younger guys are guilty of some of the above, as well.

I'm probably feeling a little defensive today but geez, kind of pisses me off that us old guys are considered so unworthy by so many.

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As for the farang-hunter lines "Age not important, I only want man with good heart," and "I no like Thai men," surely you're aware that these are classic bargirl statements. The latter especially. Not only does it make the guy feel instantly special, but it eliminates the possibility that you may think she has a Thai BF (which BG's generally do). And of course the farang-hunter MO of having multiple farangs on the hook at the same time is always a possibility.

Anyways, as Thai girls are apt to say, "up to you."

I always think any girl, I hear, that talks about "good heart" in Thai or English is a working or retired hooker.

I always think any foreign man, I hear, that talks about "good heart" socialises with hookers, or has married one.

I may be thinking wrong, but my thoughts reflect the thoughts of many Thais.

(not to confuse dee jai = 'glad' with jai dee = 'good heart')

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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I'm going to hit the big five oh this year and there is no way i would be with a 75 year old man.


Well,fair enough. I am sure,though,that there are many 75 year olds out there,who would not even consider being with a 50 year old.They rather stay alone! PS. I am refering to new relationships,not ongoings..But,of course,in some cases,hmmm...

Edited by Bosse137
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violin.gif to fakang1969: muppet, 555, you are the fool of oz, as a matter of fact as older a thai woman, who dates a falang, gets, as bigger the age gap, we call that savingsplan for retirement, nothing wrong with that, same everywhere! you are the fool, not the wiz of oz, you go ahead, you 95% living in LOScheesy.gif and asking for advice as a 45 yo ozzie, I guess you are playing still with legos and your little man, you are just a troll and not the ones out of "the hobitt", you got her on thaifriendly and just like young ...sy,this is how I see you : sex whale tourist, ugly, beer belly, red hair and pale like a fishbelly, well known in walking street bars, barfining all over the placeburp.gif get a gripp, I am 53 my gf is 30, good temporary relationship for 7 out of 12 ( for 3 years now ), 23 year age gap is average, I don't care what she is doing when I am gone as long she stays clean, no stds etc, I am probably one bf out of 3 bfs, but when I am not in LOS I don't pay a dime, so what am I getting ? what I want, what is she getting what she wants? for sure a better lifestyle as most of thaifemales, but as it is! age can change the situation on short notice! raking in the hay when the sun is shining ( when you are young and have a falang bf ), when a thai female gets forty and single, may be without a offspring or with one may be two it is pretty much over, and then what ?violin.gif

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I'm going to hit the big five oh this year and there is no way i would be with a 75 year old man.


Most likely the 75 year old man is thinking "Yucksville" about the prospect of being with a 50 year old woman.

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I'm going to hit the big five oh this year and there is no way i would be with a 75 year old man.


Most likely the 75 year old man is thinking "Yucksville" about the prospect of being with a 50 year old woman.
And how old are you!

I was just adding to the fact that myself would not be with an older man.Whereas Young Thai ladies do seem to be with older foreign men.

And i am sure they think that they are yucksville, in private.

Edited by Patsycat
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I'm going to hit the big five oh this year and there is no way i would be with a 75 year old man. Yucksville.Most likely the 75 year old man is thinking "Yucksville" about the prospect of being with a 50 year old woman.And how old are you!I was just adding to the fact that myself would not be with an older man.Whereas Young Thai ladies do seem to be with older foreign men.And i am sure they think that they are yucksville, in private.

My situation is detailed in a previous post but I am 68 and my Thai lady is 33.

I asked her this morning if she felt like she was living in yucksville. She assured me she felt she was living in luckyville but I'm sure she meant happyville.

Personally I'm enjoying living in EarlyStageDementiaville.

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I'm going to hit the big five oh this year and there is no way i would be with a 75 year old man.


Well,fair enough. I am sure,though,that there are many 75 year olds out there,who would not even consider being with a 50 year old.They rather stay alone! PS. I am refering to new relationships,not ongoings..But,of course,in some cases,hmmm...

I am slightly past the big five oh, and would be extremely happy to associate with a lady hitting the big five oh.

New relationship, no problemo, friendship only as I now avoid all sexual encounters.

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Yet another example of a guy who starts a thread, purporting to get others opinions, and then getting upset when someone actually does offer an opinion. So you're only interested in positive comments, those that support your relationship? Ok then, you and your teeruk will be just fine. Age doesn't matter. Heck, you can be 80 and she's cool with that. She's not interested in your money. She prefers farangs, but you're the only farang that she knows. And she's not even interested in having a relationship with someone that she can actually communicate with. Feel better now?

Much better, thanks!

I started this thread partly to hear if there were ANY successful relationships with a large age gap and secondly, I thought it would be a relatively interesting topic.

To be honest, I really could not give a monkeys what people on here think, but nice to hear that many do have successful relationships with a much younger girl.

Of course, I realise it could all end in disaster (emotionally), but I managed to leave my previous 5 year relationship (did not marry her) relatively financially unscathed! Lol

I do think that though, that such an age gap IS possible in this country.

Good to hear everyone's point of view...that is the idea of a forum.

Honestly, the age gap is not that big a deal. In Thailand, in terms of farang/Thai relationships, a 20 yr gap is probably close to the mean average. But there are other things I'd be more concerned about. For instance, you met her online...and you think you're the only farang she's ever known? Well if she met YOU, I'd say there's about a 100% likelihood that she's met other farangs. Of course, she'd be incredibly stupid to tell you about them. Why invite a neverending barrage of questions when she can just simply deny they ever existed?

As for the farang-hunter lines "Age not important, I only want man with good heart," and "I no like Thai men," surely you're aware that these are classic bargirl statements. The latter especially. Not only does it make the guy feel instantly special, but it eliminates the possibility that you may think she has a Thai BF (which BG's generally do). And of course the farang-hunter MO of having multiple farangs on the hook at the same time is always a possibility.

Anyways, as Thai girls are apt to say, "up to you."

I think the OP said the girl worked as an analyst.

Edited by kjhbigv
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  • 8 months later...

What is it with the spate of these almost identical troll threads of late?

Stage 1) They all seem to start the same way some "young (ish) guy seeking advice about his young supposedly near, hi-so ''educated'' girl,

Stage 2) When the trolls all seem to get incredibly petulant, defensive and upset defending their imagined girlfriends, when people who really have 'been there, seen that.." display a little cynicism or disbelief instead of falling at the feet of the OP in awe and worshipping their prowess at finding such an amazing woman.

Stage 4) That's when they end up in bickerfests; young vs old; anyone whose 25yr old educated GF doesn't test milk in a factory must be "jealous' or some bitter skint old bloke stuck up in the boondocks.

Its all getting a bit tedious now. Can't mods just zap these things at their genesis...?

Yes I do spend way too much time on here......

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