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Swede Gets Death Penalty In Malaysia For Drugs


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Swede gets death penalty in Malaysia for drugs
New Straits Times

SHAH ALAM - A Swedish bar operator was sentenced to death by the High Court here yesterday for trafficking in drugs two years ago.

Judge Noor Azian Shaari sentenced Ferry Linbark, 44, a Swedish of Iranian origin, after finding him guilty of trafficking in 4.3kg of methamphetamine at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport arrival hall at 10am on Dec 6, 2011.

The drugs were found at the bottom of Linbark's bag.

In her decision, Noor Azian said the defence had failed to raise reasonable doubt on the prosecution's case.

She said Linbark, who owns a bar in Pattaya, Thailand, had relied on mere denial in his defence against the charge.

Full story: http://www.asiaone.com/News/AsiaOne%2BNews/Crime/Story/A1Story20130412-415501.html

-- asiaone news 2013-04-12

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Nobody's glorifying the execution of drug couriers, Boris.

What you hear is sensible people respecting the penalty for infringement of the law and acceptance that if they were as daft to test said law, if caught, find themselves in a similar position.

You can inform on Mr Big, but he's miles away and the law is only interested in you for the crime of concealment and smuggling. You were the mug that smuggled prohibited substances and only you are to blame. I like law as it's black and white and not rocket science.

Your mitigating circumstances carries some weight in a UK court of law and you wouldn't be put to death. The law is not applied uniform across the nations.

Do you think it does?

Edited by wooloomooloo
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Pattaya Bar Owner Sentenced to Death in Malaysia

(photo credit: News Straits Times)

A Swedish former Pattaya Bar Owner, has been sentenced to death in Malaysia after being found guilty of drug trafficking.

Ferry Linbark, a 44 year old Swede, (reported to be originally from Iran), was found guilty of handling 4.5Kg of Methamphetamine drugs after being arrested at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in in 2011. The drugs were discovered in his suitcase.

Full story: http://www.pattaya103.com/pattaya-bar-owner-death-sentence/

--Pattaya 103 FM 2013-04-13

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Just goes to show that if you own a farang bar in Thailand you'll have to come up with other ways to make money.

Most bar owners I've met have to do something on the side (like offering taxi to airports, arranging visa runs) to keep afloat.

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if only they did that to every "major" drug dealer, the world would be a better place

and major would be more than 50 gramsn which is enough to ruin already a lot of lives just out of greed

china, thailand, malaysia, indonesia, singapore ... these countries are known for putting down drug criminals, so ... if you can't do the time...

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If you're going to applaud the execution of drug traffickers - would you hold peddlars of whisky etc to the same standard -given that alcohol abuse wreaks havoc on the roads and in families in cases of domestic violence and in the community in cases of random and premeditated violence ??. Or perhaps those whose superannuation and pension funds invest in companies that manufacture arms and weapons of war.....which often do untold damage to innocent civilians....Just wondering because the holier than thou mentality of some of the would be local lynch mobbers is pretty nauseating. Where do you draw the line?

My compliments for your comment.

At long last a comment which is reasonable.

I fully agree.

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Personally, I believe this is pretty extreme for carrying drugs. This guy would have to be a loon to pack drugs in his bag and go through an airport with a potential death penalty.

I think the law is too strict with a death penalty for carrying drugs. Jail time is appropriate. The drugs could have been planted and he can't deny he is the owner of the drugs. So if you want to get rid of your competition (bar owner) just pay off the security and plant drugs on the guy.

To implement a death penalty, the law should force the prosecution to prove intent to sell or distribute. That way he is actively demonstrating he is breaking the law. The way the present law is, it's way too easy to set someone up.

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Well, apparently this Swede, like some others here, didn't understand the meaning of "illegal" OR "death penalty."

He was flat-out stupid.

"He was flat-out stupid."

The first sign would have been when he decided to own a bar in Pattaya.

Thinking no one would notice 10 pounds of drugs "at the bottom of his bag" doesn't make him seem any brighter.

Whether or not the death penalty was appropriate can be argued forever, but it could hardly have come as a surprise to him. Maybe his defence should have been "mental deficiency."

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Probably try to come with that xxxx in Thailand and poison lots of people, good jugement hope they execut it that is what drug dealer deserve.

Oh what simple-mindedness! The prohibition of drugs is the real problem. Drugs have always been part of human society and always will be. And it is the countries of Southeast Asia who have some of the very worst prohibition attitudes. Not only that, they reserve their worst punishment -- the death penalty -- for small traders, whilst the kingpins go free through corruption.

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Malaysia has not carried out the death penalty for some years and there are about 200 people standing in the queue and some steps towards abolishing it altogether. So far as the Swede, he is more likely to die an old man in jail than he is to hang.

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