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I know there are lots of these threads floating about but I can't seem to find them at all.

I was out looking for something in a local shop when a motorbike taxi driver I know called me over and asked me to chat to an English guy by the name of John. To cut to the chase the guy is over 70 years old and had just been arrested the previous night for sleeping on the streets, his money has been slowly dwindling away and now he is down to a big fat zero. He is fairly well known around the area as the police officer gave him a thousand baht to keep him going and has been letting him sleep in the police station for the previous few nights and is now going to let him stay in some room upstairs in the police station - odd isn't it?

The guy showed me his passport after saying that he needs to renew his visa next week although the visa actually expired last year and he has now been overstaying for one year.

He says he wants to stay in Thailand so I told him I would see if I can find some way I could help him out. So I have some questions to ask if anyone can answer please do

1) Is it possible to get him flown back to England and put into some some sort of care via assistance by British embassy?

2) Is it possible for him to claim a pension while in Thailand so he can get at least scrape by over here?

I'm not really sure how else to help the guy out if anyone has any suggestions please feel free to let me know.


1) No, the UK taxpayer does not pay to repatriate people; does any country? Although the embassy may be able to help him trace and contact his family in the UK; if any. I also think that a loan of some sort may be possible.

He should contact the consular section at the embassy.

2) Depends if he has worked and paid sufficient NI contributions. He, or someone on his behalf, needs to contact the DWP with his NI number and other details.

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Thanks for the post 7by7 I didn't think they would assist in repatriating him but thought I would ask anyway.

That's interesting about the loan I will contact them tomorrow.

He moved here when he was 58 years old so I would assume he has paid at least 11 years worth of NI through the years so should qualify for something from the brief research I have done, I will contact this lot now


If anyone knows anything about getting a loan from the British embassy please do let me know


Other countries do offer loans to their destitute citizens to return to the home country -- but Britian isn't one of them. A quick search of Bangkok embassy consular services websites will reveal which do.

But, if I read the OP's post correctly, the man does not wish to return to the U.K.

The Embassy could advise him on how to apply for his government pension. They will not make the application for him.

If the man served in the British military, even for a short time, he could be assisted by the Royal British Legion. Their main branch is in Pattaya. The new Hon. British Consul for Pattaya has long been active with the welfare activities of the RBL throughout Thailand and could be a good source of information.


yes very odd the BIB letting somebody go who has a one year over stay and in the country illegally. very odd indeed.

if he does not know his visa expired a year ago sounds like a few mental health issues and is best of calling it a day and returning to the UK.

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I'm not surprised the BIB is being kind to the man if he is well known to them and isn't causing trouble, especially if this is in a smaller city or village. They probably do not want to subject him to the rigors of the deportation process and hope that some kind fellow Brit will help him out.


There was a similar case close to where I live last year. The old boy lived with a 'wife' and her 'brother'. They took his pension each four weeks and gave him spending money. He was quite happy. when he was found drunk, the Tourist Police took care of him and asked a Volunteer to help. The police didn't understand his visa stamps and didn't notice that not only was he n ling overstay but his stamps were forged. The tourist police got him home to his girlfriend and were happy to leave it that that. Te Regional Immigration Police got to know about it and deported him. I heard that he soon died back in England.

His big mistake was to refuse the British Consulate's offer of help. They got in touch with his family and only needed him to go to the Consulate in Bangkok but he refused.

The Consulate will not lend money but will arrange to accept money sent for British citizen in need. I don't know whether they would help regarding pension other than assist family to do it for him.

Sooner or later, his overstay will catch up with him. The Consulate will negotiate a settlement for him with the authorities.

This guy needs to go to the Consulate as soon as he can and ask them to help straighten out his affairs. if he's like the guy I mentioned above, he will fear deportation if he gets into any official hands.

I hope he gets sorted.


I have found Thai police to be quite kind and generous to the poor, elderly or infirm (of any nationality).

This also applies to Thais from many different walks of life.

Anyone who needs food or shelter will be given it at any local temple.

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yes very odd the BIB letting somebody go who has a one year over stay and in the country illegally. very odd indeed.

if he does not know his visa expired a year ago sounds like a few mental health issues and is best of calling it a day and returning to the UK.

or not , a mate of mine who lived in the same street as me didn't have a passport , 2 year overstay , got done for D+D one night and the police didn't care . Someone paid the 500 baht fine and he was out . Think he just said he didn't have a passport and that was it . Don't know how common this is but they probably couldn't be bothered to deal with it.


Although the gentleman doesn't want to go back to the UK, at some point he has to. Clearly he can't stay in Thailand.

He, friends or the Thai authorities need to get in touch with the British Embassy. They will help to repatriate him. The cost to the UK taxpayer will be recovered later.


Completely off topic, as is your remark, uptheos, but it is the ECHR which has blocked the deportation of certain individuals, not the EU.

The European Convention of Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights both predate and have absolutely nothing to do with the European Union or the rules of the European Union.

Currently the ECHR has 47 signatory states, whereas the EU has 27 members.

Please get your facts right.

It may seem harsh, but I think that the main reason why the government will no longer pay to repatriate people is to stop every Tom, Dick or Harriet from turning up at the embassy after they've pissed all their money away!

I suspect that this is why most other countries have similar policies.


Germany might still be repatriating its nationals who have run out of money abroad. The Netherlands and France, just to mention a few, definitely wont do it.


The US will loan you money for accommodations, meals, ticket home and etc. But not for an fines such as overstay.

They put a stamp in your passport stating you got a loan and cannot leave the states until it is repaid.


I would think there must be a born again church group or a Salvation army type place that may assist the fellow?

or even the local Wat can get him some help ? Point him in the right direction...

Cheers to the OP for having the heart to wanna help the old fellow.....

good luck to you mate..

yes very odd the BIB letting somebody go who has a one year over stay and in the country illegally. very odd indeed.

if he does not know his visa expired a year ago sounds like a few mental health issues and is best of calling it a day and returning to the UK.

I know of many instances where the police were totally uninterested in visa violations - the Immigration Police they are not.

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